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Delegates....a rigged system?

False. This has nothing to do with campaigning. This is a private organization gaming the outcome of the nominating process by setting arbitrary rules, or changing them year to year to ensure they get an approved nominee.

the party always votes its own rules... because it's a party nomination.

the fact that trump doesn't believe rules apply to him is the larger problem. and one would think, were he a serious candidate, he'd have taken it seriously and had the people around him to work the delegates.

so much for him being prepared on day one.
But those rules change from year to year with the express purpose of gaming the system toward a particular candidate.

The minimum 8 state wins to be nominated? That was a new rule instituted in 2012 to hurt Ron Paul.

As for Drumpf, so much for the Art of the Deal, and his boasts of working the fine print to his advantage. He's being revealed as a fraud.

Cryin Donald's problem isn't that the rules are against him, it's that he's not winning a majority. He's running 37%
Forget Trump..its the fucking system. Its bunk. I don't care who's running, the rules need to be changed to reflect the will of the American people. Oh wait.....we can't have that.

you are aware the founders wanted only white male landed gentry to vote, right?

Yeah, they were wrong on the "white" one
True, and sadly he'd still be an improvement over the last eight years.
I'll never understand the delusional conservative mind. By almost every measure Obama has improved American life from the day he took office.
Stagnant wages and increasing debt in a recovery normally would doom anyone as a one termer, but the gop has alienated a lot of people ... generally on social issues.
Wages have been stagnant since Reagan became president. Funny how no one on the right bitched in 2004 that Bush hadn't raised wages, therefore he shouldn't be re-elected.

Conservatives only come up with these bullshit issues when a Democrat is POTUS.

As for the debt, Republicans have had iron fist control over the House since 2011, and the House controls all money. And that's another issue conservatives only care about when a Democrat is POTUS.

Wow, you're not old enough to remember the 2004 election? How old are you? Conservatives supported W because they supported the war. He was criticized even by Rush Limbaugh and your favorite pom pom Republican Hannity for pretty much everything else, but they kept saying we need to support him because the war on terror and winning in Iraq and Afghanistan is too important.

Republicans are your party, don't you even pay attention to your own candidates and favorite hate radio hosts?
They supported the war but they also overwhelmingly supported the massive tax cuts for the rich which exploded the debt. They also supported Bush's stimulus in 2002. No conservatives bitched about the debt until Obama was elected, and then all of a sudden - TEA PARTY! Drummed up and astroturfed by Dick Armey and the Kochs, with massive help from FOXNEWS.

And where the fuck do you get the idea that the Republican Party is my Party?

I'm one of the biggest Liberals on this board. I've been sporting a mocking avatar of Lyin' Ryan for years.

You are full of shit, all Conservatives complained about W's spending. Loudly and repeatedly. Again, how old are you, Geez, we're talking the president before Obama, how do you not remember that?

And the tax cuts weren't the problem, SPENDING was the problem. Tax cuts when they are as high as they are now reduce the deficit, particularly as a percent of GDP since reductions lead to higher GDP and vice versa.

And I'm calling you a right winger when you're not one because you keep calling me a right winger when I'm not one. My God, you are S-T-U-P-I-D. That was butt obvious
Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking.
Conservatives get elected, work their hardest to destroy government institutions and the public's faith, then run again complaining that government is bad and they're the only ones who can fix it.

Rinse, repeat.

Our government keeps getting bigger and, say what homeboy? How is your response supposed to make sense that the problem is anyone is destroying government institutions? OMG, we can't live without more government, who will take care of us??? So, what institutions are in your mind possibly getting smaller?
Again, you have problems with basic words.

I say strengthen government institutions and make them efficient, and you change it to "make government bigger". #SMH
the party always votes its own rules... because it's a party nomination.

the fact that trump doesn't believe rules apply to him is the larger problem. and one would think, were he a serious candidate, he'd have taken it seriously and had the people around him to work the delegates.

so much for him being prepared on day one.
But those rules change from year to year with the express purpose of gaming the system toward a particular candidate.

The minimum 8 state wins to be nominated? That was a new rule instituted in 2012 to hurt Ron Paul.

As for Drumpf, so much for the Art of the Deal, and his boasts of working the fine print to his advantage. He's being revealed as a fraud.

Cryin Donald's problem isn't that the rules are against him, it's that he's not winning a majority. He's running 37%
Forget Trump..its the fucking system. Its bunk. I don't care who's running, the rules need to be changed to reflect the will of the American people. Oh wait.....we can't have that.

you are aware the founders wanted only white male landed gentry to vote, right?

Yeah, they were wrong on the "white" one

they were wrong on all of it. which is why what they "intended" isn't particularly relevant when defining constitutional requirements. that's why the document wasn't particularly long.
Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking.
Conservatives get elected, work their hardest to destroy government institutions and the public's faith, then run again complaining that government is bad and they're the only ones who can fix it.

