Dear President Trump


Jun 16, 2020
Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane

Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane
It would take him a year to read all that.
Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane

Great post, thanks. Unfortunately, at least for the time being, radicalized leftist poison has spread so deeply, so systematically throughout every apparatus and aspect of our civilization that purging enough of it to make much of a difference would require violence in measures no elected politician is currently willing to take. Hell, most elected republicans refuse to even stand up vocally, on the record, in defense of our most sacred institutions, freedoms and historical memorials.

My late paternal grandfather, a WWII paratrooper pathfinder, would be devastated—so saddened by and at the sight of what the America he fought to defend has become. There's no excuse for any one of us individual Americans just standing by as our nation slides into the abyss of history. We should all be ashamed; ashamed for ourselves, for our fellow Americans and for our leaders and our soul taken press corps. As America nosedives into Hell most of us are content to eat popcorn and place wagers on how savagely low we will go before THE END.
LOL he didn't read the virus was coming , he's gonna read that??

He did read "no human transmission" - WHO

Perhaps he should not have trusted the lying "experts" and just shut the border instead of the country in a signature Trump move.
Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane
It would take him a year to read all that.

they might as well just reduce it to; "liberals and democrats BAD! conservatives and republicans GOOD!

Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane
It would take him a year to read all that.

they might as well just reduce it to; "liberals and democrats BAD! conservatives and republicans GOOD!


Liberals? There is like five today?

Conservatives? What did they conserve?

Stupid, profoundly stupid. Perhaps what you meant is:

Americans and American freedom is what I associate with. To hell with the rest.
Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane
The country sucks now, because the criminal oligarchy runs everything. Why fight for something so corrupt?
LOL he didn't read the virus was coming , he's gonna read that??

He did read "no human transmission" - WHO

Perhaps he should not have trusted the lying "experts" and just shut the border instead of the country in a signature Trump move.
Norman He knew and didn't act, it was NBD only 15 are dead. His procrastination cost 1000's of lives The man is not qualified for a leader Only for a game show host and you're FIRED
Soooo KILL everyone who doesn't agree with you.
Do you have ANY idea how Un-American and Anti-Constitutional that Manifesto is?
Dear President Trump,

Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for America sir!
I believe you have many true thoughts as to why this country is hurting. If it weren’t for China’s sick game we would still be climbing economically. I think you are doing a great job Sir!

I however feel the need to express to you a few of my thoughts as to why the country is still suffering so much at this time in our history. We as a patriotic collective, have become complacent and un-willing or afraid to organize and create a united front to save our country form terrorist groups like antifa. ( I am not saying that we have to use violence. I am also not talking about race here.) I am saying however that honest groups must take back American institutions that were meant to be un-bias and dedicated to truth, actual higher learning, useful, logical, understanding and thought! ----------------------------

First, I would like to give you some insight into where and how my thoughts developed. When my father came back to winter hill from Korea, my father, my uncles and their friends Had a very different view as to what it meant to be an American. They were happy to have given so much to their country. And even now when I talk with my uncle Carl and Uncle Jack, they said they would do it all again. When I turned 5 my family moved out of Somerville because my uncle Jack helped my dad get a job working at the General Dynamics ship yard in Quincy MA. My Father always was a tough man with a great heart. A few years into the job my father decided to take a role in the union. (he was a natural leader) At that time there were lots of abuses by the department bosses at the yard. He always felt the need to help honest people.

Unfortunately, over time there were soc/communist organizations straight out of colleges with USSR and others support attempting to subjugate / infiltrate the union telling the workers that they deserved free stuff, more money with out having to work for it. “Advancement should not rely on working harder.” My Dad came from Ireland with His Father, Mother and was from a family of 9 and grew up in a tough town. The family always knew the value of hard work. (“This value was instilled in my family as well”) So as a result my Dad was appalled at the constant attempts of the communists trying to take over Union with their sick anarchist agenda. When I was 11 years, I started working down at a coffee shop in front of the south gate down the yard. I can remember seeing battels all the time between honest workers alongside union official’s trying to stop the “comies” from intimidating the honest workers. Hell, I have very clear memories of My Dad dropping the socialists like dominos. (he would not be intimidated) I got in trouble at times for running out to help out against those idiots when someone would yell out,” Hey George your dads out there throwing down”.

