Democrat cult of personality

I saw those guys in Cleveland back in 1989 when they opened up for the Rolling Stones.

The next day I bought their album.
You have a very narrow imagination.

You sure about that? these are the same prog democrats who wanted to crucify Kavinagh for supposedly grabbing some girl when he was 15 and then talked at some point of how great it would be if Cuomo could be president.
So much of what they believe is nothing more than media driven reality.... just likr Trump supposedly being an agent of Russia or a threat to world wide democracy.
You have a very narrow imagination.
Obviously they're stung when it's pointed out what they have fallen into. What they're a part of.

So they act out by accusing others of it.

Looking for some kind of a silver lining, at least they know, at some level.
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CM Punk!

Unfortunatley since they are far from the best in the world, they rushed the tempo which made it sound less than would it could have been.
That is called Projection. When you project on others what you yourself are doing. Like an unfaithful husband screaming that his wife is a whore because she had an affair.

But let’s consider this. Biden is deeply unpopular as a President. And looking at exit polling we find that 44% of the people who voted for Biden, were primarily motivated to vote against Trump. Nearly half. That doesn’t speak to a great love of Biden, but a deep hatred of Trump.

On the other hand, we have a lot of people on the right demanding purity purges for their own party. Primary the RINO’s and bring in MAGA candidates.

Arguing that Trump will return and save us from the Socialists. Only Trump can do it. you’ve read it here. I don’t need to remind you of that do I?

The same people cheer the low approval numbers for Biden. Yet they refuse to admit to us, perhaps even to themselves, what those numbers mean. They don’t mean the field is open to Trump to stage an asinine comeback. They do mean that they don’t like Biden.

Trump remains deeply unpopular too. But that is the case when you place before the public two candidates and argue that to vote for us is the vote for the lesser evil.

People aren’t going to be massively supportive of that evil, unless they are in fact, subjected to a Cult of Personality.

Look here. On these boards. Where you posted your argument. They claim Trump was hugely successful. When you look at the record, and the actual results you’re left with the truth that he was mediocre at best. Foreign Trade. He sent out some tweets. But what did he accomplish? Well he got NAFTA renamed to the USMC. Yay team. That’s progress right there baby. MAGA!

Nothing else changed. Nothing. The Wall? Please. It would take a generation to actually build that wall. It would cost billions to build the roads needed to actually get the equipment back there to some of those locations to build the stupid thing.

We hear nothing but lies and obfuscations about his record. And yet he was great to their minds.

There isn’t anyone seriously screaming that Biden is great. They may do so in a mocking manner towards the Trump Fanboys. But their argument boils down to one thing every time. He isn’t trump. That’s it. And that was enough for 44% of the Biden Voters. He was a warm breathing body that was not Trump.

Imagine if they had run a competent candidate.
That is called Projection. When you project on others what you yourself are doing. Like an unfaithful husband screaming that his wife is a whore because she had an affair.

But let’s consider this. Biden is deeply unpopular as a President. And looking at exit polling we find that 44% of the people who voted for Biden, were primarily motivated to vote against Trump. Nearly half. That doesn’t speak to a great love of Biden, but a deep hatred of Trump.

On the other hand, we have a lot of people on the right demanding purity purges for their own party. Primary the RINO’s and bring in MAGA candidates.

Arguing that Trump will return and save us from the Socialists. Only Trump can do it. you’ve read it here. I don’t need to remind you of that do I?

The same people cheer the low approval numbers for Biden. Yet they refuse to admit to us, perhaps even to themselves, what those numbers mean. They don’t mean the field is open to Trump to stage an asinine comeback. They do mean that they don’t like Biden.

Trump remains deeply unpopular too. But that is the case when you place before the public two candidates and argue that to vote for us is the vote for the lesser evil.

People aren’t going to be massively supportive of that evil, unless they are in fact, subjected to a Cult of Personality.

