Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
In a recent poll.....72% of Americans want more information about Benghazi. Thread = OP Fail.
In a recent poll.....72% of Americans want more information about Benghazi. Thread = OP Fail.

Another thing Americans want is some JUSTICE regarding this whole matter. In just about any other organization (private or public) if somebody's negligence or idiocy caused the death of 4 good people, that person, or persons, would be fired in an instant. Yet no one has been fired in this case.

Who were the so-called advisors who gave orders to stand down and do nothing for 8 hours while this thing raged ? Why hasn't Hillary Clinton been charged with something (she admitted she was "responsible" - euphemism for "blame") Why hasn't Susan Rice been charged. And most of all, why have the killers of the 4 Americans been allowed to roam about scott free, when the whole world has been shown photographs of who they are ?

Few things could be more ridiculous than the idea of this OP. This case is one of the most important ones in American history. It tears at the fabric of what this country is. It hasn't begun to be resolved, and it badly needs to be, and Democrats are not going to get anywhere by pretending it is political posturing by Republicans.

Note: I'm neither a Republican or Democrat (I'm a registered Independent)
You neocons wanted Gaddaffi out. You bitched about Obama not doing enough. You bitched about Obama 'leading from behind'. You bitched about Obama diminishing our leadership role in the world by trying to pawn off Gaddaffi's ouster to the EU.

Well Gaddaffi is gone. We suffered FOUR casualties in the process. You got what you wanted and you got it at a tiny fraction of the cost of any regime change accomplished by your GOP heroes.

Get over it. Quit making fools of yourselves. We'll stipulate, I'm sure, to your foolishness; you need not waste any more time convincing us.
Obsessing on this while they ignored criminal dereliction of duty of 9-11 & the changing reasons for going into vietraq is going to win them elections in November :doubt:


Criminal dereliction of duty?? Guess that would apply to Clinton as well.

Of course the buck will always stop at Bush's desk because he was POTUS for eight months before 9-11.

Of course you and the other Dem idiots on this board seem totally oblivious to the fact that the whole thing was planned on Clintons watch.

Hell. His FBI agent, John O'Neil, was screaming bloody murder that something was up and he couldn't get anyone to listen to him. One hopes the Clinton passed that on to Bush.

You can bet your sorry oblivious ass that Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that those dirtbags waited those eight months.

You really should do some thinking before you post there Dotidiot.
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It wasn't that long ago that the warmonger wing of the right was clamoring for a bigger involvement in Syria.

Do you people think we'd have gotten through that with less than FOUR casualties?
The short answer is that 4 dead Americans in the Middle East gets no attention, sadly, since it has been a mess ever since the end of WWI when the victors decided they could simply draw lines and separate peoples. Libya, by extension, is part of that and the same fanaticism v. dictatorship dynamic repeated itself. When the dictator was ousted, we ended up with the fanatics from different sects now being given a voice etc...

Benghazi won't be an issue when a voter goes into the booth. The hilarious thing is that it's sort of fun to see the right wing losers trying to make hay of four dead Americans. When candidates start trying's likely to backfire seriously. Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight aren't to blame for Benghazi because the Middle East has been a mess since the end of that your rationale, Candy?

The President gets credit/blame for all of it actually. Obama gets credit for getting Bin Laden the same way he gets blame for the IRS Scandal. It was on his watch.

My message, had you chose to read it, was that 4 dead Americans in the middle east are not going to register on the consciousness of the American electorate.
I'll give you's a new way to divert attention from this White House's monumental want us to look at the BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Picture and not focus on something as trivial as the death of a US Ambassador and the piss poor reaction to the crisis by our "Commander in Chief".

If Presidents are judged by their contemporaries, Obama's predacessor couldn't scramble fighters to protect NYC or Washington DC. That we couldn't get people into Libya is surprising to you?

When the going gets tough...the tough get going! When the going gets tough for Barry...he goes to bed!

Good point I suppose. Bush played golf.

It's appalling to me that we didn't TRY to get military assets into that battle zone! Because THAT is what went down that day. This Administration was more worried about spinning the story coming out of Benghazi than it was about saving our people's lives.

