Death makes a deal with the Governor of Georgia

Better tell Georgians to move to places like DC and Chicago where there are some of the Nation's strictest gun laws and plenty of designated "gun free" zones.

..........and move to the highest crime areas in the nation? No thank you. We like law and order down South. Gun free zones are where lawlessness flourishes. Speaking of which.....

Someone might want to demand a repeal of Bill Clintons ban on the gun free zone at Ft. Hood. No reason to wait for strike 3. See Steve Stockman's bill to repeal Clintons gun ban and let your representatives in Congress know you support it. Thank you and have a nice day. Ya hear?

- Jeri
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Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
I endorse defending the Second Amendment 100%. It is very clear to me that the 2nd guarantees the right of an individual to own firearms.

But to extrapolate that it means people have a right to take guns into bars??? That's just insane.

Between that and the way he screwed the pooch and caused a 24-hour traffic jam after an inch and a half of snow (and lied like crazy to try to cover his ass) ... I won't be voting for him again. But I have no doubt he will survive and be re-elected anyway.
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LMAO. Yea who cares that mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun to kill themselves with. I mean, YOU don't care. But fuck, from what I read that you write, you only care about you. That sound about right?

Mental illness does not cause suicide by gun and drunk driving doesn't cause fatal accidents by car.

That about sum up your position?

Both causes of death are mental impairments, so they must be equal in their cause and effect. Right? But you want to count the drunk driving deaths and not count the suicide deaths.

Why is that?

The only mentally ill people I've seen going on shooting rampages have been on psychotronic drugs that should be made illegal in the United States. SSRI drugs Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, have been found in the systems of the shooters at Columbine, Newtown, Mall shootings, police officer who went on shooting rampage in california was on SSRI - the last Ft. Hood Shooter was on an SSRI. Ban the SSRI's and you'll go far in curbing the mental impairment issue.

As a resident of the South - I do not know anyone who doesn't own a gun and have yet to see any of them mishandle a gun or harm anyone. Guns don't kill people. People on SSRI's kill people. Fact check it. - Jeremiah

Hey, how many people have you seen going on a suicide rampage?

As to why I should have some concern when I see someone I don't know open carrying?
I think it has to do with the fact I don't know them, how stable they are etc and they must have some fear that prompts them to open carry. Fear prompts people to do strange things. I should be cautious of some person I don't know carrying a weapon to shop for groceries. It's what a smart person does when confronted with a dangerous situation.

And back to the "guns don't kill people". No they don't. At least when left alone. It seems to be when people load them and start pulling the trigger that guns kill people. I think they call that a "symbiotic relationship". One needs the other.

What you want to do to stop that? Cut off some trigger fingers?

You're missing the point here. According to your logic - we should ban box cutters, steak knives, airplanes, cars, trucks, pressure cookers, what else would you like to ban? Gasoline? Diesel fuel?

At the end of the day you can ban everything and you will only succeed in strengthening the criminal (and the SSRI users going off rails) and increasing lawlessness with each restrictrion...

if you have a pencil according to Joe Biden? That is a weapon too. Better turn in the pencils too. :eek:

Getting the picture yet?
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I endorse defending the Second Amendment 100%. It is very clear to me that the 2nd guarantees the right of an individual to own firearms.

But to extrapolate that it means people have a right to take guns into bars??? That's just insane.

Between that and the way he screwed the pooch and caused a 24-hour traffic jam after an inch and a half of snow ... I won't be voting for him again. But I have no doubt he will survive and be re-elected anyway.

Nathan Deal wants to be re-elected and he knows this is how he makes Georgians happy. He isn't my favorite person although he somehow managed to become Ralstons friend he is doubtful to win next go around. He got in by a half point -beating Karen Handel. It is doubtful he will be that lucky this time. Even with this bill which really is about N. Ga. for the most part.
Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.
I endorse defending the Second Amendment 100%. It is very clear to me that the 2nd guarantees the right of an individual to own firearms.

But to extrapolate that it means people have a right to take guns into bars??? That's just insane.

Between that and the way he screwed the pooch and caused a 24-hour traffic jam after an inch and a half of snow ... I won't be voting for him again. But I have no doubt he will survive and be re-elected anyway.

Nathan Deal wants to be re-elected and he knows this is how he makes Georgians happy. He isn't my favorite person although he somehow managed to become Ralstons friend he is doubtful to win next go around. He got in by a half point -beating Karen Handel. It is doubtful he will be that lucky this time. Even with this bill which really is about N. Ga. for the most part.

It's about getting the NRA money and endorsement - he said so himself. Very upfront about it.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

That 33K includes suicides and suicide is not illegal therefore should not be counted.

LMAO. Yea who cares that mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun to kill themselves with. I mean, YOU don't care. But fuck, from what I read that you write, you only care about you. That sound about right?

Mental illness does not cause suicide by gun and drunk driving doesn't cause fatal accidents by car.

That about sum up your position?

Both causes of death are mental impairments, so they must be equal in their cause and effect. Right? But you want to count the drunk driving deaths and not count the suicide deaths.

Why is that?

I don't care because I do not think suicide is wrong. It's not immoral, it's not a sin and it's not illegal.
Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.

I agree that the second amendment has to be repealed to "disarm" Americans.
But expanding background checks and keeping guns out of bars is not "disarming" people.
To suggest otherwise is just hyperbole.
I endorse defending the Second Amendment 100%. It is very clear to me that the 2nd guarantees the right of an individual to own firearms.

