Democrat "Slavers Party"

When I look at liberalism, I see people at the top who envision themselves as masters of the universe who believe they are more intelligent and special than other human beings. Look at Castro, Chavez, Hitler and other sleazebags who ruled over the people. Those are the types of people who would not have a problem with slavery because they see others as lesser human beings.

Liberals did not want the slaves freed. Liberals did not want equal rights. The only thing that has changed now is that they pretend to feel differently, but their policies that treat minorities like subhuman idiots tell you all you need to know. They honestly don't believe that minorities are as smart as the whites. The sad part is that they have been busy trying to dumb down America, destroy the black families and constantly gin up the anger to stay in power. Liberals use blacks, but they don't want to see them succeed. They want to keep them in their place and they do just that with all their liberal programs.

Going from the real plantations to the liberal plantations wasn't much of a change in the long run.

I see you put Hitler in there as a liberal.

Hitler was not a liberal, however; he was a leftist. Too many people make the mistake of thinking leftism is synonymous with liberalism.

Hitler hated unions??? Well, you must have missed chapter 12 in his book "Mein Kampf", where he stated:

"As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence".

When Hitler came to power, he moved to correct hyperinflation while keeping his socialist views front and center. In 1933, the Nazis disbanded the Weimar unions and replaced them with the new and improved union, the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF), which was comprised of 2 primary entities, the National Socialist Factory Organization and the National Socialist Trade and Industry Organization. The labor contracts that were Weimar contracts were now DAF-honored contracts. The Nazi’s funded the DAF’s coffers with the Weimar unions’ stockpile of wealth (the existing unions were part of that inflation problem). One of the new unions’ most popular programs was the Strength through Joy (Kraft durch Freude, KdF)) program, which developed the KdF-wagen, that later became the Volkswagen, or People’s Car.


Intellectualism is not a staple of only people with leftist socialist politics. There are intellectuals from the far left to the far right and at every point in between. If you weren't such a profoundly ignorant hack, you would've stated that Hitler hated intellects of opposing views, much like Barack Obama, who surrounds himself with only like-minded idealogues.

Negroes?? Wow, the term you used is a completely different topic in and of itself. Well, let's talk about hatred of black Americans....

How about good ol leftist progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson whose favorite movie was the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation". Keep in mind the last high ranking KKK member in politics was a Democrat senator, Robert Byrd.

Oh, what was it Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy during the 2008 Democrat primary battle between Hillary and Barack Obama, Bill Clinton said to Ted Kennedy in reference to Barack Obama:

"A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

Oh, and how about lefties open-mindedness and tolerance towards Clarence Thomas:

[ame=]"Progressive" Ralliers Call for Lynching of Clarence Thomas - YouTube[/ame]

While the above mentioned incidents are not even scratching the surface in leftist progressive hatred of black people, the long history of it lead Malcolm X to make these statements in his: "God's Judgement of White America" speech:

"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor, and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political football game. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains.

The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but at least they don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves, they show you their teeth in a snarl. That always keep the Negro aware of where he stands with them, but the white liberals are foxes who show their teeth to the Negro also, but they pretend they’re smiling. The white liberal is more dangerous than the conservative. They lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf. He flees into the open jaws of the smiling fox. The job of the Negro leaders is to make the Negro forget that the wolf and fox belong to the same canine family, and no matter which one of them the Negro puts his trust in. He always ends up in the dog house."

While Malcolm X didn't like conservatives, he clearly saw progressive leftists for for the worthless trash they are. Malcolm X hit too many raw nerves of the leftist Democrats........


Since you want to quote Malcolm X, here's one:

I’m no politician. I’m not even a student of politics. I’m not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it. I’m one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats, one of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans, and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism. And when I speak, I don’t speak as a Democrat, or a Republican, *nor an American.* I speak as a victim of America’s so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy; all we’ve seen is hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who have -- who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism, we see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don’t see any American dream; we’ve experienced only the American nightmare. We haven’t benefited from America’s democracy; we’ve only suffered from America’s hypocrisy. And the generation that’s coming up now can see it and are not afraid to say it.

If you -- If you go to jail, so what? If you black, you were born in jail. If you black, you were born in jail, in the North as well as the South. Stop talking about the South. Long as you south of the -- Long as you south of the Canadian border, you’re south. Don’t call Governor Wallace (D) a Dixie governor; Romney (R) is a Dixie governor.

