Declare this election invalid

Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.
Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

There should be a website where every person in the country who voted for Trump can log in and register, with name, address and SS number. How much you want to bet it adds up to MILLIONS more than the official national vote says?
It's a process.
I’m still at stage 1 and plan to stay there for a long time

Maybe 4 years and 2 months longer

Trump has not lost and biden is far from being president

Democrats are SCARED SHITLESS the impeachment failed, and they stole this election because Trump's closing in on nailing Obama and his ring of henchmen thugs. He's going to take them all down. Now we know why Obama is the only president to ever NOT leave DC once out of office.
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

Um, because they'd lose

That's not true and you know it. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans. There are more city dwellers than rural people. The Republican white rural demographic is shrinking. That's why Republicans gerrymander, suppress the votes of blacks and poor people, and general cheat on elections. There are more liberals than conservatives, and in order to maintain that minority rule, Republicans have to lie and cheat.

No, it's obvious dems generated ballots at 3AM. I pray that SCOTUS looks at the evidence and throw out this miscarriage of justice
I watched it, and wondered why the counting went haywire. I saw one state go from 95% counted to 85% in a 10 second frame of time. And actually watched Trump's vote count drop at that time and Biden's get bumped.

I know there is fraud. I just hope God does not allow it to stand and is not going to wash His hands of America and turn it over to Judgment.
The 2020 general election is all over...

Biden won...

Trump lost...

Time to move on, and deal with something important...

Like the goddamned pandemic and the horrific loss of American lives...
There are so many instances of massive fraud that we need to do the election over or else over half the nation will believe the election was stolen from Trump....and that Biden is not the legitimate president....
Remove all threats to your vote. Then let us clearly and without interference, elect a President.

No. We already had one. Trump lost. Biden won. No credible evidence of voter fraud. I'm sorry you don't like the results. There are no do overs because you don't like the outcome or you want to believe your guy was cheated. I didn't hear Hillary Clinton making a big stink four years ago. I remember she graciously conceded and the Obama administration provided Trump a smooth and peaceful transition. Grow up, and grow a pair.


Jack is the result of what happens to someone when a surgeon removes your brain and replaces it with a smoldering cinder.

The lights are on, the mouth moves, but nothing but bubbles of spittle come out of the mouth.
Remove all threats to your vote. Then let us clearly and without interference, elect a President.

No. We already had one. Trump lost. Biden won. No credible evidence of voter fraud. I'm sorry you don't like the results. There are no do overs because you don't like the outcome or you want to believe your guy was cheated. I didn't hear Hillary Clinton making a big stink four years ago. I remember she graciously conceded and the Obama administration provided Trump a smooth and peaceful transition. Grow up, and grow a pair.


Here's the only reality you need to accept.

View attachment 417635

Hey look at that! Joe got the exact same number of votes Trump got in 2016 and Trump got Hillary's 232.

About as likely as Joe scoring with a pair of 19 year old college twins.
One day vote in person no mail in votes...only absentee votes for valid reasons....if the dems have nothing to hide why wouldn't they want a clear visible open election?.....
Vote by Mail is perfectly safe and secure.

Sure. It COULD be if only we actually had honest people on this end counting them!
One day vote in person no mail in votes...only absentee votes for valid reasons....if the dems have nothing to hide why wouldn't they want a clear visible open election?.....
Vote by Mail is perfectly safe and secure.

Sure. It COULD be if only we actually had honest people on this end counting them!

these trolls keep ignoring what stalin once said,he knew this is what got him elected,,HIS people in charge of the votes.this is too complicated for these liars to understand though. this is how elections have been decided in american history for DECADES,WHO counted the votes.:auiqs.jpg:
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt. Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?
Um, because they'd lose

Just imagine Frank if elections were held where the two candidates had to give a complete accounting of their background and past, then a complete account of their policies and plans once in office, and they had to STICK to those plans. And there was no lying allowed by the media or in advertising. Then we had a 100% straight up, verified tally of the votes with the voters really knowing what they were getting?

I watched it, and wondered why the counting went haywire. I saw one state go from 95% counted to 85% in a 10 second frame of time. And actually watched Trump's vote count drop at that time and Biden's get bumped.
Since you didn't give specifics i'll have to speculate y ou're talking about the hand recount in Georgia. Where several counties recounted by re-tabulating the votes. They were ordered by the secretary of state to "hand count" the ballots. Thus their numbers were subtracted from the recount, pending their hand count results.

That is what you might have seen.
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

Um, because they'd lose

That's not true and you know it. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans. There are more city dwellers than rural people. The Republican white rural demographic is shrinking. That's why Republicans gerrymander, suppress the votes of blacks and poor people, and general cheat on elections. There are more liberals than conservatives, and in order to maintain that minority rule, Republicans have to lie and cheat.

That must be why Biden under-performed in every district, did worse than Hillary and Obama in the major blue cities exactly where he should have been STRONGEST, EXCEPT IN THE FOUR KEY STATES HE NEEDED TO BEAT TRUMP WHO ALL STOPPED COUNTING AT THE SAME TIME LATE AT NIGHT WHEN TRUMP WAS UP BY LIKE 700,000 VOTES.

Then didn't resume until hours/days later when miraculously, they had just enough Biden votes to win!

No, we are to believe that republicans held onto every seat up for grabs, voters voted for the GOP in every race except one---- TRUMP? NFW

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