Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

Because of gun control laws that got passed despite GOP objections .

Ok gun nerds. Explain to us dopes the difference tween what the military is using in Afghanistan vs say, what the Florida high school shooter used ?

Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .

Yes, a pointless law. With over 18 million semi-automatic rifles in private hands in the U.S......and that is a low count........and over 320 million people in the country.....

All rifle types accounted for 403 gun murders...which means the AR-15 is responsible for even fewer deaths than that..........

So again, if you think we should ban the AR-15 over less than 403 gun murders ....then we need to ban knives which are used to kill over 1,500 people every year, and cars that have killed over 38,000 people a year.....

Gotta start somewhere .

Lots of illegals in America too. Should we do nothing about it ?

Illegals broke the law........

The AR-15 is less deadly than knives and cars.......the only reason to ban it is if you are mentally ill.....

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Even though they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
All progressives are fucked in the head
No mass shooters are fucked in the head. You sell guns. You know the difference between a "sporting rifle" and an assault weapon, you dishonest shyster. Don't play word games.

"You know the difference between these things, which I know nothing about but am just SURE exists, so you must be a liar if you don't say what I want to believe."

By all means, OldBroad, tell us this alleged difference, in your "infinite knowledge" about guns. Or even just tell us the definition of "assault weapon", since you like to parrot that phrase so much and pretend it's oh-so-eeeeevil.
You have no clue what you are talkin about, brainwashed functional moron. Definition of assault rifle....AR-15 always involved. They were actually in a competition to become the army's weapon and should have won...

Moron.......from your own doofus....

Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.

The AR-15 is a civilian can't switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire......
I think it's a good idea and I guess I'm not the only one. I think the assault weapons should also be confiscated/bought back and if anyone is caught with one after a certain point, they get a fine that will take years to settle.
I'd vote for that.
What is an "assault weapon"?

It's not an "assault rifle". Those are already illegal (if manufacture after 1985).
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

That's the rub.

You can't define an "assault weapon" without encompassing 90% of private-owned firearms.

(An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.) (Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.)(Semi-automatic mode means that the weapon will discharge one round of ammunition [one bullet] with one pull of the trigger, then automatically reload another round.)(Burst mode means one pull of the trigger will fire a pre-determined number of rounds (such as 2 or 3 rounds).)(Fully Automatic firing mode means one pull of the trigger will cause the weapon to fire rounds in rapid succession until the trigger is released or until the magazine runs out of ammunition [machine guns].)
Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .

Yes, a pointless law. With over 18 million semi-automatic rifles in private hands in the U.S......and that is a low count........and over 320 million people in the country.....

All rifle types accounted for 403 gun murders...which means the AR-15 is responsible for even fewer deaths than that..........

So again, if you think we should ban the AR-15 over less than 403 gun murders ....then we need to ban knives which are used to kill over 1,500 people every year, and cars that have killed over 38,000 people a year.....

Gotta start somewhere .

Lots of illegals in America too. Should we do nothing about it ?

Illegals broke the law........

The AR-15 is less deadly than knives and cars.......the only reason to ban it is if you are mentally ill.....

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.

The AR-15 is used to kill fewer people every single year than knives, clubs and bare hands......and cars....

A rental truck was used to murder 86 people in Nice France, and injured 435, more than the Vegas shooter who killed 58.
Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .

Yes, a pointless law. With over 18 million semi-automatic rifles in private hands in the U.S......and that is a low count........and over 320 million people in the country.....

All rifle types accounted for 403 gun murders...which means the AR-15 is responsible for even fewer deaths than that..........

So again, if you think we should ban the AR-15 over less than 403 gun murders ....then we need to ban knives which are used to kill over 1,500 people every year, and cars that have killed over 38,000 people a year.....

Gotta start somewhere .

Lots of illegals in America too. Should we do nothing about it ?

Illegals broke the law........

The AR-15 is less deadly than knives and cars.......the only reason to ban it is if you are mentally ill.....

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.

The numbers show that the AR-15 is less deadly each year than knives, clubs and bare hands.....and cars killed 38,000 people in 2017......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696

Alright, ban the bullets instead.
You should take that act on the road!!!!

