Democrat Party Has Given Up Any Pretense

7. “Liberal Jews are being replaced—[by] …the American version of the U.K. Labour Party’s Corbynism.

It’s intersectional, sectarian, nominally collectivist in its economics, and boldly Third Worldist in its political convictions. It is also, therefore, fundamentally anti-Israel.

Omar’s statements are not accidental, not slips of the tongue, and they will not disappear after more dialogue—…. The Democratic Party leadership is complicit. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave Omar a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee even though she knew from the outset that the newly elected congresswoman would use it as a platform to attack the U.S.-Israel relationship, which she openly rejected and disdained. “ As the Ilhan Omar Controversy Shows, American Jews Have Only Begun to Pay the Price Demanded by the Democratic Party’s New Math

8. One can only be puzzled as to how this revelation about the Democrats can be a surprise…. ... after 8 year of what all evidence indicates as their having fronted a Muslim as President….yes, that’s what analysis proves……and I’d be happy to provide that evidence for any who need be ‘woke.’

“It’s Obama’s agenda, …. It is too painful to identify the real source of the problem: An American president that the Jewish community not only overwhelmingly supported but also defended even as his language and his policies clearly spelled danger for them. They believed his validators because they wanted to—the Jewish journalists, diplomats, policymakers, Obama’s envoys to the Jewish community who all vouched for him, how he felt love for Israel and the Jews in his “kishkes.”

Where Obama and his surrogates always claimed that re-aligning the U.S. with Iran, or tilting towards the Palestinians, or condemning Israel at the U.N., were measures being taken for Israel’s own good, and therefore in fact proved how much they cared about Israel, progressives like Omar feel no compunction to engage in such rhetorical flimflam, to palliate “donors” or anyone else. Their pitch is simple: Israel is evil and should be eradicated. What Obama and his surrogates whispered and implied, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and their fellow progressives now feel confident enough to say openly.”

Now...impossible for Democrat voters to deny it....even to themselves.
…and now admits it is the party of bigotry and anti-Semitism. It becomes less and less possible for Jewish voters to deny this.

1.The once-leaders of the party have thrown in the towel.

The fear in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes is what I’ll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t turn away from a fight, but turned away from a fight with Omar. That tells you how serious the situation is.

The repeated antisemitic comments from Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, while condemnable, are all too familiar to those of us who have closely followed the anti-Israel movement.” The fear in Nancy Pelosi's eyes is what I'll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair

2. Having chosen the divide-and-conquer mode, so successful for so long, the Democrats have succumbed to that poison infecting them, as well as America. Let's remind all that the Democrat that they have chosen to shield spews anti-Jewish bigotry not criticism of Israel.

Ilhan Omar spoke about Jews, not Israeli policy.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has, on several occasions, made classically anti-Semitic claims about American Jews,…

The gist of Omar's complaints is that the perfidious, string-pulling Hebraic hordes control Congress with their shady shekels, Israel has hypnotized the world, and American Jews are guilty of dual loyalty.”
House Democrats Finding It Hard to Confront Anti-Semitism

Omar’s rhetoric communicates the agenda that she and her allies are driving—there is no room for Jews or folks who favor Israel in the Democrat Party.

And the Democrats couldn’t…wouldn’t… bring themselves to hold her, and themselves, responsible.… they couldn’t even get a pro forma denunciation of anti-Semitism.

3. As educated folks always knew: "American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..." Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President, Democrat, actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.

Remember this?
Democrat "Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
Now the Democrats have added more folks to that list.

History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes

Due to the forced immigration to Great Britain of Jihadist populations forced upon Britain by The EU, Parliament has slowly been populated with Anti-Semites, and hate filled Muslims.

These same Muslims in Parliament are opposed to Brexit. The Reason is Obvious. Islam is sowing seeds of their death cult all across the world. Closed Borders, more strict immigration, is an obstacle to that. Islam's goal is political power, and to convert ALL Nations to Islam.