What I am saying is, life was different back then. People loved this country and would fight to keep it healthy. Last thing about my dad: when I was in high school My father told me a story about Comrade Bernie. He warned me about things that were coming. (things that have come to a head in these times)

Bernie was not a democratic socialist, he was a card carrying communist and a lazy opportunist with a Red agenda. When Bernie came down to the shipyard to organize, he sat down with my dad to discuss the future. My father learned quite a bit about his movement. How much money the group had and how much support certain so called “business men” were giving to ferment instability. My Father privately investigated him and after, he booted his ass out in short order.

My uncle Jackie worked in the physics department at Harvard and my father and my uncle warned me about the infiltration of our universities. I also saw the beginning of a change of the guard in our high school Teachers that were taking over in the 70s. Hell, I am a very creative person and my dad directed me to go to a top art and design school. I don’t think he knew what I would be exposed to at Mass Art.

I saw what all universities would soon become. “Think like me or you don’t belong” Mentality was everywhere. Most of our graphic design teachers were telling the students that going to study for some time in Cuba was the best way to experience the best in design. And if we did not get involved in student political groups then we would not understand how to create effective design. I gagged at some of the organizations that sprung up in that school. We are talking late 70s on up. I felt like my teachers were trying to brainwash us and I hated it!

Today it is obvious that our schools and institutions have been overrun with illogical professors and group leaders that have anti American bias and I will go as far as saying they actively try to destroy the fabric of what most honest people call American culture. This organized anarchy and misinformation started Decades ago and went un checked up to now. (A nation brainwashing has taken place) Lazy parents, cowardly or brainwashed politicians and idiot talking heads in the media are much of the problem. (I also believe other countries are involved in our pain. It’s obvious!)

Mister President, we know this started many decades ago. I believe the only way this will ever be reversed (if it can be) would be through whole sale change in the institutions that the problems started in.

  • If we don’t go back to teaching “honest academic courses that will make a student competitive in the US job marked and that will help our country become a true leader scientifically technologically and economically” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t stop allowing communist agitators “and I do mean communist because socialists are the same thing and they know it” to teach our youth,” it will never happen!!!

  • If we don’t create a department in the government that has access to all media channels and is honest and able to broadcast on all channels while telling the world what is false or bias as opposed to a “socialist agenda supporting talking line ” it will never happen!!! ….I am not saying anything like the programs like the ones in Russia and China
  • If we don’t develop a huge patriotic nationwide program dedicated to teaching this new generation the truth about why our country is awesome and why socialism will never be able to work. We really need to go back to teaching true US history and not a history the socialists want us to believe is true or, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t stop telling every student in school that God does not exist or that Christian religion is responsible for all the wars in the world then, it will never happen!!!
  • If we don’t try to un-brainwash our younger generations and help them think with common sense, love and respect all others then it will never happen!!!
I know there is more to it but…

These latest generations are already touched with un truths. Which means they won’t except their children to be taught to love and respect their nation, God, free speech, other opinions, right and wrong, and how good we really have it in our country! Every generation that we don’t put our foot down in righteous protest will make it more impossible to affect the reversal of our demise as a democratic leader.

Old democrats like John Kennedy would never call themselves democrats again!

I know my dad would be rolling in his grave if he knew what was happening to his country.
  • President Trump do you have a solid plan to address the root of the problem behind the destruction of our system?

  • Is there any way we can take back our educational system?

  • Do you agree we need to have a government agency to help keep the media honest and un bias
    if there is one already then it seems to be quite ineffectual?

  • Is it possible to create a proper nationwide plan to teach the truth about our country and why it is the best?
Look, I know many people would say that these proposals are not constitutional and un attainable.

As I see it, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this situation. Our own fear over the years set us on the path to what we are reaping. We need to go back to the origin of the problem and kick its ass back into shape!

In some cases, the economy can help things to heal, but without stopping the evil idiots, and their stupid plan, they will still be able to influence our impressionable youth, scream out their lies and spew their hate.

I say the hell with them! They should not have that right even if they say they do they do under the constitution. What ever happened to the pledge of allegiance. (that’s right “dam comrades’” took it away from us!) all in their communist hand book.

Please President Trump

We stop them now or we never will!


George O’Kane
Trump is a weak lilly livered punk A coward from birth
Trump woulda fought to keep us safe but that god damn bone spur got in the way

Trump tried to close off travel and protect us from the virus but Dems called him a racist for doing so, fact! As is typical Eddie it's all the Dem's fault.

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