Democrat "Slavers Party"

Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

Keep in mind (if you have one) that the party polarities were reversed.

The Dems were the "Conservatives" -

The Republicans were the more progressive party -- although, like today's liberal dems at the federal level they break right when the going gets tough and business interests conflict with social interests.

It's not that simple.

a national party[edit]

The party launched its first national convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in February 1856, with its first national nominating convention held in the summer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,[7] presided by Francis Preston Blair.

John C. Frémont ran as the first Republican nominee for President in 1856 behind the slogan: "Free soil, free silver, free men, Frémont and victory!" Although Frémont's bid was unsuccessful, the party showed a strong base. It dominated in New England, New York and the northern Midwest, and had a strong presence in the rest of the North. It had almost no support in the South, where it was roundly denounced in 1856–60 as a divisive force that threatened civil war.[8]

Without using the term "containment", the new Party in the mid 1850s proposed a system of containing slavery, once it gained control of the national government. Historian James Oakes explains the strategy:
"The federal government would surround the south with free states, free territories, and free waters, building what they called a 'cordon of freedom' around slavery, hemming it in until the system's own internal weaknesses forced the slave states one by one to abandon slavery."[9]
The Civil War and an era of Republican dominance: 1860–1896[edit]

"Union" ticket in 1864; party men gave these to voters to deposit in the ballot box
The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 ended the domination of the fragile coalition of pro-slavery southern Democrats and conciliatory northern Democrats which had existed since the days of Andrew Jackson. Instead, a new era of Republican dominance based in the industrial and agricultural north ensued. Republicans sometimes refer to their party as the "party of Lincoln" in honor of the first Republican President.

The Third Party System was dominated by the Republican Party (it lost the presidency in 1884 and 1892). Lincoln proved brilliantly successful in uniting the factions of his party to fight for the Union.[10] However he usually fought the Radical Republicans who demanded harsher measures. Most Democrats at first were War Democrats, and supportive until the Fall of 1862. When Lincoln added the abolition of slavery as a war goal, many war Democrats became "peace Democrats."

Most of the state Republican parties accepted the antislavery goal except Kentucky. In Congress, the party passed major legislation to promote rapid modernization, including a national banking system, high tariffs, the first temporary income tax, many excise taxes, paper money issued without backing ("greenbacks"), a huge national debt, homestead laws, railroads, and aid to education and agriculture.

The Republicans denounced the peace-oriented Democrats as disloyal Copperheads and won enough War Democrats to maintain their majority in 1862; in 1864, they formed a coalition with many War Democrats as the National Union Party which reelected Lincoln easily. During the war, upper middle-class men in major cities formed Union Leagues, to promote and help finance the war effort.

First Colored Senator and Representatives: Sen. Hiram Revels (R-MS), Rep. Benjamin Turner (R-AL), Robert DeLarge (R-SC), Josiah Walls (R-FL), Jefferson Long (R-GA), Joseph Rainey and Robert B. Elliott (R-SC), 1872
Reconstruction: Freedmen, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags[edit]

In Reconstruction, how to deal with the ex-Confederates and the freed slaves, or freedmen, were the major issues. By 1864, Radical Republicans controlled Congress and demanded more aggressive action against slavery, and more vengeance toward the Confederates. Lincoln held them off, but just barely. Republicans at first welcomed President Andrew Johnson; the Radicals thought he was one of them and would take a hard line in punishing the South.

Johnson however broke with them and formed a loose alliance with moderate Republicans and Democrats. The showdown came in the Congressional elections of 1866, in which the Radicals won a sweeping victory and took full control of Reconstruction, passing key laws over the veto. Johnson was impeached by the House, but acquitted by the Senate.

Ulysses S. Grant was the first Republican president to serve for two full terms. (1869–1877)
With the election of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868, the Radicals had control of Congress, the party and the Army, and attempted to build a solid Republican base in the South using the votes of Freedmen, Scalawags and Carpetbaggers,[8] supported directly by U.S. Army detachments. Republicans all across the South formed local clubs called Union Leagues that effectively mobilized the voters, discussed issues, and when necessary fought off Ku Klux Klan (KKK) attacks. Thousands died on both sides.[11]

Grant supported radical reconstruction programs in the South, the Fourteenth Amendment, and equal civil and voting rights for the freedmen. Most of all he was the hero of the war veterans, who marched to his tune. The party had become so large that factionalism was inevitable; it was hastened by Grant's tolerance of high levels of corruption typified by the Whiskey Ring.

Many of the founders of the GOP joined the Liberal movement, as did many powerful newspaper editors. They nominated Horace Greeley for president, who also gained the Democratic nomination, but the ticket was defeated in a landslide. The depression of 1873 energized the Democrats. They won control of the House and formed "Redeemer" coalitions which recaptured control of each southern state, in some cases using threats and violence.

