Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.
Yep. Leftards are babbling about everything in under the sun other than the actual articles of impeachment. Likely because the charges are so hilarious.
More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.
hilarious right-wing idiocy super duper.
Meanwhile most of Trumps campaign leaders are in prison for lying about thirty two meetings with Russians and 250 contacts. The only reason conspirator number one who ordered them to do it is not in prison is because limp-wristed GOP mealy mouth douchebag Mueller doesn't believe the president can be indicted. meanwhile most of Trump's campaign leaders are in prison for lying about 30 to meetings with Russians and 250 contact. The only reason conspirator number one who ordered them to do it is not in prison is because limp crested GOP mealy mouthed douchebag Mueller doesn't believe the president can be indicted. To say Mueller Vindicated him is total garbage. Like everything else you know...
More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.
Yep. Leftards are babbling about everything in under the sun other than the actual articles of impeachment. Likely because the charges are so hilarious.

Their leaders don't teach them how to process the information they've been given, just to repeat it. That's why they lose debates on USMB all the time. The best way to confuse a liberal is to bring logic into the debate.
More proof Democrats are dumb.

No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.
Yep. Leftards are babbling about everything in under the sun other than the actual articles of impeachment. Likely because the charges are so hilarious.

Their leaders don't teach them how to process the information they've been given, just to repeat it. That's why they lose debates on USMB all the time. The best way to confuse a liberal is to bring logic into the debate.
Tomorrow they’ll be going neener neener Trump was impeached by the House.

With no clue that Americans see it as a sham witch hunt and Trump will remain President.
Probably because your quizzes facts are based on total garbage propaganda character assassination and misinformation. LOL. Duh! Hillary being the come down candidate of Wall Street is totally based on the fact that she gave several speeches for half a million dollars which actually means absolutely nothing. Look at the policies she wanted. Trump didn't need to spend money he had the propaganda machine. Political coverage was 60% about Hillary's emails that turned out to mean absolutely nothing. Our media only cares about controversy and ratings. Pathetic.
Oh nice DODGE attempt. No, dodger, they are all from factual information - wanna see them ? Or are you scared ? Don't worry, I already know you'll flunk totally. No surprise. All the liberals do.

While it can be a shock to suddenly find out how much you don't know, it's for the better. You study the stuff you never knew, and really get to know what's going on. You feel immensely improved afterward. Try it, you'll like it. :biggrin:
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.

Your vitriol betrays any remaining logic you think you once had. You are now fantasizing about violence to those you cannot debate with any basis in fact. You continue to rely on what lies between your ears.
Probably because your quizzes facts are based on total garbage propaganda character assassination and misinformation. LOL. Duh! Hillary being the come down candidate of Wall Street is totally based on the fact that she gave several speeches for half a million dollars which actually means absolutely nothing. Look at the policies she wanted. Trump didn't need to spend money he had the propaganda machine. Political coverage was 60% about Hillary's emails that turned out to mean absolutely nothing. Our media only cares about controversy and ratings. Pathetic.
Oh nice DODGE attempt. No, dodger, they are all from factual information - wanna see them ? Or are you scared ? Don't worry, I already know you'll flunk totally. No surprise. All the liberals do.

While it can be a shock to suddenly find out how much you don't know, it's for the better. You study the stuff you never knew, and really get to know what's going on. You feel immensely improved afterward. Try it, you'll like it. :biggrin:
Sure go ahead. Super duper. LOL
No.....actually Democrats are not Dumb--their voters are.

Agreed! Democrats are a cunning and amoral bunch. Their voters though are sheep who are wonderfully impressed with chutzpah, shamelessness and procedural victories. Its caterung to that group that means they cant work a butterfly ballot, stay out of prison or procure an ID to vote.

"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise."

What I find amazing about hard lefties is how weak their mind is. Look at this forum, it's littered with the word Russia, in spite of the 2 year Mueller report. Once they plant something in that weak mind of theirs, they can't let it go, almost like hypnotism. They walk around like Zombies making claim of a qui pro quo that never took place, bribery where nothing was paid to anybody, and extortion by Trump asking for a favor.

They don't think for themselves, they are told what to think by their masters. Very frightening indeed.
Yep. Leftards are babbling about everything in under the sun other than the actual articles of impeachment. Likely because the charges are so hilarious.

Their leaders don't teach them how to process the information they've been given, just to repeat it. That's why they lose debates on USMB all the time. The best way to confuse a liberal is to bring logic into the debate.
Tomorrow they’ll be going neener neener Trump was impeached by the House.

With no clue that Americans see it as a sham witch hunt and Trump will remain President.