As for Bush playing golf? Did he play the day of 9/11? Or the day after? Or the week after? Barry went to bed that night and then got on a plane and flew to Vegas to do a fund raiser the next day. That was the level of concern that HE had for what was going on in Libya! Who does that?
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You neocons wanted Gaddaffi out. You bitched about Obama not doing enough. You bitched about Obama 'leading from behind'. You bitched about Obama diminishing our leadership role in the world by trying to pawn off Gaddaffi's ouster to the EU.

Well Gaddaffi is gone. We suffered FOUR casualties in the process. You got what you wanted and you got it at a tiny fraction of the cost of any regime change accomplished by your GOP heroes.

Get over it. Quit making fools of yourselves. We'll stipulate, I'm sure, to your foolishness; you need not waste any more time convincing us.

Claiming that Chris Stevens and the other 3 Americans were a small price to pay for getting rid of Khadafi is absurd and shows what kind of logical gymnastics you Obama die hards are willing to do to excuse the incompetence of this Administration.

You'll "stipulate"? To what? That the State Department had their heads up their asses when they ignored Stevens' calls not to take away his security? That Hillary Clinton being more worried about how things would "look", rather than of providing adequate security is what led to those deaths not the GOP refusing to fund increases in the State Department budget? That the Obama White House appeared more concerned with damage control to their campaign narrative of "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run!" than they were about protecting the lives of Americans in danger? That the Obama White House knew this was a terrorist attack yet chose to portray it as a YouTube protest that turned violent? That they then classified the communications that showed how they changed the talking points coming from the CIA and how they sent out Susan Rice to those 5 talks shows to mislead the American people? Is THAT what you're "stipulating" to, Carbineer?:doubt::doubt::doubt:
there will be an investigation

and Gowdy is REAL GOOD

there is nothing you left-wing losers can do abou it but cry
It wasn't that long ago that the warmonger wing of the right was clamoring for a bigger involvement in Syria.

Do you people think we'd have gotten through that with less than FOUR casualties?

Just right wingers calling for the destruction of Assad? :lol: How the hell you can post that with a straight face is startling because that would be a bold face lie.

And Benghazi had nothing to do with Gadaffi's removal from office. There was no Arab Spring in Libya and certainly not in Syria.

I'm very bi partisan in slagging our Western governments interfering in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. Now the fools are pushing the Ukraine towards the brink of civil war by supporting the goons and thugs who violently threw out a duly elected President and government.

The track record on foreign policy right now is beyond dismal.

But I digress. Gowdy will head up an investigation that finally gets to the truth of what occured that fateful night.
It wasn't that long ago that the warmonger wing of the right was clamoring for a bigger involvement in Syria.

Do you people think we'd have gotten through that with less than FOUR casualties?

Just right wingers calling for the destruction of Assad? :lol: How the hell you can post that with a straight face is startling because that would be a bold face lie.

And Benghazi had nothing to do with Gadaffi's removal from office. There was no Arab Spring in Libya and certainly not in Syria.


I referred to the warmonger wing of the right, which is the majority. If you want to distance yourself from them that's your privilege.

Like these sort of people:

Sarah Palin is accusing the White House of not showing enough support for the people of Libya still protesting against Muammar Qadhafi.
Continue Reading

On her Facebook page Tuesday night, Palin said that it is “a little perplexing” to watch the administration’s reaction to events in the Middle East.

“There was a statement on the horrible earthquake in New Zealand, and certainly our hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible natural disaster," Palin wrote. "But nothing on the slaughter in Libya?”

As on Egypt, White House officials have been careful to not lean too far forward in voicing their preferred outcome in a far-from-resolved conflict. But Palin criticized President Barack Obama’s restraint, writing that “now is the time to speak out.”

Palin highlighted Qadhafi’s ties to past acts of terrorism in characterizing the longtime Libyan dictator as “Osama before Osama hit the scene.”

Read more: Palin slams W.H. on Libya response - Andy Barr -
You neocons wanted Gaddaffi out. You bitched about Obama not doing enough. You bitched about Obama 'leading from behind'. You bitched about Obama diminishing our leadership role in the world by trying to pawn off Gaddaffi's ouster to the EU.

