Death makes a deal with the Governor of Georgia

"Picture this: It's a pleasant summer day. The kids are out of school, and you've decided to take them to the local park. You're sitting on a park bench in the shade, watching them play, when you suddenly notice a man dressed in a heavy winter coat approaching the playground.

As he scurries past you, you notice a handgun strapped around his waistband. Alarmed? You should be. Who is this man, and why is he armed at your children's playground? Concerned enough to call the local police?

Not a bad idea, but here is the problem. Starting July 1, law enforcement in Georgia will not be able do much for you. As a matter of fact, they could get sued if they detain the man you called about and ask him whether he has a valid weapons carry license. That's because, under Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act, it is prohibited for police to detain someone for the purpose of checking for a license. So much for safe.

But wait, it gets better. Worried about convicted felons toting guns? Rest assured, convicted felons are still prohibited from possessing firearms in Georgia -- except in the act of self-defense.

But, you might ask, don't you have to possess a firearm first in order to be able to use it in self-defense? Correct. So, what kind of sense does that make? It doesn't. It encourages gun ownership and use by convicted felons. Think about it. All they have to do now is claim "self-defense." Feeling safer already?

Finally, Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act may also cost you more money. Before this law, cities could simply prohibit firearms or any other weapons in government buildings by posting a sign; now, they can do so only by screening entrances into the government building with security personnel. And guess who ends up paying for that? That's right, the taxpayer. And if the police officer is sued for asking to see a gun carry permit, who will pay for his or her defense? It will be up to the municipality, using taxpayer funds.

But not only does it cost us more, it also has a chilling effect on open government. Many citizens might feel discouraged from visiting their local government offices, knowing that they are now subject to being screened.

While these revisions certainly favor the rights of gun owners, they create dilemmas for local law enforcement and government. As a police chief, my main concern is the safety our residents. As police, we have taken an oath to protect and serve, and this new law doesn't help us."

Warren Summers, Norcross, GA Chief of Police

Why should I be concerned? I have a gun too. If the idiot is going to try and harm someone he'll find out he should have gone to a "gun free" zone instead. People aren't allowed to protect themselves there.
Florida Sheriffs Association
Proclamation 2013-1

Support of Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

WHEREAS, the Florida Constitution in Article VIII, Section 1(d), created the Office of the Sheriff and invested the Sheriff with certain powers necessary to carry out his or her duties to serve and protect the public; and

WHEREAS, Sheriffs are charged with the public trust and are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees the right to bear arms; and

WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution assures the right of the people to keep and bear arms; and

WHEREAS, Florida Sheriffs have continually supported the rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States, including the right to bear arms, and Florida Sheriffs affirm they will not assist, support, or condone any unconstitutional infringement of that right;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, that on this 29th day of January 2012 at the Winter Conference in Destin, Florida, the Florida Sheriffs Association publicly acknowledges and reiterates its support for the rights provided by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Actually it's the fault of people like yourself. Do you not realize that all the mass shootings happen in gun free zones?
And you believe that armed civilians could prevent mass shootings?

In March of 1981, there were four people shot in front of a hotel in Washington D.C. These four people were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in the history of the earth, yet there they were, shot down.

And you think the average Joe, by virtue of a Saturday morning's worth of 'training' can stop an armed assailant and behave like Dirty Harry in a chaotic situation?

Yes, i could stop a mass murderer, I'm a very good shot. I would rather have a chance at saving lives, then to be a victim. Just the way you want me to be, defenseless.

In the Leftist world? EVERYONE is a victim...unless you're on the right...then YOU become a perpetrator/aggressor.
What a guy.
Less than 1% of gun murders are due to mass shootings where 80% of gun murders are due to gang activity.

More facts you're not interested in.

Less than 1% of deaths are caused by the collapse of man made structures, do we then set aside all building codes?

It would be more prudent to focus on the cause of things that cause 80% of building collapse than that which causes less than 1% would it not?

