Debate winners & losers.

Kasich is done. Stick a fork in him.

Kasich was my first choice when this began but alas I'm thinking you are probably correct.

I seem to inevitably end up with Trump & Cruz... after the dust settles.
It's difficult to guess who Trump would pick as a running mate.

Since most of his appeal is that he's not a pol, I wonder if he'd feel an obligation to pick another "outsider" as VP.

That could get pretty interesting.
I would rather die a slow gruesome death than shame myself by voting for any Republican middle class poor people hater....the GOP sucks sucks massive...,the last time we had a GOP President the mother sodomize r nearly took down the USA....hell no NO GOP
Shut up.
He certainly is putting a lot of effort into this, isn't he?
You cannot help yourself you are drawn to respond to my post even in an oblique [look up the fking word ] manner ...there isn't a one of you earns north of 50 k a year but you worship the GOP...why ? what the FK have they ever done for America....

I agree but historically...
The highways/freeways
national parks

Of course they're not the same animal today...They have become a party of haters of government.
Who cares? 13 million of 'em are gonna be leaving soon enough.
They are not going anyway and they never vote...the Hispanic pop is he fastest growing...anyone who is not in the top 5 % of earners who vote Republican is a rube a low Information wannabe and just a fool .....the party of the New Deal is the Democrats the GOP is the Raw deal....

Democrats time and again prove they support lawlessness, no true American patriot that supports the Constitution and the laws of the land would consider voting for such pathetic candidates offered up from the extreme left.
I don't get how this Iran nuclear deal is smart thinking. I just don't get it. Obama wants us all fucked in the ass without vaseline so it burns yet Dems want this deal to go thru? Really?
Kasich is done. Stick a fork in him.

Kasich was my first choice when this began but alas I'm thinking you are probably correct.

I seem to inevitably end up with Trump & Cruz... after the dust settles.
I was for Kasich the very first debates. But then...he kinda flopped.

Sadly, the more he talks the more he heads to the establishment side of the Republican Party.
Meanwhile...listening to my meditative music, I am now sleepy.
And board maintenance will start in 4 minutes so I will be locked out anyway.

Good night.
I don't get how this Iran nuclear deal is smart thinking. I just don't get it. Obama wants us all fucked in the ass without vaseline so it burns yet Dems want this deal to go thru? Really?

Obama isn't much of an American patriot, if fact, I'm more prone to think of him as a traitor generally.
I would rather die a slow gruesome death than shame myself by voting for any Republican middle class poor people hater....the GOP sucks sucks massive...,the last time we had a GOP President the mother sodomize r nearly took down the USA....hell no NO GOP
Shut up.
He certainly is putting a lot of effort into this, isn't he?
You cannot help yourself you are drawn to respond to my post even in an oblique [look up the fking word ] manner ...there isn't a one of you earns north of 50 k a year but you worship the GOP...why ? what the FK have they ever done for America....

I agree but historically...
The highways/freeways
national parks

Of course they're not the same animal today...They have become a party of haters of government.
That is true Nixon after all inaugurated the EPA....these days the GOP is like the "Walking Dead" they were once people ...they are shufflers now
I don't get how this Iran nuclear deal is smart thinking. I just don't get it. Obama wants us all fucked in the ass without vaseline so it burns yet Dems want this deal to go thru? Really?

Obama isn't much of an American patriot, if fact, I'm more prone to think of him as a traitor generally.
I think of conservatives as walking talking lumps of shit...this is Karma for the rubes and suckers who pledge themselves to the GOP
Instant Karma
The death rate among white middle-aged Americans is rising at an alarming rate, even as death rates for all other Americans are falling. The increase is concentrated among whites with meager educations and is “largely accounted for by increasing death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings, suicide and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis,” according to two Princeton University scholars, one of whom was just awarded the Nobel in economics.

Their findings should awaken Americans to the price we pay for pursuing economic policies that enrich the few at the expense of the many.
I would rather die a slow gruesome death than shame myself by voting for any Republican middle class poor people hater....the GOP sucks sucks massive...,the last time we had a GOP President the mother sodomize r nearly took down the USA....hell no NO GOP

Is a wood chipper gruesome enough for your wooden head.?

Eh, just kidding about the chipper...:wink_2:
I don't get how this Iran nuclear deal is smart thinking. I just don't get it. Obama wants us all fucked in the ass without vaseline so it burns yet Dems want this deal to go thru? Really?

Obama isn't much of an American patriot, if fact, I'm more prone to think of him as a traitor generally.
I think of conservatives as walking talking lumps of shit...this is Karma for the rubes and suckers who pledge themselves to the GOP
Instant Karma
The death rate among white middle-aged Americans is rising at an alarming rate, even as death rates for all other Americans are falling. The increase is concentrated among whites with meager educations and is “largely accounted for by increasing death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings, suicide and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis,” according to two Princeton University scholars, one of whom was just awarded the Nobel in economics.

Their findings should awaken Americans to the price we pay for pursuing economic policies that enrich the few at the expense of the many.

You're using far more venom than common sense. This Karma you speak of, the GOP is totally responsible, why exactly?

...and the wealthy got a lot wealthier during the Obama years, why exactly?

I think all their venom comes from them seeing the Majority of the American people don't want the progressives/socialist/democrat party and their vision of division and spread chaos and hate. as we've seen with these results during the seven MISERABLE years of Obama
Interesting article show they're losers
Democrats have "lost more than 900 state legislators" since Barack Obama has been president.
Cokie Roberts on Sunday, January 25th, 2015 in comments on ABC's "This Week"

Have Democrats lost 900 seats in state legislatures since Obama has been president?

and we've had the OWS, the BLM and now they are stirring up crap on our children in colleges. time to vote them out of lives come 2016. take our country back

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