Debt ceiling not about spending?!

Nope, they are mandated by the Constitution. All the federal "non essential" employees, not so much.

On an involuntary basis. Without competition or consumer choice. Yea, pass.

Besides, no "genuine industry" makes purchases without FIRST obtaining the necessary funds or credit to do so.

You were saying something about education...:lol:

Not you! :lol::lol::lol:

I take it you didn't attend any business classes in college.

Two masters degrees. Finance and Economics.

But the way you responded with such specificity, logic and reason...truly impressive retort...:doubt:

Try again?

ARe you familiar with NAICS or the old SIC classification systems? Look for government, that might help you out some.
I take it you didn't attend any business classes in college.

Two masters degrees. Finance and Economics.

But the way you responded with such specificity, logic and reason...truly impressive retort...:doubt:

Try again?

ARe you familiar with NAICS or the old SIC classification systems? Look for government, that might help you out some.

Yes, we all know now there is a category for government...thanks, that's helpful. We also know just how bloated the government has become and the reality of their reckless spending and accumulation of unsustainable debt and unfunded liabilities.

Who pays for those services? What goods do they produce?

Really? For one thing, I suspect they process those disability checks you get every month in the mail. That stuff doesn't happen magically, you know.

I don't receive disability checks and you did not answer the question.

Do you have an alarm clock? Is it set for accuracy via a satellite? Thank the government. Also, somebody designed the software platform for that system. Not to mention the hardware. Also, somebody fueled the rocket that placed that satellite in orbit . . . and somebody purchased the fuel, probably after somebody else established a contract based upon an RFP. Somebody maintained the email systems used for that correspondence. Also, when the rocket was launched, somebody worked to make certain the airspace was clear.

Life ain't as simple as you think. Of course, you probably wouldn't get any of this because you have no need of an alarm clock, right?
Two masters degrees. Finance and Economics.

But the way you responded with such specificity, logic and reason...truly impressive retort...:doubt:

Try again?

ARe you familiar with NAICS or the old SIC classification systems? Look for government, that might help you out some.

Yes, we all know now there is a category for government...thanks, that's helpful. We also know just how bloated the government has become and the reality of their reckless spending and accumulation of unsustainable debt and unfunded liabilities.


Well, you just changed arguments. You appeared to suggest that government was not a "real" industry. You were wrong. Now you suggest that it is bloated. Maybe, but it does provide goods/services, employment, and circulates currency. What more could you want of anything?
Who on the Republican side is proposing a budget that will not require a debt ceiling increase?

Rand Paul Senator Paul’s Budget balances 5 years

The 2013 Budget You Haven?t Heard About: Rand Paul?s |

The Penny Plan does it in seven years:

Penny Plan

Sign on to either of those plans and you'll get the debt limit increased for the time being. Deal?

Is that your long way of saying 'zero'??

So, basically, Republicans now want to restrict the growth in the money supply and prevent economic growth. Okay, now I get it.
ARe you familiar with NAICS or the old SIC classification systems? Look for government, that might help you out some.

Yes, we all know now there is a category for government...thanks, that's helpful. We also know just how bloated the government has become and the reality of their reckless spending and accumulation of unsustainable debt and unfunded liabilities.


Well, you just changed arguments. You appeared to suggest that government was not a "real" industry. You were wrong.

No, I wasn't. Real industries are based on the voluntary exchange of money for product. Further, real industry must pay for what it buys or arrange financing beforehand. Government is not a real industry, it's government. Just because it spends and has a code assigned to it does not change that fact.


Now you suggest that it is bloated.

It is.


but it does provide goods/services, employment, and circulates currency. What more could you want of anything?

I want government to live within its means and within the enumerated powers assigned to it in the Constitution.
Who on the Republican side is proposing a budget that will not require a debt ceiling increase?

Rand Paul Senator Paul’s Budget balances 5 years

The 2013 Budget You Haven?t Heard About: Rand Paul?s |

The Penny Plan does it in seven years:

Penny Plan

Sign on to either of those plans and you'll get the debt limit increased for the time being. Deal?

