Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
No lies, no cover up ,- a tragedy. Always OBVIOUSLY an act of terror, no way help could get there in time, and yes the video probably triggered it, and since no one KNOWS the motive, WHAT DOES YOUR BS MATTER?

Hater dupes!

Not a smidgen of corruption.

Nothing to see here.

Bush's fault anyway.
I don't see anything new. Yes, I think the WH (not state or even the cia) steered it towards "a spontaneous" event even though they had no idea whether it was that or a planned attack that had nothing to do with the racist video.

I heard David Brooks describe it as a gop "shiny object." But he also said the gop narrative accomplishes two things. They can criticize Obama and Clinton Plus they don't have to address the facts that they have no for policy of their won, and that the party is split, but the Randian Paul wing loves this story because ..... there's no policy to it.
I don't see anything new. Yes, I think the WH (not state or even the cia) steered it towards "a spontaneous" event even though they had no idea whether it was that or a planned attack that had nothing to do with the racist video.

I heard David Brooks describe it as a gop "shiny object." But he also said the gop narrative accomplishes two things. They can criticize Obama and Clinton Plus they don't have to address the facts that they have no for policy of their won, and that the party is split, but the Randian Paul wing loves this story because ..... there's no policy to it.

Since a republican does not sit in the whitehouse, the republicans do not have to have a foreign policy of their own.
I don't see anything new. Yes, I think the WH (not state or even the cia) steered it towards "a spontaneous" event even though they had no idea whether it was that or a planned attack that had nothing to do with the racist video.

I heard David Brooks describe it as a gop "shiny object." But he also said the gop narrative accomplishes two things. They can criticize Obama and Clinton Plus they don't have to address the facts that they have no for policy of their won, and that the party is split, but the Randian Paul wing loves this story because ..... there's no policy to it.

Since a republican does not sit in the whitehouse, the republicans do not have to have a foreign policy of their own.

Their foreign policy is and has been for many decades now, Dick Cheney's foreign policy.
I don't see anything new. Yes, I think the WH (not state or even the cia) steered it towards "a spontaneous" event even though they had no idea whether it was that or a planned attack that had nothing to do with the racist video.

I heard David Brooks describe it as a gop "shiny object." But he also said the gop narrative accomplishes two things. They can criticize Obama and Clinton Plus they don't have to address the facts that they have no for policy of their won, and that the party is split, but the Randian Paul wing loves this story because ..... there's no policy to it.

Since a republican does not sit in the whitehouse, the republicans do not have to have a foreign policy of their own.

Their foreign policy is and has been for many decades now, Dick Cheney's foreign policy.

Not true. Sadly.
Benghazi will fire up some of the base, but too much heat will be counterproductive in turning off ever more of the center.
Benghazi will fire up some of the base, but too much heat will be counterproductive in turning off ever more of the center.

I dunno. The center may not pay too much attention until late summer of 2016, and I think that's the gop's strategy. They can criticize Obama and Clinton without having to face their own internal division between the Randian Pauls and the neocons. Unfortunately, I think the old cold warriors are passing into the night.

It may be that the gop primary forces someone to move so far Randian Paul that he/she is unelectable. Even in 1972, a supermaj of Americans did not want to pull away from global activism. I hope we don't see in now.
Again, the bottom line is that Barry and Hillary obviously conspired to lie about Benghazi so Barry could get re-elected. Geeez! Simple stuff "dude!"
Check out the current results on this thread. It's not a scientific poll, but it does show the premise of the OP to be incorrect.
Again, the bottom line is that Barry and Hillary obviously conspired to lie about Benghazi so Barry could get re-elected. Geeez! Simple stuff "dude!"

The point is, if you don't know what you're doing.......lie.
I don't see anything new. Yes, I think the WH (not state or even the cia) steered it towards "a spontaneous" event even though they had no idea whether it was that or a planned attack that had nothing to do with the racist video.

I heard David Brooks describe it as a gop "shiny object." But he also said the gop narrative accomplishes two things. They can criticize Obama and Clinton Plus they don't have to address the facts that they have no for policy of their won, and that the party is split, but the Randian Paul wing loves this story because ..... there's no policy to it.

Agreed, other than the fact that this was a fraud, which is a felony, and shows an attempt to gloss over their utter incompetence, there's nothing new here........move along.....
This is simply one of many, many, many examples of criminality. There's also the IRS, BLM, EPA, OSHA, FDA, FIC, NSA, SEIU, and the rest. Add all this stuff up and Hillary is SOL. And Obama is FUCKED.
This is simply one of many, many, many examples of criminality. There's also the IRS, BLM, EPA, OSHA, FDA, FIC, NSA, SEIU, and the rest. Add all this stuff up and Hillary is SOL. And Obama is FUCKED.

It's a veritable smorgusboard of conspiracies. The man in clearly magical.
Since the once and no more GOP feels old news is good news one need only remember their Messiah Ronald Reagan's greatest failure, when his negligence cause the deaths of 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers in Beirut in 1983.

Or G.W. Bush sending American troops into Iraq without the means to protect themselves from IEP's ( "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time," Mr. Rumsfeld said.)! See:

Sure, start a thread, see how much interest there is.......


Six thousand, plus or minus, Americans lost their lives under Reagan and G.W. Bush and four Americans died at Benghazi. Those killed at Beruit and in the Iraq war of choice may seem trivial to a partisan hack, it doesn't to me.
Military operations under W. voted on and approved with DIMWIT support and Reagan are a little different then the total lack of smarts the present idiot in chief obamashitforbrains screwed up because he is ball less and brainless.

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