The fact that buildings do not collapse to a great degree is proof of that.

So why focus on the less than 1% and ignore the 80% in gun violence arguments?

Nwo its my turn to miss the point. What are the arguments in 80% of gun violence?
"Picture this: It's a pleasant summer day. The kids are out of school, and you've decided to take them to the local park. You're sitting on a park bench in the shade, watching them play, when you suddenly notice a man dressed in a heavy winter coat approaching the playground.

As he scurries past you, you notice a handgun strapped around his waistband. Alarmed? You should be. Who is this man, and why is he armed at your children's playground? Concerned enough to call the local police?

Not a bad idea, but here is the problem. Starting July 1, law enforcement in Georgia will not be able do much for you. As a matter of fact, they could get sued if they detain the man you called about and ask him whether he has a valid weapons carry license. That's because, under Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act, it is prohibited for police to detain someone for the purpose of checking for a license. So much for safe.

But wait, it gets better. Worried about convicted felons toting guns? Rest assured, convicted felons are still prohibited from possessing firearms in Georgia -- except in the act of self-defense.

But, you might ask, don't you have to possess a firearm first in order to be able to use it in self-defense? Correct. So, what kind of sense does that make? It doesn't. It encourages gun ownership and use by convicted felons. Think about it. All they have to do now is claim "self-defense." Feeling safer already?

Finally, Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act may also cost you more money. Before this law, cities could simply prohibit firearms or any other weapons in government buildings by posting a sign; now, they can do so only by screening entrances into the government building with security personnel. And guess who ends up paying for that? That's right, the taxpayer. And if the police officer is sued for asking to see a gun carry permit, who will pay for his or her defense? It will be up to the municipality, using taxpayer funds.

But not only does it cost us more, it also has a chilling effect on open government. Many citizens might feel discouraged from visiting their local government offices, knowing that they are now subject to being screened.

While these revisions certainly favor the rights of gun owners, they create dilemmas for local law enforcement and government. As a police chief, my main concern is the safety our residents. As police, we have taken an oath to protect and serve, and this new law doesn't help us."

Warren Summers, Norcross, GA Chief of Police

Why should I be concerned? I have a gun too. If the idiot is going to try and harm someone he'll find out he should have gone to a "gun free" zone instead. People aren't allowed to protect themselves there.

...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.
"Picture this: It's a pleasant summer day. The kids are out of school, and you've decided to take them to the local park. You're sitting on a park bench in the shade, watching them play, when you suddenly notice a man dressed in a heavy winter coat approaching the playground.

As he scurries past you, you notice a handgun strapped around his waistband. Alarmed? You should be. Who is this man, and why is he armed at your children's playground? Concerned enough to call the local police?

Not a bad idea, but here is the problem. Starting July 1, law enforcement in Georgia will not be able do much for you. As a matter of fact, they could get sued if they detain the man you called about and ask him whether he has a valid weapons carry license. That's because, under Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act, it is prohibited for police to detain someone for the purpose of checking for a license. So much for safe.

But wait, it gets better. Worried about convicted felons toting guns? Rest assured, convicted felons are still prohibited from possessing firearms in Georgia -- except in the act of self-defense.

But, you might ask, don't you have to possess a firearm first in order to be able to use it in self-defense? Correct. So, what kind of sense does that make? It doesn't. It encourages gun ownership and use by convicted felons. Think about it. All they have to do now is claim "self-defense." Feeling safer already?

Finally, Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act may also cost you more money. Before this law, cities could simply prohibit firearms or any other weapons in government buildings by posting a sign; now, they can do so only by screening entrances into the government building with security personnel. And guess who ends up paying for that? That's right, the taxpayer. And if the police officer is sued for asking to see a gun carry permit, who will pay for his or her defense? It will be up to the municipality, using taxpayer funds.

But not only does it cost us more, it also has a chilling effect on open government. Many citizens might feel discouraged from visiting their local government offices, knowing that they are now subject to being screened.

