Death makes a deal with the Governor of Georgia

Nwo its my turn to miss the point. What are the arguments in 80% of gun violence?
I am simply wondering why the the control freaks only ever mention mass shootings but never specifically mention gang shootings which account for 80% of gun murders

It seems to me that focusing their concern on the major cause of gun deaths is a better use of time than obsessing over the cause of less than one percent.

The gun murder rate among the average law abiding homeowners is not the problem

I guess there isn't as much concern and sympathy for gang-bangers who decide to voluntarily thin their herd, than there is for school kids who had absolutely no clue they weren't gonna make recess that day.

You are correct there. I could care less when a gangbanger kills another gangbanger. I do care when they harm the innocent. Funny how all these ACLU types fight tooth and nail to keep these violent pricks on the street where they can continue their mayhem instead of rotting away in prison where they belong.
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.


This is not my argument. I support the Second Amendment, but I have some reservations about how it is interpreted. And I am not, therefore, taking-on either side.

Still, some "link" evidence is a good thing. This is not entirely responsive, I guess. But it's a start:

Gun Control Statistics

Then there's this:

* * * *Our study also provided some surprising information. While support for strict gun-control laws usually bas been strongest in large cities, where crime rates are highest, that's precisely where right-to-carry laws have produced the largest drops in violent crimes. For example, in counties with populations of more than 200,000 people, concealed handgun laws produced an average drop in murder rates of more than 13%. The half of the counties with the highest rape rates saw that crime drop by more than 7%. * * * *

source is: More Guns Equal Less Violent Crime
by Professor John R. Lott, Jr.
University of Chicago Law School
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago IL 60637 found at: Effects of Gun Control

It's a bit dated, but still, interesting.

Related from that link is this interesting tidbit:

Professor Gary Kleck is a life long (self-avowed) liberal democrat, author of Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America. He had expected the research involved in that writing to infer negatively on gun ownership. He discovered a vast amount of violent crimes were prevented by firearms usage. Even though this was contrary to his original premise, he had the integrity to stand by his research. Although that book was awarded the best book (of 1993) on criminology by the American Society of Criminology it was largely ignored by gun control advocates such as most medical journals and our Government's Justice Department and Center for Disease Control.
-- Effects of Gun Control
Nwo its my turn to miss the point. What are the arguments in 80% of gun violence?
I am simply wondering why the the control freaks only ever mention mass shootings but never specifically mention gang shootings which account for 80% of gun murders

It seems to me that focusing their concern on the major cause of gun deaths is a better use of time than obsessing over the cause of less than one percent.

The gun murder rate among the average law abiding homeowners is not the problem

I guess there isn't as much concern and sympathy for gang-bangers who decide to voluntarily thin their herd, than there is for school kids who had absolutely no clue they weren't gonna make recess that day.

Then maybe control freaks should stop using the 30,000 death number and scale down all gun murder statistics so as to only reflect the murders they care about.

The gun legislation is fine, not expanding Medicaid was stupid.
I agree that the second amendment has to be repealed to "disarm" Americans.
But expanding background checks and keeping guns out of bars is not "disarming" people.
To suggest otherwise is just hyperbole.

There are no restrictions on 2nd amendment rights. They are to be used any time, any place.. Guns have been in Ga bars for decades. It's only bringing things out in the open - this is how it is done in Georgia. If you don't like Georgia you could always leave and move to another State too. Have you ever thought of it? - Jeremiah

Nope, I'll stay and keep voting the way I vote and hoping more people join me.

There are no restrictions on 2nd amendment rights. They are to be used any time, any place

Really? Take one to a school and see what happens. Or into the cabin of a commercial plane.

I'd like to see that list expanded. We'll see how it goes.

It isn't legal. That was Bill Clintons bill - the gun ban that makes it illegal for even soldiers on Ft. Hood base to carry a weapon. It is why people are open season and getting shot down by these shooters hopped up on SSRI's. Vote yes to Stockmans bill to repeal Bill Clintons gun ban bill. 2nd amendment rights should be in action wherever you are and if it isn't? It is a disaster waiting to happen. It is the reason 9/11 happened. No one was allowed to have a gun and the bad guys used box cutters.

