Democrat Discourse…

The other guy is a fascist Hitler Nazi.

Okay. I think we really have this one nailed.

I sense you retreating to the your usual postings: moral equivalency.

Will there ever be a time when you develop the courage to call evil, evil???

Get off the fence.
Did I say something wrong?

Okay, let's try all caps:


Is that better?

Let me know, I really want to fit in.

The gutless behavior your have become (in)famous for will never accomplish what you wish 'fit in.'

Both sides recognize you as a coward.
And everyone else recognizes you as a dishonest hack that doesnt even think enough to respond originally without nothing but ad hom. Go copy/paste us some more partisan bullshit, PC. We enjoy laughing at you.
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???

Excellent comparison.

History is about to repeat. Where have been all the Vigilant scholars whose lives they dedicated to warning us? It is about the cycle of repression, the radicalized liberal movements to throw it off and the resulting cry of the people for first, nationalism and soon after, totalitarianism to turn back the tide.

However I do not believe the totalitarianism in the form or extreme nationalism gone far right will manifest on the American Left. I believe the Left will push the Right to authoritarianism in order to defend against the modern radical cultural reformation movement. The Left has pushed and shoved the world into places its people never imagined going let alone accepting. Now people the world over are clamoring for a rollback to more traditional values, laws and political policies. What else can turn back the tide of socialist Red rising other than a tyrant we will beg to take up the mantle unless history's cycle is somehow refused?

"I believe the Left will push the Right to authoritarianism in order to defend against the modern radical cultural reformation movement."

It appears that, for the second time, the Left, the Democrats, will force a civil war.

They've been in an awful mood since the Republicans pried their slaves away from them.

I agree. Still, pessimism for our current political climate deserves a dash of hope. We're not quite there yet. America by existence has so far defied the dictates of history, so who really can say what comes next for her.
First, a semantic point: Today's Leftists are not worthy of laundering the boxer shorts of a true Liberal. They scorn free speech, the exchange of conflicting ideas, logic and rational thought. Please do not use "Liberal" to describe today's Leftists; it is an insult to the Liberals and to the English language.

The current brouhaha about the "humanitarian crisis" at our southern border cannot withstand a five minute rational analysis.

The "victims" have violated both international law and the laws of the United States, and the vast, vast majority of them are seeking asylum on false claims of dangers in their home country. In fact, they are "economic" refugees, who are accorded no rights whatsoever under U.S. or international law. Specifically, they must make application for entry and GET IN LINE!

And the separation of children from their parents is no more remarkable than the same process when any adult with children is arrested anywhere in the U.S., to wit, you cannot take your kids with you when you go to jail.

The claims of mistreatment of such children are occasionally valid, but the mistreatment goes back far beyond the Administration of The Donald, and are largely due to the limits on our capacity to provide daycare to thousands of youthful border jumpers. In real terms, "we" are doing the best we can in a trying circumstance.

And it MUST BE SAID that this whole thing was precipitated when President Soetoro declared that if a kid is brought into the country as a minor, S/HE WILL BE PROTECTED FROM DEPORTATION (in violation of the law)! When the World saw this amazing policy initiative by Soetoro, the clear message went out: If you bring your kids to the border they will be let through...then eventually, you will be brought in because the U.S. doesn't like to "break up families."

So, it's Barry's fault, AND it's no big deal.

The only reason why it has flooded the front pages for the past two weeks is because the explosive FBI IG report rendered most of the "news" of the past 16 months moot, and the Media couldn't allow that to come to light.

If this ain't a conspiracy by the Left and the Media then there is no such thing as a conspiracy.
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???

Excellent comparison.

History is about to repeat. Where have been all the Vigilant scholars whose lives they dedicated to warning us? It is about the cycle of repression, the radicalized liberal movements to throw it off and the resulting cry of the people for first, nationalism and soon after, totalitarianism to turn back the tide.

However I do not believe the totalitarianism in the form or extreme nationalism gone far right will manifest on the American Left. I believe the Left will push the Right to authoritarianism in order to defend against the modern radical cultural reformation movement. The Left has pushed and shoved the world into places its people never imagined going let alone accepting. Now people the world over are clamoring for a rollback to more traditional values, laws and political policies. What else can turn back the tide of socialist Red rising other than a tyrant we will beg to take up the mantle unless history's cycle is somehow refused?

"I believe the Left will push the Right to authoritarianism in order to defend against the modern radical cultural reformation movement."

It appears that, for the second time, the Left, the Democrats, will force a civil war.

They've been in an awful mood since the Republicans pried their slaves away from them.

I agree. Still, pessimism for our current political climate deserves a dash of hope. We're not quite there yet. America by existence has so far defied the dictates of history, so who really can say what comes next for her.

It's one reason for discussions like this....a warning.

Before Don Corleone Trump, there was this warning from another Don....