But, good of you to admit banning the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' will do noting to meet the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Given this, why do you think the Democrats are lock-step on this policy point?
I think it's a good idea and I guess I'm not the only one. I think the assault weapons should also be confiscated/bought back and if anyone is caught with one after a certain point, they get a fine that will take years to settle.
I'd vote for that.
/——/ Problem is gun grabber, assault weapons don’t exist. It’s s made up word Libs use to demonize firearms.
Look, I've been through this whole discussion so many times that I have your responses and mine memorized. Not really in the mood for a full blown "What's an Assault Rifle" game right now fellas. You know what is meant and yes, if it included buy backs and confiscation, it would put a huge dent in mass shootings. But yeah you guys need to keep shooting each other so no, I'll never see the day and that's all I've got to say on the subject today.

I just heard, "I've gotten my ass kicked about this a million times, but I refuse to let facts get in the way of what I feelz should be true!"

member: 58304"]
Alright, ban the bullets instead.
You should take that act on the road!!!!

But, good of you to admit banning the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' will do noting to meet the necessities claimed by the Democrats.
Given this, why do you think the Democrats are lock-step on this policy point?
I think it's a good idea and I guess I'm not the only one. I think the assault weapons should also be confiscated/bought back and if anyone is caught with one after a certain point, they get a fine that will take years to settle.
I'd vote for that.
/——/ Problem is gun grabber, assault weapons don’t exist. It’s s made up word Libs use to demonize firearms.
Look, I've been through this whole discussion so many times that I have your responses and mine memorized. Not really in the mood for a full blown "What's an Assault Rifle" game right now fellas. You know what is meant and yes, if it included buy backs and confiscation, it would put a huge dent in mass shootings. But yeah you guys need to keep shooting each other so no, I'll never see the day and that's all I've got to say on the subject today.

I just heard, "I've gotten my ass kicked about this a million times, but I refuse to let facts get in the way of what I feelz should be true!"[/QUOTE]
too bad you dupes can't change the channel from the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. Yeah AR-15 is a military assault rifle as it was designed.
So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .

Yes, a pointless law. With over 18 million semi-automatic rifles in private hands in the U.S......and that is a low count........and over 320 million people in the country.....

All rifle types accounted for 403 gun murders...which means the AR-15 is responsible for even fewer deaths than that..........

So again, if you think we should ban the AR-15 over less than 403 gun murders ....then we need to ban knives which are used to kill over 1,500 people every year, and cars that have killed over 38,000 people a year.....

Gotta start somewhere .

Lots of illegals in America too. Should we do nothing about it ?

Illegals broke the law........

The AR-15 is less deadly than knives and cars.......the only reason to ban it is if you are mentally ill.....

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.

The numbers show that the AR-15 is less deadly each year than knives, clubs and bare hands.....and cars killed 38,000 people in 2017......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696

The big Mass killers and conspiracy nut jobs like you just love it and it is and was designed as an assault weapon.
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Even though they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
All progressives are fucked in the head
No mass shooters are fucked in the head. You sell guns. You know the difference between a "sporting rifle" and an assault weapon, you dishonest shyster. Don't play word games.

"You know the difference between these things, which I know nothing about but am just SURE exists, so you must be a liar if you don't say what I want to believe."

By all means, OldBroad, tell us this alleged difference, in your "infinite knowledge" about guns. Or even just tell us the definition of "assault weapon", since you like to parrot that phrase so much and pretend it's oh-so-eeeeevil.
You have no clue what you are talkin about, brainwashed functional moron. Definition of assault rifle....AR-15 always involved. They were actually in a competition to become the army's weapon and should have won...
Name any major military using the AR15.

ALMOST doesn't count
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?
Even though they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
All progressives are fucked in the head
No mass shooters are fucked in the head. You sell guns. You know the difference between a "sporting rifle" and an assault weapon, you dishonest shyster. Don't play word games.

"You know the difference between these things, which I know nothing about but am just SURE exists, so you must be a liar if you don't say what I want to believe."