LOL, are you sure that this is the guy you want to use to make your case for conservatism? :lol:
I'm not saying that, you are. If I vote for you, against my best interests, just because you gave me something, doesn't that make me pretty stupid?
Yes, we can agree you are pretty stupid.
So, if I vote against my own best interests, like black people do now by voting for the Dems, then I'm stupid right?
Blacks don't think they're voting against their own best interests because they've been deceived by their leaders into thinking they can't achieve anything on their own, not because they're stupid.
Hitler was not a liberal, however; he was a leftist. Too many people make the mistake of thinking leftism is synonymous with liberalism.

Hitler hated unions??? Well, you must have missed chapter 12 in his book "Mein Kampf", where he stated:

"As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence".

When Hitler came to power, he moved to correct hyperinflation while keeping his socialist views front and center. In 1933, the Nazis disbanded the Weimar unions and replaced them with the new and improved union, the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF), which was comprised of 2 primary entities, the National Socialist Factory Organization and the National Socialist Trade and Industry Organization. The labor contracts that were Weimar contracts were now DAF-honored contracts. The Nazi’s funded the DAF’s coffers with the Weimar unions’ stockpile of wealth (the existing unions were part of that inflation problem). One of the new unions’ most popular programs was the Strength through Joy (Kraft durch Freude, KdF)) program, which developed the KdF-wagen, that later became the Volkswagen, or People’s Car.

Intellectualism is not a staple of only people with leftist socialist politics. There are intellectuals from the far left to the far right and at every point in between. If you weren't such a profoundly ignorant hack, you would've stated that Hitler hated intellects of opposing views, much like Barack Obama, who surrounds himself with only like-minded idealogues.

Negroes?? Wow, the term you used is a completely different topic in and of itself. Well, let's talk about hatred of black Americans....

How about good ol leftist progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson whose favorite movie was the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation". Keep in mind the last high ranking KKK member in politics was a Democrat senator, Robert Byrd.

Oh, what was it Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy during the 2008 Democrat primary battle between Hillary and Barack Obama, Bill Clinton said to Ted Kennedy in reference to Barack Obama:

"A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

Oh, and how about lefties open-mindedness and tolerance towards Clarence Thomas:

"Progressive" Ralliers Call for Lynching of Clarence Thomas - YouTube

While the above mentioned incidents are not even scratching the surface in leftist progressive hatred of black people, the long history of it lead Malcolm X to make these statements in his: "God's Judgement of White America" speech:

"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor, and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political football game. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains.

The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but at least they don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves, they show you their teeth in a snarl. That always keep the Negro aware of where he stands with them, but the white liberals are foxes who show their teeth to the Negro also, but they pretend they’re smiling. The white liberal is more dangerous than the conservative. They lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf. He flees into the open jaws of the smiling fox. The job of the Negro leaders is to make the Negro forget that the wolf and fox belong to the same canine family, and no matter which one of them the Negro puts his trust in. He always ends up in the dog house."

While Malcolm X didn't like conservatives, he clearly saw progressive leftists for for the worthless trash they are. Malcolm X hit too many raw nerves of the leftist Democrats........


He clearly saw the conservatives as the worthless trash they are. He saw them basically as the same, two sides of the same coin.................... I hope you don't think that he was giving a ringing endorsement to conservatives. I see plenty of today's conservatives playing the role of the "Fox" when they play their "Martin Luther King Game". Even then they can't hide it when they bring the likes of cain, west, and the other minstrels out to insult Blacks in general. :)

Clearly comprehending the English language is not one of your strengths. If wealth were attained by being an idiot, you'd be a billionaire. Oh, how about that "fox": Harry Reid, you know the guy who referred to Obama as a light skinned African-American with no negro dialect.

