Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

And the difference between Romney and Trump, people actually believe what Trump says. Trump has a shot at these voters and those Dem leaning states. He proved that in 2016 when the 'experts' told him not to waste his time in those blue states.
People being you brainwashed functional morons. All Trump had to do to take over your party was parrot absolute garbage propaganda..... Whether it actually believes it or not is the question. But he does appear to be an ignoramus also.... The worst businessman of the last 35 years lol....

Are you a multi billionaire like Trump? Poor franco you walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :21:
Did you hear about his 10 years of tax returns from 1984 to 1994? I didn't think so. All he is good at is acting and conning idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots....
didn't you just say innocent until proven guilty? yet here we are. you don't have his returns so he's conning us and ergo, guilty.

lord you are jacked up in the head.
Yes we got his returns for those years a few weeks ago. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron and don't know what is going on, super duper. He lost a billion dollars in 10 years. He's a goddamn moron as well as a mobbed-up dingbat.
And you are a dimwit dupe who believes every fairy tale you're told.

So Trump is a moron, huh ? But he managed to amass a multi billion dollar fortune, own tall buildings around the world, and star in his own TV show. And then get himself elected president.

And you've done all that too, right ?

So how is your 757 doing these days ? Keeping it well oiled ?
lets not mince words, my friends. Trump tried to bribe a foreign president based on an unfounded theory to investigate his rival in the election. IMPEACH NOW! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
Trump wanted US officials corruption in ukraine exposed

Which included the bidens

Why give aid to a foreign country when it will go into the pockets of corrupt politicians?
And the difference between Romney and Trump, people actually believe what Trump says. Trump has a shot at these voters and those Dem leaning states. He proved that in 2016 when the 'experts' told him not to waste his time in those blue states.
People being you brainwashed functional morons. All Trump had to do to take over your party was parrot absolute garbage propaganda..... Whether it actually believes it or not is the question. But he does appear to be an ignoramus also.... The worst businessman of the last 35 years lol....

Are you a multi billionaire like Trump? Poor franco you walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :21:
Did you hear about his 10 years of tax returns from 1984 to 1994? I didn't think so. All he is good at is acting and conning idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots....
didn't you just say innocent until proven guilty? yet here we are. you don't have his returns so he's conning us and ergo, guilty.

lord you are jacked up in the head.
Yes we got his returns for those years a few weeks ago. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron and don't know what is going on, super duper. He lost a billion dollars in 10 years. He's a goddamn moron as well as a mobbed-up dingbat.

So what?
In fact he openly admitted he lost the money on TV,he wasn't hiding anything.
People being you brainwashed functional morons. All Trump had to do to take over your party was parrot absolute garbage propaganda..... Whether it actually believes it or not is the question. But he does appear to be an ignoramus also.... The worst businessman of the last 35 years lol....

Are you a multi billionaire like Trump? Poor franco you walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :21:
Did you hear about his 10 years of tax returns from 1984 to 1994? I didn't think so. All he is good at is acting and conning idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots....
didn't you just say innocent until proven guilty? yet here we are. you don't have his returns so he's conning us and ergo, guilty.

lord you are jacked up in the head.
Yes we got his returns for those years a few weeks ago. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron and don't know what is going on, super duper. He lost a billion dollars in 10 years. He's a goddamn moron as well as a mobbed-up dingbat.
And you are a dimwit dupe who believes every fairy tale you're told.

So Trump is a moron, huh ? But he managed to amass a multi billion dollar fortune, own tall buildings around the world, and star in his own TV show. And then get himself elected president.

And you've done all that too, right ?

So how is your 757 doing these days ? Keeping it well oiled ?
Actually we have no idea how much money he really has and whether he just has his name on buildings and how he got the buildings etc etc. Mainly he is a good actor on a reality show and understands that his name brand is worth something that's all we know. Is a total con man fraud believes a mountain of garbage propaganda supposedly. Or mainly he just wanted to take over the GOP for personal reasons. One thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage planet of propaganda. Breaking for dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do. one thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage Planet of propaganda. Breaking 4 dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do and there was no money to invest in america and americans for 35 years now. The middle class has been slowly ruined. Americans used to save 7% of their income, now they save - 7% of their income. Google fact left the demise of the middle class . Great job lol aaarrrggghhh. And thanks for the usual ridiculous personal attack argument LOL. You people are all trolls when confronted with facts.
People being you brainwashed functional morons. All Trump had to do to take over your party was parrot absolute garbage propaganda..... Whether it actually believes it or not is the question. But he does appear to be an ignoramus also.... The worst businessman of the last 35 years lol....