Reconstruction came to an end when the contested election of 1876 was awarded by a special electoral commission to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes who promised, through the unofficial Compromise of 1877, to withdraw federal troops from control of the last three southern states. The region then became the Solid South, giving overwhelming majorities of its electoral votes and Congressional seats to the Democrats until 1964.

In terms of racial issues, "White Republicans as well as Democrats solicited black votes but reluctantly rewarded blacks with nominations for office only when necessary, even then reserving the more choice positions for whites. The results were predictable: these half-a-loaf gestures satisfied neither black nor white Republicans. The fatal weakness of the Republican Party in Alabama, as elsewhere in the South, was its inability to create a biracial political party. And while in power even briefly, they failed to protect their members from Democratic terror. Alabama Republicans were forever on the defensive, verbally and physically."[12]

Social pressure eventually forced most Scalawags to join the conservative/Democratic Redeemer coalition. A minority persisted and formed the "tan" half of the "Black and Tan" Republican Party, a minority in every southern state after 1877.[13]

In several southern states, the "Lily Whites", who sought to recruit white Democrats to the Republican Party, attempted to purge the Black and Tan faction or at least to reduce its influence. Among such "Lily White" leaders in the early 20th century, Arkansas' Wallace Townsend was the party's gubernatorial nominee in 1916 and 1920, and its veteran national GOP committeeman.[14]
History of the United States Republican Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lumpy's not smart enough to grasp all the nuances of the formation of the Republican party. Which was basically the Liberal wing of the Whigs.
When I look at liberalism, I see people at the top who envision themselves as masters of the universe who believe they are more intelligent and special than other human beings. Look at Castro, Chavez, Hitler and other sleazebags who ruled over the people. Those are the types of people who would not have a problem with slavery because they see others as lesser human beings. Lyndon Johnson was a liberal and he was the president who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That kind of contradicts what you posted above.

Liberals did not want the slaves freed. Liberals did not want equal rights. The only thing that has changed now is that they pretend to feel differently, but their policies that treat minorities like subhuman idiots tell you all you need to know. They honestly don't believe that minorities are as smart as the whites. The sad part is that they have been busy trying to dumb down America, destroy the black families and constantly gin up the anger to stay in power. Liberals use blacks, but they don't want to see them succeed. They want to keep them in their place and they do just that with all their liberal programs.

Going from the real plantations to the liberal plantations wasn't much of a change in the long run. You can scream, jump up and down, and spin around in your effort to re-write history to fit your warped viewpoint but the bottom line is that the majority of Blacks in this country are smart enough to recognize who would grind them into the dirt if the had the chance. One does not have to be a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to recognize that the republicans removing early voting and solving a voter fraud problem that doesn't exist will disproportionately affect minorities. I am sure that many in the black population are looking closely at how republicans are treating Hispanics.
Further, of all the groups of people in this country who are suffering most because of a lack of jobs it is the Black community. Where is the republican jobs bill? And don't give me that bullshit that Reid wouldn't bring it to a vote. IF the republicans did pass a jobs bill in the House you would have heard Fox News screaming about it 24/7. As far as a republican jobs bill is concerned, all we hear from Fox is silence. Oh, excuse me, we do hear about the House voting 47 times to repeal ACA. That shows you how concerned they are about jobs.
So stick it!!!!
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

Keep in mind (if you have one) that the party polarities were reversed.

The Dems were the "Conservatives" -

The Republicans were the more progressive party -- although, like today's liberal dems at the federal level they break right when the going gets tough and business interests conflict with social interests.

It's not that simple.

I know, but when explaining things to the simple minded, it's best to keep it simple.
There were never conservatives that called themselves democrats. Not today and not a hundred years ago. They have been and always will be progressives. No party names have changed only how the parties made these groups of people useful to their cause. The conservatives have always held that individual freedom and opportunity is best for any race group. The progressives used them as a block with government subsidies to keep them in line.

The party of the KKK and Jim Crow didn't go anywhere, never left and never changed their party affiliation. They just found a new use for those they hate that benefits them. Racism is alive and well in the democrat party, for evidence just look at what they say about any black stepping outside of their predetermined role.

Yes there were conservatives that called themselves democrats. The south has always been one of the most conservative areas of the country. Dixiecrats distinguished themselves as being the "conservative democrats".

"Progressive" is always about changing from the status quo to something new. Keeping slavery isn't something new, it was keeping the status quo. Segregation wasn't changing to something new, it was attempting to keep the status quo. If you want to make progressives out to be the group that supported segregation you're just whacko.
You obviously have a very lacking knowledge of history and the terms used at each point in time. You also have a severe deficiency in self reflection.

What has changed in the democrat party since slavery ended? Nothing more than getting the blacks to vote for their own demise, willingly through lies and false promises. The same lies and false promises you deliver today.