There will be a tipping point at which Islam will be dominating force in any Nation it infects with it's radical hate filled ideology if there is not a check on it.
You can see it happening in America. The evidence of that is in The Left's Opposition to Border Security.

When a people resist a political philosophy you espouse that you want to use to replace a nation's native ideology, like Democracy, the only way around that, is by Population Replacement, and by importing Foreign Ideologies that are in Opposition to your Native Political and Social Philosophies.

In short, this is a planned strategy by The Democrat Party to do such things so as to "Fundamentally Transform America."
9. The above bears repeating: you Democrat voters bought everything Obama, the most prodigious liar ever to inhabit the White House, said.

Most blatant: he wasn’t a Muslim…
even when you saw and heard this: “ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
Obama: What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] “Christian faith”

(How many times have any of you accidently said ‘my Muslim faith’?)

Now you’re surprised at the Democrats embracing Omar’s anti-Semitism???? It’s called an ‘epiphany.’

10. “The liberal Jewish establishment is turning away from the real problem, because it’s too scary.
…it is the liberal Jewish establishment [read "Marxist"] that advances the idea of a Palestinian state.

So why did Obama rub this community’s nose in the ground? Why did he have to corner AIPAC, for instance, by appointing Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense, a man who referred to it as the “Jewish lobby” and proudly announced that, unlike some of his peers, he was not an “Israeli senator”?

Then there was the Iran deal, the making and marketing of which was a bloody affair, intended not only to secure the president’s key foreign policy initiative, but also to humiliate his opponents.

[Obama] and a complicit press corps, used anti-Semitic conceits to bludgeon Jewish community leaders, Democrats as well as Republicans. They were beholden to “donors” and “lobbies,” and more loyal to Israel than their own country. There’s barely a stone’s throw from what Obama said to what Omar has said and tweeted.”
As the Ilhan Omar Controversy Shows, American Jews Have Only Begun to Pay the Price Demanded by the Democratic Party’s New Math

At least the Democrats are willing to announce where they stand: against Jews, whites, capitalism, the unborn, and even free speech.
Welcome to the brave new world….
11. Time for all Americans to come to terms with this truth: Obama is Muslim in his worldview, and not for Western Civilization. And it is his efforts to co-opt the Democrat Party, that allowed the Ilhan Omars, Rahida Tlaibs, and Ocasios to take power.

Even you Democrats....denying the obvious for his term in office, can admit it.

“Obama explained that the Islamic Republic uses anti-Semitic rhetoric as an “organizing tool.” He went after AIPAC not because he personally dislikes Jews or Israel, but because he promised to radically transform America. So he had to start with the one institution he had absolute control over: the Democratic Party. He hacked away at the Jewish community because American Jewry is the pillar of the liberal political establishment.

By targeting AIPAC, and rejecting the foundational nature of the U.S.-Israel relationship, Obama crippled the party’s then-dominant liberal wing and empowered the progressives, whose ranks the Jews are more than welcome to join—but on new terms. On Rep. Ilhan Omar’s terms.” As the Ilhan Omar Controversy Shows, American Jews Have Only Begun to Pay the Price Demanded by the Democratic Party’s New Math

12. Obama, a crypto-Islamist, hid his beliefs behind another who claimed to be Christian, but honored and supported Muslims like Louis Farrakhan: Jeremiah Wright.

Now….if Wright is a Christian….as Obama claims to be, too….how to explain this:

“Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims.”

Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah


Explains, doesn’t it, why Hussein Obama guaranteed nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism.

And what gave power to Omar and Tlaib....and to anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party.
9. The above bears repeating: you Democrat voters bought everything Obama, the most prodigious liar ever to inhabit the White House, said.

Most blatant: he wasn’t a Muslim…
even when you saw and heard this: “ The words "my Muslim faith" were uttered by Barack Obama in an ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos, excerpted on YouTube.[1]
Obama: What I was suggesting - you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, and you're absolutely right that that has not come at my ...

Stephanopoulos: [breaking in] “Christian faith”

(How many times have any of you accidently said ‘my Muslim faith’?)