Is that your long way of saying 'zero'??

Is that your way of saying 'deal'??
Rand Paul Senator Paul’s Budget balances 5 years

The 2013 Budget You Haven?t Heard About: Rand Paul?s |

The Penny Plan does it in seven years:

Penny Plan

Sign on to either of those plans and you'll get the debt limit increased for the time being. Deal?

Is that your long way of saying 'zero'??

Is that your way of saying 'deal'??

I'm saying that if the Republicans believe that raising the debt ceiling is a bargaining chip then they believe that raising the debt ceiling is expendable.

They must then believe that there is a viable budget plan that can be put in place without adding a dollar to the debt past this month.

What is that plan?
Here is where I get confused, if Obama is telling the truth we really don't need to worry about the debt ceiling because it isn't about spending money. In fact, it doesn't actually allow us to spend money.

I want to spend a little time on this. It’s something called raising the debt ceiling. And it’s got a lousy name, so a lot of people end up thinking, I don’t know, I don’t think we should raise our debt ceiling, because it sounds like we’re raising our debt. But that’s not what this is about.

It doesn’t cost taxpayers a single dime. It doesn’t grow our deficits by a single dime. It doesn’t allow anybody to spend any new money whatsoever. So it’s not something that raises our debt.

Remarks by the President on the Government Shutdown | The White House

Given this statement, not raising the debt ceiling would not mean we can't spend money. That means that either Obama is lying to us, or we are all crazy.

Neither. Obama is not lying and we are not all crazy.

However, wingnuts are in fact dumb as shit.

Here's the explanation:

Q. Is the debt ceiling not about spending?

A. No, it is not about spending. It is about money already spent.

The way to cut spending is to cut future spending. You cannot change what has already been spent, and failure to raise the debt ceiling will not change it either.

Do ya get the whole present tense vs. past tense thing?
Is that your long way of saying 'zero'??

Is that your way of saying 'deal'??

I'm saying that if the Republicans believe that raising the debt ceiling is a bargaining chip...

Dems believe the same thing. Hell, Obama believed it when he was a Senator.

then they believe that raising the debt ceiling is expendable.

Yes, both sides believe agreeing to raise the debt ceiling comes with trade offs for their side.

They must then believe that there is a viable budget plan that can be put in place without adding a dollar to the debt past this month.

What is that plan?

Can't speak for Republicans. Easy for libertarians. Live within your means...period.
Is that your way of saying 'deal'??

I'm saying that if the Republicans believe that raising the debt ceiling is a bargaining chip...

Dems believe the same thing. Hell, Obama believed it when he was a Senator.

then they believe that raising the debt ceiling is expendable.

Yes, both sides believe agreeing to raise the debt ceiling comes with trade offs for their side.

They must then believe that there is a viable budget plan that can be put in place without adding a dollar to the debt past this month.

What is that plan?

Can't speak for Republicans. Easy for libertarians. Live within your means...period.

So you can't tell us what a budget would look like that would not exceed the debt ceiling that is a week away?

Then how do you propose to cope with about a trillion in cuts needed?
Here is where I get confused, if Obama is telling the truth we really don't need to worry about the debt ceiling because it isn't about spending money. In fact, it doesn't actually allow us to spend money.

I want to spend a little time on this. It’s something called raising the debt ceiling. And it’s got a lousy name, so a lot of people end up thinking, I don’t know, I don’t think we should raise our debt ceiling, because it sounds like we’re raising our debt. But that’s not what this is about.

It doesn’t cost taxpayers a single dime. It doesn’t grow our deficits by a single dime. It doesn’t allow anybody to spend any new money whatsoever. So it’s not something that raises our debt.
Remarks by the President on the Government Shutdown | The White House

Given this statement, not raising the debt ceiling would not mean we can't spend money. That means that either Obama is lying to us, or we are all crazy.