Maybe you should think a little harder on that one.... gun free zones are kill zones. Plain and simple. Clinton knew that before he introduced his bill. The motive? To increase gun bans to complete disarming of US citizens. Turn it around now and demand Stockmans bill to repeal Clinton gun ban is permitted to the floor for a vote.
Gun free zones are kill zones. Plain and simple. ( worth repeating that message )

recent history proves that. Chicago proves that, DC proves that. Ft Hood proves that.

for clarification: the Ga law only applies to holders of legal valid concealed carry permits----not everyone.
This is beyond protecting 2nd amendment rights. this is the promotion of a gun culture. And what has a gun culture wrought? Mass shootings. Not just the every day tragedies of gun violence, but MASS shootings. ?And what puts the "mass" in mass shootings? Guns not imagined on our streets until the gun culture lobby cleared a legislative path for them. Semi-automatic firing systems and high capacity ammunition magazines. Just like the guns the gun nuts see in their favorite action movies.

This gun culture spawns death. Why celebrate it?

I'm glad that guns were illegal for decades here in Chicago.

It was nothing but peace, love and puppy dogs. :cuckoo:
This is beyond protecting 2nd amendment rights. this is the promotion of a gun culture. And what has a gun culture wrought? Mass shootings. Not just the every day tragedies of gun violence, but MASS shootings. ?And what puts the "mass" in mass shootings? Guns not imagined on our streets until the gun culture lobby cleared a legislative path for them. Semi-automatic firing systems and high capacity ammunition magazines. Just like the guns the gun nuts see in their favorite action movies.

This gun culture spawns death. Why celebrate it?

I'm glad that guns were illegal for decades here in Chicago.

It was nothing but peace, love and puppy dogs. :cuckoo:

Homicide victims in Chicago tend to be men in their late teens or early 20s who were shot to death on the South or West Sides, RedEye data reflect.

Two double homicides over Easter....I guess they will put the doctrine of resurrection to the test sooner than later.
The only mentally ill people I've seen going on shooting rampages have been on psychotronic drugs that should be made illegal in the United States. SSRI drugs Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, have been found in the systems of the shooters at Columbine, Newtown, Mall shootings, police officer who went on shooting rampage in california was on SSRI - the last Ft. Hood Shooter was on an SSRI. Ban the SSRI's and you'll go far in curbing the mental impairment issue.

As a resident of the South - I do not know anyone who doesn't own a gun and have yet to see any of them mishandle a gun or harm anyone. Guns don't kill people. People on SSRI's kill people. Fact check it. - Jeremiah

Hey, how many people have you seen going on a suicide rampage?

As to why I should have some concern when I see someone I don't know open carrying?
I think it has to do with the fact I don't know them, how stable they are etc and they must have some fear that prompts them to open carry. Fear prompts people to do strange things. I should be cautious of some person I don't know carrying a weapon to shop for groceries. It's what a smart person does when confronted with a dangerous situation.

And back to the "guns don't kill people". No they don't. At least when left alone. It seems to be when people load them and start pulling the trigger that guns kill people. I think they call that a "symbiotic relationship". One needs the other.

What you want to do to stop that? Cut off some trigger fingers?

Its a pretty fair bet that people who are so scared of the world that they can't even leave the house without their pacifier, er, uh, I mean, gun, are probably pretty unstable.

OTOH, I'd prefer they be forced to open carry. Only cowards hide the fact they are armed. Cowards and loons.

Jeremiah, what is a "psychotronic drug?" Do you mean psychotropic drugs?

The SSRI's. Thanks, Luddly. I believe there is a connection between the SSRI's and suicide / mass shootings. People on SSRI's should not own a firearm or have access to one in my opinion. note*** I have no problem leaving my house without a firearm. I don't know anyone who does.
Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.

I agree that the second amendment has to be repealed to "disarm" Americans.
But expanding background checks and keeping guns out of bars is not "disarming" people.
To suggest otherwise is just hyperbole.
but it is an infringement on someones rights, and that is the issue
Every Progressive Dictatorship from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot was a gun free zone

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The American people will never agree to be disarmed. It is a dead in the water issue. It is time for something to be discussed which is negotiable. Taxes, too many laws, re-examining ways to help the economy, etc.

The last issue Americans should be discussing is one that is not up for discussion! 2nd amendment rights are not negotiable. I think our representatives must make this clear so the discussion stops coming up. It is quite ridiculous.

Then nothing else will be talked about...thats not how the game is played.

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