Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Remember acorn and it still is about FRAUD...

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

What are they trying to hide?


Trey Sanchez

Even though President Trump has ordered an investigation into voter fraud, Democratic officials are refusing to cooperate by withholding voter data.

Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, who serves as the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, sent a letter to top officials in every state asking for help with the investigation. In addition to asking for ideas on how to improve the integrity of elections, Kobach’s letter asked for personal voter information, but what is already publicly available and according to each state’s laws: names, party affiliation, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, felony convictions, voting history, military service,and more, a Fox News report notes.

The election committee was created by the president via executive order alleging massive voter fraud and illegal voting in the millions during the 2016 election. But Democrat officials don’t believe that to be true and are rejecting the request.

Democrats continue to pretend voter fraud doesn’t exist and it appears they aren't interested in finding out otherwise.

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation
They're hiding all they can, if the truth comes out that the bitch really lost the popular vote, all hell will break loose...

The US Government has no business demanding voter choices during the course of a secret ballot... that is downright un-American.

The States are to be applauded for that action, not chastised.



Those States that comply with such an information request betray the rights of their own citizens, and the Constitution itself.

Those citizens who applaud or support such a request betray their fellow countrymen and slavishly surrender their own rights.

So much for standing one's ground in the face of the precursor actions of a budding authoritarianism.

Big Talk... but performing little.

God Save the Republic from such lemmings.
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It would seem some states wish to cover up their corruption in the voting booths.

It's a good thing that we have a republic instead of a democracy which would rely on the popular vote for elections.


Most election fraud is committed by Republican-controlled state officials who make it impossible for citizens to vote by using one ruse or another. Let's investigate that and all the gerrymandering that goes on to divide Democrat constituencies or flood one constituency with Hispanics so that three others can get Republican majorities.
Remember acorn and it still is about FRAUD...

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

What are they trying to hide?


Trey Sanchez

Even though President Trump has ordered an investigation into voter fraud, Democratic officials are refusing to cooperate by withholding voter data.

Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, who serves as the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, sent a letter to top officials in every state asking for help with the investigation. In addition to asking for ideas on how to improve the integrity of elections, Kobach’s letter asked for personal voter information, but what is already publicly available and according to each state’s laws: names, party affiliation, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, felony convictions, voting history, military service,and more, a Fox News report notes.

The election committee was created by the president via executive order alleging massive voter fraud and illegal voting in the millions during the 2016 election. But Democrat officials don’t believe that to be true and are rejecting the request.

Democrats continue to pretend voter fraud doesn’t exist and it appears they aren't interested in finding out otherwise.

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

Listen to these far leftists Jihad, lol. On Russia, their is NO investigation into Trump, but we have to investigate with a special investigator anyway.

And then---------->

There IS an investigation into voter fraud, but we aren't going to co-operate with it. They are soooooooo inconsistent, and yet they think their responses are clever-)
For years now liberals have been denying voter fraud / election fraud.

2016 was the year of udeniable liberal fraud:
Rigged Primaries
Elecion Fraud in their Primaries
Cheating in Debates
Obama / DHS attempting to hack Ga/Indiana election systems
Several snowflakes arrested for eletion fraud
Snowflakes refusing to release data...

The proverbial cat is out of the bag
The US Government has no business demanding voter choices during the course of a secret ballot... that is downright un-American.

The States are to be applauded for that action, not chastised.



Those States that comply with such an information request betray the rights of their own citizens, and the Constitution itself.

Those citizens who applaud or support such a request betray their fellow countrymen and slavishly surrender their own rights.

So much for standing one's ground in the face of the precursor actions of a budding authoritarianism.

Big Talk... but performing little.

God Save the Republic from such lemmings.

Hey twit. They're not asking for the results just the voter rolls so they can determine the validity of those registered to vote. The states that refuse clearly know voter fraud will be found if they comply.

BTW - which states are refusing. California, New York, Illinois, and so on?
Remember acorn and it still is about FRAUD...

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

What are they trying to hide?


Trey Sanchez

Even though President Trump has ordered an investigation into voter fraud, Democratic officials are refusing to cooperate by withholding voter data.

Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, who serves as the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, sent a letter to top officials in every state asking for help with the investigation. In addition to asking for ideas on how to improve the integrity of elections, Kobach’s letter asked for personal voter information, but what is already publicly available and according to each state’s laws: names, party affiliation, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, felony convictions, voting history, military service,and more, a Fox News report notes.

