Democrat "Slavers Party"

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Whole POINT is the mindset, and WHOM is still perpetrating it to this day.

Nice try...


For which party do most slave states vote for today?
Hitler was a liberal- Absolute idiocy, the calling card of a brainwashed Along with no Dems were ever conservatives- like slave owners were liberals lol...

Hitler was all aboard for liberal programs. Do you and your multiple so called (fake) masters degrees have any real and documentable evidence to prove otherwise?

Hitler was a white Austrian Christian who was a veteran.

He said he was doing god's work.

And that means what versus his actions?

He said it was God's work so you being an easily manipulated troll equate that to...what exactly? He did everything you left wing nuts find acceptable today yet somehow we're supposed to view you as different?

I don't give a fuck about race. You apparently do. A white guy in Germany back in '38 isn't any different than the black guy in 2014 when their views and actions are the same. Let me know when you can come up with a difference between the two other than race. Policy is what I'm looking for. Put up or shut up.
This same old gimic has been tried over and's the same thing every time.

Back in the day 100+ some years ago...there were conservatives in the south that called themselves democrats.....nowadays those same areas are still in the south and they now call themselves republicans. It's the same group of people and the same ideas are still being supported, they just change the party name.

Senator byrd?

When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Whole POINT is the mindset, and WHOM is still perpetrating it to this day.

Nice try...


For which party do most slave states vote for today?
Ah, but when the South was filled with Dem voters they were Bad Racist People. Now that they vote for the GOP they are Good Racist People. See, that's so much better.
This same old gimic has been tried over and's the same thing every time.

Back in the day 100+ some years ago...there were conservatives in the south that called themselves democrats.....nowadays those same areas are still in the south and they now call themselves republicans. It's the same group of people and the same ideas are still being supported, they just change the party name.

It doesn't surprise me you chose to believe that crapola...

You are a member of the original slaver party in America, accept and embrace it, it's the reality..
I have a masters in history- and the op is insipid...typical hater dupe propaganda....a total perversion of history.

That's your problem Franco, you have a perverted liberal education filled with excuses to use but far short of reality.
I understand. I read it several times and I can usually work out right-wing gibberish but not this one. He's a master of it apparently.
Take your partisian blinders off: Dems started the slave trade, but cast the blame on others.

The liberal controllers are wolfs, the blacks are sheep unless they are enlightened - then they are " uncle toms " and every other castigation!

How odd that 98% of African Americans vote democrat.

Control the message, pay off the Black leadership traitors, persecute the Blacks that reject the Democratic Party plantation, keep the less fortunate Blacks dependent on government handouts with no hope.. are you getting the clue yet?
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

Keep in mind (if you have one) that the party polarities were reversed.

The Dems were the "Conservatives" -

The Republicans were the more progressive party -- although, like today's liberal dems at the federal level they break right when the going gets tough and business interests conflict with social interests.

Read the link and accept reality... :lol:.. yah right

I suspect like most Democrats you only care about the Black vote, not the people themselves. Democrats screw the Blacks over and that's fine with you as long as they vote Democrat...You would have to accept your racism to believe other than you do.

Answer this.. how have Blacks fared over the past 7 yrs., their best chance for Democratic Party assistance? See Ya later..
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

Keep in mind (if you have one) that the party polarities were reversed.

The Dems were the "Conservatives" -

The Republicans were the more progressive party -- although, like today's liberal dems at the federal level they break right when the going gets tough and business interests conflict with social interests.

It's not that simple.

a national party[edit]

The party launched its first national convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in February 1856, with its first national nominating convention held in the summer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,[7] presided by Francis Preston Blair.

John C. Frémont ran as the first Republican nominee for President in 1856 behind the slogan: "Free soil, free silver, free men, Frémont and victory!" Although Frémont's bid was unsuccessful, the party showed a strong base. It dominated in New England, New York and the northern Midwest, and had a strong presence in the rest of the North. It had almost no support in the South, where it was roundly denounced in 1856–60 as a divisive force that threatened civil war.[8]

Without using the term "containment", the new Party in the mid 1850s proposed a system of containing slavery, once it gained control of the national government. Historian James Oakes explains the strategy:
"The federal government would surround the south with free states, free territories, and free waters, building what they called a 'cordon of freedom' around slavery, hemming it in until the system's own internal weaknesses forced the slave states one by one to abandon slavery."[9]
The Civil War and an era of Republican dominance: 1860–1896[edit]

"Union" ticket in 1864; party men gave these to voters to deposit in the ballot box
The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 ended the domination of the fragile coalition of pro-slavery southern Democrats and conciliatory northern Democrats which had existed since the days of Andrew Jackson. Instead, a new era of Republican dominance based in the industrial and agricultural north ensued. Republicans sometimes refer to their party as the "party of Lincoln" in honor of the first Republican President.

The Third Party System was dominated by the Republican Party (it lost the presidency in 1884 and 1892). Lincoln proved brilliantly successful in uniting the factions of his party to fight for the Union.[10] However he usually fought the Radical Republicans who demanded harsher measures. Most Democrats at first were War Democrats, and supportive until the Fall of 1862. When Lincoln added the abolition of slavery as a war goal, many war Democrats became "peace Democrats."