While these revisions certainly favor the rights of gun owners, they create dilemmas for local law enforcement and government. As a police chief, my main concern is the safety our residents. As police, we have taken an oath to protect and serve, and this new law doesn't help us."

Warren Summers, Norcross, GA Chief of Police

Why should I be concerned? I have a gun too. If the idiot is going to try and harm someone he'll find out he should have gone to a "gun free" zone instead. People aren't allowed to protect themselves there.

...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER internet tough guy! Listen dipshit I've been carrying concealed for 40 years. Yeah, that's right 40 fucking years. Guess how many times I've drawn down on someone? None. Guess how many dumbass internet tough guys have flipped my off. Quite a few. How many did I shoot? Oh yeah...none. I don't have to shoot someone to prove how studly I am....

What a fucking retard you are......
Why should I be concerned? I have a gun too. If the idiot is going to try and harm someone he'll find out he should have gone to a "gun free" zone instead. People aren't allowed to protect themselves there.

...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER internet tough guy! Listen dipshit I've been carrying concealed for 40 years. Yeah, that's right 40 fucking years. Guess how many times I've drawn down on someone? None. Guess how many dumbass internet tough guys have flipped my off. Quite a few. How many did I shoot? Oh yeah...none. I don't have to shoot someone to prove how studly I am....

What a fucking retard you are......

It's been 40 years, pops. That puts you over 60. Yet you feel safe knowing that people are walking around, perhaps at 80 or above, packing heat, who have dementia, and can't see shit.

No sir. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of all the people in Georgia that you just enabled. Yes, I have 5 guns. And no, I have the good sense to know that I should not be carrying them if I am no longer young enough to chew the leather. You, on the other hand, do not give a shit who is packing a 45 in your neighborhood. That's fine with me, Bucko, because I don't live in your neighborhood. Good luck.
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.


Sorry you dumb ass retard, if you do not know what happened in Florida and other States when firearm restrictions were loosened and the resultant claims by the gun grabbers I am not going to do your research for you. Besides aren't you always claiming you are so much smarter then us dumb firearms supporters?

Nooooo..... Forum 101 netiquette is: you make an assertion, you back it up w/ a link IN THE SAME post or its an "opinion". An "opinion" & $1.87 will get you a cup of coffee :thup: Why are rw'ers here so lazy :dunno:
...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER internet tough guy! Listen dipshit I've been carrying concealed for 40 years. Yeah, that's right 40 fucking years. Guess how many times I've drawn down on someone? None. Guess how many dumbass internet tough guys have flipped my off. Quite a few. How many did I shoot? Oh yeah...none. I don't have to shoot someone to prove how studly I am....

What a fucking retard you are......

It's been 40 years, pops. That puts you over 60. Yet you feel safe knowing that people are walking around, perhaps at 80 or above, packing heat, who have dementia, and can't see shit.

No sir. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of all the people in Georgia that you just enabled. Yes, I have 5 guns. And no, I have the good sense to know that I should not be carrying them if I am no longer young enough to chew the leather. You, on the other hand, do not give a shit who is packing a 45 in your neighborhood. That's fine with me, Bucko, because I don't live in your neighborhood. Good luck.

Hey. goody you can add! Yes, I am over 60 good for you! I guess that public school education wasn't wasted on you after all! People who have dementia don't carry weapons you fool. I do know a blind guy though that could probably out shoot you if you weren't real quite. He's hell on wheels shooting at sound. And no I don't give a crap who's carrying....because MOST of the people who are carrying are like me....normal, law abiding people who would rather rely on ourselves for our protection than the police who are mere minutes away.

Minutes when you only have seconds. You're just yet another hysterical boob who's afraid of your own shadow. Good for you. Stay in the house and let the adults alone.
Less than 1% of deaths are caused by the collapse of man made structures, do we then set aside all building codes?

