CDZ Democracy is "fine" but have many flaws


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
Say I go to a cinema with many theater. Say 60% of the population in those theaters want to watch Captain Marvel. 10% want to watch Urotsukdoji. And say 1% wants to watch two girls one cup (don't look that up, I never did, I don't want too).

The correct solution is obvious. We divide the cinema into many theaters, each go watch the movie they want.

If 60% wants to watch Captain Marvel then 60% of the theater will show Captain Marvel full screen.

Notice that it's not possible for people in the same theater to watch different movies. Just like it's impossible for weed to be legal and illegal in the same region.

This is usually what happens in Democracy.

A Cinema have 100 theaters. About 60% of the people want to watch captain marvel. They all have election. We have captain marvel shown in all theaters. That's "simple democracy". Majority win.

Obviously this is a problem. We got to respect minorities' right, scream the liberal.

Okay. Democracy tend to let "moderate party" win.

So how do we get moderate?

In every theater, we got captain marvel full screen, then on top right corner we got urotsukidoji and on the top left corner people can watch two girls one cup.

That's how typical democracy nowadays.

We got to "accommodate" gays, muslims, christians, atheists, and long long long long long list of "minorities".

Some gay people want to buy cake from christians shop? The owner refuse. Solution? Force owners to accommodate all minorities. Then libertarians will scream that it violates individual freedom. Then the liberal will simply outvote the libertarians.

I really have no say on those. Should christian bakers be forced to draw 2 cocks on their cake? Should playboy be forced to hire gay and trans models? Should you be forced to not discriminate based on sex when picking wife and girlfriends? Should muslims be forced to cook pork in mosque?

I don't know. I am open minded here. Uhuk uhuk uhk...

It seems to be the solution is to have different rules at different cities and see which one "works". Anyone with too stupid rules will collapse themselves like business.

But that's not how democracy works. We have different ideas how government should be run and we somehow have to get along.

Then someone smart says, okay, let's show different movies in different theaters.

Yes. Yes. Yes.... This is a good idea. Obviously. Someone with common sense.

Some countries are like that you know. US, for example, is one big cinema with 50 theaters. Each state can have different laws.

Then what? Most democracy have another rule. That is, free immigration and emigration among states.

Say someone show Captain Marvel in their theater, and they make a lot of money. Because of that, they show better screen. Obviously theaters that show 2 girls one cup will just go bankcrupt very quickly.

Then what?

Then those that watch 2 girls one cup become refugees. They go to Captain Marvel theater. Then?

Then we have the exact same problem that we used to have.

And what's fan of Captain Marvel do? They spread the glory of Captain Marvel everywhere. If anything, those who like 2 girls one cup have no where to go, they also go everywhere.

Let's take a look at strange ideologies. Theocracy. Many countries incorporate religions in their democracy. Namely they are democracy but not secular. They have democracy without freedom of speech. Their freedom of speech are restricted by anti blasphemy laws.

The result? Civil war. Again, again, again, again, and again and again....... I mean when did the middle east was at peace? Anyone remember?

Then what? They become refugees. They come to Europe. What happen when they come to Europe? Do they say, ah, democracy is awesome we should go back to our country and use the european ways?

No. They want Europe to embrace the ideology that messed up their country.

And what does Europe do? They accept those refugees and bomb Khadafi out enforcing liberal democracies in all arab and middle east countries.

What a mess?
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As the wise founders said there never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Anyone with half a brain should understand

All people do not have equal wisdom and in time the lower wisdom folks will have crooks as elected
Democracy isn't bad. It does do it's job well. That is, prevent really shitty leaders from elected.

In fact a proper way to judge an ideology is to see how well those countries perform relative to other countries.

Based on that standard, I can't complain too much about democracies. It'll be a while before it's exceeded.

Democracies do perform fine..

Libertarians may be better ideal but democracy is a good balance between good and practical.

However, I wouldn't credit world's prosperity to democracy.

I would credit world's prosperity to something else. Competition.

Ever go to a store?

Or cinema so we don't change our parables.

Do we care how the cinemas are governed?


In fact, most cinemas are dictatorship.

Good government don't come from inside. It comes from outside, namely outside competition. That's what makes government good.

Actually there's a way that democracy would fail even more.

Imagine if 49% want to watch Captain Marvel, 49% wants to watch DeadPool, and 2% wants to watch 2 girls one cup.

And let's say the fan of CM and DP hate each other.

They just don't want others to win. They just want their competitors' death.

Then what?

Everyone watch 2 girls one cup

Many phenomena in democracy can be explained this way.