Most of the state Republican parties accepted the antislavery goal except Kentucky. In Congress, the party passed major legislation to promote rapid modernization, including a national banking system, high tariffs, the first temporary income tax, many excise taxes, paper money issued without backing ("greenbacks"), a huge national debt, homestead laws, railroads, and aid to education and agriculture.

The Republicans denounced the peace-oriented Democrats as disloyal Copperheads and won enough War Democrats to maintain their majority in 1862; in 1864, they formed a coalition with many War Democrats as the National Union Party which reelected Lincoln easily. During the war, upper middle-class men in major cities formed Union Leagues, to promote and help finance the war effort.

First Colored Senator and Representatives: Sen. Hiram Revels (R-MS), Rep. Benjamin Turner (R-AL), Robert DeLarge (R-SC), Josiah Walls (R-FL), Jefferson Long (R-GA), Joseph Rainey and Robert B. Elliott (R-SC), 1872
Reconstruction: Freedmen, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags[edit]

In Reconstruction, how to deal with the ex-Confederates and the freed slaves, or freedmen, were the major issues. By 1864, Radical Republicans controlled Congress and demanded more aggressive action against slavery, and more vengeance toward the Confederates. Lincoln held them off, but just barely. Republicans at first welcomed President Andrew Johnson; the Radicals thought he was one of them and would take a hard line in punishing the South.

Johnson however broke with them and formed a loose alliance with moderate Republicans and Democrats. The showdown came in the Congressional elections of 1866, in which the Radicals won a sweeping victory and took full control of Reconstruction, passing key laws over the veto. Johnson was impeached by the House, but acquitted by the Senate.

Ulysses S. Grant was the first Republican president to serve for two full terms. (1869–1877)
With the election of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868, the Radicals had control of Congress, the party and the Army, and attempted to build a solid Republican base in the South using the votes of Freedmen, Scalawags and Carpetbaggers,[8] supported directly by U.S. Army detachments. Republicans all across the South formed local clubs called Union Leagues that effectively mobilized the voters, discussed issues, and when necessary fought off Ku Klux Klan (KKK) attacks. Thousands died on both sides.[11]

Grant supported radical reconstruction programs in the South, the Fourteenth Amendment, and equal civil and voting rights for the freedmen. Most of all he was the hero of the war veterans, who marched to his tune. The party had become so large that factionalism was inevitable; it was hastened by Grant's tolerance of high levels of corruption typified by the Whiskey Ring.

Many of the founders of the GOP joined the Liberal movement, as did many powerful newspaper editors. They nominated Horace Greeley for president, who also gained the Democratic nomination, but the ticket was defeated in a landslide. The depression of 1873 energized the Democrats. They won control of the House and formed "Redeemer" coalitions which recaptured control of each southern state, in some cases using threats and violence.

Reconstruction came to an end when the contested election of 1876 was awarded by a special electoral commission to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes who promised, through the unofficial Compromise of 1877, to withdraw federal troops from control of the last three southern states. The region then became the Solid South, giving overwhelming majorities of its electoral votes and Congressional seats to the Democrats until 1964.

In terms of racial issues, "White Republicans as well as Democrats solicited black votes but reluctantly rewarded blacks with nominations for office only when necessary, even then reserving the more choice positions for whites. The results were predictable: these half-a-loaf gestures satisfied neither black nor white Republicans. The fatal weakness of the Republican Party in Alabama, as elsewhere in the South, was its inability to create a biracial political party. And while in power even briefly, they failed to protect their members from Democratic terror. Alabama Republicans were forever on the defensive, verbally and physically."[12]

Social pressure eventually forced most Scalawags to join the conservative/Democratic Redeemer coalition. A minority persisted and formed the "tan" half of the "Black and Tan" Republican Party, a minority in every southern state after 1877.[13]

In several southern states, the "Lily Whites", who sought to recruit white Democrats to the Republican Party, attempted to purge the Black and Tan faction or at least to reduce its influence. Among such "Lily White" leaders in the early 20th century, Arkansas' Wallace Townsend was the party's gubernatorial nominee in 1916 and 1920, and its veteran national GOP committeeman.[14]
History of the United States Republican Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lumpy's not smart enough to grasp all the nuances of the formation of the Republican party. Which was basically the Liberal wing of the Whigs.

