Declare this election invalid

Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?
They aren't.

We just had a legal election.

Trump lost.

Apparently, we did not. But if you believe the results would be the same, why not want a clean election for your candidate?

Then, let's redo the 2016 election while we are at it.
Remove all threats to your vote. Then let us clearly and without interference, elect a President.
"While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections and you should too."
tatement released by the Trump Administration Department of
Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency​

Now that 75 million+ Americans have gotten to officially register the sentiment they had clearly expressed in Trump's consistently dismal polling numbers over the past four years, it is appropriate that we now indulge in crackpot fun as we celebrate with the hilarity of the farcical and zany roasting of the ever-gracious, reluctantly-departing Lardass the Magnificent!

What better token of the madcap nature of the cry baby loser's impotence in confronting reality than Rudy Toot Toot!

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"I have amassed this impressive throng featuring, among others, a Trumpy chronic sex offender, and at least
one other convicted felon, in this historic industrial parking lot outside the prestigious Four Seasons, between
a popular crematorium and one of Philly's truly great pornography emporiums, to expose the illegitimacy

of the 2020 election by dropping my britches and revealing yet another Hunter 'Laptop from Hell!'"
Joining the fabulous Mayor 9/12 in his contempt for facts, reality, and the democratic process are Lame Donald Duck's avid goose-steppers:

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Seriously, don't the Trump diehards have the decency to feel ridiculous?​
Most of the TV media and entertainers are accessories to murder and are not charged.

How do you feel about gun manufacturers, are they accessories to murder as well? What if they pay to have their weapons displayed in some of the violent movies and TV shows?
CISA gov put out the following statements

Statement that they puts out contradicts many statements made by Trump and his supporters

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.

okay results are being double checked by the finest people that the US has to offer

“When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience.

Any issues found will be discovered and addressed at that time

“While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”

Let people do their job without yelling in their ear with unfounded claims and be the source of misinformation

Motives and things that go bump in the night
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

The answer is they're not, and YOU are. This election has been certified as the most honest and fair election in history - by multiple legitimate sources. The ONLY sources saying otherwise is the lying American conman President, and his staff.

Only a total fool believes otherwise, and YOU ARE THAT FOOL.
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Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

Um, because they'd lose

That's not true and you know it. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans. There are more city dwellers than rural people. The Republican white rural demographic is shrinking. That's why Republicans gerrymander, suppress the votes of blacks and poor people, and general cheat on elections. There are more liberals than conservatives, and in order to maintain that minority rule, Republicans have to lie and cheat.
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?

Um, because they'd lose

That's not true and you know it. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans. There are more city dwellers than rural people. The Republican white rural demographic is shrinking. That's why Republicans gerrymander, suppress the votes of blacks and poor people, and general cheat on elections. There are more liberals than conservatives, and in order to maintain that minority rule, Republicans have to lie and cheat.

No, it's obvious dems generated ballots at 3AM. I pray that SCOTUS looks at the evidence and throw out this miscarriage of justice
Obama's scorecard shouldn't be capable of deciding our next President, nor should Frankfurt.

Why would liberals be against an actual legal election outcome?
They aren't.

We just had a legal election.

Trump lost.

Apparently, we did not. But if you believe the results would be the same, why not want a clean election for your candidate?
Apparently you’re ignorant of the election process – there is no provision in the Constitution or Federal election law to declare an election ‘invalid’; each state is responsible for its election process and the validity of its election.

As already correctly noted: rightists can’t call for a ‘do-over’ just because they don’t like the outcome of the election.

The 2020 General Election was perfectly fair and valid – Joe Biden will be the next president January 20, 2021.

Stop acting like petulant children.
We need to have another election and only allow absentee ballots for the military or elderly coherent people, or people with compromised immune system. And also NO THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES.
Remove all threats to your vote. Then let us clearly and without interference, elect a President.
No. We already had one. Trump lost. Biden won. No credible evidence of voter fraud.


I bet NOT ONE person who funnied the video even watched it!

YOU'VE WON NOTHING, Jack. Not even your war with insanity. Too bad we are not closer together-- -- I've finally figured out how to finally give your life value---- if we could get together, I'd be willing for free to convert your head into an ashtray stand where someone merely steps on your foot, the top of your head flips open, and there is a place to flick one's ashes.

Finally, your life would serve a purpose.
What is it you assholes like to say… Oh yeah, elections have consequences.

Yeah they have consequences alright. In this case the consequence may be that we never have another fair election again, not to mention the irreparable damage to our country that would occur from a Biden/Harris administration.

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