Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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I have friends....very dear friends that don't have the same skin color as I do. I love them , hold them dear and my life has been better for just having them a part of it. Tried and true all the way through. This "divide and conquer" bullshit is the calling card method of the jesuits and the Vatican. If there were ONLY white people in this country? They would figure out a way to use prejudice by alienating those with blue eyes against those with brown eyes. Wake up, friends and neighbors. Look at the ways they divide us using tribalism....race, political, economical, gender, sexual orientation lines...hell they even use sports to drive a wedge.... while we never look at the puppet masters that are pulling the strings. The picture is so clear to me and I get frustrated that others can't see it. If you can see the big picture and you seek truth? You are my brother or sister in the fight because we are ALL debt slaves on this plantation. You have no allodial rights to property as we've been under military rule for at least 75 years or more since HJR 192 was implemented and they reduced honest money to mere military scrip i.e Federal Reserve Notes when under penalty of their admiralty law that the people had to turn in their gold (real money) for debt notes.

Have you ever wondered as to why we are still under the Lieber Code that was put in place after the Civil War?

Lieber Code, General Orders No. 100 Section II, Article 31: A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public movable property until further direction by its government, and sequesters for its own benefit or that of its government all revenues of real property belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real property remains in abeyance during military occupation, and until the conquest is made complete.

We were conquered via the 14th amendment that made us U.S citizens and by claiming so makes you a defacto-employee thus subject to their jurisdiction. Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State".
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.

No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?
Whites had affirmative action for over 400 years and still going.
That wasn't affirmative action. That was merely laws operating as intended. By whites, for whites.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.

No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?

Affirmative action benefits white women over all others. Go cry your wife a river.
So you have something against women getting ahead? Or only if they are white?
As a system black people can't be racist

Although a black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person.

This kind of thing rarely happens because

A) It's rare to find a black person in an authority position over whites.

B) And even if you find one, then there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions

C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black people to oppress white people doesn't exist.

Having said that, it is certainly true that in other countries, black people could have power sufficient to discriminate whites.

Although even anti-white bias in places like (Nigeria, Ghana, Carribbean) is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
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I give the author affirmative action
You bring up a salient point. The affirmative action that Negros require to force themselves upon employers; has been issued forth from well intending, albeit misguided whites. Funny how given that fact, they would complain about those who have helped them.

Yes, also when you consider than white women are the #1 beneficiary or affirmative action because she is a "minority" its equally funny how those misguided whites managed to place their women in first position by coincidence while telling goofy people like yourself that blacks are taking your job as Chief Toilet Sanitary officer.
I still own my company... Perhaps you have me confused with another poster?
I give the author affirmative action
You bring up a salient point. The affirmative action that Negros require to force themselves upon employers; has been issued forth from well intending, albeit misguided whites. Funny how given that fact, they would complain about those who have helped them.

Yes, also when you consider than white women are the #1 beneficiary or affirmative action because she is a "minority" its equally funny how those misguided whites managed to place their women in first position by coincidence while telling goofy people like yourself that blacks are taking your job as Chief Toilet Sanitary officer.

Ok, I'll bite.

How do you come to the conclusion that white women are the #1 beneficiary of AA?

Things like numbers and facts which I use over your preferred method of emotional whining and foot stamping assertions. Btw, go find the info yourself because I know that will be your next complaint but I'm not here to mentor idiots just to set them straight.

You make a claim but refuse to back it up, but insist that it is true.

That's what an assertion IS.

You JUST DID, what you just accused me of.

And you think I'm the idiot here? LOL!!!!
As a system black people can't be racist

Although a black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person.

This kind of thing rarely happens because

A) It's rare to find a black person in an authority position over whites.

B) And even if you find one, then there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions

C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black people to oppress white people doesn't exist.

Having said that, it is certainly true that in other countries, black people could have power sufficient to discriminate whites.

Although even anti-white bias in places like (Nigeria, Ghana, Carribbean) is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
So you blame your failure in life on whites. Gee, what a surprise!!
As a system black people can't be racist

Although a black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person.

This kind of thing rarely happens because

A) It's rare to find a black person in an authority position over whites.

B) And even if you find one, then there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions

C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black people to oppress white people doesn't exist.

Having said that, it is certainly true that in other countries, black people could have power sufficient to discriminate whites.