Why do we have income tax? They don't want you to be rich. Out of all possible ways to earn money, why income?
Why do we have anti abortion law? They don't want you to have choice
Why drugs are illegal? So you can't have it
Why prostitution is illegal? They don't want the rich to get girls too easily?
Why some people wants abortion to be legal? They just love to kill babies....
Welfare? to create poverty
Poverty? So people don't just live on welfare

So many decisions in democracy is to prevent others from being happy rather than from being happy themselves. Your fellow citizens are your enemy that just want you to suffer.

Or they just don't care.

The more power governments have the more money politicians make. Who the hell care.

Can democracy be a bit modified?


Look at corporate democracies. Shareholders can vote. Do they vote well? Hell yea they did. All share holders vote for one common interest, higher ROI. Are shareholders smart? No. But they know how to pick smart CEO.

Corporations have clear measurable goals. Democracies do not.

How does corporations ensure that the shareholders and the customers are profited? Choice. Individualized choice. Each corporations can decide the rules and the customers can pick different corporations to buy from.

Democracies should mimic corporations. Assign property rights of the state. Allow citizenship to be bought and sold. Replace welfare with dividend. See how far it goes.
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You shouldnt be forced to do anything in your private life as long as you arent impeding on someone elses rights. No one has a right to your property.
Individual freedom and responsibility is progressive.
I wish the regressive duopoly would realize that. Its the only true equality.
Say I go to a cinema with many theater. Say 60% of the population in those theaters want to watch Captain Marvel. 10% want to watch Urotsukdoji. And say 1% wants to watch two girls one cup (don't look that up, I never did, I don't want too).

The correct solution is obvious. We divide the cinema into many theaters, each go watch the movie they want.

If 60% wants to watch Captain Marvel then 60% of the theater will show Captain Marvel full screen.

Notice that it's not possible for people in the same theater to watch different movies. Just like it's impossible for weed to be legal and illegal in the same region.

This is usually what happens in Democracy.

A Cinema have 100 theaters. About 60% of the people want to watch captain marvel. They all have election. We have captain marvel shown in all theaters. That's "simple democracy". Majority win.

Obviously this is a problem. We got to respect minorities' right, scream the liberal.

Okay. Democracy tend to let "moderate party" win.

So how do we get moderate?

In every theater, we got captain marvel full screen, then on top right corner we got urotsukidoji and on the top left corner people can watch two girls one cup.

That's how typical democracy nowadays.

We got to "accommodate" gays, muslims, christians, atheists, and long long long long long list of "minorities".

Some gay people want to buy cake from christians shop? The owner refuse. Solution? Force owners to accommodate all minorities. Then libertarians will scream that it violates individual freedom. Then the liberal will simply outvote the libertarians.

I really have no say on those. Should christian bakers be forced to draw 2 cocks on their cake? Should playboy be forced to hire gay and trans models? Should you be forced to not discriminate based on sex when picking wife and girlfriends? Should muslims be forced to cook pork in mosque?

I don't know. I am open minded here. Uhuk uhuk uhk...

It seems to be the solution is to have different rules at different cities and see which one "works". Anyone with too stupid rules will collapse themselves like business.

But that's not how democracy works. We have different ideas how government should be run and we somehow have to get along.

Then someone smart says, okay, let's show different movies in different theaters.

Yes. Yes. Yes.... This is a good idea. Obviously. Someone with common sense.

Some countries are like that you know. US, for example, is one big cinema with 50 theaters. Each state can have different laws.

Then what? Most democracy have another rule. That is, free immigration and emigration among states.

Say someone show Captain Marvel in their theater, and they make a lot of money. Because of that, they show better screen. Obviously theaters that show 2 girls one cup will just go bankcrupt very quickly.

Then what?

Then those that watch 2 girls one cup become refugees. They go to Captain Marvel theater. Then?

Then we have the exact same problem that we used to have.

And what's fan of Captain Marvel do? They spread the glory of Captain Marvel everywhere. If anything, those who like 2 girls one cup have no where to go, they also go everywhere.

Let's take a look at strange ideologies. Theocracy. Many countries incorporate religions in their democracy. Namely they are democracy but not secular. They have democracy without freedom of speech. Their freedom of speech are restricted by anti blasphemy laws.

The result? Civil war. Again, again, again, again, and again and again....... I mean when did the middle east was at peace? Anyone remember?

Then what? They become refugees. They come to Europe. What happen when they come to Europe? Do they say, ah, democracy is awesome we should go back to our country and use the european ways?

No. They want Europe to embrace the ideology that messed up their country.

And what does Europe do? They accept those refugees and bomb Khadafi out enforcing liberal democracies in all arab and middle east countries.