Well Gaddaffi is gone. We suffered FOUR casualties in the process. You got what you wanted and you got it at a tiny fraction of the cost of any regime change accomplished by your GOP heroes.

Get over it. Quit making fools of yourselves. We'll stipulate, I'm sure, to your foolishness; you need not waste any more time convincing us.

Claiming that Chris Stevens and the other 3 Americans were a small price to pay for getting rid of Khadafi is absurd and shows what kind of logical gymnastics you Obama die hards are willing to do to excuse the incompetence of this Administration.

You'll "stipulate"? To what? That the State Department had their heads up their asses when they ignored Stevens' calls not to take away his security? That Hillary Clinton being more worried about how things would "look", rather than of providing adequate security is what led to those deaths not the GOP refusing to fund increases in the State Department budget? That the Obama White House appeared more concerned with damage control to their campaign narrative of "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run!" than they were about protecting the lives of Americans in danger? That the Obama White House knew this was a terrorist attack yet chose to portray it as a YouTube protest that turned violent? That they then classified the communications that showed how they changed the talking points coming from the CIA and how they sent out Susan Rice to those 5 talks shows to mislead the American people? Is THAT what you're "stipulating" to, Carbineer?:doubt::doubt::doubt:

I'm stipulated to you being a mental retard. That means you no longer have to make the case that you are, such as you're doing in the above post.
You neocons wanted Gaddaffi out. You bitched about Obama not doing enough. You bitched about Obama 'leading from behind'. You bitched about Obama diminishing our leadership role in the world by trying to pawn off Gaddaffi's ouster to the EU.

Well Gaddaffi is gone. We suffered FOUR casualties in the process. You got what you wanted and you got it at a tiny fraction of the cost of any regime change accomplished by your GOP heroes.

Get over it. Quit making fools of yourselves. We'll stipulate, I'm sure, to your foolishness; you need not waste any more time convincing us.

Claiming that Chris Stevens and the other 3 Americans were a small price to pay for getting rid of Khadafi is absurd and shows what kind of logical gymnastics you Obama die hards are willing to do to excuse the incompetence of this Administration.

You'll "stipulate"? To what? That the State Department had their heads up their asses when they ignored Stevens' calls not to take away his security? That Hillary Clinton being more worried about how things would "look", rather than of providing adequate security is what led to those deaths not the GOP refusing to fund increases in the State Department budget? That the Obama White House appeared more concerned with damage control to their campaign narrative of "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run!" than they were about protecting the lives of Americans in danger? That the Obama White House knew this was a terrorist attack yet chose to portray it as a YouTube protest that turned violent? That they then classified the communications that showed how they changed the talking points coming from the CIA and how they sent out Susan Rice to those 5 talks shows to mislead the American people? Is THAT what you're "stipulating" to, Carbineer?:doubt::doubt::doubt:

I'm stipulated to you being a mental retard. That means you no longer have to make the case that you are, such as you're doing in the above post.

Gee, Carbineer...the "mental retard" seems to have won the argument then...hasn't he!

You don't have a rational explanation to cover the Obama White House now you just want people to stop talking about it? Go ahead...tell me..."Dude, that was two YEARS ago!!!"
It wasn't that long ago that the warmonger wing of the right was clamoring for a bigger involvement in Syria.

Do you people think we'd have gotten through that with less than FOUR casualties?

You mean John McCain???

Screw that asshole. He doesn't speak for us.

The reason Syria has been strung along for 4 years is because Obama was feeding the rebels weapons. The reason we were in Libya was for the same reasons. Pulling them out after the first attack would have resulted in no casualties. You know, the bombing?

Last edited: Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight aren't to blame for Benghazi because the Middle East has been a mess since the end of that your rationale, Candy?

The President gets credit/blame for all of it actually. Obama gets credit for getting Bin Laden the same way he gets blame for the IRS Scandal. It was on his watch.

My message, had you chose to read it, was that 4 dead Americans in the middle east are not going to register on the consciousness of the American electorate.