It would be more prudent to focus on the cause of things that cause 80% of building collapse than that which causes less than 1% would it not?

The fact that buildings do not collapse to a great degree is proof of that.

So why focus on the less than 1% and ignore the 80% in gun violence arguments?

Nwo its my turn to miss the point. What are the arguments in 80% of gun violence?
I am simply wondering why the the control freaks only ever mention mass shootings but never specifically mention gang shootings which account for 80% of gun murders

It seems to me that focusing their concern on the major cause of gun deaths is a better use of time than obsessing over the cause of less than one percent.

The gun murder rate among the average law abiding homeowners is not the problem
:lol::lol::lol: Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER internet tough guy! Listen dipshit I've been carrying concealed for 40 years. Yeah, that's right 40 fucking years. Guess how many times I've drawn down on someone? None. Guess how many dumbass internet tough guys have flipped my off. Quite a few. How many did I shoot? Oh yeah...none. I don't have to shoot someone to prove how studly I am....

What a fucking retard you are......

It's been 40 years, pops. That puts you over 60. Yet you feel safe knowing that people are walking around, perhaps at 80 or above, packing heat, who have dementia, and can't see shit.

No sir. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of all the people in Georgia that you just enabled. Yes, I have 5 guns. And no, I have the good sense to know that I should not be carrying them if I am no longer young enough to chew the leather. You, on the other hand, do not give a shit who is packing a 45 in your neighborhood. That's fine with me, Bucko, because I don't live in your neighborhood. Good luck.

Hey. goody you can add! Yes, I am over 60 good for you! I guess that public school education wasn't wasted on you after all! People who have dementia don't carry weapons you fool. I do know a blind guy though that could probably out shoot you if you weren't real quite. He's hell on wheels shooting at sound. And no I don't give a crap who's carrying....because MOST of the people who are carrying are like me....normal, law abiding people who would rather rely on ourselves for our protection than the police who are mere minutes away.

Minutes when you only have seconds. You're just yet another hysterical boob who's afraid of your own shadow. Good for you. Stay in the house and let the adults alone.

Afraid of my own shadow, Bucko? I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer. I drive a patrol car two 5 hour shifts per week in a retirement community. How many do YOU drive? No people over 80 with dementia are armed? What about the guy in my community who was 83 when he shot his neighbor 3 months ago? In fact, we have had 6 firearm incidents in 3 years, all involving people over 60, and none involving a reaction to robbery. They ranged from "brandishing a weapon" to armed assault, to attempted murder. Not one of these guys had a criminal record.

And before you start telling someone that you don't know that he is :"afraid of his shadow", try serving in your local SAV. They will give you a badge and a uniform that looks like a deputy uniform. they will put you in a patrol car, that looks almost exactly like a deputy car. finally, they will NOT allow you to carry a gun, so you are a sitting duck to any deranged idiot that hates law enforcement officers, or has just run out the front door of a bank with a bag of stolen cash. Like so many on the Right, you don't know shit from Shinenola, and get all of your information from AM radio.

Not only is this conversation over, you are neged.
Last edited:
...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER internet tough guy! Listen dipshit I've been carrying concealed for 40 years. Yeah, that's right 40 fucking years. Guess how many times I've drawn down on someone? None. Guess how many dumbass internet tough guys have flipped my off. Quite a few. How many did I shoot? Oh yeah...none. I don't have to shoot someone to prove how studly I am....

What a fucking retard you are......

It's been 40 years, pops. That puts you over 60. Yet you feel safe knowing that people are walking around, perhaps at 80 or above, packing heat, who have dementia, and can't see shit.

