Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots
There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...

Who do you think lied to congress? The CIA? The FBI? The UN? Congress had the same intel from these groups that Bush had--------and they came to the same erroneous conclusion. Congress authorized and funded the iraq fiasco---both parties.

Do you really think Bush, or any president, could do that on his own? if you do, you don't understand how our constitution works.

I've always been amused by the liberals who labeled George W. Bush as the "village idiot" only to turn around and then accuse him of being Machiavellian.

Nice to be able to have it both ways...:lol::lol::lol:

Yup. what else is new? left-wing nutjobs are blaming all the failures of their Progressive agenda on "obstruction" or "racism" or any number of other pathetic EXCUSES for their own failures; on a smaller number of people the Left insists they are superior to in every way.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Funny how a liberal keeps using those words "witch hunt." And no, Benghazi won't be dropped, people will be prosecuted. End of story.
Don't hold your breathe waiting for someone to be prosecuted. err ... On second though, perhaps holding your breathe would be a good idea.
So far, more than twice as many people replied that Benghazi is very important and we need to know every detail, than all of the other responses combined.

So, when is the OP going to correct his lie in the thread title?
So far, more than twice as many people replied that Benghazi is very important and we need to know every detail, than all of the other responses combined.

So, when is the OP going to correct his lie in the thread title?

Majorities are good when liberals HAVE them (like when they controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office) but when they DON'T (like when they lost control of the House) then liberals insist that their "innate intelligence" (which liberal teachers, professors and media have assured them they HAVE simply because they are liberals) should take precedence over the whims of an unintelligent majority.

You won't see the OP correct her thread title because she believes IMPLICITLY that she is correct in her view despite how the poll turns out!
There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...

Who do you think lied to congress? The CIA? The FBI? The UN? Congress had the same intel from these groups that Bush had--------and they came to the same erroneous conclusion. Congress authorized and funded the iraq fiasco---both parties.

Do you really think Bush, or any president, could do that on his own? if you do, you don't understand how our constitution works.

I've always been amused by the liberals who labeled George W. Bush as the "village idiot" only to turn around and then accuse him of being Machiavellian.

Nice to be able to have it both ways...:lol::lol::lol:

Agreed. I have always found that to be rather funny myself. They claim that Bush is a complete idiot and at the same time managed to dupe the entire planet.

Doublethink - a requirement for many people's political thought process...
No WMD in Iraq, no connection between Iraq and 9/11, Curveball admitted on global television that he lied to start a war, Powell admitted on global television that his UN speech was wrong, and even Bush admitted that there weren't any WMD in Iraq. The piece of shit even joked about it at one of his dinner parties. The grieving widows and orphans of his fucking war certainly had a good laugh about that. "Where are those WMD anyway? Nope, not over there. Maybe over here? Nope. Gee, they have to be here somewhere." Hur hur hur.

George W. Bush needs to die in prison.
Funny thing is, it looks like Stevens was Gay. If Bush was president there would be a never-ending stream of stories about how he hates gays.

Funny thing is, it looks like Stevens was Gay. If Bush was president there would be a never-ending stream of stories about how he hates gays.

Well, no, you see, Bush never would have appointed a gay dude, and the reason why we had stories about how Bush hated gays is because he was happy to exploit homophobia to get you stupid rubes to vote against your own interests.

You know, like in 2004, when he was all up in arms about ONE STATE legalizing gay marriage. and he promised up and down he was going to get a Marriage Amendment into the constitution to put a stop to that!

And how'd that work out again? Oh, yeah, he completely dropped the subject after he was re-elected, and then proceeded to craft a scheme for Wall Street to run the Social Security Trust Fund.
Funny thing is, it looks like Stevens was Gay. If Bush was president there would be a never-ending stream of stories about how he hates gays.

Well, no, you see, Bush never would have appointed a gay dude, and the reason why we had stories about how Bush hated gays is because he was happy to exploit homophobia to get you stupid rubes to vote against your own interests.

You know, like in 2004, when he was all up in arms about ONE STATE legalizing gay marriage. and he promised up and down he was going to get a Marriage Amendment into the constitution to put a stop to that!

And how'd that work out again? Oh, yeah, he completely dropped the subject after he was re-elected, and then proceeded to craft a scheme for Wall Street to run the Social Security Trust Fund.

what a moronic post. If Bush was CIC when Benghazi happened the US military would have been sent in with guns blazing. The ambassador and the 3 others might be alive today if we had a real president when this happened. But no, you fools elected the pussy boy.

allowing people to invest a small % of their SS funds in the market is not letting wall street run SS. you are an idiot.
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3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi

3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.

What that it was a very convenient attack right at the moment when an attack on the US would've result in more votes for the GOP? And that in an act of full hubris, the GOP attacks the democrats as "negligent" in preventing an attack on "9-11 2012" that so stood to help the GOP gain votes?

Why would a terrorist group keen on seeing the one American political party [the GOP] that assaults their interests most regularly, attack a US outpost on 9-11 when they surely would know that Americans tend to vote more republican from the middle crowd when a threat to the US is looming and imminent?

Are the terrorists who planned this attack stupid, or scripted?

Yes, the latter should "scare the livin shit" out of people... as the connection between the American Cheney-CIA inches another increment closer to what is described as "Al Qaida"..
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3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.

What that it was a very convenient attack right at the moment when an attack on the US would've result in more votes for the GOP? And that in an act of full hubris, the GOP attacks the democrats as "negligent" in preventing an attack on "9-11 2012" that so stood to help the GOP gain votes?

Why would a terrorist group keen on seeing the one American political party [the GOP] that assaults their interests most regularly, attack a US outpost on 9-11 when they surely would know that Americans tend to vote more republican from the middle crowd when a threat to the US is looming and imminent?

Are the terrorists who planned this attack stupid, or scripted?

Yes, the latter should "scare the livin shit" out of people... as the connection between the American Cheney-CIA inches another increment closer to what is described as "Al Qaida"..
We had to wait for the punch line but it was worth it! LOL. The ebil Wepubwicans didit.
Then you are saying Al Qaida is ignorant of the fact that perceived imminent threats to the US cause middle voters to vote republican? You're saying this has never entered into their minds?

Which is it? Is Al Qaida stupiid or scripted? And if scripted, who did that script at Benghazi predict to favor at the polls just weeks later? 9-11? Really? Anyone who doubts that attack was choreographed is an idiot. The next question is "by who?" and "why"? if such actions statistically favor the GOP at the polls. Need I remind folks here that it happened on the eve of the pivotal 2012 election? "October surprise"? Which party would that surprise have favored then?
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3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America
Then you are saying Al Qaida is ignorant of the fact that perceived imminent threats to the US cause middle voters to vote republican? You're saying this has never entered into their minds?

Which is it? Is Al Qaida stupiid or scripted? And if scripted, who did that script at Benghazi predict to favor at the polls just weeks later? 9-11? Really? Anyone who doubts that attack was choreographed is an idiot. The next question is "by who?" and "why"? if such actions statistically favor the GOP at the polls. Need I remind folks here that it happened on the eve of the pivotal 2012 election? "October surprise"? Which party would that surprise have favored then?

AQ #1 wanted revenge for AQ#2's death. This is not rocket science. He called for revenge. This is why the Consulate was attacked.

No brainer.
3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America

this is about getting to the truth. If it hurts anyone in the process, so be it. Get the truth out to the american public and let the chips fall where they may.

why do you on the left fear the truth? we are ready to deal with it no matter where it leads.

the truth will set you free----------try it, libs.
3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America

Just freaking stop with the bullshit over fundraising when after the Newtown Massacre D's did a drive for cash.

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