If Presidents are judged by their contemporaries, Obama's predacessor couldn't scramble fighters to protect NYC or Washington DC. That we couldn't get people into Libya is surprising to you?

When the going gets tough...the tough get going! When the going gets tough for Barry...he goes to bed!

Good point I suppose. Bush played golf.

It's appalling to me that we didn't TRY to get military assets into that battle zone! Because THAT is what went down that day. This Administration was more worried about spinning the story coming out of Benghazi than it was about saving our people's lives.

As for Bush playing golf? Did he play the day of 9/11? Or the day after? Or the week after? Barry went to bed that night and then got on a plane and flew to Vegas to do a fund raiser the next day. That was the level of concern that HE had for what was going on in Libya! Who does that?

Yup. His fundraiser was more important than his dead ambassador and an attack on HIS consulate. He's such a fucking asshole It amazes me how anyone could think he's a good POTUS. He's a fucking disaster.
Claiming that Chris Stevens and the other 3 Americans were a small price to pay for getting rid of Khadafi is absurd and shows what kind of logical gymnastics you Obama die hards are willing to do to excuse the incompetence of this Administration.

You'll "stipulate"? To what? That the State Department had their heads up their asses when they ignored Stevens' calls not to take away his security? That Hillary Clinton being more worried about how things would "look", rather than of providing adequate security is what led to those deaths not the GOP refusing to fund increases in the State Department budget? That the Obama White House appeared more concerned with damage control to their campaign narrative of "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run!" than they were about protecting the lives of Americans in danger? That the Obama White House knew this was a terrorist attack yet chose to portray it as a YouTube protest that turned violent? That they then classified the communications that showed how they changed the talking points coming from the CIA and how they sent out Susan Rice to those 5 talks shows to mislead the American people? Is THAT what you're "stipulating" to, Carbineer?:doubt::doubt::doubt:

I'm stipulated to you being a mental retard. That means you no longer have to make the case that you are, such as you're doing in the above post.

Gee, Carbineer...the "mental retard" seems to have won the argument then...hasn't he!

You don't have a rational explanation to cover the Obama White House now you just want people to stop talking about it? Go ahead...tell me..."Dude, that was two YEARS ago!!!"

I am willing to allocate 1/1000th of the amount of outrage to Benghazi and whatever inepitude was involved as I do to Iraq.

You should show some character and do the same, because that is a good estimate of the proportionate difference between the two.
2,913 posts on this thread

obvously you left-wing idiots care about Benghazi enough to keep responding to the posts from the right here

geeesh libs are stupid!
How surprising!

Another leftwing moonbat employs the "Just Shut Up" tactic.
You almost gotta laugh. When the pervert-in-chief Bill Clinton got in trouble his aids suddenly found ....gasp...more Nixon tapes. For the first four years of the Hussein administration all we heard was "blame Bush" whining. People died and Barry lied and understandably the fellow left wing cowards don't want to hear about it. The left wing media cooperates and freaking Show Time is showing the propaganda movie "W" over and over.
If nobody cared about "old news" why in hell did anyone start a thread about it. Obviously somebody cares so very, very much!

The truth about Benghazi so far has shown the incompetence of Hillary Clinton, who is the #1 liberal choice for presidential candidate in 2016. It's only right the American people be shown her weaknesses as well as her strengths. Then they can choose between her and her political opponent, whoever that may be following the Republican primary in that same year.

It's going to take a Rudy Giuliani to clean up the mess left by the Obama administration.

I'd expect a RINO like that to sweep it under the rug in the interest of harmony.

Giuliani cleaned up the NYC streets of its disproportionate homicide rates, made fiscal history by paying NYC debts and turning the city around.

Politics aside, Giuliani ran NYC like a business for the first time in a generation and cleaned up a lot of graft.

Details at his biography page: Biography of Rudolph Giuliani

I don't think that's a Republican in Name Only, but a conservative who puts community service in proportion with what taxpayers give him to work with.

Unfortunately, he may want to retire, I don't know. He's 68 years old, but what a life he's led to give taxpayers their due.

I don't think Giuliani is a person who would disarm guards at any US Embassy in a war-torn country.
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