Democrat Discourse…



Hitler was a fairly mainstream Leftist of his day. It must be remembered that he gained power by way of a democratic election, not by way of a revolution or a military coup. If any of that seems wrong to you, you need to keep reading
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

And they're more than happy to express that hatred via violence.
  1. " Kathy Griffin held a bloody “beheaded” Trump bust.
  2. Snoop Dogg pretended to shoot a Trump figure and rapped about killing the president in a video.
  3. A “Saturday Night Live” writer predicted that the president’s 11-year-old son would be “this country’s first homeschool shooter.”
  4. Madonna declared that she has thought about “blowing up the White House.”
  5. A teacher was suspended for shooting a squirt gun at an image of Trump, screaming “Die!”
  6. Sarah Silverman called for an American “military overthrow” of Trump.
  7. Stephen Colbert joked about the president giving a blowjob to Vladimir Putin.
  8. Joy Behar said that believing in Jesus is a “mental illness.”
  9. Jimmy Kimmel mocked the first lady’s foreign accent.
  10. Chelsea Handler tore into Sarah Sanders’ looks and weight, calling her a “whore.”
  11. A Democratic congressman made a blowjob joke about Kellyanne Conway.
  12. ESPN anchor Jemele Hill called Trump a “white supremacist.”
  13. Michelle Wolf mocked Sarah Sanders’ looks, calling her a liar to her face.
  14. Keith Olbermann called Trump a “Nazi” and drops regular expletive laced rants.
  15. Samantha Bee called the first daughter a “c**t” with absolutely no remorse.
  16. A Bernie Sanders supporter targeted GOP members of Congress in a shooting.
  17. A Democratic congressional candidate called the first lady a “whore.”
  18. Multiple members of the administration have gotten harassed, shouted down, or kicked out of restaurants just for working for the president.
  19. Multiple people have made death threats against the families of administration officials, including Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai.
  20. A man stole a teenager’s MAGA hat and threw a drink on him.
  21. Maxine Waters said Trump officials are “not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
  22. Left-wing Antifa members have harassed Trump supporters.
Good luck convincing the American public that Democrats are the party of peace."
Dem Senator Claims The Left Has ‘No Equivalent’ To ‘Dark’ Trump Rallies – He Must Have Forgotten These Incidents
"So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence?
The left no longer has a coherent message for the American people. Instead, Democrats have taken their party away from politics and moved their position to revenge, assault, and chaos.

...the media has approved and encouraged attacking or harassing Trump supporters at least 594 times.
... does not seem to mind if anyone gets hurt as long as the left gets power.

Democrats no longer offer anything to their constituents except retribution for losing in 2016..."
So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence?
"So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence?
The left no longer has a coherent message for the American people. Instead, Democrats have taken their party away from politics and moved their position to revenge, assault, and chaos.

...the media has approved and encouraged attacking or harassing Trump supporters at least 594 times.
... does not seem to mind if anyone gets hurt as long as the left gets power.

Democrats no longer offer anything to their constituents except retribution for losing in 2016..."
So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence?

in addition to

fuck the police
among others
…or Brownshirt behavior?

The events of the week have, yet again, revealed the true nature of our ersatz Fascists….known colloquially as Democrats/Liberals. As the well-known adage says, to know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side.

Yup….they love calling the right Nazis and Fascists.

Let’s check:

1.“While we've been hearing for weeks about President Trump's supposedly Nazi-esque border policy, [Democrat Maxine] Waters’ preferred tactic has actually been frequently used by fascist groups in order to intimidate others into silence.

2.Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

3. “Washington (CNN) Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration in response to the "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of families at the border.

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

But perhaps we should understand these latter-day Brownshirts…..they certainly can’t win any debate via logic, reason, or experience.

Can a ‘Reichstag Fire’ be far behind???

A recent example of the sort of debate, discourse, one can expect from Liberals....;

"Ohio woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church, police say
Police believe that Meredith Lowell, 35, stabbed the woman wearing fur boots based on a prior arrest in 2012, in which Lowell was charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill a person wearing fur."
Ohio woman wearing fur is stabbed by animal-rights activist in church, police say

Sadly, there is no walled institution large enough to hold all of the insane Liberals the Left has produced.

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