No sir. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of all the people in Georgia that you just enabled. Yes, I have 5 guns. And no, I have the good sense to know that I should not be carrying them if I am no longer young enough to chew the leather. You, on the other hand, do not give a shit who is packing a 45 in your neighborhood. That's fine with me, Bucko, because I don't live in your neighborhood. Good luck.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with anthophobia, the fear of flowers.
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 F40.1
ICD-9 300.29

Anthropophobia or Anthrophobia[1] (literally "fear of people", from Greek: ανθρωπος, ánthropos, "man" and φόβος, phóbos, "fear"), also called interpersonal relation phobia[1] or social phobia, is pathological fear of people or human company.

Anthropophobia is an extreme, pathological form of shyness and timidity. Being a form of social phobia, it may manifest as fears of blushing or meeting others' gaze, awkwardness and uneasiness when appearing in society, etc.[2] A specific Japanese cultural form is known as taijin kyofusho.[3]

Anthropophobia can be best defined as the fear of people in crowded situations, but can also go beyond and leave the person uncomfortable when being around just one person. Conditions vary depending on the person. Some cases are mild and can be handled while more serious cases can lead to complete social withdrawal and the exclusive use of written and electronic communication.[4] [5]

Like most phobias, anthropophobia can be traced back to traumatic experiences. Since social phobias are more complex than a fear of spiders or other organisms, it is believed that this specific phobia of people may be due to genetics and heredity
Anthropophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Check up from the neck up, perhaps??
It would be more prudent to focus on the cause of things that cause 80% of building collapse than that which causes less than 1% would it not?

The fact that buildings do not collapse to a great degree is proof of that.

So why focus on the less than 1% and ignore the 80% in gun violence arguments?

Nwo its my turn to miss the point. What are the arguments in 80% of gun violence?
I am simply wondering why the the control freaks only ever mention mass shootings but never specifically mention gang shootings which account for 80% of gun murders

It seems to me that focusing their concern on the major cause of gun deaths is a better use of time than obsessing over the cause of less than one percent.

The gun murder rate among the average law abiding homeowners is not the problem

I guess there isn't as much concern and sympathy for gang-bangers who decide to voluntarily thin their herd, than there is for school kids who had absolutely no clue they weren't gonna make recess that day.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

Just compare the murder rates in cities with the most restrictive firearms laws to cities with shall issue concealed carry policies.

How about Boise with a homicide rate of 3 per 100,000 and DC with 21 per 100,000 (2010 data)
"Picture this: It's a pleasant summer day. The kids are out of school, and you've decided to take them to the local park. You're sitting on a park bench in the shade, watching them play, when you suddenly notice a man dressed in a heavy winter coat approaching the playground.

As he scurries past you, you notice a handgun strapped around his waistband. Alarmed? You should be. Who is this man, and why is he armed at your children's playground? Concerned enough to call the local police?

Not a bad idea, but here is the problem. Starting July 1, law enforcement in Georgia will not be able do much for you. As a matter of fact, they could get sued if they detain the man you called about and ask him whether he has a valid weapons carry license. That's because, under Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act, it is prohibited for police to detain someone for the purpose of checking for a license. So much for safe.

But wait, it gets better. Worried about convicted felons toting guns? Rest assured, convicted felons are still prohibited from possessing firearms in Georgia -- except in the act of self-defense.

But, you might ask, don't you have to possess a firearm first in order to be able to use it in self-defense? Correct. So, what kind of sense does that make? It doesn't. It encourages gun ownership and use by convicted felons. Think about it. All they have to do now is claim "self-defense." Feeling safer already?

Finally, Georgia's revised Safe Carry Protection Act may also cost you more money. Before this law, cities could simply prohibit firearms or any other weapons in government buildings by posting a sign; now, they can do so only by screening entrances into the government building with security personnel. And guess who ends up paying for that? That's right, the taxpayer. And if the police officer is sued for asking to see a gun carry permit, who will pay for his or her defense? It will be up to the municipality, using taxpayer funds.

But not only does it cost us more, it also has a chilling effect on open government. Many citizens might feel discouraged from visiting their local government offices, knowing that they are now subject to being screened.

