Democrat .. No Free Speech Zones

Ya'll should read the Constitution. The 1st Amendment is about the government doing it. It is not a violation of Free Speech to tell stupid ass Trump supporters that they are stupid ass Trump supporters. Heck, it's not a violation of Free Speech to yell it during his rallies. It's also not a violation of Free Speech to have the yeller removed. See how that works?

Sorry, douche bag, but using violence and intimidation to stop someone from speaking is a violation of free speech. I know Stalinists like you don't want to admit what you are, but you've all made that quite obvious by defending the thugs in Shitcago.

Who said anything about using violence? When did I defend what happened in Chicago? My support for their protest ends if they are the first to resort to violence.

There are hundreds of hours of video on the internet showing the violence.
Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

Sheesh, that was weak, would you like to try again?

Nope. I'll stand by it regardless of whether you think it's weak or not. Would you like to respond to my comments or just make silly ass statements that don't do anything but avoid the topic WHICH YOU STARTED?

He chose to not speak in Chicago because it was made dangerous for American citizens trying to exercise free speech and right of assembly by professional Democratic Party radical protesters and assorted liberal loons.

Saying he could speak somewhere else isn't the point, Say you travel many hours and spend 4 hours in a line only to have your event cancelled times many thousands of'd be thrilled right, best night ever... :laugh:

The best part is you have to get you and your family through crowds of belligerent assholes screaming vulgarities and exercising their right of left wing hate speech, then drive 4 hrs. home rightfully pissed.

Anyone who says Trump's freedom of speech wasn't violated in Shitcago is a douche bag. Trump called off his speech there for the same reason that you might hand over your wallet to a mugger. It isn't voluntary. frigidweirdo is defending thugs. That makes him as bad as the thugs. Anyone defending these "protesters" is automatically a douche bag.

Anyone who says his Free Speech was violated, doesn't understand the Constitution.

Precisely the opposite is the case. Shitcago is an example of the same kind "free speech" they have in Germany just before Hitler was elected. In other words, none at all. Brownshirt thugs storming your event and beating up your audience isn't free speech, no matter how hard you try to spin it otherwise.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

democrats only believe in free speech if it is accepted leftist speak
Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

Sheesh, that was weak, would you like to try again?

Nope. I'll stand by it regardless of whether you think it's weak or not. Would you like to respond to my comments or just make silly ass statements that don't do anything but avoid the topic WHICH YOU STARTED?

He chose to not speak in Chicago because it was made dangerous for American citizens trying to exercise free speech and right of assembly by professional Democratic Party radical protesters and assorted liberal loons.

Saying he could speak somewhere else isn't the point, Say you travel many hours and spend 4 hours in a line only to have your event cancelled times many thousands of'd be thrilled right, best night ever... :laugh:

The best part is you have to get you and your family through crowds of belligerent assholes screaming vulgarities and exercising their right of left wing hate speech, then drive 4 hrs. home rightfully pissed.

Made dangerous? Even when the police didn't say anything? He made this choice and STILL SAID WHAT HE WANTED TO SAY.

He was not prevented from saying what he wanted to say. He was prevented from doing what he wanted to do, that's different.

Whether people stood in line to hear he next superstar speak and then it was cancelled is neither here nor there when it comes to whether free speech had been taken away or not.

People might be pissed, but Trump could still say what he wanted to say. He wasn't stopped from saying anything he wanted to say, was he?

..and you don't see this as twisted logic .. interesting.. :eusa_snooty:

No, I see this as freedom of speech.

It's not my fault you didn't bother to figure out what it was before you started talking on here!
heres an idea, at every liberal gathering, why not set up some giant chart /large letters, with a list of the 100 tragic events that george bush caused.
Liberals love free speech as long as it agrees with them, otherwise they have no use for it.
Their little minds cannot comprehend that someone might have an opposing view.
heres an idea, at every liberal gathering, why not set up some giant chart /large letters, with a list of the 100 tragic events that george bush caused.
heres an idea, at every liberal gathering, why not set up some giant chart /large letters, with a list of the 100 tragic events that george bush caused.
and at the top of the list,,,,the 1923 asteroid that wiped out the remaining dinasours on the earth !!!!
"I don't want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up. And that part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and the arguments of the other side... Make the case as to why they're wrong. Win over adherents. That's how — that's how things work in — in a democracy. And I do worry if young people start getting trained to think that if somebody says something I don't like, if somebody says something that hurts my feelings that my only recourse is to shut them up, avoid them, push them away, call on a higher power to protect me from that." President Obama

Then again people see that Trump is winning support by doing the exact opposite of this. And then people fight fire with fire.

Does reasoning with people work on this message board? Almost never. The only things that work are by using fire.
That is not the "side" to which Obama refers.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

The doctrine of free speech and First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person.

Should a given government entity attempt to preempt Trump's speech through force of law inconsistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, then a free speech violation would have occurred.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

The doctrine of free speech and First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person.

Should a given government entity attempt to preempt Trump's speech through force of law inconsistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, then a free speech violation would have occurred.

