Dem women wear white to honor .....KKK?

During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.
I'd really like to know what their point is.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Their point is to engage in the bizarre Virtue Signalling that is the odd currency in which the progs trade.

Not wise to venture into battle unarmed Pothead. I can do this all day.

Course you can, you have DailyKOS and ThinkProgress behind you! :thup:
Our democrats hate people calling them the kkk'ers they are....

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....
During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.

Thank goodness for Republicans, or women would still be unable to hold property..or vote.

"History reveals that the GOP HAS supported women voting rights since 1854. What? I thought Democrats defended women? Nope! What’s going on?

In 1868, shortly after Republican President Ulysses S. Grant was elected, he replaced Democrats with Republicans in Wyoming’s key government positions. Then in 1869, women in Wyoming earned the right to vote.

An effort was made to repeal the law, but Republican Gov. John Campbell vetoed it and an override failed. The law was retained when Wyoming joined the union in 1890. Wyoming women secured the right to vote 50 years before the rest of the nation thanks to Republican Gov. Campbell.

In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success.

The times were changing.

Between 1910 and 1918, the Alaska Territory, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Washington all extended voting rights to women. Anti-women southern Democrats were losing a numbers war.

In 1918, Congress experienced a major party change. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, “Kaiser Wilson” as the women’s movement called him because of his anti-19th Amendment position, broke a campaign promise. Wilson pledged to keep America out of World War I. He changed his position and entered America in WWI. Americans were outraged and overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in the 1918 midterms. Republicans now had control of the U.S. House and Senate.

Also in 1918, Wilson knew he was on the wrong side of history on women suffrage. He suddenly changed his opposition and supported the 19th Amendment by tying it to WWI. Even with Wilson’s support, Democrats in Congress were able to defeat the amendment by two votes."

In 1920, Republicans Defeated Democrats’ War on Women
During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.
I'd really like to know what their point is.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Their point is to engage in the bizarre Virtue Signalling that is the odd currency in which the progs trade.
just what I thought, I don't get their argument then.
During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.

Thank goodness for Republicans, or women would still be unable to hold property..or vote.

"History reveals that the GOP HAS supported women voting rights since 1854. What? I thought Democrats defended women? Nope! What’s going on?

In 1868, shortly after Republican President Ulysses S. Grant was elected, he replaced Democrats with Republicans in Wyoming’s key government positions. Then in 1869, women in Wyoming earned the right to vote.

An effort was made to repeal the law, but Republican Gov. John Campbell vetoed it and an override failed. The law was retained when Wyoming joined the union in 1890. Wyoming women secured the right to vote 50 years before the rest of the nation thanks to Republican Gov. Campbell.

In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success.

The times were changing.

Between 1910 and 1918, the Alaska Territory, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Washington all extended voting rights to women. Anti-women southern Democrats were losing a numbers war.

In 1918, Congress experienced a major party change. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, “Kaiser Wilson” as the women’s movement called him because of his anti-19th Amendment position, broke a campaign promise. Wilson pledged to keep America out of World War I. He changed his position and entered America in WWI. Americans were outraged and overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in the 1918 midterms. Republicans now had control of the U.S. House and Senate.

Also in 1918, Wilson knew he was on the wrong side of history on women suffrage. He suddenly changed his opposition and supported the 19th Amendment by tying it to WWI. Even with Wilson’s support, Democrats in Congress were able to defeat the amendment by two votes."

In 1920, Republicans Defeated Democrats’ War on Women
You misspelled liberals.
I know how to spell it.


During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

Here, learn a little about the history of women's suffrage. Dressing in white to show support for that cause is not a new thing.

Woman in White: Hillary Clinton’s Suffragette Tribute - History in the Headlines

Women have been able to legally vote in the U.S. for nearly a century. Somebody should have let these old crones know.

Thank goodness for Republicans, or women would still be unable to hold property..or vote.

"History reveals that the GOP HAS supported women voting rights since 1854. What? I thought Democrats defended women? Nope! What’s going on?

In 1868, shortly after Republican President Ulysses S. Grant was elected, he replaced Democrats with Republicans in Wyoming’s key government positions. Then in 1869, women in Wyoming earned the right to vote.

An effort was made to repeal the law, but Republican Gov. John Campbell vetoed it and an override failed. The law was retained when Wyoming joined the union in 1890. Wyoming women secured the right to vote 50 years before the rest of the nation thanks to Republican Gov. Campbell.

In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success.

The times were changing.

Between 1910 and 1918, the Alaska Territory, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Washington all extended voting rights to women. Anti-women southern Democrats were losing a numbers war.

In 1918, Congress experienced a major party change. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, “Kaiser Wilson” as the women’s movement called him because of his anti-19th Amendment position, broke a campaign promise. Wilson pledged to keep America out of World War I. He changed his position and entered America in WWI. Americans were outraged and overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in the 1918 midterms. Republicans now had control of the U.S. House and Senate.

Also in 1918, Wilson knew he was on the wrong side of history on women suffrage. He suddenly changed his opposition and supported the 19th Amendment by tying it to WWI. Even with Wilson’s support, Democrats in Congress were able to defeat the amendment by two votes."

In 1920, Republicans Defeated Democrats’ War on Women
You misspelled liberals.
"History reveals that the GOP HAS supported women voting rights since 1854. What? I thought Democrats defended women? Nope! What’s going on?

"In 1868, shortly after Republican President Ulysses S. Grant was elected, he replaced Democrats with Republicans in Wyoming’s key government positions. Then in 1869, women in Wyoming earned the right to vote.