Although even anti-white bias in places like (Nigeria, Ghana, Carribbean) is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
So you blame your failure in life on whites. Gee, what a surprise!!
No one excapes discrimination. All people experience disrimination at some point in their life to some varying degree.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.

No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?

Affirmative action benefits white women over all others. Go cry your wife a river.
So you have something against women getting ahead? Or only if they are white?

What happened to it being an "affront to freedom"? Now you want to discuss the pros of it when it's white girls?
I give the author affirmative action
You bring up a salient point. The affirmative action that Negros require to force themselves upon employers; has been issued forth from well intending, albeit misguided whites. Funny how given that fact, they would complain about those who have helped them.

Yes, also when you consider than white women are the #1 beneficiary or affirmative action because she is a "minority" its equally funny how those misguided whites managed to place their women in first position by coincidence while telling goofy people like yourself that blacks are taking your job as Chief Toilet Sanitary officer.

Ok, I'll bite.

How do you come to the conclusion that white women are the #1 beneficiary of AA?

Things like numbers and facts which I use over your preferred method of emotional whining and foot stamping assertions. Btw, go find the info yourself because I know that will be your next complaint but I'm not here to mentor idiots just to set them straight.

You make a claim but refuse to back it up, but insist that it is true.

That's what an assertion IS.

You JUST DID, what you just accused me of.

And you think I'm the idiot here? LOL!!!!

I know bro, you claim someone is lying, beg them for a link and then if t h ey provide one it's fake...of they don't you beg for the link.

I'm not here to mentor you. This is a debate thread and unless you can prove me wrong then I have no use for your games.

Hell you never even say I'm wrong. You just want me to educate you. Nope
As a system black people can't be racist

Although a black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person.

This kind of thing rarely happens because

A) It's rare to find a black person in an authority position over whites.

B) And even if you find one, then there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions

C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black people to oppress white people doesn't exist.

Having said that, it is certainly true that in other countries, black people could have power sufficient to discriminate whites.

Although even anti-white bias in places like (Nigeria, Ghana, Carribbean) is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
So you blame your failure in life on whites. Gee, what a surprise!!

Nothing here is about blame or personal tit for tat. It's just the facts
Being forced to involuntary hire anyone is an affront to freedom.

No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?

Affirmative action benefits white women over all others. Go cry your wife a river.
So you have something against women getting ahead? Or only if they are white?

What happened to it being an "affront to freedom"? Now you want to discuss the pros of it when it's white girls?
Asking an inane question, isn't an answer. Answer the question, or move along...
No one is forced to hire anyone they don't want. Also no one is going to allow you to be blatantly racist and threaten people's ability to eat because you cry about freedom
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?

Affirmative action benefits white women over all others. Go cry your wife a river.
So you have something against women getting ahead? Or only if they are white?

What happened to it being an "affront to freedom"? Now you want to discuss the pros of it when it's white girls?
Asking an inane question, isn't an answer. Answer the question, or move along...

You don't move me fool. Heres what youre going to do. Either explain why you describe affirmative action as a personal affront on freedom whole also being for it to promote white women getting ahead but against it for all others or stfu.
Actually affirmative action does just that. Who's threatening anyone's ability to eat?

Affirmative action benefits white women over all others. Go cry your wife a river.
So you have something against women getting ahead? Or only if they are white?

What happened to it being an "affront to freedom"? Now you want to discuss the pros of it when it's white girls?
Asking an inane question, isn't an answer. Answer the question, or move along...

You don't move me fool. Heres what youre going to do. Either explain why you describe affirmative action as a personal affront on freedom whole also being for it to promote white women getting ahead but against it for all others or stfu.
Wrong again... That isn't how adult discourse goes... So... You can grow up, and answer the question. Or maintain your petulence, and your record of not being able to substantiate your claim.
As a system black people can't be racist

Although a black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person.

This kind of thing rarely happens because

A) It's rare to find a black person in an authority position over whites.

B) And even if you find one, then there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions

C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black people to oppress white people doesn't exist.

Having said that, it is certainly true that in other countries, black people could have power sufficient to discriminate whites.

Although even anti-white bias in places like (Nigeria, Ghana, Carribbean) is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
So you blame your failure in life on whites. Gee, what a surprise!!

Nothing here is about blame or personal tit for tat. It's just the facts
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
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