Rinse, repeat.

Our government keeps getting bigger and, say what homeboy? How is your response supposed to make sense that the problem is anyone is destroying government institutions? OMG, we can't live without more government, who will take care of us??? So, what institutions are in your mind possibly getting smaller?
Again, you have problems with basic words.

I say strengthen government institutions and make them efficient, and you change it to "make government bigger". #SMH

Efficient? Government? :lmao:

My God man, you are a complete sheep
But those rules change from year to year with the express purpose of gaming the system toward a particular candidate.

The minimum 8 state wins to be nominated? That was a new rule instituted in 2012 to hurt Ron Paul.

As for Drumpf, so much for the Art of the Deal, and his boasts of working the fine print to his advantage. He's being revealed as a fraud.

Cryin Donald's problem isn't that the rules are against him, it's that he's not winning a majority. He's running 37%
Forget Trump..its the fucking system. Its bunk. I don't care who's running, the rules need to be changed to reflect the will of the American people. Oh wait.....we can't have that.

you are aware the founders wanted only white male landed gentry to vote, right?

Yeah, they were wrong on the "white" one

they were wrong on all of it. which is why what they "intended" isn't particularly relevant when defining constitutional requirements. that's why the document wasn't particularly long.

The document isn't particularly long because government was supposed to be strictly limited
So, you believe that private organizations should not be interfered with as they decide who our 2 choices for POTUS will be?

They are not our 2 choices by law. They are our two choices because most voters are too stupid and gullible to think beyond the two crappy choices. Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking. That the crappy government that is run by the result of the stupid voters is going to go back and fix the voters so they elect better candidates and we get better government is categorically ridiculous
Is the LP a private organization like the RP and DP? How about the Greens? How about the Reform Party? Or the Constitution Party?

I'm not clear what you're asking me. Your literal question answer is yes, but point?
I thought you were arguing that if I don't like the private entities RNC and DNC manipulating the process to get their desired result, I can always vote for a third Party. I'm saying that they are all private entities also, are they not?

You're mixing too many issues together and you're not smart enough or open minded enough to waste the time separating them back out
No, you just don't have an answer.

The point I made but you couldn't seem to comprehend is that if they are all private entities you can't escape the arbitrary rule-making. All of them will have their own rules.
And even if it did happen, so you have a wall in one spot for 24-48 miles, or you have a thousand mile wall they could cross anywhere permanently ...

This sounds good to you? Really?
I'm for securing the border, but a wall is retarded. Especially after seeing how El Chappo had a tunnel dug, what...2-3 miles long, completely undetected?

My solution to border control is twofold:

#1 - relocate military bases in interior Red states like Idaho, Kansas, Utah to the Texas border and they can patrol the border.

#2 - Pass a law that has steep fines for any company hiring an illegal. Have mandatory minimum prison sentences for the most egregious offenders. (Why haven't Republicans already passed one? The answer is that they want that cheap labor, and all this panic over illegals is purely political, for their racist, dumbass base.)

Your solution is to keep importing voters
How do you get this from my post?
They are not our 2 choices by law. They are our two choices because most voters are too stupid and gullible to think beyond the two crappy choices. Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking. That the crappy government that is run by the result of the stupid voters is going to go back and fix the voters so they elect better candidates and we get better government is categorically ridiculous
Is the LP a private organization like the RP and DP? How about the Greens? How about the Reform Party? Or the Constitution Party?

I'm not clear what you're asking me. Your literal question answer is yes, but point?
I thought you were arguing that if I don't like the private entities RNC and DNC manipulating the process to get their desired result, I can always vote for a third Party. I'm saying that they are all private entities also, are they not?

You're mixing too many issues together and you're not smart enough or open minded enough to waste the time separating them back out
No, you just don't have an answer.

The point I made but you couldn't seem to comprehend is that if they are all private entities you can't escape the arbitrary rule-making. All of them will have their own rules.

I've gotten that point all along. Yes, they each decide how they want to select their own candidate. Then they have to run in a general election to win the office where everyone can vote. Duh. What I don't get is what your point is. Here's how you know that's what I was asking, I keep asking what your point is ...
And even if it did happen, so you have a wall in one spot for 24-48 miles, or you have a thousand mile wall they could cross anywhere permanently ...

This sounds good to you? Really?
I'm for securing the border, but a wall is retarded. Especially after seeing how El Chappo had a tunnel dug, what...2-3 miles long, completely undetected?

My solution to border control is twofold:

#1 - relocate military bases in interior Red states like Idaho, Kansas, Utah to the Texas border and they can patrol the border.

#2 - Pass a law that has steep fines for any company hiring an illegal. Have mandatory minimum prison sentences for the most egregious offenders. (Why haven't Republicans already passed one? The answer is that they want that cheap labor, and all this panic over illegals is purely political, for their racist, dumbass base.)