"An effort was made to repeal the law, but Republican Gov. John Campbell vetoed it and an override failed. The law was retained when Wyoming joined the union in 1890. Wyoming women secured the right to vote 50 years before the rest of the nation thanks to Republican Gov. Campbell.

:In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success.

"The times were changing.

"Between 1910 and 1918, the Alaska Territory, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Washington all extended voting rights to women. Anti-women southern Democrats were losing a numbers war.

"In 1918, Congress experienced a major party change. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, “Kaiser Wilson” as the women’s movement called him because of his anti-19th Amendment position, broke a campaign promise. Wilson pledged to keep America out of World War I. He changed his position and entered America in WWI. Americans were outraged and overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in the 1918 midterms. Republicans now had control of the U.S. House and Senate.

"Also in 1918, Wilson knew he was on the wrong side of history on women suffrage. He suddenly changed his opposition and supported the 19th Amendment by tying it to WWI. Even with Wilson’s support, Democrats in Congress were able to defeat the amendment by two votes."

"One of the most interesting battles in the long congressional war over women’s suffrage involved the Mormons of Utah. In 1870, nearly fifty years before Congress passed the 19th Amendment, the territory of Utah granted women the right to vote. This was encouraged by congressional opponents of polygamy, which was practiced by some wealthy Mormons. Their hope was that given the vote, Utah’s women would quickly put an end to “the abomination of bigamy.” And the women of Utah did indeed prove to have strong opinions regarding this issue. They voted overwhelmingly in favor of it. Congress responded by passing the Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1882, which disfranchised Utah’s women while also violating the First Amendment by outlawing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and seizing much of its property."

Republicans and Women’s Rights: A Brief Reality Check
One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.

The Democrats/Progressives have to decide who THEY want to cater to next. Notoriously they pigeon hole all people and then develop their plan to pander to each group.
One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.

The Democrats/Progressives have to decide who THEY want to cater to next. Notoriously they pigeon hole all people and then develop their plan to pander to each group.
Right now they pander to the overseas enemies of the USA.

Not wise to venture into battle unarmed Pothead. I can do this all day.

Course you can, you have DailyKOS and ThinkProgress behind you! :thup:
Our democrats hate people calling them the kkk'ers they are....

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.
The stated reason for the Democrat/Progressive women wearing white was that they were supporting women's suffrage. I was somewhat surprised since I thought women have been voting for many decades but I digress. Kosergrl is correct about the purpose and was the first I saw that was real.

Those women in white must have been embarrassed when President Trump said, and I quote: "With the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a Council with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams." The audience erupted with applause. Elizabeth Warren seemed to be caught in a daze, leaned over to the woman next to her and you could read her lips saying, "what did he say"? The person responded and then Pocahontas began to applaud...softly.

The Democrat/Progressives grossly underestimated the incredible Presidential speech they were about to witness and were caught flatfooted would be a real understatement.
Course you can, you have DailyKOS and ThinkProgress behind you! :thup:
Our democrats hate people calling them the kkk'ers they are....

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.

What made him evil, sploogy?

Use both your IQ points to craft and answer, if you need to.
Our democrats hate people calling them the kkk'ers they are....

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.

What made him evil, sploogy?

Use both your IQ points to craft and answer, if you need to.

You tell me. You're the one who thinks Democrats are racists.
Our democrats hate people calling them the kkk'ers they are....

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.

What made him evil, sploogy?

Use both your IQ points to craft and answer, if you need to.

Why do you hate Robert E. Lee?
No one has to think Dems are Racists. That is a proven fact.

Look how they Ridiculed Bernie "The Jew".

Their entire Political History is based in Bigotry.

They defend, preach and embrace intolerance.

And the next head of the DNC is an Islamic Radical who has openly proclaimed his hatred for Christianity, Judaism, and America in general just as his hero Batak Hussein Obama had done before him.

The DNC uses Minorities as Laborers in their fields, Mules toiling in the sun to do their dirty work.

They always have and they always will treat Minorities like their wards, slaves and children.

Are you stupid on purpose or do you not know any other way?

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.

What made him evil, sploogy?

Use both your IQ points to craft and answer, if you need to.

You tell me. You're the one who thinks Democrats are racists.
No one has to think Dems are Racists. That is a proven fact.

Look how they Ridiculed Bernie "The Jew".

Their entire Political History is based in Bigotry.

They defend, preach and embrace intolerance.

And the next head of the DNC is an Islamic Radical who has openly proclaimed his hatred for Christianity, Judaism, and America in general just as his hero Batak Hussein Obama had done before him.

The DNC uses Minorities as Laborers in their fields, Mules toiling in the sun to do their dirty work.

They always have and they always will treat Minorities like their wards, slaves and children.

One minute they are calling dems BLM supporters, next minute they care calling them KKK supporters.

Wish they'd make up their mind.
Sad how democrats created the kkk and BLM....isn't it.....

Yes, Robert E. Lee, the Democrat, was an evil man.

What made him evil, sploogy?

Use both your IQ points to craft and answer, if you need to.

You tell me. You're the one who thinks Democrats are racists.
You are fake news, nothing of what you just said is true
During Trump's speech Democrat women decided to wear all white as a form of protest.

Of course it backfired as people took note of how it resembled an old Democrat KKK rally.

House Dems wear white in protest of Trump to joint address, turns out to be a VERY bad decision

If, after that display of partisan stupidity, anyone still doubts that Democratic women are the most ignorant low lives on Earth, that person must also doubt that the Earth is round.

Maybe these pathetic human wannabe's just wanted to honor their parents, wearing the same color as their parents wore while burning crosses.

Spoken like a true uneducated trump loon

And once again for white trash trumpsters, you guys have the cross burners now.

It was the Democrats that created the KKK so it did seem appropriate.

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