Clearly you are either dishonest or stupid. The post I wrote after proves that you are either or both of the aforementioned. ;)
Yes, we can agree you are pretty stupid.
So, if I vote against my own best interests, like black people do now by voting for the Dems, then I'm stupid right?
Blacks don't think they're voting against their own best interests because they've been deceived by their leaders into thinking they can't achieve anything on their own, not because they're stupid.
You mean they believe lies? Well, that sounds pretty stupid to me. Shouldn't they be thinking for themselves? You do that right? Aren't people who don't think for themselves stupid? Aren't you just being PC because it sounds kind of mean to call them too dumb to know better?
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So, if I vote against my own best interests, like black people do now by voting for the Dems, then I'm stupid right?
Blacks don't think they're voting against their own best interests because they've been deceived by their leaders into thinking they can't achieve anything on their own, not because they're stupid.
You mean they believe lies? Well, that sounds pretty stupid to me. Shouldn't they be thinking for themselves? You do that right? Aren't people who don't think for themselves stupid? Aren't you just being PC because it sounds kind of mean to call them to dumb to know better?
One thing is for sure, YOU think they're stupid because you've said it several times now.
Blacks don't think they're voting against their own best interests because they've been deceived by their leaders into thinking they can't achieve anything on their own, not because they're stupid.
You mean they believe lies? Well, that sounds pretty stupid to me. Shouldn't they be thinking for themselves? You do that right? Aren't people who don't think for themselves stupid? Aren't you just being PC because it sounds kind of mean to call them to dumb to know better?
One thing is for sure, YOU think they're stupid because you've said it several times now.
Well, you keep saying that they are voting against their best interests but you won't say that that is stupid, which would mean that they are being stupid? Why is that so hard for you to say, it's true isn't it? Shouldn't they be voting for you because the Dems are just using them?

I mean, if you can't figure out you are being used doesn't that make you stupid? If you are voting against yourself isn't that a dumb thing to do?
You mean they believe lies? Well, that sounds pretty stupid to me. Shouldn't they be thinking for themselves? You do that right? Aren't people who don't think for themselves stupid? Aren't you just being PC because it sounds kind of mean to call them to dumb to know better?
One thing is for sure, YOU think they're stupid because you've said it several times now.
Well, you keep saying that they are voting against their best interests but you won't say that that is stupid, which would mean that they are being stupid? Why is that so hard for you to say, it's true isn't it? Shouldn't they be voting for you because the Dems are just using them?

I mean, if you can't figure out you are being used doesn't that make you stupid? If you are voting against yourself isn't that a dumb thing to do?
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..

They were the conservative party during those time periods.

The liberals fought for abolition and integration.
But NOT Democrats...No matter HOW YOU try to parse it. Nice try son. :eusa_hand:


If anti slavery DEMOCRATS left the party to join Northern Whigs to form the Republican Party, how is that possible?

The historically racist faction of the Democratic Party was throughout the SOUTH all the way up until the signing of The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free |

When geography is taken into account, in the above link, it becomes crystal clear that the Republican Party was not soley the party of Civil Rights. Nor was the Democratic Party solely the party of's as the old saying goes:

"Two wings, one left, one right, on one big, stinking bird". The American black population owes no debt of gratitude or allegiance to either.
One thing is for sure, YOU think they're stupid because you've said it several times now.
Well, you keep saying that they are voting against their best interests but you won't say that that is stupid, which would mean that they are being stupid? Why is that so hard for you to say, it's true isn't it? Shouldn't they be voting for you because the Dems are just using them?

I mean, if you can't figure out you are being used doesn't that make you stupid? If you are voting against yourself isn't that a dumb thing to do?
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
Well, you keep saying that they are voting against their best interests but you won't say that that is stupid, which would mean that they are being stupid? Why is that so hard for you to say, it's true isn't it? Shouldn't they be voting for you because the Dems are just using them?

I mean, if you can't figure out you are being used doesn't that make you stupid? If you are voting against yourself isn't that a dumb thing to do?
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
You mean you can't get me to say what you want me to say? Believe me, if what you think I meant were true, I would say it. I don't need you to say if for me.
Well, you keep saying that they are voting against their best interests but you won't say that that is stupid, which would mean that they are being stupid? Why is that so hard for you to say, it's true isn't it? Shouldn't they be voting for you because the Dems are just using them?

