Democrat racial bigotry.

I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Gee, now that it is clear that American Citizens of African Ancestry have become a force in the up coming election, supporters of trump, and he himself, need to dig up the past, and lie by omission.

The Democrats who wrote and enforced Jim Crow Laws are dead, and the Democratic Party was in Power and passed Civil Rights Acts and Voting Rights in the 1960's.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia
Typical Wikidiot


Triggered you, didn't I?!! Your lie by omission was exposed and you were struck dumb. Which, as is usual of liars when exposed, they and you cannot spin their way out of being exposed as a damn liar.

It's unfortunate that liars like you have a place to post their lies, since so many biddable fools actually believe the bullshit in your OP.
Obvious projection.

My longstanding policy is to never lie to my fellow USMB forumers. You can check all 16,000+ posts spanning over many years to confirm that fact.

A lied by omission is a damn lie.
Your concession that you cannot quote any lie I've ever written here is accepted.
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?

Never, except perhaps during Truman and Kennedy's administration.
Even during those administrations, there were still Democrat controlled states that had oppressive laws based on race. Anti-miscegenation laws immediately come to mind as obvious examples.
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?
Republican straw man fallacy.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
I think that nearly all USMB members can agree the Democratic party's longstanding support of legal policies regarding black slavery and Jim Crow laws were extremely racially biased. And that "affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.

My question is, has there ever been a period of time when Democrats did not support racially biased policies?

If so, when?
Republican straw man fallacy.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
What the hell, I will. There's certainly some erecting straw and then stabbing at it involved, but mostly it's belligerent stupidity:
"affirmative action" laws supported by the Democrats are also racially biased.
Affirmative actions are biased by definition..
af·firm·a·tive ac·tion
/əˈfərmədiv ˈakSHən/

  1. (in the context of the allocation of resources or employment) the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously.
any such "practice or policy" fitting the bill is biased by design, the purpose clearly being to attempt redress of said "previous" wrongs. Political affiliation being superfluous clearly bears no mention. However, since you insist, the Dems have obviously been supportive of affirmative actions in recent decades so one may logically conclude they have at least attempted to redress grievances involving systemic discrimination of various forms while Republicans have mostly ignored or fought such efforts.

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