Death In Ghayil, Yemen...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
A perspective most Americans aren't exposed to. Yes we did lose a US Soldier, but several others including innocent women and children were also killed in the attack. As Americans, we're indoctrinated to only care about Americans being killed. We're taught that it's only American lives that count. But an American life isn't any more 'valuable' than a Yemeni child's life. We should think about that more often. Maybe more Americans would stop supporting the Endless War agenda?


On January 29, 5-year-old Sinan al Ameri was asleep with his mother, his aunt, and 12 other children in a one-room stone hut typical of poor rural villages in the highlands of Yemen. A little after 1 a.m., the women and children awoke to the sound of a gunfight erupting a few hundred feet away. Roughly 30 members of Navy SEAL Team 6 were storming the eastern hillside of the remote settlement.

According to residents of the village of al Ghayil, in Yemen’s al Bayda province, the first to die in the assault was 13-year-old Nasser al Dhahab. The house of his uncle, Sheikh Abdulraouf al Dhahab, and the building behind it, the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight.

With the SEALs taking heavy fire on the lower slopes, attack helicopters swept over the hillside hamlet above. In what seemed to be blind panic, the gunships bombarded the entire village, striking more than a dozen buildings, razing stone dwellings where families slept, and wiping out more than 120 goats, sheep, and donkeys.

Three projectiles tore through the straw and timber roof of the home where Sinan slept. Cowering in a corner, Sinan’s mother, 30-year-old Fatim Saleh Mohsen, decided to flee the bombardment. Grabbing her 18-month-old son and ushering her terrified children into the narrow outdoor passageway between the tightly packed dwellings, she headed into the open...

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Death in Ghayil
we should have been out of the mid east fifteen years ago if not sooner than that ...

now we have another dipshit POTUS slobbering "bomb the hell out of them"

amazing idiots ...
we should have been out of the mid east fifteen years ago if not sooner than that ...

now we have another dipshit POTUS slobbering "bomb the hell out of them"

amazing idiots ...

Obungles did his fair share of bombing also.
we should have been out of the mid east fifteen years ago if not sooner than that ...

now we have another dipshit POTUS slobbering "bomb the hell out of them"

amazing idiots ...

Yeah, 14yrs in Iraq, 16yrs in Afghanistan. And now we're invading Syria too? We need to end this Endless War agenda. We need to come home.
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN
we should have been out of the mid east fifteen years ago if not sooner than that ...

now we have another dipshit POTUS slobbering "bomb the hell out of them"

amazing idiots ...

Yeah, 14yrs in Iraq, 16yrs in Afghanistan. And now we're invading Syria too? We need to end this Endless War agenda. We need to come home.

Syria is fool's errand, Russia is too invested and will never give it up
America and Americans First today and forever more !!

I agree with that sentiment most often. But we do tend to only obsess over American lives lost. Most Americans truly believe that an American life is more 'valuable' than a Yemeni child's life. It's like we've been indoctrinated to believe they aren't human beings. I guess that indoctrination is part of the Endless War agenda. If you don't really believe they're even human, you'll support all wars all the time.
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?
we should have been out of the mid east fifteen years ago if not sooner than that ...

now we have another dipshit POTUS slobbering "bomb the hell out of them"

amazing idiots ...

Yeah, 14yrs in Iraq, 16yrs in Afghanistan. And now we're invading Syria too? We need to end this Endless War agenda. We need to come home.

Syria is fool's errand, Russia is too invested and will never give it up

They'll likely end up Partitioning Syria. Half will go to the US/West, and half will go to Assad/Russia/Iran. That's why the US rushed in there recently. It wants its piece of the Syrian pie. They understood ISIS was being routed by Assad/Russia/Iran. They knew their justifications for invading Syria were just about done. So now, they get to invade in the name of 'Fighting ISIS.'

This US/West 'Regime Change' plan was in the works long before ISIS. They're just carrying out the plan. It's another bloody mess. But hey, Americans apparently love their Perpetual War. It hasn't hit home for em yet. It's all so far away. But one day this Perpetual War agenda is gonna come back to bite em bigtime.
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM

Well, Shiites actually aren't a 'small minority' in Yemen. The country is split roughly 50/50 Shiite-Sunni. But regardless, we shouldn't be intervening. It's not our war.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.

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