The election committee was created by the president via executive order alleging massive voter fraud and illegal voting in the millions during the 2016 election. But Democrat officials don’t believe that to be true and are rejecting the request.

Democrats continue to pretend voter fraud doesn’t exist and it appears they aren't interested in finding out otherwise.

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

Listen to these far leftists Jihad, lol. On Russia, their is NO investigation into Trump, but we have to investigate with a special investigator anyway.

And then---------->

There IS an investigation into voter fraud, but we aren't going to co-operate with it. They are soooooooo inconsistent, and yet they think their responses are clever-)

Their not clever they are sinister and devious and always hiding the truth, they are going to pay dearly and sooner or later the truth will come out...
Remember acorn and it still is about FRAUD...

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

What are they trying to hide?


Trey Sanchez

Even though President Trump has ordered an investigation into voter fraud, Democratic officials are refusing to cooperate by withholding voter data.

Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, who serves as the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, sent a letter to top officials in every state asking for help with the investigation. In addition to asking for ideas on how to improve the integrity of elections, Kobach’s letter asked for personal voter information, but what is already publicly available and according to each state’s laws: names, party affiliation, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, felony convictions, voting history, military service,and more, a Fox News report notes.

The election committee was created by the president via executive order alleging massive voter fraud and illegal voting in the millions during the 2016 election. But Democrat officials don’t believe that to be true and are rejecting the request.

Democrats continue to pretend voter fraud doesn’t exist and it appears they aren't interested in finding out otherwise.

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

There is a lot more that Hillary is trying to withheld from them.

The Journal notes that federal investigators probing the link between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives have analyzed intelligence reports that purport to show “Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary.” GOP operative hunted Clinton’s 30,000 emails via Russian hackers — and had a ‘line of communication’ with Flynn

WSJ reporter: "We do not know how (Peter Smith) died" - Democratic Underground

Remember acorn and it still is about FRAUD...

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

What are they trying to hide?


Trey Sanchez

Even though President Trump has ordered an investigation into voter fraud, Democratic officials are refusing to cooperate by withholding voter data.

Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, who serves as the vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, sent a letter to top officials in every state asking for help with the investigation. In addition to asking for ideas on how to improve the integrity of elections, Kobach’s letter asked for personal voter information, but what is already publicly available and according to each state’s laws: names, party affiliation, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, felony convictions, voting history, military service,and more, a Fox News report notes.

The election committee was created by the president via executive order alleging massive voter fraud and illegal voting in the millions during the 2016 election. But Democrat officials don’t believe that to be true and are rejecting the request.

Democrats continue to pretend voter fraud doesn’t exist and it appears they aren't interested in finding out otherwise.

Dem Officials Refuse to Release Voter Data for Trump’s Fraud Investigation

There is a lot more that Hillary is trying to withheld from them.

The Journal notes that federal investigators probing the link between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives have analyzed intelligence reports that purport to show “Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary.” GOP operative hunted Clinton’s 30,000 emails via Russian hackers — and had a ‘line of communication’ with Flynn

WSJ reporter: "We do not know how (Peter Smith) died" - Democratic Underground


This thread is so one sided it reeks with bias and partisanship...It's not just dems that are not giving out our personal info to the authoritarian feds at play, but republicans also...Oklahoma refuses to hand over our private info also..
This thread is so one sided it reeks with bias and partisanship...It's not just dems that are not giving out our personal info to the authoritarian feds at play, but republicans also...Oklahoma refuses to hand over our private info also..

While it is true that OK is about as republican as any state can be, there is a "deep state" resistance to Trump in the form of a minimum wage clerk in the voter's registration office who is conspiring with Hillary by refusing to turn over documents verifying that 2 million illegal immigrants who have settled in to the underground in OK who voted illegally. The conspiracy is so thorough that they have all been trained to speak with a OK accent so that nobody will know that they are actually drug gangsters from Nuevo Laredo.
Hey ya silly squaw I don't care if it's from all three sides if you don't give the info maybe will make the states have voter ID once and for ALL, don't like it don't vote, move to venezuela they need you...
That's the point I was going to make. Do the Feds deserve this information? No. Are the states passing voter ID laws allowed to? No. So I guess we have no choice. The states either pass voter ID laws or the Feds get the info. I would prefer the states do it.

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