By all means, OldBroad, tell us this alleged difference, in your "infinite knowledge" about guns. Or even just tell us the definition of "assault weapon", since you like to parrot that phrase so much and pretend it's oh-so-eeeeevil.
You have no clue what you are talkin about, brainwashed functional moron. Definition of assault rifle....AR-15 always involved. They were actually in a competition to become the army's weapon and should have won...
Name any major military using the AR15.

ALMOST doesn't count

Well they are all using steak knives . Cause they are more dangerous than ARs.
No surprise, right?
Every Dem who spoke on guns in the 2 nights of debate declared the need to ban 'assault weapon' - to save our schools, to save our kids, shopping malls, movie theaters, gay bars, etc. It's almost as if this little bit of leftist dogma is chiseled into their souls.

A question for those who agree with the candidates:
If there is, as they claim, a NEED to ban these guns, if banning these guns is, as they say, NECESSARY for the safety of whomever - what does a ban on the manufacturer and sale of new 'assault weapons' accomplish?

Have to start somewhere .

What’s the point of assault weapons ? Other than to kill lots Of people quickly.

Well, once you dimwits get around to telling PRECISELY what you're talking about with your scare term of "assault weapon", we'll be able to answer your question of "what's the point".

Until then, I'd have to say the REAL question is, "What's the point of you?"
Have to start somewhere .

What’s the point of assault weapons ? Other than to kill lots Of people quickly.
to make folks thinking of passing laws abridging the right to owning them, think again...[in fact getting them to think once is no easy task without assault weapons]

Great . You what an AR to shoot police and or military cause you are mad at the politicians . Well that’s a shit reason to allow them.

I just heard, "I'm a frigging moron who learned everything I know about guns from movies and leftist blogs."
Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

gee, I wonder why ?


anti government redneck RightWingers who love presidents that kiss Ruaaian ass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


So what you're telling us is that the Dem platform was created by looking at Internet memes and being too stupid to distinguish them from the real world.

Thanks for being honest.
Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

gee, I wonder why ?


anti government redneck RightWingers who love presidents that kiss Ruaaian ass ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


So what you're telling us is that the Dem platform was created by looking at Internet memes and being too stupid to distinguish them from the real world.

Thanks for being honest.

no, thats not what Im telling you

I would rather hang out with them then these guys:


At least the gay guy ain’t a scared lil bitching who cant go down to. market without being armed to the teeth. Those old ladies in the produce department can get a little rough .

Hey, Tims, if you manage to find some pretense of manliness by pretending to yourself that you could never possibly be a victim of a crime, then far be it from me to deny you. But don't confuse oblivious stupidity with courage.
Even though they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
All progressives are fucked in the head
No mass shooters are fucked in the head. You sell guns. You know the difference between a "sporting rifle" and an assault weapon, you dishonest shyster. Don't play word games.

"You know the difference between these things, which I know nothing about but am just SURE exists, so you must be a liar if you don't say what I want to believe."

By all means, OldBroad, tell us this alleged difference, in your "infinite knowledge" about guns. Or even just tell us the definition of "assault weapon", since you like to parrot that phrase so much and pretend it's oh-so-eeeeevil.
You have no clue what you are talkin about, brainwashed functional moron. Definition of assault rifle....AR-15 always involved. They were actually in a competition to become the army's weapon and should have won...
Name any major military using the AR15.

ALMOST doesn't count

Well they are all using steak knives . Cause they are more dangerous than ARs.
So no, you can't.
Ok gun nerds. Explain to us dopes the difference tween what the military is using in Afghanistan vs say, what the Florida high school shooter used ?
Not that you'llunderstand...
The military uses M16A2/A3/A4 rifles and M4 Carbines.
The Parkland shooter used an S&W M&P-15 carbine.

The former are build by US military contractors to military specificationsfor military issue and use; the latter is built to no specific specification for civilian use
The former are select-fire for semi / 3RB / full auto fire; the latter is semi-auto only.
The former are, legally, machin guns, the latter are not.
Pure b*******. It was designed as an assault weapon and has a tumbling effect that makes it a super killer... It won the competition with the M14.
Lets see...
The AR15 was designed by Colt for sporting purposes;
The original 55gr 5.56x45 round is intentionally better suited to wound rather than kill;
The M16 was never in competition with the M14.

You're totally full of shit on this.

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