Now you’re surprised at the Democrats embracing Omar’s anti-Semitism???? It’s called an ‘epiphany.’

10. “The liberal Jewish establishment is turning away from the real problem, because it’s too scary.
…it is the liberal Jewish establishment [read "Marxist"] that advances the idea of a Palestinian state.

So why did Obama rub this community’s nose in the ground? Why did he have to corner AIPAC, for instance, by appointing Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense, a man who referred to it as the “Jewish lobby” and proudly announced that, unlike some of his peers, he was not an “Israeli senator”?

Then there was the Iran deal, the making and marketing of which was a bloody affair, intended not only to secure the president’s key foreign policy initiative, but also to humiliate his opponents.

[Obama] and a complicit press corps, used anti-Semitic conceits to bludgeon Jewish community leaders, Democrats as well as Republicans. They were beholden to “donors” and “lobbies,” and more loyal to Israel than their own country. There’s barely a stone’s throw from what Obama said to what Omar has said and tweeted.”
As the Ilhan Omar Controversy Shows, American Jews Have Only Begun to Pay the Price Demanded by the Democratic Party’s New Math

At least the Democrats are willing to announce where they stand: against Jews, whites, capitalism, the unborn, and even free speech.
Welcome to the brave new world….

50 Iranian drones conduct massive 'way to Jerusalem' exercise - report

1. "Iranian Drone Buzzes U.S. Fighter Jet Over Persian Gulf
...buzzed an American Super Hornet fighter jet as it circled an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, Defense Department officials said on Tuesday.

A statement released by the military’s Central Command said that despite repeated radio calls demanding that Iran keep the drone clear of American flight operations in the vicinity of the aircraft carrier Nimitz, the Iranian vehicle came within 100 feet of the fighter jet, which had to swerve to avoid a collision."
Iranian Drone Buzzes U.S. Fighter Jet Over Persian Gulf

This story requires context, e.g., how Iran got advanced drone capability.

Answer: it is just one more of the copious and generous gifts from the man Democrats/Liberals called the Messiah, and God and Jesus....the Muslim former President of the USofA.

Where do you suppose Iran got state-of-the-art drones to use against the Jewish state?????

2. "President Obama said on Monday that the United States had asked Iran to return an American surveillance drone that the Iranians say they captured on Dec. 4. It was Mr. Obama’s first public comment about the drone, a remote-controlled spying aircraft,...
...Obama was answering this question: “And speaking of Iran, are you concerned that it will be able to weaken America’s national security by discovering intelligence from the fallen drone that it captured?”
Obama Says America Asked Iran to Return Its Drone

3. But...but......what could he have done?????

"... otherwise I would not explain why the RQ-170 was not remotely destroyed with a kill-switch reportedly used on such systems to prevent them from going in the wrong hands. Such self-destruction systems are designed to bring down the drone should its pilot lose satellite link from the mobile ground control station.

The stealthy UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) is one of the most precious of the U.S. arsenal..."
Iran seizes a U.S. Stealth Drone by taking over controls. Maybe… And what about that Predator virus?

"....It was “standard procedure” for US forces to recover or destroy any drones that are lost, ..."
Iran shows off captured US drone

But not if one favors Muslim Iran over the United States.

4. Of course, Obama was simply following Democrat protocol: remember when Bill Clinton allowed missile technology to fall into Red Chinese hands after they 'donated' to his re-election campaign?
Does the name 'Ron Brown' bring anything to mind?

"Iranian UAV that entered Israeli airspace seems to be American stealth knock-off
IAF's second-in-command says drone, which was reportedly similar to aircraft seized by Tehran in 2011, was advanced and based on Western technology

The Iranian drone shot down by the Israeli Air Force early Saturday morning appears to have been a relatively new stealth model whose design was stolen from an American unmanned aerial vehicle that was captured by Iran in 2011, according to aviation analysts."
Iranian UAV that entered Israeli airspace seems to be American stealth knock-off

Although Hussein Obama could have destroyed the US drone that had crashed in Iran....he chose to allow the Iranians to capture it, and the technology.



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