Declare this election invalid

Remove all threats to your vote. Then let us clearly and without interference, elect a President.

No. We already had one. Trump lost. Biden won. No credible evidence of voter fraud. I'm sorry you don't like the results. There are no do overs because you don't like the outcome or you want to believe your guy was cheated. I didn't hear Hillary Clinton making a big stink four years ago. I remember she graciously conceded and the Obama administration provided Trump a smooth and peaceful transition. Grow up, and grow a pair.
Twenty judges have said it was fair, no fraud.
If Trump didn’t know himself that he has lost he would be out in front of the microphones every day screeching ranting and providing concrete proof that the election was rigged. He is not doing that because he knows there was no fraud,

Yanno, all the lawsuits that Trump has brought up against the election have been steadily been shot down. Sorry Trumpsters, but he lost, no matter what you say.

I'm wondering if he's gonna try to buy off the people voting in the electoral college to try to steal this election.
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?
They aren't.

We just had a legal election.

Trump lost.

Apparently, we did not. But if you believe the results would be the same, why not want a clean election for your candidate?

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