Your solution is to keep importing voters
How do you get this from my post?

I really have to dumb things down for you. OK, you want an ineffective solution so you can keep getting illegals in because they vote more Democrat. Seriously, you didn't get that?
True, and sadly he'd still be an improvement over the last eight years.
I'll never understand the delusional conservative mind. By almost every measure Obama has improved American life from the day he took office.

It's not that hard to fathom the christian fundamentalists that have taken over the GOP. Every thing about them is based on a lie no mater how hard they continue to sell it. They claim ownership of American morality as if they invented it and own the patent. Growing up believing in total nonsense has prepared the neo cons for going with "the group" on all issues and beliefs, including that Obama is the worst American president in history. They have always rejected facts. When faced with facts they come back with their "faith" as the supposed equal theory to everything. They do not need nor accept any information that crosses what they take on faith. Practically ALL of their "information" is religion based or religists generated. They are the lowest and poorest informed group of people in American history. It has been a sad several decades for what was once a proud and strong political party. People like Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater were well informed and based in reality.

Only a fool can deny the progress towards solvency of our economy. The only fly in the ointment that stands out remains the bubble that Wall street is continuing to build. Obama has done little to nothing in reigning in this dangerous development. In all fairness the republicans in the position of power would do nothing to help him addressing Wall street's and the bank's influence in congress.

What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?

"What are you talking about? What social issues have Republicans passed?"

I'm sorry. I keep saying you are constantly mis reading my posts so I had to read this one again because I don't want to accuse you of being stupid without evidence. I didn't find a single word or group of words within the reply that states "social issues the republicans have passed". You are close though as they have ATTEMPTED to pass numerous pieces of legislation with versions of their moral agenda embedded within. That is one of their favorite tricks. They pretend to be addressing a valid need and almost without fail poison the bill with a stupid religist amendment that side rails the legislation. If you do not know what I am referring to you are as dense as you are repetitive.
True, and sadly he'd still be an improvement over the last eight years.
I'll never understand the delusional conservative mind. By almost every measure Obama has improved American life from the day he took office.
Stagnant wages and increasing debt in a recovery normally would doom anyone as a one termer, but the gop has alienated a lot of people ... generally on social issues.

What have Republicans done on social issues?
Campaigned on them, then when they win they go back to their #1 priority: greed and holding onto power.

WTF? Do you even know what social issues are? The question is, "What have Republicans done on social issues?"

Holding onto power is something all politicians try to do, it isn't a social issue. And "greed" is an economic issue, do you know what the word means? It means wanting money. You know, like you want money you didn't earn. That's greed. It's not a social issue
Read it again and get back to me. I'm beginning to think it's past your nap time.
And the tax cuts weren't the problem, SPENDING was the problem.
You're saying that tax cuts didn't add massive amounts to the debt?

Tax cuts when they are as high as they are now reduce the deficit, particularly as a percent of GDP since reductions lead to higher GDP and vice versa.


You just can't help yourself from changing the argument when you are losing, can you?

We're talking about the DEBT not the DEFICIT.

Go take that nap!
And I'm calling you a right winger when you're not one because you keep calling me a right winger when I'm not one. My God, you are S-T-U-P-I-D. That was butt obvious
Of course you're a Right-Winger.

Do you generally support Republican positions or Democratic positions?

Have you ever voted for a Republican?

Have you ever voted for a Democrat?

Are Libertarian positions more aligned with the Right or the Left?
Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking.
Conservatives get elected, work their hardest to destroy government institutions and the public's faith, then run again complaining that government is bad and they're the only ones who can fix it.

Rinse, repeat.

Our government keeps getting bigger and, say what homeboy? How is your response supposed to make sense that the problem is anyone is destroying government institutions? OMG, we can't live without more government, who will take care of us??? So, what institutions are in your mind possibly getting smaller?
Again, you have problems with basic words.

I say strengthen government institutions and make them efficient, and you change it to "make government bigger". #SMH

Efficient? Government? :lmao:

My God man, you are a complete sheep
There's your Right-Wing brainwashing kicking in again!
No, not with modern technology. I'm thinking they're smart enough to put in sensors and surveillance.
Then why not put that in, and forget the wall?

They are already doing just that. The problem is that there is little slowing down the numbers on the Southern side of the border. Payoffs to police is rampant and outright threats and frequent murder perpetrated against those officials that won't play ball ensure Mexico's side is much softer than our side of the border. Also there are helicopters being used to pinpoint individual groups of intruders and that stops less than 10% of what is happening right in the same area. They can only fly a limited number of aircraft because of flight safety issues.

Furthermore the drug cartels fuel and support nearly half of the attempts many of which are family members attempting to do whatever it takes to have their relatives released from having been taken hostage. "Do this or your wife or children will have their heads cut off".

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