Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

I've never seen 50 posters vote on any poll here. So something is definitely up. Though I hardly think it's reflective of who cares and who doesn't about Ben..what was that name again? Bengravy? Bennausea? Something like that.. I forget..

Well, it looks like most of us are getting tired of the lying and the stonewalling by the White House....plain and simple.

well mudpacker, you have any proof ??? didn't think so ... as for the white house... ever document regarding benghazi has been released ... thats why Issa stopped trying ... he knows he has one leg on a banana peal and the other on thin Ice ... you keep dreaming cause that's all you have mudpacker...
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I've never seen 50 posters vote on any poll here. So something is definitely up. Though I hardly think it's reflective of who cares and who doesn't about Ben..what was that name again? Bengravy? Bennausea? Something like that.. I forget..

Well, it looks like most of us are getting tired of the lying and the stonewalling by the White House....plain and simple.

well mudpacker, you have any proof ??? didn't think so ... as for the white house... ever document regarding benghazi has been released ... thats why Issa stopped trying ... he knows he has one leg on a banana peal and the other on thin Ice ... you keep dreaming cause that's all you have mudpacker...

IF EVERY DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RELEASED LEFTARD; and all the information was out there repubs wouldnt still be asking for an investigation

libs are losers who lie to themselves
There's nothing new in this e-mail. "Dems decided what to say based on the best intelligence available", and btw the story is still THE SAME lol. Keep this bs alive, hater dupes- you're the greatest lol.

Poll- looks like the 80% hater dupe USMB is even getting sick of this idiocy lol...
Obsessing on this while they ignored criminal dereliction of duty of 9-11 & the changing reasons for going into vietraq is going to win them elections in November :doubt:

Well, it looks like most of us are getting tired of the lying and the stonewalling by the White House....plain and simple.

well mudpacker, you have any proof ??? didn't think so ... as for the white house... ever document regarding benghazi has been released ... thats why Issa stopped trying ... he knows he has one leg on a banana peal and the other on thin Ice ... you keep dreaming cause that's all you have mudpacker...

IF EVERY DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RELEASED LEFTARD; and all the information was out there repubs wouldnt still be asking for an investigation

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Lol- Jeebus you're a gullible dingbat. Total propaganda/bs infotainment...change the channel and get some real news...try PBS.
Obama lied, (BR) no he didn't Clinton lied,(BR) no she didn't Rice lied (BR) no she didn't------------the stupid video had nothing to do with the murder of those 4 americans. (BR) yes it did.... The all lied about it for political reasons, B](BR) no they didn't[/B] they let 4 americans die rather than admit to a terrorist attack 2 months before the election. B](BR) no they didn't[/B] you need to do some research...

This is much worse than watergate where Nixon lied about his party spying on that other party-------NO ONE DIED in watergate. No one died in Monica-gate, but clinton was impeached. ... (BR) you sure like to believe fiction ...

Sorry, libs and obamabots, this is not going away and it will be the downfall of your kenyan messiah. (BR)what Kenya messiah are you talking about[/QUOTE]

Nixon had more people go to jail then any president prior to his demise... Ronald Reagan had more impeachable offense then andy democrat, you say that OBAMA was worse ... really ??? Ronald Reagan, he too had a lot of people go to jail because of his immoral leadership... now we have george W BUSH ... your hero, not mine ... he had thousands of people killed for his lying about WMD's and you let that slide cause he's a republican ... now you speak of Ambassadors being killed by terrorist ... where was Issa ??? where was Boehnor ??? when 13 ambassador were killed under the Bush watch ... where is your, lets get to the bottom of this mentality ??? whats was Rice doing about those 13 ambassadors when those ambassador were killed ??? she did nothing said nothing ... where was Cheney, Rumsfeld, where was your anger ??? your words of wisdom when they were killed ???? political posturing ??? yeah we know a duck when we see one ...
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The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

they are afraid to death of Hillary they will make up just about anything to try and make her lose in the polls ... good luck with that...


What happened to "Hillary 2008"?

Oh yeah, she was thrown under the bus in favor of a as Biden says "Clean, articulate black man".

so you're saying that Rand Paul, Chris Christy or scott is a better selection over Hillary ??? or Hair flipper himself trying to trump them all, is better then Hillary???how about mister I have 3 reason and I can't remember those reason Rick (dead between the ears)perry ??? can you say winners there ??? sure we can't ... the problem you have is you don't know a loser when you see one... how about this... look in a mirror, I promise you'll see a real live loser there ...
there is going to be an investigation; and Gowdy, a former prosecuter, is REAL GOOD.
go ahead and cry left-wing nutjobs
I just have to comment on the obvious. Now remember the OP said the vehicle [as usual] for the GOP spin on this is Fox News. What's sad is that the commentators need viagra on this topic. Their body language is screaming "stop making us report on this!" while they do their best stale outrage at the request of "the management". I mean you can see it. It's painfully obvious. And this is only making it worse. Because you know they know. And you know they know why and what and who...etc. You can only ask so much even of a prostitute before s/he says "yeah, I don't do that"...

There are so many other ways the GOP could beat a drum to make the win happen for them both this Fall and 2016. One of those ways is to move more towards the know...where all the contested votes are and the people who are simultaneously bored and nauseated with Fox's obsession with Benghazi are. [Apparently worrying about losing viewers is not high on the Fox worry list].

I can think of one name that Fox News could really investigate, really expose and really have the biggest vote-gaining field day with. A name that is so deeply entrenched with the democratic party at this point and so very very ripe with the most vile associations [sexual assaults on vulnerable teen boys], who the democratic party has all but nominated and embraced as "their values poster boy"...