:lol:.. nice cherry picking.. alas you're not really a "thinker" or honest but thanks for the laugh..
I doubt this will help you, you don't seem overly bright... :poke:


Southern Democrats are members of the U.S. Democratic Party who reside in the American South.
In the 19th century, Southern Democrats comprised whites in the South who believed in Jacksonian democracy. In the 1850s they held that slavery was a good thing and promoted its expansion into the West. After Reconstruction ended in the late 1870s they controlled all the Southern states and disenfranchised the blacks (who were Republicans). The "Solid South" gave nearly all its electoral votes to Democrats in presidential elections. Republicans seldom were elected to office outside some mountain districts.
During the 1930s, as the New Deal began to move Democrats as a whole to the left in economic policy, Southern Democrats were mostly supportive, although by the late 1930s there was a growing conservative faction. Both factions supported Roosevelt's foreign policies. By 1948 the protection of segregation led Democrats in the Deep South to reject Truman and run a third party ticket of Dixiecrats in the 1948 election. After 1964, Southern Democrats lost major battles to the civil rights movement. Federal laws ended segregation and restrictions on black voters.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article you posted continues to say:

After World War II, during the civil rights movement, Democrats in the South initially still voted loyally with their party. After the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the old argument that all whites had to stick together to prevent civil rights legislation lost its force because the legislation had now been passed. More and more whites began to vote Republican, especially in the suburbs and growing cities. Newcomers from the North were mostly Republican; they were now joined by conservatives and wealthy Southern whites, while liberal whites and poor whites, especially in rural areas, remained with the Democratic Party.[1]
Denouncing the forced busing policy that was used to enforce school desegregation,[2] Richard Nixon courted conservative Southern whites with what is called the Southern Strategy, though his speechwriter Jeffrey Hart claimed that his campaign rhetoric was actually a "Border State Strategy" and accused the press of being "very lazy" when they called it a "Southern Strategy".[3] In the 1971 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education ruling, the power of the federal government to enforce forced busing was strengthened when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal courts had the discretion to include busing as a desegregation tool to achieve racial balance. Many southern Democrats became Republicans at the national level, while remaining with their old party in state and local politics throughout the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1974 Milliken v. Bradley decision, however, the ability to use forced busing as a political tactic was greatly diminished when the U.S. Supreme Court placed an important limitation on Swann and ruled that students could only be bused across district lines if evidence of de jure segregation across multiple school districts existed. In 1980, the Southern Strategy would officially see fruition when Ronald Reagan announced that he supported states rights and that welfare abuse justified the need for it.[4] Lee Atwater, who served Reagan's chief strategist in the Southern states, claimed that by 1968, a vast majority of southern whites had learned to accept that racial slurs like "******" were very offensive and that mentioning "states rights" and reasons for its justification had now become the best way to both use the politically valuable race card and appeal to southern white voters.[5]
The South became fertile ground for the GOP, which conversely was becoming more conservative as the Democrats were becoming more liberal. Democratic incumbents, however, still held sway over voters in many states, especially those of the Deep South. Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate (although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control began to implode, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade. By the mid-1990s, however, the political value of the race card was evaporating and many Republicans began to court African Americans by playing on their vast dedication to Christian conservatism.[6]
Republicans first dominated presidential elections in the South, then controlled Southern gubernatorial and U.S. Congress elections, then took control of elections to several state legislatures and came to be competitive in or even to control local offices in the South. Southern Democrats of today who vote for the Democratic ticket are mostly urban liberals. Rural residents tend to vote for the Republican ticket, although there are sizable numbers of Conservative Democrats.
A huge portion of Representatives, Senators, and voters who were referred to as Reagan Democrats in the 1980s were conservative Southern Democrats. An Interesting exception has been Arkansas, whose state legislature has continued to be majority Democrat (having, however, given its electoral votes to the GOP in the past three Presidential elections, except in 1992 and 1996 when "favorite son" Bill Clinton was the candidate and won each time) until 2012, when Arkansas voters selected a 21-14 Republican majority in the Arkansas Senate.
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I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask

That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Democrat Party was started in 1792..slavery expanded to their delight...
That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Democrat Party was started in 1792..slavery expanded to their delight...
Tell us, who was responsible for the slaves coming here 150 years before that?

When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Democrat Party was started in 1792..slavery expanded to their delight...
Tell us, who was responsible for the slaves coming here 150 years before that?

The Spanish
I have no flipping clue what this is trying to say or ask
I understand. I read it several times and I can usually work out right-wing gibberish but not this one. He's a master of it apparently.
Take your partisian blinders off: Dems started the slave trade, but cast the blame on others.

The liberal controllers are wolfs, the blacks are sheep unless they are enlightened - then they are " uncle toms " and every other castigation!

Bullshit. The slave trade began long before there was any Democratic party or even a United States. The right always tries to claim the founding fathers as being conservatives. Well a lot of them including Washington and Jefferson were slave owners. 150 years ago what were then Democrats supported slavery or "state's rights". Today, Republicans are all about "state's rights". You can see their opinions regarding blacks, gays, or anyone else who isn't one of them in nearly every thread. It isn't even subtle in many cases.
Why do Democrats include others when they bought the African Slaves in the first place?

LOL, you guys try so hard to prove that you are not what you really are. :lol:
The Party of Whitie is desperate not to be thought of as such a thing yet they stand for just exactly what they did 200 years ago? The South hasn't changed. It's still the same mentality. Call it Tea Party, call it GOP. There are no black people to speak of in it, just a few tokens, because they want them back down on the farm picking cotton, like the Bible says they should. The Pro-slavery folks are still anti-choice, pro-religion, pro-states rights, pro-capitalism, pro-inequality, and anti-multicultural anything at all. Not a thing has changed in 300 years.

Freed the slaves? These people killed the guy who did, and they wonder why black people don't vote for them?

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