Democratic Party is very smart

Saying a country is not racist shows everyone starts with equal footing, regardless of skin color.
True, but in the case of the US, which is quite clearly systematically racist and has been since its creation, it would be a lie.
The only racism in the USA seems to be all directed towards white males , you buffoon
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If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Why am I not surprised?
The GOP has the potential to win over many more minorities. The Democrats have plenty of screwups to answer for on the race issue.

All the GOP has to do is be honest and seriously hold its own accountable for the racism that still exists from its side. That would be a great start.

But, as we see here every day, the GOP lacks the balls to do that, leaving the door wide open for the Democrats to continue what they're doing.
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By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

yes, the Republicans spent the last 50 years alienating black people, and now they are paying for it.

It started with Goldwater fighting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964.
Then Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy
Ronald Reagans "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens"
George Bush's "Willie Horton" ad
Jesse Helms "White Hands" ad
Bob Corker's Playboy Mansion Ad.

Oh, yeah, and when a black man finally does get elected president, you guys do everything you can to frustrate him, even opposing things you previously supported, and then nominate a Reality TV Clown because he's says the racist shit out loud.

The mystery to me is why so many dumb, uneducated white people who aren't rich keep voting against their own economic interests.
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The GOP has the potential to win over many more minorities. The Democrats have plenty of screwups to answer for on the race issue.

All the GOP has to do is be honest and seriously hold its own accountable for the racism that still exists from its side.

But, as we see here every day, the GOP lacks the balls to do that, leaving the door wide open for the Democrats to continue what they're doing.

Vichy Mac, you are wrong again. The only thing that keeps the GOP alive is it's racism.

if the GOP were to drop the racism, then the only thing they would have to run on is screwing the working class to benefit the Parasite Investor Class (that would be you and Zoggie). Even the dumbest white person would figure out that was the shit end of the stick at a certain point.

So every year, they trot out the fake moral panics and play on racism, and the dumbasses get in line and vote Republican, and they keep getting screwed over by the one percent.

"Why, it's not our fault. It's the fault of that slanty eyed person from China. I've heard things about sideways who-has!!!"
My OP is genuine. I congratulate the Democratic Party. Well done.

Naw, man, the problem is, when the GOP started it's racist bullshit to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests, they knew exactly what they were doing. Back then, whites made up 83% of the electorate. The last time the Democrat won the majority of the white vote was 1964, the year the Democrats decided that the could no longer hold together the coalition of progressive liberals in the North and Conservative Racists in the South. (The fractures were a long time coming, of course.)

Now the GOP could have done the right thing and said, "Nope, we don't want the racists, either." they didn't.
I just wonder what it says when you tell people they are too stupid to procur something as simple as a basic I.D. and they respond by supporting you even more for it.

Again, the same arguments were made for poll taxes and literacy tests.

Now, I voted on Saturday for our local elections. No one asked me for an ID. They asked my name, my address and my date of birth. the info popped up on the computer.

Whenever you see anyone trying to make it harder to vote, there's a reason.
Affirmative action is a racist against blacks. If you disagree, welcome to being a racist, you racist.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women.

As long as white people are making the hiring decisions, white people will always have a job advantage, not because people are openly racist, but because they are more likely to empathize with people who remind them of themselves.
So I can assume you’re a racist as well from your baked brains as you voted for a character out of the Creep Show
Dude. Your ignorance would appear to be matched only by your lack of curiosity.
It's that particular combination of qualities that is at the core of Trumpism, along with arrogance.
It's that particular combination of qualities that is at the core of Trumpism, along with arrogance.

Again, Vichy Mac, you don't really understand why Trump happened.

Trump succeeded because he gave voice to a large section of the American public who had been ignored for years by both parties...

The working class white person who has watched his quality of life decline for decades.

Ironically, I know people who supported Bernie in the primaries and Trump in the general, and it wasn't just because they thought Hillary was a C-word. IT was because Bernie and Trump both gave them someone to blame - In Bernie's case the one percent, in Trump's case, the Chinese and Mexicans. Of course, they were both slightly right but also slightly wrong. Most of those jobs were lost to changing economic conditions and automation, which is fine if you gather the skills to gain the new jobs.
The GOP has no chance of garnering those votes. It isn’t going to happen.
They can turn. Yes. Never said they would. Or should.
You hoped they'd vote Republican. Do all independents refuse to accept responsibility for their statements?
When did I say “hope they vote GOP”? Are you a mind reader? I hope they vote for a responsible government, meaning shifting parties every so often.
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Saying a country is not racist shows everyone starts with equal footing, regardless of skin color.
True, but in the case of the US, which is quite clearly systematically racist and has been since its creation, it would be a lie.
I disagree so then that makes you a liar? What legal rights in America do I have that an African American person does not?

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