Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

Trump wanted to, and did, shut down the government.
Because no one gave him $$$, to build his vanity wall, including MEXICO.
You can not be pleased with what’s happening at the southern border?
Going around saying everyone else is stupid is not a solution.
But that's not what I said. A majority of Americans are not like you.

You once again completely screw up what I said.

This is why I don't bother.
But that's not what I said. A majority of Americans are not like you.

You once again completely screw up what I said.

This is why I don't bother.
By classifying those that don’t agree with you as “sheep”, that’s exactly what you are saying. It’s arrogant and wrong. you know we only pay the interest?

And you think we can't afford $ 370 billion? That is what the interest costs

In 2020 it was 520 billion. It just keeps going up, eating up more and more of our budget. And right now it is so low due to the very low interest rates. Once those go up, the price of our debt goes with it. In 2019 the cost of the debt was 574 billion due to higher interest rates.

Think about this, our entire DOD budget was 714 billion that year. so the cost of the debt is getting close to the cost of the defense of the country.

We cannot keep giving a bigger and bigger percent of our budget to the debt, eventually that bubble will pop.
In 2020 it was 520 billion. It just keeps going up, eating up more and more of our budget. And right now it is so low due to the very low interest rates. Once those go up, the price of our debt goes with it. In 2019 the cost of the debt was 574 billion due to higher interest rates.

Think about this, our entire DOD budget was 714 billion that year. so the cost of the debt is getting close to the cost of the defense of the country.

We cannot keep giving a bigger and bigger percent of our budget to the debt, eventually that bubble will pop.

Interest on the public debt is $378 B

Interest on the public debt is $378 B




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Achieving a zero-deficit budget is not enough when you are $28+ TRILLION in debt.

A lot of people get excited and cheer every time some politician promises to have a 'balanced budget', and I guess achieving that / keeping that promise is something to be happy about; however, that Debt Clock keeps ticking away.

We know for a FACT that there are hundreds of billions being lost through Social Security, Food Stamp, Welfare, etc fraud....we KNOW there are people 'out there' - a lot of Democrats / liberals to include Joe Biden - who owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes...we KNOW we would have to pay off / back more than $28 TRILLION dollars just to be 'BROKE'....

So every time I see a politician talks about raising taxes I see a lazy, cowardly POS who refuses to do what needs to be done 1st before raising taxes, which is to tackle / fix the waste just mentioned. Raising taxes should be the last option.

Every time I see a politician packing bills with self-serving pork - like how Pelosi packed $200 million for a park in her district and would get $20 Million kicked back as a re-election contribution - I see a CRIMINAL, a politician who does not give a damn about Americans, our kids' future, America, or America's future. I see a crooked politician who wants to 'get theirs' while they can.

I applaud politicians like Joe Manchin - let me re-phrase that because there aren't any politicians like Joe Manchin: I applaud Joe Manchin for not looking in a mirror when trying to decide who to help 'today' but instead looks at the big picture: The deficit in its entirety, what it is doing to the US, what packing on more debt will do to the country and Americans, and focus on what is best for the nation and citizens, not self.
- Unfortunately I hear he may be changing his mind on supporting Biden and fellow Democrats and their (current) projected $5.5 TRILLION 'ZERO' dollar debt bomb.
'The $5.5 Trillion dollar bill 'costs ZERO' - it does not cost the American people a dime...because we have found a way to pay for it all, to include raising taxes'.

1. $5.5 trillion in new spending does NOT cost 'ZERO'

2. Claiming you have found a way to pay for the $5.5 Trillion is an admission that it costs $5.5 TRILLION...because you had to find a way to pay for it. If it cost 'ZERO' dollars you wouldn't have had to find a way to pay for it.

3. 'It will not cost Americans a dollar'
- You said one of the ways Democrats say they are going to pay for it is to raise taxes. Who the hell do Democrats and snowflakes believe pay takes? Illegals? George Soros? (Evidently NOT Joe Biden...). Americans pay those taxes that pay for their pork-filled deficit bombs, so claiming Americans will not pay 1 dime for these bills is a blatant LIE. Biden, Pelosi, Harris, and others continue to lie their ass off, believing / hoping the American people are idiots.
Yet Trump had weak low growth, barely better than Obama.

Biden's economy is booming, and the infrastructure bill will take it to the next level. The GOP does not want another Dem pres to show up the GOP the way Clinton showed up everybody, Obama showed up Bush, and now Biden is crushing Trump.

We are coming out of a pandemic. Even idiot Biden couldn’t completely kill that boom, but don’t worry, he will shortly. Inflation will continue as supply will remain low because we continue to pay people to stay home. If the far lefties get their way with the 3.5T bill, look for massive inflation in the long term after a short term bump. Democrats are economically illiterate.
But that's not what I said. A majority of Americans are not like you.

You once again completely screw up what I said.

This is why I don't bother.

We bow to your superior intellect. We are not worthy. Who are we question leftists economists, their track record be damned.

The old idiom “You can’t see the forest for the trees” seems very apropos in this case.

PS: Get back with me when inflation slows back down. It won’t happen unless Biden’s polices change.

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