Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Well I think they want the hearings first. Then I bet you'll see that.

Nothing is beneath them that's for sure.

Just remember Watergate and how that went down.

If they have the emails they say they have, not sure how he gets out of it. But we'll see right?

Watergate was not a phony scandal drummed up for political gain.

Technically, they don't have shit.
NYCarbiner asked a question in another thread that was closed.

When was the last President that had less than 4 dead in the Middle East.

Obama has had nearly 2000 in Afghanistan, so what the Hell is he talking about.
Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.
Obama had an election to win so he lied and sent people out for more lies. It didn't get traction until after the election. Romney didn't pursue it on ads or in the debates. I'm not sure where you were. Oh, that's right, you're blind.
Nothing is beneath them that's for sure.

Just remember Watergate and how that went down.

If they have the emails they say they have, not sure how he gets out of it. But we'll see right?

Watergate was not a phony scandal drummed up for political gain.

Technically, they don't have shit.

Watergate was pretty much a few neocons doing what Obama is doing with the IRS and the NSA every day.
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.
Switch Democrat and Republican around and you'll be on the money. You may not be concerned about the crap this administration did and does but that doesn't mean no one else should care about this country.

Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.

So you expect us to believe that you guys haven't been talking bad about Bush? That they haven't been calling him and his entire administration war-criminals?

Switch Democrat and Republican around and you'll be on the money. You may not be concerned about the crap this administration did and does but that doesn't mean no one else should care about this country.

Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.

So you expect us to believe that you guys haven't been talking bad about Bush? That they haven't been calling him and his entire administration war-criminals?

They love to dish it out but they don't take it very well. Obama hasn't received a fraction of the criticism and these jokers are becoming unglued.
NYCarbiner asked a question in another thread that was closed.

When was the last President that had less than 4 dead in the Middle East.

Obama has had nearly 2000 in Afghanistan, so what the Hell is he talking about.

Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.
NYCarbiner asked a question in another thread that was closed.

When was the last President that had less than 4 dead in the Middle East.

Obama has had nearly 2000 in Afghanistan, so what the Hell is he talking about.

Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
That's assuming that the jobs in Afghanistan and Iraq were ever supposed to end in the first place. Remember that war is big business, and a perpetual war against a nameless, faceless, endless enemy is good for big business. What better way to justify an overblown "defense" budget and record international arms sales than to wage war against an idea like "terror" instead of against an actual army or nation? See how long the "war on drugs" has lasted? "Terrorism" can easily be defined as "anyone who doesn't go along with the global oligarchy's plan". A war on terrorists can last forever because there will always be People who don't want to be invaded, tortured and bombed by remote-controlled planes for ten straight years.
NYCarbiner asked a question in another thread that was closed.

When was the last President that had less than 4 dead in the Middle East.

Obama has had nearly 2000 in Afghanistan, so what the Hell is he talking about.

Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.

Obama decided that Afghanistan was the clean war. He pulls us out of Iraq and sends us to Afghanistan. You can't blame Bush for the mess he left in Iraq and the mess he's made in Afghanistan and the mess he's made with Russia, Israel, the Arab Spring, everything else he had a choice not to do. He wasn't forced to do all of this.

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That's assuming that the jobs in Afghanistan and Iraq were ever supposed to end in the first place. Remember that war is big business, and a perpetual war against a nameless, faceless, endless enemy is good for big business. What better way to justify an overblown "defense" budget and record international arms sales than to wage war against an idea like "terror" instead of against an actual army or nation? See how long the "war on drugs" has lasted? "Terrorism" can easily be defined as "anyone who doesn't go along with the global oligarchy's plan". A war on terrorists can last forever because there will always be People who don't want to be invaded, tortured and bombed by remote-controlled planes for ten straight years.
There were reasons for all that, you may not agree with them, but to make it sound like the global warming scam is just wrong.
Just remember Watergate and how that went down.

If they have the emails they say they have, not sure how he gets out of it. But we'll see right?

Watergate was not a phony scandal drummed up for political gain.

Technically, they don't have shit.

Watergate was pretty much a few neocons doing what Obama is doing with the IRS and the NSA every day.

Nah it was just some plumbers acting badly.

Really it was just a big joke.......

I forwarded the email before I was against it | Watts Up With That?
Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.

Forget nation building.
Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.

Bush should have followed al Qaeda into the hills and eventually into Pakistan if the Paks didn't finish the job that needed to be finished in Pakistan. He should have shown that without question,or interruption, the US would chase down, kill or capture people who committed acts like 9/11. Either friend or enemy, if you aren't part of the solution, get out of the way.

Finish what you start. In security and warfare, your enemies must understand that when you start something, you will follow through to the end. You do not quit, stall, make excuses. You must be relentless.
The reference to the oil company and ball team that Bush was handed and operated, but didn't finish the developing of the gifts given to him. Hence "frat boy". Nothing wrong with fraternities, but when used in this way it refers to spoiled rich kids who get handed endless opportunities, fail, and have their butts covered by virtue of their wealthy families.
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Switch Democrat and Republican around and you'll be on the money. You may not be concerned about the crap this administration did and does but that doesn't mean no one else should care about this country.

Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.

So you expect us to believe that you guys haven't been talking bad about Bush? That they haven't been calling him and his entire administration war-criminals?


Not after 9-11, he had nearly universal support here and abroad. It wasn't until he tried to morph that support into support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq did that support begin to wane.
Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.

Bush should have followed al Qaeda into the hills and eventually into Pakistan if the Paks didn't finish the job that needed to be finished in Pakistan. He should have shown that without question,or interruption, the US would chase down, kill or capture people who committed acts like 9/11. Either friend or enemy, if you aren't part of the solution, get out of the way.

Finish what you start. In security and warfare, your enemies must understand that when you start something, you will follow through to the end. You do not quit, stall, make excuses. You must be relentless.
The reference to the oil company and ball team that Bush was handed and operated, but didn't finish the developing of the gifts given to him. Hence "frat boy". Nothing wrong with fraternities, but when used in this way it refers to spoiled rich kids who get handed endless opportunities, fail, and have their butts covered by virtue of their wealthy families.
Marching into Pakistan wasn't doable, it's a touchy situation with them as is. And Osama of course knew it. And he was not the only concern. How many 9/11 type attacks have we had since? Is that a coincidence to you? I believe they got the message loud and clear.

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