It isn't about increasing spending--it's about PAYING for stuff we already bought (like bombs, funding for senior centers, disability to jagoffs, bombs, intelligence operations, payroll, bombs, weather satellites, forestry operations, bombs, etc.).

But WHATEVER. I hope we do go into default; I'd love for the aristocracy to see it's T-bills and treasury notes approach zip in value. That's real redistribution of wealth!


Not true.
Here is where I get confused, if Obama is telling the truth we really don't need to worry about the debt ceiling because it isn't about spending money. In fact, it doesn't actually allow us to spend money.

I want to spend a little time on this. It’s something called raising the debt ceiling. And it’s got a lousy name, so a lot of people end up thinking, I don’t know, I don’t think we should raise our debt ceiling, because it sounds like we’re raising our debt. But that’s not what this is about.

It doesn’t cost taxpayers a single dime. It doesn’t grow our deficits by a single dime. It doesn’t allow anybody to spend any new money whatsoever. So it’s not something that raises our debt.
Remarks by the President on the Government Shutdown | The White House

Given this statement, not raising the debt ceiling would not mean we can't spend money. That means that either Obama is lying to us, or we are all crazy.

I would say that what he means is that the raising of the debt ceiling is designed to accommodate the debt creation caused by the current spending to revenue equation, or ratio if you will.

It is not serving to account for some new spending program that is not paid for.

You do a lot better when you use words you understand instead of stringing together words that you don't know the definition of in order to make a point about something so far beyond your intellectual capacity that you remind me of a neanderthal discussing quantum mechanics.
Here is where I get confused, if Obama is telling the truth we really don't need to worry about the debt ceiling because it isn't about spending money. In fact, it doesn't actually allow us to spend money.

Remarks by the President on the Government Shutdown | The White House

Given this statement, not raising the debt ceiling would not mean we can't spend money. That means that either Obama is lying to us, or we are all crazy.

I would say that what he means is that the raising of the debt ceiling is designed to accommodate the debt creation caused by the current spending to revenue equation, or ratio if you will.

It is not serving to account for some new spending program that is not paid for.

You do a lot better when you use words you understand instead of stringing together words that you don't know the definition of in order to make a point about something so far beyond your intellectual capacity that you remind me of a neanderthal discussing quantum mechanics.


Social Security issues debt-ceiling warning

Social Security: Debt-ceiling impasse could cause benefit cuts - Encore - MarketWatch

...and now borrow some honesty from someone and answer this question:

Is Social Security a new spending program?
I would say that what he means is that the raising of the debt ceiling is designed to accommodate the debt creation caused by the current spending to revenue equation, or ratio if you will.

It is not serving to account for some new spending program that is not paid for.

You do a lot better when you use words you understand instead of stringing together words that you don't know the definition of in order to make a point about something so far beyond your intellectual capacity that you remind me of a neanderthal discussing quantum mechanics.


Social Security issues debt-ceiling warning

Social Security: Debt-ceiling impasse could cause benefit cuts - Encore - MarketWatch

...and now borrow some honesty from someone and answer this question:

Is Social Security a new spending program?

Why would we need to borrow money for Social Security if it is fully funded until 2030? Is it remotely possible that Obama is trying to scare gullible people? The fucking government takes in 10 times more money than it needs to prevent default, so I see no reason to believe it when it lies.
You do a lot better when you use words you understand instead of stringing together words that you don't know the definition of in order to make a point about something so far beyond your intellectual capacity that you remind me of a neanderthal discussing quantum mechanics.


Social Security issues debt-ceiling warning

Social Security: Debt-ceiling impasse could cause benefit cuts - Encore - MarketWatch

...and now borrow some honesty from someone and answer this question:

Is Social Security a new spending program?

Why would we need to borrow money for Social Security if it is fully funded until 2030? Is it remotely possible that Obama is trying to scare gullible people? The fucking government takes in 10 times more money than it needs to prevent default, so I see no reason to believe it when it lies.