" If anything should happen to my son Michael, my son Fredo….there are certain people in this room that I will hold responsible."
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???
Cry me a river chicken little.

Let Maxine Waters be thrown out of a restaurant in rural Virginia due to her political position as was Sarah Huckubee and guaranteed the cries from Waters will not be of a river but rather “RACISM!”.
First, a semantic point: Today's Leftists are not worthy of laundering the boxer shorts of a true Liberal. They scorn free speech, the exchange of conflicting ideas, logic and rational thought. Please do not use "Liberal" to describe today's Leftists; it is an insult to the Liberals and to the English language.

The current brouhaha about the "humanitarian crisis" at our southern border cannot withstand a five minute rational analysis.

The "victims" have violated both international law and the laws of the United States, and the vast, vast majority of them are seeking asylum on false claims of dangers in their home country. In fact, they are "economic" refugees, who are accorded no rights whatsoever under U.S. or international law. Specifically, they must make application for entry and GET IN LINE!

And the separation of children from their parents is no more remarkable than the same process when any adult with children is arrested anywhere in the U.S., to wit, you cannot take your kids with you when you go to jail.

The claims of mistreatment of such children are occasionally valid, but the mistreatment goes back far beyond the Administration of The Donald, and are largely due to the limits on our capacity to provide daycare to thousands of youthful border jumpers. In real terms, "we" are doing the best we can in a trying circumstance.

And it MUST BE SAID that this whole thing was precipitated when President Soetoro declared that if a kid is brought into the country as a minor, S/HE WILL BE PROTECTED FROM DEPORTATION (in violation of the law)! When the World saw this amazing policy initiative by Soetoro, the clear message went out: If you bring your kids to the border they will be let through...then eventually, you will be brought in because the U.S. doesn't like to "break up families."

So, it's Barry's fault, AND it's no big deal.

The only reason why it has flooded the front pages for the past two weeks is because the explosive FBI IG report rendered most of the "news" of the past 16 months moot, and the Media couldn't allow that to come to light.

If this ain't a conspiracy by the Left and the Media then there is no such thing as a conspiracy.

I get your drift, but these Leftists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
The other guy is a fascist Hitler Nazi.

Okay. I think we really have this one nailed.

I sense you retreating to the your usual postings: moral equivalency.

Will there ever be a time when you develop the courage to call evil, evil???

Get off the fence.
Considering that you are nothing less than a foreign agitator I think telling you to go fuck yourself is more appropriate.
First, a semantic point: Today's Leftists are not worthy of laundering the boxer shorts of a true Liberal. They scorn free speech, the exchange of conflicting ideas, logic and rational thought. Please do not use "Liberal" to describe today's Leftists; it is an insult to the Liberals and to the English language.

The current brouhaha about the "humanitarian crisis" at our southern border cannot withstand a five minute rational analysis.

The "victims" have violated both international law and the laws of the United States, and the vast, vast majority of them are seeking asylum on false claims of dangers in their home country. In fact, they are "economic" refugees, who are accorded no rights whatsoever under U.S. or international law. Specifically, they must make application for entry and GET IN LINE!

And the separation of children from their parents is no more remarkable than the same process when any adult with children is arrested anywhere in the U.S., to wit, you cannot take your kids with you when you go to jail.

The claims of mistreatment of such children are occasionally valid, but the mistreatment goes back far beyond the Administration of The Donald, and are largely due to the limits on our capacity to provide daycare to thousands of youthful border jumpers. In real terms, "we" are doing the best we can in a trying circumstance.

And it MUST BE SAID that this whole thing was precipitated when President Soetoro declared that if a kid is brought into the country as a minor, S/HE WILL BE PROTECTED FROM DEPORTATION (in violation of the law)! When the World saw this amazing policy initiative by Soetoro, the clear message went out: If you bring your kids to the border they will be let through...then eventually, you will be brought in because the U.S. doesn't like to "break up families."

So, it's Barry's fault, AND it's no big deal.

The only reason why it has flooded the front pages for the past two weeks is because the explosive FBI IG report rendered most of the "news" of the past 16 months moot, and the Media couldn't allow that to come to light.

If this ain't a conspiracy by the Left and the Media then there is no such thing as a conspiracy.

I get your drift, but these Leftists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
The only reason you call them liberals is your inability to know any nomenclature that is beyond your intellectual capabilities.

Lack of Civility


Personal Attacks

Ridiculous, Over-the-top Comments

Violent rhetoric from elected Democrats

Calls for violence

Calls for women/children to be kidnapped, caged, and raped

Calling for physical violence against the President and his family

Paying / accepting money to engage in physical violence against others


....let's be clear on a few things:

'WE', as a country, do not have a problem in regards to doing these.

The vast majority of Americans do not have a problem with these things.

DEMOCRATS years ago went beyond the 'normal' 'animosity' in which members of both parties have engaged.