When private person 'A' trespasses on an event held by 'B', shouts him down and disrupts his event, he is committing a crime. That's the end of the story.

You have to a fucking Nazi thug to think such behavior is acceptable or even to be admired as you do.
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Conservatives continue to make the mistake of referring to this issue as a "free speech" problem.

The PC Police, as we see on this thread, can wiggle out of that one. They know that they can very effectively leverage freedom of speech against you, to shut you down, to intimidate you, to disrupt your speech, to punish you. All perfectly legal and constitutional.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue, it's a cultural issue. A group of people who have found a way to control opposing speech, perhaps because they're not confident enough in their positions. They do not want opposing speech to see the light of day.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

The doctrine of free speech and First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person.

Should a given government entity attempt to preempt Trump's speech through force of law inconsistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, then a free speech violation would have occurred.

I'll disagree to a point.

The US Constitutional protection is between the govt and the governed.

However when it comes to rights, a right is that you can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm others or infringe on their rights.

So, I can't kill someone else because it infringes on their rights. I can't lock someone up, or do other things.

I can tell someone to shut up, it doesn't infringe on their right to free speech, but I can't do something that would deprive them of their speech, unless they asked me to do so.

So, rights work between individuals too.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

Sheesh, that was weak, would you like to try again?

Nope. I'll stand by it regardless of whether you think it's weak or not. Would you like to respond to my comments or just make silly ass statements that don't do anything but avoid the topic WHICH YOU STARTED?

He chose to not speak in Chicago because it was made dangerous for American citizens trying to exercise free speech and right of assembly by professional Democratic Party radical protesters and assorted liberal loons.

Saying he could speak somewhere else isn't the point, Say you travel many hours and spend 4 hours in a line only to have your event cancelled times many thousands of'd be thrilled right, best night ever... :laugh:

The best part is you have to get you and your family through crowds of belligerent assholes screaming vulgarities and exercising their right of left wing hate speech, then drive 4 hrs. home rightfully pissed.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

Again, only government can violate the right to free speech, not private persons and organizations.

This explains why there is no such thing as 'PC,' nor a 'chilling effect' on speech, where private citizens remain at liberty to express themselves as they see fit in the context of private society and in our free and democratic society.

That private citizens might denounce, oppose, or criticize Trump's speech, another private person, in no way 'violates' Trump's right to speak freely.
The ultimate bullies are the ones who intimidate, sucker punch, then run screaming crying "victim". Those were the "so-called peaceful protestors" in Chicago.
Conservatives continue to make the mistake of referring to this issue as a "free speech" problem.

The PC Police, as we see on this thread, can wiggle out of that one. They know that they can very effectively leverage freedom of speech against you, to shut you down, to intimidate you, to disrupt your speech, to punish you. All perfectly legal and constitutional.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue, it's a cultural issue. A group of people who have found a way to control opposing speech, perhaps because they're not confident enough in their positions. They do not want opposing speech to see the light of day.

And lots of people do this. The whole political machine tries to rid people of speech they don't want to hear.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Free speech is not the ability to talk where you like when you like.

So, if you and your other half are doing it in the bedroom and you stop me reading from Shakespeare, is this preventing free speech? NO.

Trump isn't being prevented from saying what he wants at all. He choose to cancel his speech but he still made it somewhere else.

So, stop talking nonsense.

The doctrine of free speech and First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person.

Should a given government entity attempt to preempt Trump's speech through force of law inconsistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, then a free speech violation would have occurred.

I'll disagree to a point.

The US Constitutional protection is between the govt and the governed.

However when it comes to rights, a right is that you can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm others or infringe on their rights.

So, I can't kill someone else because it infringes on their rights. I can't lock someone up, or do other things.

I can tell someone to shut up, it doesn't infringe on their right to free speech, but I can't do something that would deprive them of their speech, unless they asked me to do so.

So, rights work between individuals too.
Actually not.

You're confusing civil law with criminal law, where the former concerns free speech rights, and the latter concerns prohibited conduct such as assault or murder.

And there's nothing you as a private person can do to deprive someone of his right to speak freely, as the civil law that is First Amendment jurisprudence places restrictions on government only.

As a private person you have no authority to pass a law in an attempt to preempt speech, or to arrest someone and detain him in an effort to restrict his speech – that authority rests solely with government, subject to restrictions and limitations by the First Amendment.

If you try to stop someone from expressing his views by punching him in the mouth, for example, then you've left the realm of civil law and entered the realm of criminal law, and you would be subject to criminal prosecution appropriately and accordingly, having nothing to do with free speech rights.

So no, the doctrine of rights doesn't exist between private individuals.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

democrats only believe in free speech if it is accepted leftist speak

Do they? Can you prove this?

yeah right now fuckhead they are trying to stop people from

attending a trump rally in Az by blocking the highway

not only against free speech

but free association

and freely travel

what a bunch of evil tyrants the leftists are
Trump is reaping what HE George Wallace also found out.

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