“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”

― Lyndon B. Johnson
And you have. I guess he was right. The great society for blacks was based upon giving them handouts at poverty levels and making them afraid of voting for true equality and success in favor of the government poverty level handout.

Anything changed lately? Same program, same "progression"?
Just keep handing out boubles and trinquets to quell until the cries get long before they shout 'enough'!?
Take your partisian blinders off: Dems started the slave trade, but cast the blame on others.

The liberal controllers are wolfs, the blacks are sheep unless they are enlightened - then they are " uncle toms " and every other castigation!

How odd that 98% of African Americans vote democrat.
They are hoodwinked; they vote for their demise.
Indeed...and by the time they realize that they have been had and can NEVER leave the plantation? The 'Progressives', will have enslaved everyone else they deem their enemies...and then realization FAR TOO LATE...
When I look at liberalism, I see people at the top who envision themselves as masters of the universe who believe they are more intelligent and special than other human beings. Look at Castro, Chavez, Hitler and other sleazebags who ruled over the people. Those are the types of people who would not have a problem with slavery because they see others as lesser human beings.

Liberals did not want the slaves freed. Liberals did not want equal rights. The only thing that has changed now is that they pretend to feel differently, but their policies that treat minorities like subhuman idiots tell you all you need to know. They honestly don't believe that minorities are as smart as the whites. The sad part is that they have been busy trying to dumb down America, destroy the black families and constantly gin up the anger to stay in power. Liberals use blacks, but they don't want to see them succeed. They want to keep them in their place and they do just that with all their liberal programs.

Going from the real plantations to the liberal plantations wasn't much of a change in the long run.

I see you put Hitler in there as a liberal. Don't give up on Hitler so easily. He had a lot to be admired by modern american conservatives. He hated unions, intellectuals , homosexuals and Negroes.

You have a lot to learn about Republicans. A dislike of today's unions is the only thing they have in common with that tyrant. Highly religious people likely can't accept gays, but those people are on both sides of the political spectrum.

The rest is a bunch of myths pushed by the left. It's the left who has done harm to blacks over the years and it's time for them to admit that. Some lefties think they are intellectual because their liberal professors taught them well. Sadly, they tend to confuse being educated with being intelligent.

Your response here is similar to every other hit and run post. Drop some talking points and pretend you know what you're talking about.
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..

They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..

They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:

The Dems had both Northern liberals and Southern conservatives...the GOP had NE LIBERALS AND Midwestern conservatives- in the 20's through 60's- that was before Nixon and his Southern strategy led to hyperpartisanship- and when people remembered the Civil War...
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?
I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Whole POINT is the mindset, and WHOM is still perpetrating it to this day.

Nice try...

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..

They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:


Another GOPer who failed U.S. History.
That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..

They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:


And there were no Republicans at the time of the Founding of this country.

In fact, Conservatives had very little to do with the Revolution.

You can be proud of Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold.

The Conservative "founders".
They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:


Another GOPer who failed U.S. History.

Wrong answer cumquat. First? I am NOT GOP...Second? I KNOW history, and it is YOU that is wrong. Conservative is NOT a party...but a MINDSET.

Any other fallacies YOU wish to impart tonight?

DENIED Second time.:eusa_hand:
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:


Another GOPer who failed U.S. History.

Wrong answer cumquat. First? I am NOT GOP...Second? I KNOW history, and it is YOU that is wrong. Conservative is NOT a party...but a MINDSET.

Any other fallacies YOU wish to impart tonight?

DENIED Second time.:eusa_hand:

You running again in 2016?

Democrats consider themselves special, privileged. They feel they have the right to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it, and to force compliance if they don't do it voluntarily. It's only logical that they would be the party of slavery.
Democrats consider themselves special, privileged. They feel they have the right to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it, and to force compliance if they don't do it voluntarily. It's only logical that they would be the party of slavery.
Obama, Reid, Pelosi...doing their level best to keep the plantation growing.
Ah, okay, so the OP is blaming American Slavery on these guys, is that correct?

"The Democratic Party evolved from the Jeffersonian Republican or Democratic-Republican Party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in opposition to the Federalist party of Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. The party favored republicanism, a weak federal government, states' rights, agrarian interests (especially Southern planters) and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank, close ties to Great Britain, and business and banking interests. The Party came to power in the election of 1800."
Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Slavery in the United States was the legal institution that existed in the United States of America in the 17th to 19th centuries. Slavery had been practiced in British North America from early colonial days, and was recognized in the Thirteen Colonies at the time of the United States' Declaration of Independence in 1776. After the Revolutionary War, abolitionist sentiment gradually spread in the Northern states, while the rapid expansion of the cotton industry from 1800 led to the Southern states strongly identifying with slavery, and attempting to extend it into the new Western territories. The United States was polarized by slavery into slave and free states along the Mason-Dixon Line, which separated Maryland (slave) and Pennsylvania (free)."
Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Am I missing something?

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