I mean, if you can't figure out you are being used doesn't that make you stupid? If you are voting against yourself isn't that a dumb thing to do?
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
That's right. Blacks, generally have lower IQs than other races. This is the elephant in the room few people are willing to see.
Blacks are too dumb to understand they are being used and lied to by the LIBs. As long as some LIB promises them a free cell phone and a 'Biggie' they will vote for that politician.
Even dear old JJ said the Libs keep going to the "Black 'voting well" but never get what the LIBs promised them.
This I can quarentee: The instant the LIBs no longer need the Black voter base, b/c over time the Black race is failing and being replaced by the Hispanic voting block is the moment not a single LIB politician will ever got dressed up in a huge flower print dress with matching hat and gloves and show up just before an election at a S. Bapist church somehow having learned to speak 'ebonics'. That includes a lot of LIB males BTW.
The NY 'limousine-LIB' politicians will then all be riding around in 'low-riders' and attending 'La Semana Santa' parties.
Why do big money groups like the Koch Brothers and the Chamber of Commerce donate to and vote for the GOP? Is it because the GOP gives the CoC and the Koch Brothers "free stuff" and they both are being lied to and not thinking they can make it on their own?

Does this sound ridiculous? Probably...but it makes just as much sense as black people being lied to and coerced by Democrats.
Why do big money groups like the Koch Brothers and the Chamber of Commerce donate to and vote for the GOP? Is it because the GOP gives the CoC and the Koch Brothers "free stuff" and they both are being lied to and not thinking they can make it on their own?

Does this sound ridiculous? Probably...but it makes just as much sense as black people being lied to and coerced by Democrats.

Nope, sorry it doesn't...actually, not even close....well, maybe a 1/2 smidgen but no more..:lol:
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
That's right. Blacks, generally have lower IQs than other races. This is the elephant in the room few people are willing to see.
Blacks are too dumb to understand they are being used and lied to by the LIBs. As long as some LIB promises them a free cell phone and a 'Biggie' they will vote for that politician.
Even dear old JJ said the Libs keep going to the "Black 'voting well" but never get what the LIBs promised them.

This I can quarentee: The instant the LIBs no longer need the Black voter base, b/c over time the Black race is failing and being replaced by the Hispanic voting block is the moment not a single LIB politician will ever got dressed up in a huge flower print dress with matching hat and gloves and show up just before an election at a S. Bapist church somehow having learned to speak 'ebonics'. That includes a lot of LIB males BTW.
The NY 'limousine-LIB' politicians will then all be riding around in 'low-riders' and attending 'La Semana Santa' parties. just can't make this stuff up.

This tears your "argument" to shreds, Lumpy.
Why do big money groups like the Koch Brothers and the Chamber of Commerce donate to and vote for the GOP? Is it because the GOP gives the CoC and the Koch Brothers "free stuff" and they both are being lied to and not thinking they can make it on their own?

Does this sound ridiculous? Probably...but it makes just as much sense as black people being lied to and coerced by Democrats.

Nope, sorry it doesn't...actually, not even close....well, maybe a 1/2 smidgen but no more..:lol:

any reasoning or logic?
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
You mean you can't get me to say what you want me to say? Believe me, if what you think I meant were true, I would say it. I don't need you to say if for me.
But you have said it. just not in so many words. When you say blacks have been duped because they vote for the Dems, it means that you are saying they are STUPID, even if you aren't honest enough to just say it.

When you say they vote for people who give them stuff that is also saying they are stupid. Keep it in mind.
I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm saying. I guess it's because you're stupid.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
That's right. Blacks, generally have lower IQs than other races. This is the elephant in the room few people are willing to see.
Blacks are too dumb to understand they are being used and lied to by the LIBs. As long as some LIB promises them a free cell phone and a 'Biggie' they will vote for that politician.
Even dear old JJ said the Libs keep going to the "Black 'voting well" but never get what the LIBs promised them.
This I can quarentee: The instant the LIBs no longer need the Black voter base, b/c over time the Black race is failing and being replaced by the Hispanic voting block is the moment not a single LIB politician will ever got dressed up in a huge flower print dress with matching hat and gloves and show up just before an election at a S. Bapist church somehow having learned to speak 'ebonics'. That includes a lot of LIB males BTW.
The NY 'limousine-LIB' politicians will then all be riding around in 'low-riders' and attending 'La Semana Santa' parties.
One honest enough to say what others only think? I like it. A little non-PC talk from the right-wing.

I sure wish the rest of you guys were this honest.
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That figures, Democrats bought, brought, tortured, hung, segregated and enslaved Africans (etc,), yet they like to include all other Americans in their well earned and exclusive shame..