While these revisions certainly favor the rights of gun owners, they create dilemmas for local law enforcement and government. As a police chief, my main concern is the safety our residents. As police, we have taken an oath to protect and serve, and this new law doesn't help us."

Warren Summers, Norcross, GA Chief of Police

Why should I be concerned? I have a gun too. If the idiot is going to try and harm someone he'll find out he should have gone to a "gun free" zone instead. People aren't allowed to protect themselves there.

...and now that Georgia has an open carry law, you can bet that I will be wearing my 9 mm, too, when I go home to visit my cousins, and if I see you act in a threatening manner, and you and your gun cause me to fear for my life, I'll draw down on you, before I will let you do the same to me, especially since I have been trained by the same people who train our sheriff's deputies. Then, you and I can shoot it out on the street, and it will be just like the good old days in Tombstone, AZ...And having been trained as well as I have, I will win, and then beat the rap. Think that over before you get pissed with someone who just beat you into a parking place and flips you off.

GA does not have an "open carry" law. What they have are laws that allow people who have a valid concealed carry permit to have their guns with them in certain places that they could not before.

Its not a big fuckin deal.
It's been 40 years, pops. That puts you over 60. Yet you feel safe knowing that people are walking around, perhaps at 80 or above, packing heat, who have dementia, and can't see shit.

No sir. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of all the people in Georgia that you just enabled. Yes, I have 5 guns. And no, I have the good sense to know that I should not be carrying them if I am no longer young enough to chew the leather. You, on the other hand, do not give a shit who is packing a 45 in your neighborhood. That's fine with me, Bucko, because I don't live in your neighborhood. Good luck.

Hey. goody you can add! Yes, I am over 60 good for you! I guess that public school education wasn't wasted on you after all! People who have dementia don't carry weapons you fool. I do know a blind guy though that could probably out shoot you if you weren't real quite. He's hell on wheels shooting at sound. And no I don't give a crap who's carrying....because MOST of the people who are carrying are like me....normal, law abiding people who would rather rely on ourselves for our protection than the police who are mere minutes away.

Minutes when you only have seconds. You're just yet another hysterical boob who's afraid of your own shadow. Good for you. Stay in the house and let the adults alone.

Afraid of my own shadow, Bucko? I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer. I drive a patrol car two 5 hour shifts per week in a retirement community. How many do YOU drive? No people over 80 with dementia are armed? What about the guy in my community who was 83 when he shot his neighbor 3 months ago? In fact, we have had 6 firearm incidents in 3 years, all involving people over 60, and none involving a reaction to robbery. They ranged from "brandishing a weapon" to armed assault, to attempted murder. Not one of these guys had a criminal record.

And before you start telling someone that you don't know that he is :"afraid of his shadow", try serving in your local SAV. They will give you a badge and a uniform that looks like a deputy uniform. they will put you in a patrol car, that looks almost exactly like a deputy car. finally, they will NOT allow you to carry a gun, so you are a sitting duck to any deranged idiot that hates law enforcement officers, or has just run out the front door of a bank with a bag of stolen cash. Like so many on the Right, you don't know shit from Shinenola, and get all of your information from AM radio.

Not only is this conversation over, you are neged.

:lol::lol::lol: What makes you think I haven't? I was doing those things long before you were I would wager. I am glad you are doing things like that in your neighborhood, that is good of you. But your assertion that I am a rightwinger (not true I am a liberal Democrat) and get my info from AM radio merely demonstrates you for the progressive collectivist you are.

I would wager I have far more experience with law enforcement than you do. I will grant you that mine is now mainly spent at the upper echelons of the community as I am friends with the local Sheriffs in my area and do work for the AG in my state, but when I was younger I worked with several SWAT teams and was commended by several of them for my work with them.

And you can neg away and act all tough by declaring the "conversation over" but once again those who are secure in their abilities don't feel the need to run and hide when they run out of arguments. So run along little along.

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