And the only reason I can see that Fox is leaving this guy/the democratic party alone on this opportunity is because of one of Dick Cheney's daughters. And since Cheney is "the management" over at Fox/the GOP, he is once again asking them to miss a golden goose and commit political suicide for his agendas. Is Cheney's "other daughter" worth demolishing the entire moderate conservative platform for?

I think it's an odd coincidence that both sides of the aisle are willing to eviscerate themselves and dump millions of votes, all for one gay person being coddled by them respectively.

Just saying...
I just have to comment on the obvious. Now remember the OP said the vehicle [as usual] for the GOP spin on this is Fox News. What's sad is that the commentators need viagra on this topic. Their body language is screaming "stop making us report on this!" while they do their best stale outrage at the request of "the management". I mean you can see it. It's painfully obvious. And this is only making it worse. Because you know they know. And you know they know why and what and who...etc. You can only ask so much even of a prostitute before s/he says "yeah, I don't do that"...

There are so many other ways the GOP could beat a drum to make the win happen for them both this Fall and 2016. One of those ways is to move more towards the know...where all the contested votes are and the people who are simultaneously bored and nauseated with Fox's obsession with Benghazi are. [Apparently worrying about losing viewers is not high on the Fox worry list].

I can think of one name that Fox News could really investigate, really expose and really have the biggest vote-gaining field day with. A name that is so deeply entrenched with the democratic party at this point and so very very ripe with the most vile associations [sexual assaults on vulnerable teen boys], who the democratic party has all but nominated and embraced as "their values poster boy"...

And the only reason I can see that Fox is leaving this guy/the democratic party alone on this opportunity is because of one of Dick Cheney's daughters. And since Cheney is "the management" over at Fox/the GOP, he is once again asking them to miss a golden goose and commit political suicide for his agendas. Is Cheney's "other daughter" worth demolishing the entire moderate conservative platform for?

I think it's an odd coincidence that both sides of the aisle are willing to eviscerate themselves and dump millions of votes, all for one gay person being coddled by them respectively.

Just saying...

Wow, you want the GOP to "move towards the middle"? Really? LOL The last two candidates they nominated and ran for President were the most moderate ones running! Democrats on the other hand ran and elected the man who was rated the most liberal according to voting records in the Senate. So tell me again how it's the GOP that needs to move to the center like the Democrats? I'm getting a good chuckle out of the whole concept...
We'll drop it after the Prez election, and not before. Unless they put her in prison, where she belongs. then we'll drop it.
Wow, you want the GOP to "move towards the middle"? Really? LOL The last two candidates they nominated and ran for President were the most moderate ones running! Democrats on the other hand ran and elected the man who was rated the most liberal according to voting records in the Senate. So tell me again how it's the GOP that needs to move to the center like the Democrats? I'm getting a good chuckle out of the whole concept...

No, obvious to all but sequestered spinners was that McLame and Romney were both "moderate-appearing" hand puppets for the old Cheney regime.

If the GOP put out a candidate like Christie who is willing to stand firm and tall and say "no" even when Cheney comes knocking at his door, then you'd see swarms of middle voters stepping right.

McCain is such a putz and Romney such a obvious tool that you can't imagine even people's visceral-reactive equipment has been dry docked. People get gut reactions to putzs and tools for a reason. It's an instinctive drive to avoid predators lurking behind them..

The people are starving, aching, PINING for a decisive leader who is autonomous and stands firm. Not some hand puppet for our dicktatorship of the last forty years..
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Republicans don't have anything else (including a candidate who can win) so they'll keep harping on nothing at all in hopes of turning it into something. They did the same thing with Bill Clinton.

While they're dancing around this, they're also very studiously ignoring the fact that Reagan's lies and Bush's lies resulted in millions of deaths.

SSDD from the right.
They're going to try a Jeb Bush [handpuppet] or another run with the Romney [handpuppet]. What they'll likely do is get a Cheney handpuppet and then affix a Rand Paul VP as a lure to moderates when all know Paul will never see a day of power.

Cheney wants to be emperor forever. He wants to hand the dynasty down to his girls. I feel certain he has promised them this. He will screw up another election and the People will lose again..
They're going to try a Jeb Bush [handpuppet] or another run with the Romney [handpuppet]. What they'll likely do is get a Cheney handpuppet and then affix a Rand Paul VP as a lure to moderates when all know Paul will never see a day of power.

Cheney wants to be emperor forever. He wants to hand the dynasty down to his girls. I feel certain he has promised them this. He will screw up another election and the People will lose again..

Yeah, like this crew is winning.

well mudpacker, you have any proof ??? didn't think so ... as for the white house... ever document regarding benghazi has been released ... thats why Issa stopped trying ... he knows he has one leg on a banana peal and the other on thin Ice ... you keep dreaming cause that's all you have mudpacker...

IF EVERY DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RELEASED LEFTARD; and all the information was out there repubs wouldnt still be asking for an investigation

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Lol- Jeebus you're a gullible dingbat. Total propaganda/bs infotainment...change the channel and get some real news...try PBS.

Failed the GED again, punk?
Republicans don't have anything else (including a candidate who can win) so they'll keep harping on nothing at all in hopes of turning it into something. They did the same thing with Bill Clinton.

While they're dancing around this, they're also very studiously ignoring the fact that Reagan's lies and Bush's lies resulted in millions of deaths.

SSDD from the right.

We've got nothing?

The best you've got is a former first lady, who did nothing as a Senator, and screwed the pooch while Sec of State, fell before questioning looking for sympathy, and claimed to have a concussion hoping they wouldn't question her.

Your foreign policy is laughable, your domestic policy is a disaster.

Yeah, we got nothing.......right.
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