If you bothered to be informed you would know that in the last two years Social Security paid its recipients not just with incoming payroll tax receipts,

but also by drawing on the earned interest on the investment of the Trust Fund in government securities.

That interest had to be paid out of the general fund revenues, in other words out of the budget that we are currently borrowing about 1/3rd of.

If the debt ceiling is hit, zero borrowing can occur.

Need I say more?

In short, Social Security is not doing the borrowing, Social Security is collecting the debt from the US budget that borrowed the Trust Fund surpluses.

Social Security issues debt-ceiling warning

Social Security: Debt-ceiling impasse could cause benefit cuts - Encore - MarketWatch

...and now borrow some honesty from someone and answer this question:

Is Social Security a new spending program?

Why would we need to borrow money for Social Security if it is fully funded until 2030? Is it remotely possible that Obama is trying to scare gullible people? The fucking government takes in 10 times more money than it needs to prevent default, so I see no reason to believe it when it lies.

If you bothered to be informed you would know that in the last two years Social Security paid its recipients not just with incoming payroll tax receipts,

but also by drawing on the earned interest on the investment of the Trust Fund in government securities.

That interest had to be paid out of the general fund revenues, in other words out of the budget that we are currently borrowing about 1/3rd of.

If the debt ceiling is hit, zero borrowing can occur.

Need I say more?

In short, Social Security is not doing the borrowing, Social Security is collecting the debt from the US budget that borrowed the Trust Fund surpluses.

If you were half as smart as you think you are you would know I have been pointing that out for two years.

For the person you actually are, the US takes in 10 times the revenue it needs to pay all of its debts. That means that, even if we are reduced to spending only the money we actually have, we will still be able to meet all the payments on the debts, including the interest payments to social security, and still have enough money left over to keep Michelle's website up. That means you can relax.
Given this statement, not raising the debt ceiling would not mean we can't spend money. That means that either Obama is lying to us, or we are all crazy.

Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times to pay for unprecedented military spending, including the infamous "Star Wars", which turned out to be a wasteful farce.

Reagan tripled Carter's spending.

Tip O'neill and the Democrats vigorously disagreed with Reagan and could have easily used the debt ceiling to handcuff him, but they didn't.

George W Bush doubled Clinton's spending.

He asked for 7 debt ceiling increases - more than double Obama.

We didn't hear a peep from your party.

Obama won two elections against candidates who opposed ObamaCare. Obama defeated Romney, who vowed to repeal ObamaCare, by 5 million votes. AGAIN: ObamaCare won two elections and passed through congress and the Supreme Court. Which is to say: your party has decided to overturn the results of an election.

Not only have the Democrats never used the debt ceiling to obstruct a Republican agenda; they have never overturned the results of an election and thwarted the will of the majority by using the debt ceiling to overturn an existing law.

Currently our national deficits are shrinking faster than they did under Bush.

Obama is not asking to fund government at his preferred spending levels. He is only asking to restore the CR, which reflects much lower (Republican) spending levels.

AGAIN: The CR reflects sequester spending levels which are far less than the Democrats want, and [ironically] far, far less than Bush spending levels.

(Where were Republicans during the Bush spending years?)

Your party never made a peep when Bush continually required debt ceiling increases. And now your party is using this issue to overturn the results of an election, and to undermine legislation that was legally passed and constitutionally sanctioned. History will record this as a crime enacted by deeply corrupt politicians and a collection of very naive voters whose rage has been brilliantly channeled into the most paranoid and toxic revanchism in history. You have been conditioned by dear leader to believe that your country has been stolen and that ObamaCare will kill grandma and lead to pure communism

(meanwhile poor hard working citizens from Kentucky sign up by the thousands. Decent American families will finally receive health care. on the other hand, your party would rather dish out trillions in no bid defense contracts blowing up and rebuilding Arab sand piles)

(You've been lied to)

(You know not what you do)

(God help us)

(Not a peep)
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