Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

First-class diminishing the deaths of Americans!

Fuck you, the ones yawning, and the collective pieces of shit that "thanked" your post.

As for me and mine, we want to know who lied, when, and what about.
Too sad you and your trolls don't care

The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

First-class diminishing the deaths of Americans!

Fuck you, the ones yawning, and the collective pieces of shit that "thanked" your post.

As for me and mine, we want to know who lied, when, and what about.
Too sad you and your trolls don't care


71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.
How many people died during Watergate? Yet it was the story of the decade. Benghazi's spin was all about massaging the election for Obama and the media gives it a big yawn. No bias there!
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

First-class diminishing the deaths of Americans!

Fuck you, the ones yawning, and the collective pieces of shit that "thanked" your post.

As for me and mine, we want to know who lied, when, and what about.
Too sad you and your trolls don't care


71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

Of course 80% are RWers lol...Bengazi is just one more phony Pub witch hunt bs ''scandal''. Great infotainment for ignorant haters...:cuckoo:
How many people died during Watergate? Yet it was the story of the decade. Benghazi's spin was all about massaging the election for Obama and the media gives it a big yawn. No bias there!

t was a tragedy, and politicians ALWAYS decide how best to present the truth- no lies, no cover up. Nixon subverted the constitution to get his way- a disgrace.
First-class diminishing the deaths of Americans!

Fuck you, the ones yawning, and the collective pieces of shit that "thanked" your post.

As for me and mine, we want to know who lied, when, and what about.
Too sad you and your trolls don't care


71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

Of course 80% are RWers lol...Bengazi is just one more phony Pub witch hunt bs ''scandal''. Great infotainment for ignorant haters...:cuckoo:

If it's so phony, why did it take a court order through the freedom on information act to get the newest e-mails?
First-class diminishing the deaths of Americans!

Fuck you, the ones yawning, and the collective pieces of shit that "thanked" your post.

As for me and mine, we want to know who lied, when, and what about.
Too sad you and your trolls don't care


71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

Of course 80% are RWers lol...Bengazi is just one more phony Pub witch hunt bs ''scandal''. Great infotainment for ignorant haters...:cuckoo:

You guys.......

You and your deadly traffic cones are hilarious. :lol:
How many people died during Watergate? Yet it was the story of the decade. Benghazi's spin was all about massaging the election for Obama and the media gives it a big yawn. No bias there!

t was a tragedy, and politicians ALWAYS decide how best to present the truth- no lies, no cover up. Nixon subverted the constitution to get his way- a disgrace.

If it was bad when Nixon did it why do you applaud Obama doing it??:badgrin::eusa_clap:
Nobody died in the Watergate Inn and nobody on the American side died during Iran-Contra but the media considered the cover-up to be worse than the alleged crime. People died and Obama lied. Who do we see about that?
71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

I've never seen 50 posters vote on any poll here. So something is definitely up. Though I hardly think it's reflective of who cares and who doesn't about Ben..what was that name again? Bengravy? Bennausea? Something like that.. I forget..
71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

Of course 80% are RWers lol...Bengazi is just one more phony Pub witch hunt bs ''scandal''. Great infotainment for ignorant haters...:cuckoo:

If it's so phony, why did it take a court order through the freedom on information act to get the newest e-mails?

And why did the Obama White House feel they needed to classify that email in the first place? It's obvious that this was a planned cover-up...I'd say "well planned" but let's be honest here...if the main stream media didn't have their heads in the sand on this, this whole thing would have blown up in the White House's face in a week and they would have been forced to admit that there was no protest over a video that sparked into a full on assault on our Consulate.

My other question is why is it that we never hear about any further developments in bringing the attackers to justice? anyone from Justice even trying? I don't see it personally...I think Eric Holder has got this so far back from the "burners" that those terrorists could line up and do a conga down Pennsylvania Ave. and nobody from this Administration would even notice.
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71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

I've never seen 50 posters vote on any poll here. So something is definitely up. Though I hardly think it's reflective of who cares and who doesn't about Ben..what was that name again? Bengravy? Bennausea? Something like that.. I forget..

Well, it looks like most of us are getting tired of the lying and the stonewalling by the White House....plain and simple.
71% of USMB respondants agree.........I guess everyone isn't yawning.

Of course 80% are RWers lol...Bengazi is just one more phony Pub witch hunt bs ''scandal''. Great infotainment for ignorant haters...:cuckoo:

Partisanship was not polled.

Even so, if 20% are concerned and NOT "RWers".............

Well, that would be more Americans than there are Blacks: The Primary trip-wire for causing any political issue to become important to the Obama Administration.
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

they are afraid to death of Hillary they will make up just about anything to try and make her lose in the polls ... good luck with that...
hillary is a loser and has a mountain of baggage; she also represents obama's failed ACA which is something she also tried and failed at

ok idiot; back to the topic

Benghazi isnt going away

Obama lied, Clinton lied, Rice lied------------the stupid video had nothing to do with the murder of those 4 americans. The all lied about it for political reasons, they let 4 americans die rather than admit to a terrorist attack 2 months before the election.

This is much worse than watergate where Nixon lied about his party spying on that other party-------NO ONE DIED in watergate. No one died in Monica-gate, but clinton was impeached.

Sorry, libs and obamabots, this is not going away and it will be the downfall of your kenyan messiah.
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

they are afraid to death of Hillary they will make up just about anything to try and make her lose in the polls ... good luck with that...


What happened to "Hillary 2008"?

Oh yeah, she was thrown under the bus in favor of a as Biden says "Clean, articulate black man".
Funny how a liberal keeps using those words "witch hunt." And no, Benghazi won't be dropped, people will be prosecuted. End of story.

don't you mean Persecuted ??? i know you republicans will be Persecuted for making up shit ... you of all are scared to death of Hillary ... do you honestly think That Ryan, or Perry or Bobby Jindal or Rand Paul or Scott Walker or Chris Christy could beat Hillary in an national election ... do you honestly think any of these losers could win??? then I have a bridge you can close down to one lane real cheap ...
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hillary is a loser and has a mountain of baggage; she also represents obama's failed ACA which is something she also tried and failed at

ok idiot; back to the topic

Benghazi isnt going away


ok back to benghazi ... nothing their ... benghazi over ... now why are republican so afraid of hillary, we know she's sitting a a 60% + popularity poll ...I would say good luck with your benghazi crap ... like everything republican, that's all they got, benghazi, benghazi isn't going anywhere :lol::lol::lol:
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