When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Democrat Party was started in 1792..slavery expanded to their delight...

Bullshit again. 1824.

First of all there's no such thing as the "Democrat" Party and never has been, and the fact that you don't know any better tells me where you're getting shit information, a certain cigar-chomping turdball with a gold-plated mic. The Democratic Party began in 1824 when the Jeffrersonian faction split off from the earlier anti-Federalist "Democratic-Republican Party", the other half of the split going on to become the Whigs. Meanwhile the slave trade to the Americas had begun at the beginning of the 16th century, just after the Treaty of Tordesillas split the territorial booty between Portugal and the Kingdom of Castile (Spain), and moved Africans to North America (that's this continent) in the main through the 17th and 18th centuries before such trade was banned in 1808. Even by 1792 most of it had already happened.

Which means that at the moment this country was founded it was already swimming in slaves. Which also means that by the time ANY political party was formed here, the slave trade had already been going on, and "expanded", for two centuries.

This would all be a few years before the Democratic Party was a twinkle in Andy Jackson's eye. You could do the math.

Or not.

Want a source? Check your own timeline link in post 82.
Your own link.

The Whigs would go on 30 years later to form what is now the Republican Party -- but we don't call the Whigs Republicans. Oh I'm sorry .... is that the "Republic" Party in Limblobese?

Hey, maybe you could 'splain to us the iggerant why a political party would be formed two hundred years before it had a nation to attach to. That would be cute.

Revising history must be fun. Guess I'm just not that creative.
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When the slave trade started and flourished, the "Democratic Party" didn't yet exist. Neither did the Republican.

Purty desperate stretch here, Lumpster. Purty desperate.

What's your point then? One-party state?

The Democrat Party was started in 1792..slavery expanded to their delight...

Bullshit again. 1824.

First of all there's no such thing as the "Democrat" Party and never has been, and the fact that you don't know any better tells me where you're getting shit information, a certain cigar-chomping turdball with a gold-plated mic. The Democratic Party began in 1824 when the Jeffrersonian faction split off from the earlier anti-Federalist "Democratic-Republican Party", the other half of the split going on to become the Whigs. Meanwhile the slave trade to the Americas began at the beginning of the 16th century, just after the Treaty of Tordesillas split the territorial booty between Portugal and the Kingdom of Castile (Spain), and moved Africans to North America (that's this continent) in the main in the 17th and 18th century before such trade was banned in 1808. Even by 1792 most of it had already happened.

That would be a few years before the Democratic Party was a twinkle in Andy Jackson's eye. You could do the math.

Or not.

Revising history must be fun. Guess I'm just not that creative.
He prefers his version, where the Democrats have always been evil and never believed in exactly what he does right now.
It's what you're not saying that's the problem. These black people are being lied to, and they are too stupid to discover it, and therefore they are voting for the wrong party right?

Why is it so hard for you to say that? If I tell you I vote for this guy instead of this other guy because the first one gives me free stuff, aren't I being stupid? That's what these blacks do you said, vote for the guy who gives them stuff, which is stupid right?
That's right. Blacks, generally have lower IQs than other races. This is the elephant in the room few people are willing to see.
Blacks are too dumb to understand they are being used and lied to by the LIBs. As long as some LIB promises them a free cell phone and a 'Biggie' they will vote for that politician.
Even dear old JJ said the Libs keep going to the "Black 'voting well" but never get what the LIBs promised them.
This I can quarentee: The instant the LIBs no longer need the Black voter base, b/c over time the Black race is failing and being replaced by the Hispanic voting block is the moment not a single LIB politician will ever got dressed up in a huge flower print dress with matching hat and gloves and show up just before an election at a S. Bapist church somehow having learned to speak 'ebonics'. That includes a lot of LIB males BTW.
The NY 'limousine-LIB' politicians will then all be riding around in 'low-riders' and attending 'La Semana Santa' parties.
One honest enough to say what others only think? I like it. A little non-PC talk from the right-wing.

I sure wish the rest of you guys were this honest.


Well, remember that National Conversation on Race that blacks have been demanding for so long... the one in which white people would be expected to "shut up and listen"....maybe it is time to discuss why, in this modern day, they still can't feed themselves in Africa, and also, why, in this modern day, they still can't feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago.

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