What a mess?
Where are you from?
You shouldnt be forced to do anything in your private life as long as you arent impeding on someone elses rights. No one has a right to your property.
Individual freedom and responsibility is progressive.
I wish the regressive duopoly would realize that. Its the only true equality.

Another libertarian.

Don't get me wrong. I LIKE your idea. I agree.

I just have one question. How exactly you gonna enforce that.

You shouldn't be forced to do anything. Everyone should honor your freedom.

How exactly you prevent some organization, that's obviously far more powerful than you, like your own government, from limiting your freedom?

You need governments from thieves. Who would protect you from governments?

The market. If your government is being an asshole, you move. That's why our species get more and more prosperous.
Where are you from?

Indonesia :04:

The government was so messed up when things are stolen we don't even report to cops. Our crime rates are so low because people don't bother reporting. Fewer murders though.

Corruption went rampant.

Then, these 2 guys show up. Ahok and Jokowi. For 5 years, democracy works well on Jakarta and Indonesia. Still better than previous ones.

Jokowi became president. Ahok however, didn't fare so well. He was jailed due to anti blasphemy laws. Kind of hard for Christians Chinese to go far in politic. However, Indonesians probably need their chinese as leaders just as germany actually need their jews as scientists.

The chinese minority knows a hell lot about money than typical indonesians. What indonesians think in terms of religions, the chinese can see where and how money is what's really behind. Chinese are more "cynical".

And now I realized. I escaped dictator, namely Suharto regime, only to plunge into another dictator, namely the people themselves. Not necessarily the majority. Even minorities can be dictators.

We got radical muslims that have disproportionate power now by being "offended" by every hard to imagine things that talking about politic is difficult.

And they want really really crazy things. Most of which is exact opposite of common sense.

And they can vote and they can intimidate others to vote on their favors. Even other muslims don't like them.

So what you have in US? Libtards? Anyone get offended all the time?

You wanna know who rules you? Look at those you can't offend.
Fortunately, in the US, we don't have a democracy.
Ah but you have many problems that come with democracy.

US have what 100 cities. In normal capitalistic world, some would criminalize all drugs. Some would legalize weed, some would legalize xtc, some would legalize lsd, some would legalize all.

You can just move to cities you like.

In US? We have a few states painfully legalizing weed and it'll be 10-20 years before you have any real choice. Really? Choices among many similar choices? Choices between being squeezed dry by the left or enslaved by the right?
In US? We have a few states painfully legalizing weed and it'll be 10-20 years before you have any real choice. Really? Choices among many similar choices? Choices between being squeezed dry by the left or enslaved by the right?
"Drugs" are illegal in all 50 states. And DC.
Fortunately, in the US, we don't have a democracy.
Yes we have a democracy A constitutional republic democracy !
Same as a Red Ford Car
In a decmocracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.

Yes indeed the American voters DOES always rule

Because they can stop the govt

But it's not immediate

Again it is a democracy because the voters can stop all 3 govts and thru their control make the laws

Again this is not an immediate democracy

It's called a constitutional republic TYPE of democracy

Like a Red Ford Car

A Ford is still a car
Fortunately, in the US, we don't have a democracy.
Yes we have a democracy A constitutional republic democracy !
Same as a Red Ford Car
In a decmocracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
Yes indeed the American voters DOES always rule
Read carefully:
In a democracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
Fortunately, in the US, we don't have a democracy.
Yes we have a democracy A constitutional republic democracy !
Same as a Red Ford Car
In a decmocracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
Yes indeed the American voters DOES always rule
Read carefully:
In a democracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.


This is a democracy since the voters controls the govt

It's called a limited democracy

Elections are not immediate

This is a constitutional republic type of democracy

Same as saying a limited democracy

The constitutional republic tells you how the democracy is limited
Fortunately, in the US, we don't have a democracy.
Yes we have a democracy A constitutional republic democracy !
Same as a Red Ford Car
In a decmocracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
Yes indeed the American voters DOES always rule
Read carefully:
In a democracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
This is a democracy since the voters controls the govt
51% of the people want to reinstate slavery.
Does democracy rule?
Our constitution allows the voters democracy to change the laws

The founders had the voters min age as 21. Today because of a democracy of voters the age now is 18

A simple democracy of voters can change and stop anything

If every state votes a one vote majority they can control the congress and all laws

The voters thru a democracy controls the govt
Yes we have a democracy A constitutional republic democracy !
Same as a Red Ford Car
In a decmocracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
Yes indeed the American voters DOES always rule
Read carefully:
In a democracy, the majority rules.
In the US, the majority, by deign, does not always rule.
This is a democracy since the voters controls the govt
51% of the people want to reinstate slavery.
Does democracy rule?

Yes if every state votes 1 vote majority

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