Look here. On these boards. Where you posted your argument. They claim Trump was hugely successful. When you look at the record, and the actual results you’re left with the truth that he was mediocre at best. Foreign Trade. He sent out some tweets. But what did he accomplish? Well he got NAFTA renamed to the USMC. Yay team. That’s progress right there baby. MAGA!

Nothing else changed. Nothing. The Wall? Please. It would take a generation to actually build that wall. It would cost billions to build the roads needed to actually get the equipment back there to some of those locations to build the stupid thing.

We hear nothing but lies and obfuscations about his record. And yet he was great to their minds.

There isn’t anyone seriously screaming that Biden is great. They may do so in a mocking manner towards the Trump Fanboys. But their argument boils down to one thing every time. He isn’t trump. That’s it. And that was enough for 44% of the Biden Voters. He was a warm breathing body that was not Trump.

Imagine if they had run a competent candidate.
That pretty much says it to a T. It isn’t a cult of personality, that singular honor belongs to the Republicans who reshaped their entire party around one man, casting out any who spoke up against him. And it continues.

So all they can do is what? Project their leaders faults on to Biden which is pretty pathetic because Biden and the Dems have plenty of their own faults to go after. Saying it is a Cult of Personality while at the same time noting he never get’s big attendance at rallies is pretty funny.
The thread is about DEMOCRATS. Not once did I mention Biden.

Defensive much?
I don’t think Democrats are less susceptible to a cult of personality figure than Republicans. You could argue Cuomo was that sort of figure, before his fall from grace.

However, I don’t think there’s much question that at this point in time, Trump is still the person that most fits the bill. Democrats don’t seem to be clinging to a particular personality, but more certain ideologies or just opposition to Trump and his followers.

I’m curious who you think the personalities are that Dems are blindly following.
I don’t think Democrats are less susceptible to a cult of personality figure than Republicans. You could argue Cuomo was that sort of figure, before his fall from grace.

However, I don’t think there’s much question that at this point in time, Trump is still the person that most fits the bill. Democrats don’t seem to be clinging to a particular personality, but more certain ideologies or just opposition to Trump and his followers.

I’m curious who you think the personalities are that Dems are blindly following.

Cuomo not really. The last one you could really point to was Obama circa 2008. His election with the idiotic phrase of “Yes we Can” was proof of the cult status. People fainting in the crowds and all that. In 2012 that shine had tarnished. So that cult status was definitely gone before the 2016 elections.

You could make a weak case that Hillary was such a figure, but that case would be easy to demolish. Especially with her losing the Blue Wall States to Trump.

Biden was no such figure. He was a warm breathing body to stand against Trump. When they propped him up.

Biden was a terrible candidate, and as I mentioned above 44% of his voters were casting their ballot not for him, but against Trump.

But look at the situation for the last five or six years. Only Trump can. Only Trump will. Only Trump has. These are the start of every single thread on Trump or Biden. Biden is awful. Well his popularity numbers show that people don’t like him. He will be easy to defeat in the midterms, unless Kamala takes over as I honestly expect her to right after the midterms, if not sooner.

FWIW the reason I say after the midterms is it allows her to run for re-election twice, instead of just once.

That is why I say that the OP is projecting. You can’t point to a Democrat with such a cult following right now. The last one you could was Obama, and that cult following was pretty well gone by the time the reelection came about. It was dead as a door nail by the end of his term.

That is why the RW is left with idiotic If you are a Democrat you are supporting this or that extremist nonsense.
That pretty much says it to a T. It isn’t a cult of personality, that singular honor belongs to the Republicans who reshaped their entire party around one man, casting out any who spoke up against him. And it continues.

So all they can do is what? Project their leaders faults on to Biden which is pretty pathetic because Biden and the Dems have plenty of their own faults to go after. Saying it is a Cult of Personality while at the same time noting he never get’s big attendance at rallies is pretty funny.

Let's go Brandon!!!

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