Are you a multi billionaire like Trump? Poor franco you walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :21:
Did you hear about his 10 years of tax returns from 1984 to 1994? I didn't think so. All he is good at is acting and conning idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots....
didn't you just say innocent until proven guilty? yet here we are. you don't have his returns so he's conning us and ergo, guilty.

lord you are jacked up in the head.
Yes we got his returns for those years a few weeks ago. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron and don't know what is going on, super duper. He lost a billion dollars in 10 years. He's a goddamn moron as well as a mobbed-up dingbat.
And you are a dimwit dupe who believes every fairy tale you're told.

So Trump is a moron, huh ? But he managed to amass a multi billion dollar fortune, own tall buildings around the world, and star in his own TV show. And then get himself elected president.

And you've done all that too, right ?

So how is your 757 doing these days ? Keeping it well oiled ?
The whole world of law enforcement and respected journalism agrees with my Views and believe that you believe a gigantic mountain of fairy tales. So many phony scandals against Democrats that have never gone anywhere in the real world totally discredited and never retracted for you chumps. Wake up and smell the coffee you people are afraid to change the channel or read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Pathetic super duper
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People being you brainwashed functional morons. All Trump had to do to take over your party was parrot absolute garbage propaganda..... Whether it actually believes it or not is the question. But he does appear to be an ignoramus also.... The worst businessman of the last 35 years lol....

Are you a multi billionaire like Trump? Poor franco you walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :21:
Did you hear about his 10 years of tax returns from 1984 to 1994? I didn't think so. All he is good at is acting and conning idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots....
didn't you just say innocent until proven guilty? yet here we are. you don't have his returns so he's conning us and ergo, guilty.

lord you are jacked up in the head.
Yes we got his returns for those years a few weeks ago. Too bad you are a brainwashed functional moron and don't know what is going on, super duper. He lost a billion dollars in 10 years. He's a goddamn moron as well as a mobbed-up dingbat.
And you are a dimwit dupe who believes every fairy tale you're told.

So Trump is a moron, huh ? But he managed to amass a multi billion dollar fortune, own tall buildings around the world, and star in his own TV show. And then get himself elected president.

And you've done all that too, right ?

So how is your 757 doing these days ? Keeping it well oiled ?
He is a brainwashed functional moron like you or is a total hypocrite scumbag fraud. Or both. It doesn't matter anymore a total disgrace
More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."
Actually we have no idea how much money he really has and whether he just has his name on buildings and how he got the buildings etc etc. Mainly he is a good actor on a reality show and understands that his name brand is worth something that's all we know. Is a total con man fraud believes a mountain of garbage propaganda supposedly. Or mainly he just wanted to take over the GOP for personal reasons. One thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage planet of propaganda. Breaking for dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do. one thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage Planet of propaganda. Breaking 4 dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do and there was no money to invest in america and americans for 35 years now. The middle class has been slowly ruined. Americans used to save 7% of their income, now they save - 7% of their income. Google fact left the demise of the middle class . Great job lol aaarrrggghhh. And thanks for the usual ridiculous personal attack argument LOL. You people are all trolls when confronted with facts.
FALSE! "Actually, we DO know about his buildings, and his jet plane, and his golf courses, etc. You are talking the idiotic propaganda that you get from the constant anti-Trump BS machine. I suppose maybe you think he's just renting that jet huh ? Even that would cost millions, lol.

How about Mar O Lago - a rental? Do know how stupid you sound ? Pheeeew (high pitched whistle)

As for the world economy, the previous 4 presidents ruined the US economy by giving China unrestricted access to our economy. You think its good for our stores (aka the economy) to be selling 90% Made in China stuff ? Lucky for us (and you) trump is turning that around, and slowly there are less made in China stuff selling here, and more and more MAde in USA.

Wow.Are you ever one twisted ruby. The rich pay the same % in taxes that I do, you say ? HA HA HA. Oh God, somebody please help out this poor soul.

The rich pay 37% and at my low retired income, I pay 12% (much less).

