Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Oh, you're HAS been investigated, Plant...but the Obama White House has done their level best to hide documents from those investigators. It's only now that emails they classified in order to keep secret have been released due to Freedom of Information law suits that we're starting to see proof of what was only suspected before.

When you get proof of any criminal activity holler . Till then just a bunch of hacks on a desperation tour .......full of issa's miss handlings & Egg on the GOP'S face at every turn .
Fast n furious
Benghazi Bengahazi
GOP clowns on Tour this stop Benghazi where we waste more tax payers dollars on partisan politics yea.

Again says the person with no class on a message board commenting on a thread started by one of him, yet not concerned. That's just stupid!

Lol strike nerve :eusa_boohoo:
When you get proof of any criminal activity holler .

When the hearings are over you may find the hollering renders you deaf(er). Until then, patience. Obama still has more than two years to finish converting The (former) Justice Department into a completely nutless wonder.

Till then ! :eusa_silenced:
I got an idea, why not start a thread on this message board to show your lack of class. Doh, there are five of them already.
When you get proof of any criminal activity holler . Till then just a bunch of hacks on a desperation tour .......full of issa's miss handlings & Egg on the GOP'S face at every turn .
Fast n furious
Benghazi Bengahazi
GOP clowns on Tour this stop Benghazi where we waste more tax payers dollars on partisan politics yea.

Again says the person with no class on a message board commenting on a thread started by one of him, yet not concerned. That's just stupid!

Lol strike nerve :eusa_boohoo:
Nope, just pointing out the obvious.

Oh, and your complete lack of compassion for the families. You're just so cool.....................
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Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

In a causal universe, it is impossible to manufacture 'old' anything.

Deal with it.

Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
When the hearings are over you may find the hollering renders you deaf(er). Until then, patience. Obama still has more than two years to finish converting The (former) Justice Department into a completely nutless wonder.

Till then ! :eusa_silenced:
I got an idea, why not start a thread on this message board to show your lack of class. Doh, there are five of them already.

Did not start thread dumb ass .
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

Liberals are just pining for the old days when the media could kill stories for them by ignoring them. They're pissed now that they have to work to get out to try to mock people into dropping them. And we all know if there's one word a liberal considers a four letter word, it's "work"
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .
What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .
And you know a good scandal. Doh, so do I. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

Excellent point, Redfish. As Shakesphere would say, "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much." Liberals sure are putting in a lot of effort to kill stories they say no one cares about.

These are real issues, the Republicans are right to pursue them.
Till then ! :eusa_silenced:
I got an idea, why not start a thread on this message board to show your lack of class. Doh, there are five of them already.

Did not start thread dumb ass .
I didn't say you did, I suggested you should. You really seemed bothered by the whole thing. One more and you can rehash it all over again, like you all like to do. Holy batcrap batman.
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13 hearings !! I mean really how incompetent are the GOP? This is amazing you get away with 13 hearings over 25 thousand pieces of appear untold tax payer dollars . Come up sucking your thumb wow
Mission Improbable: Trey Gowdy gets into Benghazi - John Bresnahan and Lauren French and Jake Sherman -

until a FOIA suit was filed, the WH refused to release the pertinent information, or artificially classified it in an attempt to prevent release.

Its a clear cover up, Nixon and Clinton tried it and failed. Now obozo has tried it and will also fail. the american people and the american media do not like being lied to.
What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .

A good scandal is forged documents showing W got favoritism when he went home with permission during a war decades before while it was winding down and they were letting everyone go home early because they didn't need them there.
What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

Excellent point, Redfish. As Shakesphere would say, "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much." Liberals sure are putting in a lot of effort to kill stories they say no one cares about.

These are real issues, the Republicans are right to pursue them.

right,, if there is nothing to hide, why are they hiding it?
13 hearings !! I mean really how incompetent are the GOP? This is amazing you get away with 13 hearings over 25 thousand pieces of appear untold tax payer dollars . Come up sucking your thumb wow
Mission Improbable: Trey Gowdy gets into Benghazi - John Bresnahan and Lauren French and Jake Sherman -

until a FOIA suit was filed, the WH refused to release the pertinent information, or artificially classified it in an attempt to prevent release.

Its a clear cover up, Nixon and Clinton tried it and failed. Now obozo has tried it and will also fail. the american people and the american media do not like being lied to.

Remember how the Republicans "outed" a soccer mom who told reporters at dinner parties she worked for the CIA in retaliation because ...

... I never got this part striaght. Republicans sent a Democratic activist who didn't know what intelligence the British had based their reports on the W sited, so it was his fault, and they wanted to know if it was true, so they sent a Democratic activist, who asked around and couldn't verify the story and then said it was a lie, which the people who sent him there to find out if it was true or not, we have no idea why they did that, didn't want him to say.

Now THAT was a scandal...

LOL, what a bunch of boobs they are.
sorry, dude, but those are not over yet. they will not be over until the truth is obtained. Once we know the truth we can decide if they are worthy of criminal prosecution. your concern is that they probably are.

You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .

A good scandal is forged documents showing W got favoritism when he went home with permission during a war decades before while it was winding down and they were letting everyone go home early because they didn't need them there.

Can someone say Dan Rather and CBS? LOL. Oh, oh, oh, how about John Kerry?

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