Democrat Desperation On School Reform

Not how vouchers work. Real vouchers, in a true competitive choice system, the private school still accepts or rejects the student based on merit criteria, and can expel the student. The voucher is cash. If the private school accepts your kid, the voucher can be used to pay for it.

That way poor kids have the same chance as rich Democrat hypocrites like Gov Cooper.

Retards, morons, and kids who just disrupt classrooms get dumped in the public schools and stay there where they don't learn anything anyway.
It's how the law will work, with exceptions. There is no competitive choice system with charters is there? Don't talk as if you understand all of this, because from what you posted, there is not much there for folks to believe you.

I do think the children of agnostics will not be applying to Church of Christ schools.

Episcopal schools will, of course, be favored, so the eligibility requirements must be examined very carefully.

Westbaptist Charter School will probably be undersubscribed and not make it.
It's how the law will work, with exceptions. Don't talk as if you understand all of this, because from what you posted, there is not much there for folks to believe you.

Feds attach conditions to school funding.

States can and do pass vouchers as cash for PRIVATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS, assuming the kid has the MERIT to be ADMITTED...
You want to send your kids toa private school, great, do it!
You want the government to pay for it? Sorry, we don't do Communism.
We aren't asking the GOVERENMENT to pay for it, we are asking the government to give us OUR money that they government has taken to educate our kids and is wasting it. The money is intended to pay for our kid's education, we simply want to control it to get the best bang for our bucks. We don't want to have to pay twice to educate our kids.
Every time the issue comes up in Texas, the rural school districts oppose it. They are already stretched thin and know that this won't help in rural areas.
We aren't asking the GOVERENMENT to pay for it, we are asking the government to give us OUR money that they government has taken to educate our kids and is wasting it. The money is intended to pay for our kid's education, we simply want to control it to get the best bang for our bucks. We don't want to have to pay twice to educate our kids.

Parents who pay for their children to attend private schools.... while still paying taxes for public schools.

We do
Ok, enough. "Public school" is NOT synonymous with "democrat party."
Let's look at that shall we? How many of your fellow teachers are conservatives/Republicans? In the three different schools, in three different school districts my wife taught at, the percentage was vanishingly small. Most teachers ranged from liberal to very liberal. Administrators were always liberal democrats, union leaders and generally stewards were liberal democrats. School board members were usually democrats because that's where the unions spent their bribes, uhh campaign contributions.
Let's look at that shall we? How many of your fellow teachers are conservatives/Republicans? In the three different schools, in three different school districts my wife taught at, the percentage was vanishingly small. Most teachers ranged from liberal to very liberal. Administrators were always liberal democrats, union leaders and generally stewards were liberal democrats. School board members were usually democrats because that's where the unions spent their bribes, uhh campaign contributions.

I haven't polled my coworkers and it's not as if we talk about politics all the time, but many of my fellow teachers are unabashedly on the conservative side. Folks at the administrative level as well. Perhaps more importantly, when my students do voice their political views most are pretty darn conservative. More than a few of my students are big Trump supporters. Now, most are not old enough to vote or are not US citizens, but still.
What's the issue with school choice? This guy is against it.... while he sends his children to private schools. What a hypocrite

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declares 'state of emergency' over school choice bill

Does nothing to increase overall test scores.

It’s just a tool for white Karen flight.
Not me sweetie. That's on your side.

In public schools/.

Not so fast, chump

Nearly 350 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes in 2022
We aren't asking the GOVERENMENT to pay for it, we are asking the government to give us OUR money that they government has taken to educate our kids and is wasting it. The money is intended to pay for our kid's education, we simply want to control it to get the best bang for our bucks. We don't want to have to pay twice to educate our kids.
Your taxes pay for the PUBLIC schools.
Using public tax money to pay for religious schooling is a violation of the 1st.
Whose money do you think the government spends? How much is it entitled to take from the taxpayers?
YOU are entitled to send your kids to public school. Your taxes pay for it.
YOU have the right to choose a private school.
YOU do not have the right to use public tax dollars to pay for it.
Your taxes pay for the PUBLIC schools.
Using public tax money to pay for religious schooling is a violation of the 1st.
Actually it isn’t. The First Amendment just says that the government can’t establish a state religion like the UK did with the Church of England. The First is about freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Plus many private schools are not run by churches anyway.
Actually it isn’t. The First Amendment just says that the government can’t establish a state religion like the UK did with the Church of England. The First is about freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Plus many private schools are not run by churches anyway.
Using tax money to fund religious schools IS establishing a religion.


This is establishing a religion.
Actually it isn’t. The First Amendment just says that the government can’t establish a state religion like the UK did with the Church of England. The First is about freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Plus many private schools are not run by churches anyway.
Does not matter about "of" or "from." It will take federal legislation to make it happen. Then it will be challenged in court, and SCOTUS will weigh in. The environment may be conducive to a conservative interpretation. I hope so.
As long as the churches are not tax exempt for their schools getting tax money, I don't care about things like

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