Also, for your edification, generally taxes on individuals have been higher under Republican presidents than under Democrats >>

Eisenhower - 91-92%
Nixon - 70 - 75%
Ford - 70%
Reagan -69%

Clinton - 31-39%
Bush - 35-39%
Obama - 35-39%
Trump - 37-39% Now 37%



So now that YOU are "confronted with facts", what do you have to say ?
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Actually we have no idea how much money he really has and whether he just has his name on buildings and how he got the buildings etc etc. Mainly he is a good actor on a reality show and understands that his name brand is worth something that's all we know. Is a total con man fraud believes a mountain of garbage propaganda supposedly. Or mainly he just wanted to take over the GOP for personal reasons. One thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage planet of propaganda. Breaking for dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do. one thing for sure, the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp that ruins the world economy every time they get the chance and the only reason they are successful getting elected is because of an imaginary garbage Planet of propaganda. Breaking 4 dupes like you... The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do and there was no money to invest in america and americans for 35 years now. The middle class has been slowly ruined. Americans used to save 7% of their income, now they save - 7% of their income. Google fact left the demise of the middle class . Great job lol aaarrrggghhh. And thanks for the usual ridiculous personal attack argument LOL. You people are all trolls when confronted with facts.
FALSE! "Actually, we DO know about his buildings, and his jet plane, and his golf courses, etc. You are talking the idiotic propaganda that you get from the constant anti-Trump BS machine. I suppose maybe you think he's just renting that jet huh ? Even that would cost millions, lol.

How about Mar O Lago - a rental? Do know how stupid you sound ? Pheeeew (high pitched whistle)

As for the world economy, the previous 4 presidents ruined the US economy by giving China unrestricted access to our economy. You think its good for our stores (aka the economy) to be selling 90% Made in China stuff ? Lucky for us (and you) trump is turning that around, and slowly there are less made in China stuff selling here, and more and more MAde in USA.

Wow.Are you ever one twisted ruby. The rich pay the same % in taxes that I do, you say ? HA HA HA. Oh God, somebody please help out this poor soul.

The rich pay 37% and at my low retired income, I pay 12% (much less).

Also, for your edification, generally taxes on individuals have been higher under Republican presidents than under Democrats >>

Eisenhower - 91-92%
Nixon - 70 - 75%
Ford - 70%
Reagan -69%

Clinton - 31-39%
Bush - 35-39%
Obama - 35-39%
Trump - 37-39% Now 37%



So now that YOU are "confronted with facts", what do you have to say ?
Well of course you are obsessed and brainwashed into believing that only federal income tax counts. Google the only tax graph you need to know, direct from the IRS statistics. Reagan cut the top rate to 28% a ridiculous giveaway to the rich and it is basically been the same ever since. A total screwjob for everyone else No we have no idea how much money Trump himself has. Or who owns those assets. He is a genius at obfuscation fraud and the big con.
The whole world of law enforcement and respected journalism agrees with my Views and believe that you believe a gigantic mountain of fairy tales. So many phony scandals against Democrats that have never gone anywhere in the real world totally discredited and never retracted for you chumps. Wake up and smell the coffee you people are afraid to change the channel or read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Pathetic super duper
FALSE! That is only what you are fed by your CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc propaganda machine. You are an ignorant, brainwashed idiot, and luckily most Americans don't fall for the drivel that you do.

"Respected" journalism" ? HA HA HA HA. Respected by wetback dupes like you.

And there you go with that "whole world" thing again. Of course. I've never heard of a single, illegal alien wetback yet who had an ounce of loyalty to the USA. And it's the Democrat standard. Just like Obama, who in one of his speeches, referred to himself as a "citizen of the world."
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.

Well of course you are obsessed and brainwashed into believing that only federal income tax counts. Google the only tax graph you need to know, direct from the IRS statistics. Reagan cut the top rate to 28% a ridiculous giveaway to the rich and it is basically been the same ever since. A total screwjob for everyone else No we have no idea how much money Trump himself has. Or who owns those assets. He is a genius at obfuscation fraud and the big con.
DODGE! You sidestepped the false statements you made >>

1. "The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do." FALSE. They pay more, and always have.

2. "the GOP is the giveaway to the rich swamp" - FALSE! Republican presidents have taxed the rich far more than Democrats > Clinton and Obama.

