Democrat racial bigotry.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Never, except perhaps during Truman and Kennedy's administration.
Compared to whom exactly? The Founders had slaves for chistsakes.
I agree with you. Soon enough we will get the concentration and labor camps to exterminate people that you really really want. Progs have made their points known on this by their words and actions over the years for christsakes. You spouting 1776 when you live in a Stalin/Hitler persona is great deflection.
Sorry, no. I'm afraid you'll just have to try harder. What did you mean "not relative"? Did you mean including the Republicans due to them being so historically xenophobic and supremacist by comparison would have just been silly? If so, I'd certainly have to agree, but then who in their right mind would simply want to focus on the Dems?
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Never, except perhaps during Truman and Kennedy's administration.

It's very telling.
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Sorry, no. I'm afraid you'll just have to try harder. What did you mean "not relative"? Did you mean including the Republicans due to them being so historically xenophobic and supremacist by comparison would have just been silly? If so, I'd certainly have to agree, but then who in their right mind would simply want to focus on the Dems?

How many other parties in any country have literally ended slavery?

They seem superior to the democrats...
we need to stand together to stop the leftist agenda of perpetual racism

it is time to stand up and let people know that brown and black people ARE NOT too stupid to procure a valid ID to present at the polling booth!
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
Typical Wikidiot

I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
Typical Wikidiot


Triggered you, didn't I?!! Your lie by omission was exposed and you were struck dumb. Which, as is usual of liars when exposed, they and you cannot spin their way out of being exposed as a damn liar.

It's unfortunate that liars like you have a place to post their lies, since so many biddable fools actually believe the bullshit in your OP.
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
Typical Wikidiot


Triggered you, didn't I?!! Your lie by omission was exposed and you were struck dumb. Which, as is usual of liars when exposed, they and you cannot spin their way out of being exposed as a damn liar.

It's unfortunate that liars like you have a place to post their lies, since so many biddable fools actually believe the bullshit in your OP.
Obvious projection.

My longstanding policy is to never lie to my fellow USMB forumers. You can check all 16,000+ posts spanning over many years to confirm that fact.
Given the GOP’s ambiguous, at best, stance on racial issues, black people moving over to the Republican Party en masse would be a poor strategic decision. The truth is, the Republican Party has never fully divested itself of the vestiges of the Southern Strategy, which in the late 1960s and early ’70s invited segregationists into the party to secure a majority. Too many conservative elected officials and civic organizations still readily accept and are dependent on the votes and money of their less than racially tolerant constituents. This isn’t to suggest that all Republicans are racist or uninterested in improving race relations, but the party’s leadership still humors racist voters, especially during primary season.

This dynamic was revealed during the Trump campaign, and is the reason an embarrassing pol such as Roy Moore could win the Republican Senate primary in Alabama. The specter of blowback from the base is palpable every time a prominent Republican equivocates or stumbles over empathetic clichés when addressing atrocities caused by racial animus such as in Charlottesville. As long as the Republican Party continues to caucus with even a minority of racists, it cannot adequately address race issues in a way that gives many African American voters comfort. The party’s advocacy for state’s rights without addressing the historical discriminatory behavior of some states also is a significant obstacle for black voters looking for change.
Are We a Nation of Bigots?
March 7, 2020 ~~ By Janice Shaw Crouse
Pundits of all political stripes are taking note of the fact that the 2020 election is bringing to the fore just how deep and bitter are the cultural divisions within our nation. The glaring decline in political comity rivals that of the days leading up the Civil War. While the political divide is obvious and bitter, the growing religious divide is also increasingly obvious, and, perhaps, this development has been a stronger factor in the social and cultural divisions of the American public than has been previously acknowledged. It has been little noted in the mainstream media, but the percentage of American adults who identify as non-Christian — those individuals who are labeled "none" in terms of religious identification — "continues to change at a rapid pace," according to the Pew Research Center after its telephone interviews in 2018 and 2019. Most recently, "65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians — down 12 percentage points over the past decade." Fully "17 percent of Americans describe their religion as 'nothing in particular' — up from 12% in 2009." In sum, non-Christian religious affiliations are growing as a share of the adult population. Not surprisingly, Americans also say "religion is losing influence in American life." Although most adults think private religious observance is a good thing, nearly two thirds think the church should stay out of political matters.
~~ snip ~~
Ironically, the Progressives who are calling Christians "bigots" are turning out to be the closed-minded ones. There can be no reasoning or logical discourse with those whose religion is a special agenda, whose proof is their own opinion, and whose argument consists of name-calling.

Progressive Marxist Socialists would claim that this is not so. However, it's long been known they long they have a problem with reality?
The PMS/DSA Democrat Left under the 44th president of the U.S.A., set back race relations nearly 100 years. They nearly destroyed the middle class of America within their 8 years of power with higher costs and false promises of better medical coverage and the lowest recovery ever recorded. Meanwhile the administration's abject incompetence and corruption reduced our military by 25%, funded the disastrous Arab Spring, created ISIS, Benghazi and the pathetic Iran Deal, shipping billions of our tax payer money to a belligerent ME nation which to this day you democrats deny was wrong.
We can't discuss bigotry including Progressive Marxist Socialism and the bigots that espouse the ideology and believe that "the end justifies the means"- any means.
Who would ever suspect the american stinker of being so logic challenged, laughably hypocritical, and blatantly biased?
Sorry, no. I'm afraid you'll just have to try harder. What did you mean "not relative"? Did you mean including the Republicans due to them being so historically xenophobic and supremacist by comparison would have just been silly? If so, I'd certainly have to agree, but then who in their right mind would simply want to focus on the Dems?

Was there a time when the dems were not pushing a racist agenda and if so, when?

Possible answers. 1. No. or, 2. Yes, then post the time period. Of course, that is the part you are afraid of.
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
Typical Wikidiot


Triggered you, didn't I?!! Your lie by omission was exposed and you were struck dumb. Which, as is usual of liars when exposed, they and you cannot spin their way out of being exposed as a damn liar.

It's unfortunate that liars like you have a place to post their lies, since so many biddable fools actually believe the bullshit in your OP.
Obvious projection.

My longstanding policy is to never lie to my fellow USMB forumers. You can check all 16,000+ posts spanning over many years to confirm that fact.

A lied by omission is a damn lie.
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?
Republican straw man fallacy.

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