Debate winners & losers.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Fiorina & Cruz

Trump & Kasich

No shows
Bush & Rubio

One hit wonders
Paul smacking down Trump on the trade agreement
I prefer Cruz (or Fiorina) but i would add Rubio to the "winners" list.

I would also add Bush to the "losers" list as he stunk on ice. Maybe it's too early but I honestly don't see how Bush survives this level of flop given his pathetic numbers.

Christie had a good early night debate and it's a shame he was stuck down there instead of Kasich.
The winners were Paul and Rubio. Losers were Bush and Kasich
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Yeah Trump and Carson whooped ass
Hillary Clinton.

She just makes the GOP debate stage look like children playing dress-up.

Jeb is right on immigration. That's where it ends.

Ditto with Kasich, who is the only one brave enough to admit the truth: aging Republican voters will NEVER allow anyone to privatize Medicare or Social Security.

Trump is right on warning against too much meddling in the Middle East, forever getting bogged down by taking a bad situation and making it worse.

Rubio is not right about anything, but is simply more appealing than most of them because at least he seems young and fresh.

Dr. Carson needs to lay off the Xanax before debates. Zzzzzz.

Rand was Rand, totally right about the 2 things that he's right about, but stupid on everything else.

Cruz was Cruz, exactly right about nothing other than appealing to the stupidest of the stupid.

Fiorina is Zero Base 3-page Tax Code stupid.

Of the undercard, Christie should've been on the main stage.

Carson and Trump will no longer grow their bases. They're each set at 22-25%. The other 50-55% is the GOP base that hasn't settled on a more safer establishment type. Rubio seems to be getting a look. He did not "win" the debate because there really wasn't any one of 'em who really commanded more than a couple moments tonight, but I'm betting he's the one candidate who will continue to rise in order to fill the Jeb "safe bet" pick.
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump looked like a complete out of the loop moron imo. Carson was nonexistent the entire debate.
It was a tie between Lindsey Graham and George Pataki.
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump looked like a complete out of the loop moron imo. Carson was nonexistent the entire debate.
Take off the establishment glasses.
You mean my intelligence glasses? Seriously Trump was outclassed by near everyone on every subject.

FYI I don't think Cruz or Carley are establishment lol
The winners were Paul and Rubio. Losers were Bush and Kasich
Rubio lost me with his freebies to parents of children. My kids are grown so he has no free money for me right?
Fuck that handout bullshit

The parents chose to have kids they are their financial responsibility. All these special perks for parents its like other people taking out credit cards in my name and I get stuck with their bills.

1. Parents already get to deduct their kids as dependents on their taxes.
2. Millions of parents already pay little or no income tax.
3. I already pay a big share of the cost to educate THEIR kids via local school taxes.

Parents already benefit from a host of special perks so when Rubio lobbies for even more special subsidies how is that different from the Washington corruption he claims he's against?
Fox Business News "won" by being mostly invisible. Although the audiance laughter at "Clinton has a strong resume" will make a fun story for tomorrow. And honestly, how can you not look good following that CNBC clusterfrack.

Don't see the needle moving much for any candidate in the short term however I think anyone paying any attention at all knows by now that Bush is among the walking dead. (and it's not like he has any supporters to thow behind anyone anyway)
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump looked like a complete out of the loop moron imo. Carson was nonexistent the entire debate.
Take off the establishment glasses.
You mean my intelligence glasses? Seriously Trump was outclassed by near everyone on every subject.

FYI I don't think Cruz or Carley are establishment lol
That's your opinion but I don't think it's accurate and you only mentioned Trump and Carson in that comment, not Cruz and Carly.
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump looked like a complete out of the loop moron imo. Carson was nonexistent the entire debate.
Take off the establishment glasses.
You mean my intelligence glasses? Seriously Trump was outclassed by near everyone on every subject.

FYI I don't think Cruz or Carley are establishment lol
That's your opinion but I don't think it's accurate and you only mentioned Trump and Carson in that comment, not Cruz and Carly.
I listed them as the winners lol

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