Hey, did you fly over the Rio Grande in your 757 ?, ...or maybe you snuck across as a stowaway, in the wheel well of Trump's plane.

The whole world of law enforcement and respected journalism agrees with my Views and believe that you believe a gigantic mountain of fairy tales. So many phony scandals against Democrats that have never gone anywhere in the real world totally discredited and never retracted for you chumps. Wake up and smell the coffee you people are afraid to change the channel or read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Pathetic super duper
FALSE! That is only what you are fed by your CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc propaganda machine. You are an ignorant, brainwashed idiot, and luckily most Americans don't fall for the drivel that you do.

"Respected" journalism" ? HA HA HA HA. Respected by wetback dupes like you.

And there you go with that "whole world" thing again. Of course. I've never heard of a single, illegal alien wetback yet who had an ounce of loyalty to the USA. And it's the Democrat standard. Just like Obama, who in one of his speeches, referred to himself as a "citizen of the world."
There is a mountain of stuff you never hear about, super duper. LOL I am a citizen of the world too. Try it sometime instead of being ignorant provincial dupe of our greedy idiot Rich GOP propagandists.
The whole world of law enforcement and respected journalism agrees with my Views and believe that you believe a gigantic mountain of fairy tales. So many phony scandals against Democrats that have never gone anywhere in the real world totally discredited and never retracted for you chumps. Wake up and smell the coffee you people are afraid to change the channel or read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Pathetic super duper
FALSE! That is only what you are fed by your CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc propaganda machine. You are an ignorant, brainwashed idiot, and luckily most Americans don't fall for the drivel that you do.

"Respected" journalism" ? HA HA HA HA. Respected by wetback dupes like you.

And there you go with that "whole world" thing again. Of course. I've never heard of a single, illegal alien wetback yet who had an ounce of loyalty to the USA. And it's the Democrat standard. Just like Obama, who in one of his speeches, referred to himself as a "citizen of the world."
Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something for the first time in years, brainwashed functional moron. Every time the GOP has cut taxes on the rich state and local taxes have gone up to make up for it. And state and local taxes the non Rich pay at twice the rate of the rich. And payroll taxes are just as much in total as federal income taxes you are obsessed with, and guess who pays them. Brainwashed functional moron afraid of the truth.
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.
Oops brainwashed functional idiot yes. Everything you know is wrong poor America
There is a mountain of stuff you never hear about, super duper. LOL I am a citizen of the world too. Try it sometime instead of being ignorant provincial dupe of our greedy idiot Rich GOP propagandists.
I have been saying exactly that to liberals, and proving it, by giving them quizzes which they flunk with flying colors. Of course, because their lefty OMISSION media withholds mountains of information, and that why you guys don't know anything, and get zeros on my quizzes.

Yes, I know you're a citizen of the world (aka traitor). And that goofball ideology was rejected clearly in 2016.

BTW, maybe you didn't notice that Hillary was the candidate of the rich, in 2016, with her huge Wall St contributions$$$$, far outspending Sanders and Trump.

Trump spent the least of the 3 of them.

2016 Presidential Race
There is a mountain of stuff you never hear about, super duper. LOL I am a citizen of the world too. Try it sometime instead of being ignorant provincial dupe of our greedy idiot Rich GOP propagandists.
I have been saying exactly that to liberals, and proving it, by giving them quizzes which they flunk with flying colors. Of course, because their lefty OMISSION media withholds mountains of information, and that why you guys don't know anything, and get zeros on my quizzes.

Yes, I know you're a citizen of the world (aka traitor). And that goofball ideology was rejected clearly in 2016.

BTW, maybe you didn't notice that Hillary was the candidate of the rich, in 2016, with her huge Wall St contributions$$$$, far outspending Sanders and Trump.

Trump spent the least of the 3 of them.

2016 Presidential Race
Probably because your quizzes facts are based on total garbage propaganda character assassination and misinformation. LOL. Duh! Hillary being the come down candidate of Wall Street is totally based on the fact that she gave several speeches for half a million dollars which actually means absolutely nothing. Look at the policies she wanted. Trump didn't need to spend money he had the propaganda machine. Political coverage was 60% about Hillary's emails that turned out to mean absolutely nothing. Our media only cares about controversy and ratings. Pathetic.
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You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

shut up franco....go BILLS!!....
More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.

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