The real change, IMO, began with the initial election of the admitted communist-tutored, Socialist-studying, racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor-mentored, terrorist-befriending, anti-colonialist-offspring whose wife declared she had never been proud of this country and who himself openly declared his goal was to 'fundamentally change the United States' was elected.

8 years of Constituion and Rule of Law violations, aiding and abetting terrorists / Drug Cartels / human traffickers / this nation's enemies / violent illegals....

8 years of victimizing American citizens, illegally spying on them, using a weaponized IRS on them, allowing terrorists / violent illegals / etc to kill them, abandoning them to die..

8 years of continuous scandals, crimes, cover-ups, ending in conspiracy and treason in an attempt to determine the outcome of an election to hold onto control if power...

...and when it all blew up, when they failed ... They lost their damn minds!

Hillary was right - those who refuse to accept the results of elections ARE threats to our Democracy!

Liberals / Democrats / Snowflakes need to come to grips with the election results of 2016, need to stop throwing their infantile tantrum for not getting their way, and need to GROW THE F* UP!
Last edited:
Let’s not lose track of when this started. It was with obie telling his followers to get in peoples faces.

4. "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.
Barack Obama

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. ... “
Barack Obama

5.Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.” Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing Democrat political opponents?

Who in the hell cares. Look at JFK and RFK.
I suggest the party of Trump are the liberals. Like Trump said he could actually murder someone (apart from his tongue, since he has already) and you fools would not care.
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???

Democrats don't "discourse." They resist, obstruct, scream and yell, and throw temper tantrums like the little children they are.
Let’s not lose track of when this started. It was with obie telling his followers to get in peoples faces.

4. "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.
Barack Obama

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. ... “
Barack Obama

5.Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.” Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing Democrat political opponents?

Who in the hell cares. Look at JFK and RFK.

Both killed by Leftists.... by a communist, the other by a Palestinian.

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???

Democrats don't "discourse." They resist, obstruct, scream and yell, and throw temper tantrums like the little children they are.

....and murder.
I suggest the party of Trump are the liberals. Like Trump said he could actually murder someone (apart from his tongue, since he has already) and you fools would not care.

So by your definition, liberals have no problem with committing violent acts and murder?

Given their long history of murdering unborn children, I would be correct.
6. “Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell Accosted by Immigration Protesters
They blared audio of crying children at Chao and McConnell and kept asking them why they separate families.

Chao reminded the protesters that McConnell is not the president and therefore is not separating the children.

Obviously upset, and who can blame her, she demanded the protesters leave her husband alone.

This is how I imagine McConnell’s face after seeing his amazing wife stick up for him like that. You go, girl!!”

Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell Accosted by Immigration Protesters

7. If any need a lesson as to where this Democrat Liberal frenzy leads, I suggest a look at James Hodgkinson....and Jared Lee Loughner ....they get the message, loud and clear.

Hodgkinson, knew he had to assassinate as many Republicans as possible....

And these good Democrats.....
"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

After all....
. “But they are going to be paying attention to this election and if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies…”
Barack Obama - Aviation Forums
Let’s not lose track of when this started. It was with obie telling his followers to get in peoples faces.

4. "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.
Barack Obama

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. ... “
Barack Obama

5.Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.” Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing Democrat political opponents?

Who in the hell cares. Look at JFK and RFK.

Both killed by Leftists.... by a communist, the other by a Palestinian.

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

No I don't think so, both killed by the right wing nut jobs.
Let’s not lose track of when this started. It was with obie telling his followers to get in peoples faces.

4. "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.
Barack Obama

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. ... “
Barack Obama

5.Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.” Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing Democrat political opponents?

Who in the hell cares. Look at JFK and RFK.

Both killed by Leftists.... by a communist, the other by a Palestinian.

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

No I don't think so, both killed by the right wing nut jobs.

"No I don't think so, both killed by the right wing nut jobs."

I believe, by now, everyone recognizes you as both a liar and a fool.

This latest post of yours is simply gilding the lily. the interests of efficiency, ending your post after the first four words would have been sufficient.
8. “After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home,…”

“We have documented the numerous times the left has lately harassed people within the government, including Maxine Waters encouraging it. It’s so bad the DHS sent safety warnings to all its employees.

Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell Accosted by Immigration Protesters

What are the chances that the maniacs who have been convinced to support the doctrines that left over 100 million men, women and children, dead in the century of communism…..

…will get the message, the wink and the nod, from the Democrat/Liberal elites, the their enemies must be not merely defeated at the ballot box….

…but killed, slaughtered, obliterated?
Both sides claim they hate abhorrent behavior one second then literally practice it the next, justifying it with the old "(s)he did it first" go-to excuse that small children use. If you think the behavior is abhorrent then don't do it, plain and simple. The more disgusting the means, the harder it is to justify the ends.

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