Debate winners & losers.

Paul - acts like he knows he's going to lose. He's a good speaker, he makes excellent points, but leaves himself wide open to the same attacks every debate he needs to develop some counter punches.

Kasich - just go join the democratic party you loser.

Bush - looked as awkward as ever, I can't believe the big money backed the guy. Why does he try to emphasize his points by bugging his eyes out, creepy.

Rubio - my gut feel is that guy has no depth, just below the surface of his smooth practiced talking points there's not much there.

Trump - he should have put several of these candidates out to pasture by now but hasn't closed the deal. He better get his act together Cruz is on the march. Kasich smacked Trump around on immigration and Cruz had to step in and save him. This was a substantive debate and Trump arrived woefully short on substance.

Carson - Boring. Look I know you are a nice man, I know you have compassion, I get it lets move on. Bring your sizeable brain to the next debate and make these hack candidates look like they aren't half as smart as you because they aren't.

Fiorina - Did well but the 'I'll bitch slap that hoe Hillary' is getting worn out. She should have evoked Reagan when Trump called her out for interrupting with a "There you go again Donald". The best way to get Trump to back off is get the audience laughing at him not relying on the other candidates and audience to defend her. Is that operating from a position of strength Carly? If you can't put Trump in his place you don't have the right stuff to be POTUS.

Cruz - Getting stronger with each debate but stick to the sledge hammer points Cruz, enough with the story telling when he gets off into story telling he looks a bit creepy and its boring.
What is it with Bush? Doesn't he know we don't want another Bush in the White House? Drop out already.
Trump and Carson did best. Rubio and Kasich gave speeches, Bush blew his last chance, Fiorina stayed the same (near the bottom), Cruz did ok but not great, as did Paul.
Trump looked like a complete out of the loop moron imo. Carson was nonexistent the entire debate.
Take off the establishment glasses.
You mean my intelligence glasses? Seriously Trump was outclassed by near everyone on every subject.

FYI I don't think Cruz or Carley are establishment lol

But Carly is McCains girl.
I actually believe that Paul won the debate which is odd because I usually don't like to hear what he has to say...:dunno:

I don't believe any of the other candidates stood out but they did okay.

Rubio, Fiorina and Bush are kinda getting on my nerves. Too canned and repetitive.

I think Fox Business News should be used as THE example of how a political debate should be accomplished.
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10:53 PM: Crowd rises up against Kasich for discriminating between the extremely wealthy and middle class people who might be wiped by a bank collapse.
Well, for me...Trump and Rubio. Or Trump and Cruz.

My dream one day Gracie. I Know I've done rock and promo so I know I can excite people.

Trump....................................I am the President

Vice President .........................

Surgeon General.....................................Dr Ben Carson

Attorney General.............................the one and only Ted Cruz

Catch my drift here?

We have so many awesome of awesome people to pick from I can't fill in the VP slot for me.


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