
Ok, lol, definitely doesnt know what your talking about. Are you drinking alcohol?

If I was, I would still know what I was talking about.

I do know a thing or two about political science.
yeah, no shit genius, whats inverted totalitarianism? Quick! Search!
Why dont you do this: explain you remarks. because, I dont think you know what your talking about.

Inverted totalitarianism is a system where the people have the illusion of power.

An oligarchy is a form of government where a small faction of elites hold power.
Yes....this is what we have today.
Whatever mod cleaned this thread up, thanks for keeping it here. Don't shit on it, people, please.
Very good. Except I have threads and posts from long ago that talk of this. What globalists WANT is an oligarchy I.T. country so you can rob and bilk consumers and have no one to have to answer to. I know what it is. Your hoping no one else does.
You know how to skirt the truth

What truth?

You mean the historical definitions I am literally giving you?

True. Your giving me definitions but you are applying them to false pretense in an attempt to serve your own purpose. Lol, you didnt invent the tactic. I will always prove you wrong, though youll never admit it, because Im right and on the side of truth, your not.
But you go ahead and keep trying. Its good practice for me. You a little smarter than most others of your ilk.
Im waitin for the next bull shit line, so come out with it already!
You want no Constitution or BOR, but theres something wrong with me?...ok.
You cant compete so now your going to go after my character? Thats another well known tactic. Whats next?... my spelling? Your so mediocre.
Lemme tell you something, it doesnt matter what my character is or if Im short or tall or if I live in a million dollar home or in a tent. A ll that matters is whether or not Im right.
A democracy rules by the majority of a ruling party, and thus can stamp on minority rights. A republic preserves the voice of the minority.

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