Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:
Dear white people, you're never discriminated against so shut up | Metro News

Laughably stupid given racist liberals like her demand racial discrimination in hiring and admissions and demand racial segregation on college campuses too.
Depends on how you define discrimination. I can't remember the last time a white person was "lynched". Can you?

Trump Effect: Biracial 8-year-old boy lynched by teenagers in New Hampshire

8 year old boy lynched - Google Search

Not surprisingly New Hampshire went to Hillary.

And let's not forget the KKK were demoquacks....hmmmm
"were".....trumpanzees support the KKK and their loser flag now.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
So what is a black person ?
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
So white people are less criminal than black people ?
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.
So how do explain the evidence to show otherwise ?
So white boys and girls, would you rather be black or white in these United States?
Usually deafening silence
I'll answer you.

I'd rather be white. In the States, or anywhere else.
Thats not what all white people say....



Check out the disrespect of the American flag in that first picture.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
The reason I ask you what a black person is that I have never heard a proper scientific definition. And I have debated THEM ALL.

And I'll bet you a thousand euros any day that you could not tell a difference between human brains and human brains racially. Nor does anybody else.

And nobody said evolution stopped at the neck.

But to you, it did, because in your world, the brain decided that if you had darker skin then it should evolve differently than if you had lighter skin, or almond-shaped eyes?

Right ?

You seem to flat out avoid facts presented right to your face, which is evidence to me of severe denial. Obviously you’re pretty committed to your ideology and since you don’t have any sources to back it up (and certainly not any that I haven’t debunked in the past weeks dealing with you)

I’m going to avoid attempting to lead you by the hand like a metaphorical Moses to the Promised Land of scientific fact.

Shoot, it’s apparent to me that you couldn’t come to a scientific conclusion if someone mapquested the directions for you.

But hey! Keep on hatin’
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:

IQ is not a fact.
Jury is still out and people with higher it's than you say there is no concensus
Sigh, do I have to look it up for you?
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:

Here you go darlin
Race and intelligence - Wikipedia
Try to quit posting selected sites which suit your made up mind.
Clearly you never did any high level research where you spend years comparing pros and cons
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
So what is a black person ?
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
So white people are less criminal than black people ?
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.
So how do explain the evidence to show otherwise ?
It's all stupid.
If you haven't grown up black in lousy schools and housing how can you ever know?
If you don't get pulled over 2 x a week you have zero to say
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:

Here you go darlin
Race and intelligence - Wikipedia
Try to quit posting selected sites which suit your made up mind.
Clearly you never did any high level research where you spend years comparing pros and cons

With the advent of emotional intelligence, which is measured differently that making people sit n a room for 4 hours filling in dots, we see that the racial myth of IQ is destroyed.
You bring up a salient point. The affirmative action that Negros require to force themselves upon employers; has been issued forth from well intending, albeit misguided whites. Funny how given that fact, they would complain about those who have helped them.

Yes, also when you consider than white women are the #1 beneficiary or affirmative action because she is a "minority" its equally funny how those misguided whites managed to place their women in first position by coincidence while telling goofy people like yourself that blacks are taking your job as Chief Toilet Sanitary officer.

Ok, I'll bite.

How do you come to the conclusion that white women are the #1 beneficiary of AA?

Things like numbers and facts which I use over your preferred method of emotional whining and foot stamping assertions. Btw, go find the info yourself because I know that will be your next complaint but I'm not here to mentor idiots just to set them straight.

You make a claim but refuse to back it up, but insist that it is true.

That's what an assertion IS.

You JUST DID, what you just accused me of.

And you think I'm the idiot here? LOL!!!!

I know bro, you claim someone is lying, beg them for a link and then if t h ey provide one it's fake...of they don't you beg for the link.

I'm not here to mentor you. This is a debate thread and unless you can prove me wrong then I have no use for your games.

Hell you never even say I'm wrong. You just want me to educate you. Nope

I asked you a question about a claim you made.

I was not going to call your link "Fake". l was planning on reading and addressing what claims were made.

THis is a debate thread. You are refusing to even try to support a claim you made, but are standing by it.

That is you losing.

Your spin? Such bs as wanting you to educate me? That's just you being an ass.
What this is all about is the fact that black racists are upset that when they get old their hair turns white, and white supremists are upset that their shadow is black. The meskins and the chinks haven't replied yet.
Everything should be based on merit.

No affirmative action.

If 90% of the California colleges are Asian because they are the top 90%, so be it.

Fuck 'em if you can't hang with the best.
FYI, where I live, the best workers are Mexicans.

We are building a house and that's what our contractor says.

They show up on time and work hard. They are better than the locals.

So I want my contractor only hiring the best.

And if they are all Mexicans, so be it.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.
tough shit.
Now you know how many whites feel about the incessant whining from blacks... See? We found some common ground there... Ain't progress grand?
We have no common ground. If you need legislation in place to give you a head start youre admitting you are inferior.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.

No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?
Whites had affirmative action for over 400 years and still going.
That wasn't affirmative action. That was merely laws operating as intended. By whites, for whites.
Affirmative action. You guys were even afraid your women would do better than you. :laugh:
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:

Here you go darlin
Race and intelligence - Wikipedia
Try to quit posting selected sites which suit your made up mind.
Clearly you never did any high level research where you spend years comparing pros and cons

With the advent of emotional intelligence, which is measured differently that making people sit n a room for 4 hours filling in dots, we see that the racial myth of IQ is destroyed.
Its like I keep proving to these insecure, illiterate white boys. How can you expect me to believe white people are smarter than me when my ancestors had to educate your ancestors not once but twice? :laugh:
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.
tough shit.
Now you know how many whites feel about the incessant whining from blacks... See? We found some common ground there... Ain't progress grand?
We have no common ground. If you need legislation in place to give you a head start youre admitting you are inferior.
So you're against affirmative action? Good.
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