Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Why don't you help us out and offer an example of your accusation.
it not an accusation it's statement of fact further example is needed..
btw when you learn the difference between the two. get back to me.

No, it's not a statement of fact, it is a statement of your opinion. It is baseless.
hahahahaha! of course you'd say that. defending bullshit is something you do well!
no need they're obvious..need someone to hold your hand ?

Why don't you go fuck yourself, moron? You popped off your smart ass mouth and got called out on it, now you want to fire off one-liners all day, and fill the thread up with this silly bullshit. You don't give a shit, it's just more posts for people to have to wade through, to get to the thread topic. You're filibustering, plain and simple, because you lack the intellectual wattage to meet the challenge. Get the fuck out of my thread if you're not going to discuss the topic, or I will take this to the mods. I'm done with your demagoguing bullshit here.
no need they're obvious..need someone to hold your hand ?

Why don't you go fuck yourself, moron? You popped off your smart ass mouth and got called out on it, now you want to fire off one-liners all day, and fill the thread up with this silly bullshit. You don't give a shit, it's just more posts for people to have to wade through, to get to the thread topic. You're filibustering, plain and simple, because you lack the intellectual wattage to meet the challenge. Get the fuck out of my thread if you're not going to discuss the topic, or I will take this to the mods. I'm done with your demagoguing bullshit here.
another erroneous statement.
There is nothing in the OP to debate. It is a vapid assertion with no evidence. So, the argument fails and this thread goes in circles because Boss plays semantic games and continually moves the goal posts when he is pressed. One minute, we're not talking about god, the next minute we are, and yet his OP clearly claims proof of god, when he supplies none. This is the worst piece of argumentation I have ever seen in my entire life.

The OP is full of evidence. You have the inability to recognize spiritual nature, and you can't envision any incarnation of god that isn't a deity or religious. There are no semantics games, there are semantics that need to be clearly understood and defined before any debate can happen. You can't even comprehend the argument, because of your shallow mind that is closed to anything other than your shallow-minded preconceptions of "invisible people in da sky" ...that's the maturity level we're dealing with here. You should just continue your boycott of this thread, before someone comes and embarasses you again.

Wrong. It is your illogical conclusions from non- evidence that make the OP fail, and fail hard. Human belief is not evidence. It never will be. Give up, because you aren't convincing anybody except yourself.
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There is nothing in the OP to debate. It is a vapid assertion with no evidence. So, the argument fails and this thread goes in circles because Boss plays semantic games and continually moves the goal posts when he is pressed. One minute, we're not talking about god, the next minute we are, and yet his OP clearly claims proof of god, when he supplies none. This is the worst piece of argumentation I have ever seen in my entire life.

The OP is full of evidence. You have the inability to recognize spiritual nature, and you can't envision any incarnation of god that isn't a deity or religious. There are no semantics games, there are semantics that need to be clearly understood and defined before any debate can happen. You can't even comprehend the argument, because of your shallow mind that is closed to anything other than your shallow-minded preconceptions of "invisible people in da sky" ...that's the maturity level we're dealing with here. You should just continue your boycott of this thread, before someone comes and embarasses you again.

Wrong. It is your illogical conclusions from false evidence that make the OP fail, and fail hard. Human belief is not evidence. It never will be. Give up, because you aren't convincing anybody except yourself.
I agree 100%
subjective experience is not evidence
belief only proves belief it is not evidence of the thing believed in.
the major problem with this thread from the start has been the extremely bigoted assumption by the op that if you did not accept what he termed" spiritual evidence" you didn't have the intellectual chops to understand or participate in the thread..
it's not a tough concept..
it is fact that there is some sort of energy that we can sense but not see, it does have an effect on our thinking.
other than that ,what is is or if it's an intelligence different or greater than ours or created existence, is all speculation.
the cocksureness of the author does more harm than good to the pov he's presenting.
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