But to extrapolate that it means people have a right to take guns into bars??? That's just insane.

Between that and the way he screwed the pooch and caused a 24-hour traffic jam after an inch and a half of snow ... I won't be voting for him again. But I have no doubt he will survive and be re-elected anyway.

Nathan Deal wants to be re-elected and he knows this is how he makes Georgians happy. He isn't my favorite person although he somehow managed to become Ralstons friend he is doubtful to win next go around. He got in by a half point -beating Karen Handel. It is doubtful he will be that lucky this time. Even with this bill which really is about N. Ga. for the most part.

It's about getting the NRA money and endorsement - he said so himself. Very upfront about it.

You don't have to tell me about Nathan Deal. I am well aware of how he does things. I campaigned for someone who ran against him. A few years ago. I felt that strongly against Deal - it compelled me!
I am for full 2nd amendment rights as displayed down here in Ga but I am not a fan of Nathan Deals! I've been watching him and I am not impressed. This latest move by him is playing to the emotions of Georgians and I don't appreciate beiing manipulated. He is too friendly with the wrong people. He's not working for me. We'll keep the guns and let him go next go round. - J.
Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.

I agree that the second amendment has to be repealed to "disarm" Americans.
But expanding background checks and keeping guns out of bars is not "disarming" people.
To suggest otherwise is just hyperbole.

There are no restrictions on 2nd amendment rights. They are to be used any time, any place.. Guns have been in Ga bars for decades. It's only bringing things out in the open - this is how it is done in Georgia. If you don't like Georgia you could always leave and move to another State too. Have you ever thought of it? - Jeremiah
The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.

I agree that the second amendment has to be repealed to "disarm" Americans.
But expanding background checks and keeping guns out of bars is not "disarming" people.
To suggest otherwise is just hyperbole.

There are no restrictions on 2nd amendment rights. They are to be used any time, any place.. Guns have been in Ga bars for decades. It's only bringing things out in the open - this is how it is done in Georgia. If you don't like Georgia you could always leave and move to another State too. Have you ever thought of it? - Jeremiah

Nope, I'll stay and keep voting the way I vote and hoping more people join me.

There are no restrictions on 2nd amendment rights. They are to be used any time, any place

Really? Take one to a school and see what happens. Or into the cabin of a commercial plane.

I'd like to see that list expanded. We'll see how it goes.
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Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.

Time will tell the wisdom of this new law. I can't imagine a bar owner allowing guns to mix with alcohol - a more lethal combination is hard to imagine.
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.

Time will tell the wisdom of this new law. I can't imagine a bar owner allowing guns to mix with alcohol - a more lethal combination is hard to imagine.

I'll take "Progressive dictatorship and unarmed citizens" for over 100 million murdered, Alex
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.

Time will tell the wisdom of this new law. I can't imagine a bar owner allowing guns to mix with alcohol - a more lethal combination is hard to imagine.

I'll take "Progressive dictatorship and unarmed citizens" for over 100 million murdered, Alex

"Sorry NO!; but Frank, you're now in possession of one or our longest standing records, minus $30,000 is the furthest behind any contestant has been, and in fact surpasses the total negative number of all past contestants. You are remarkable, sir."
Time will tell the wisdom of this new law. I can't imagine a bar owner allowing guns to mix with alcohol - a more lethal combination is hard to imagine.

I'll take "Progressive dictatorship and unarmed citizens" for over 100 million murdered, Alex

"Sorry NO!; but Frank, you're now in possession of one or our longest standing records, minus $30,000 is the furthest behind any contestant has been, and in fact surpasses the total negative number of all past contestants. You are remarkable, sir."

Watch Saturday Night Live: Celebrity Jeopardy: Stewart, Reynolds and Connery Online | Hulu
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

I'll take "Progressive dictatorship and unarmed citizens" for over 100 million murdered, Alex

"Sorry NO!; but Frank, you're now in possession of one or our longest standing records, minus $30,000 is the furthest behind any contestant has been, and in fact surpasses the total negative number of all past contestants. You are remarkable, sir."

Watch Saturday Night Live: Celebrity Jeopardy: Stewart, Reynolds and Connery Online | Hulu

That was a very funny bit.

"Buck Fudder"
I don't get it"
"Oh, I think you do, Trebek"
Nathan Deal wants to be re-elected and he knows this is how he makes Georgians happy. He isn't my favorite person although he somehow managed to become Ralstons friend he is doubtful to win next go around. He got in by a half point -beating Karen Handel. It is doubtful he will be that lucky this time. Even with this bill which really is about N. Ga. for the most part.

It's about getting the NRA money and endorsement - he said so himself. Very upfront about it.

You don't have to tell me about Nathan Deal. I am well aware of how he does things. I campaigned for someone who ran against him. A few years ago. I felt that strongly against Deal - it compelled me!
I am for full 2nd amendment rights as displayed down here in Ga but I am not a fan of Nathan Deals! I've been watching him and I am not impressed. This latest move by him is playing to the emotions of Georgians and I don't appreciate beiing manipulated. He is too friendly with the wrong people. He's not working for me. We'll keep the guns and let him go next go round. - J.

I may accept more in terms of background checks and time, place, and manner restrictions (but not that much) but we are in 100% agreement here.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?


Let's don't.

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