As an actual impeachment drew nearer, they lost more and more support of the public. Wait until they do impeach him. Those polls are going to make these Democrat Congress people suicidal. They're so stupid they don't even realize they are giving Trump talking points for his next election. The more Trump reminds people of what they tried, the more pissed off people are going to get.
Probably because your quizzes facts are based on total garbage propaganda character assassination and misinformation. LOL. Duh! Hillary being the come down candidate of Wall Street is totally based on the fact that she gave several speeches for half a million dollars which actually means absolutely nothing. Look at the policies she wanted. Trump didn't need to spend money he had the propaganda machine. Political coverage was 60% about Hillary's emails that turned out to mean absolutely nothing. Our media only cares about controversy and ratings. Pathetic.
Oh nice DODGE attempt. No, dodger, they are all from factual information - wanna see them ? Or are you scared ? Don't worry, I already know you'll flunk totally. No surprise. All the liberals do.

While it can be a shock to suddenly find out how much you don't know, it's for the better. You study the stuff you never knew, and really get to know what's going on. You feel immensely improved afterward. Try it, you'll like it. :biggrin:
Sure go ahead. Super duper. LOL
I listen to Fox noise and Rush Etc enough so that I might have heard your crap before...
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.

Your vitriol betrays any remaining logic you think you once had. You are now fantasizing about violence to those you cannot debate with any basis in fact. You continue to rely on what lies between your ears.
Actually I am a totally non-violent person unless I have to fight Nazis or brainwashed GOP fascists. And of course the only spike in violence is right wing assholes oops brainwashed functional assholes who go after Jews blacks Muslims and gays. Every day. No matter how many times you idiots are shown antifa remember them or some kids beating up some other kid...
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.

Your vitriol betrays any remaining logic you think you once had. You are now fantasizing about violence to those you cannot debate with any basis in fact. You continue to rely on what lies between your ears.
Actually I am a totally non-violent person unless I have to fight Nazis or brainwashed GOP fascists. And of course the only spike in violence is right wing assholes oops brainwashed functional assholes who go after Jews blacks Muslims and gays. Every day. No matter how many times you idiots are shown antifa remember them or some kids beating up some other kid...

You're nothing more tan a poser son.
I listen to Fox noise and Rush Etc enough so that I might have heard your crap before...
Probably not. This quiz emanates from political genius author Ann Coulter, a walking encyclopedia of 20th and 21st century political history. The only time I saw her on TV and talked about these people, was when she was on "The View", and made mincemeat out of Whoopi Goldberg, Sunni Hostin, and Joy Behar.
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.
Oops brainwashed functional idiot yes. Everything you know is wrong poor America
franco you are talking to yourself.....
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.
Oops brainwashed functional idiot yes. Everything you know is wrong poor America
franco you are talking to yourself.....
No I am screaming at brainwashed functional morons like you in actual fact. No one ever changes their minds I've been on message boards like this for 12 years now . Except one guy I got to change thank you very much. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that's what got him. Also the only tax graph you need to know. Go bills I told you so. Your argument that the GOP is ridiculously corrupt with a mountain of evidence but the Democrats are just as bad with absolutely no evidence is incredibly infuriating and I can't stand it LOL. Sean McDermott was just named coach of the year today. Best fans in the world. Including you hopefully. No more damn politics!!
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.
Once again, Democrats are setting a bad precedent. Next Democrat President and Republican House, there will be grounds for Impeachment.
You are out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. Our wonderful public servants that you know as the Deep State LOL don't whistle blow on every president, just your scumbag fraud conman mobbed up asshole. You need a two-by-four in the face to realize what an idiot you are.

Your vitriol betrays any remaining logic you think you once had. You are now fantasizing about violence to those you cannot debate with any basis in fact. You continue to rely on what lies between your ears.
Actually I am a totally non-violent person unless I have to fight Nazis or brainwashed GOP fascists. And of course the only spike in violence is right wing assholes oops brainwashed functional assholes who go after Jews blacks Muslims and gays. Every day. No matter how many times you idiots are shown antifa remember them or some kids beating up some other kid...

You're nothing more tan a poser son.
Sorry about reality. Do you have any argument or just trolling?
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

democrats: republicans are STOOpid

democrats: i just don't understand why republicans aren't supporting us

Great strategy, Frankie.

I spend most of my time on here saying you are not stupid, just brainwashed functionally stupid. You know more details about ridiculous conspiracies and misinformation. Not stupid at all. But the more you listen to that crap the more ignorant you become, not to mention racist and hateful. God will not be amused by your willful ignorance I

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