Democrats and Neocons Sittin' in a Tree....


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
With the current leftist bootlicking of the police state, it's easy to see that the democrats are no longer the party of civil liberties.

But why stop there?....How about doubling down to also (overtly) become the party of perpetual international warmongering?...Somewhere in Wyoming, Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney is giggling is saggy old ass off.

This is, of course, not the first time that Democratic voters have wildly shifted their “beliefs” based on the party affiliation of the person occupying the Oval Office. The party’s base spent the Bush-Cheney years denouncing war on terror policies, such as assassinations, drones, and Guantánamo as moral atrocities and war crimes, only to suddenly support those policies once they became hallmarks of the Obama presidency.

But what’s happening here is far more insidious. A core ethos of the anti-Trump #Resistance has become militarism, jingoism, and neoconservatism. Trump is frequently attacked by Democrats using longstanding Cold War scripts wielded for decades against them by the far right: Trump is insufficiently belligerent with U.S. enemies; he’s willing to allow the Bad Countries to take over by bringing home U.S. soldiers; his efforts to establish less hostile relations with adversary countries is indicative of weakness or even treason.

At the same time, Democratic policy elites in Washington are once again formally aligning with neoconservatives, even to the point of creating joint foreign policy advocacy groups (a reunion that predated Trump). The leading Democratic Party think tank, the Center for American Progress, donated $200,000 to the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute and has multilevel alliances with warmongering institutions. By far the most influential liberal media outlet, MSNBC, is stuffed full of former Bush-Cheney officials, security state operatives, and agents, while even the liberal stars are notably hawkish (a decade ago, long before she went as far down the pro-war and Cold Warrior rabbit hole that she now occupies, Rachel Maddow heralded herself as a “national security liberal” who was “all about counterterrorism”).

As Democratic Elites Reunite With Neocons, the Party’s Voters Are Becoming Far More Militaristic and Pro-War Than Republicans

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Democrats now love his warmongering....That he wormed his way onto Cheeto's staff just goes to show that someone is giving him shit advice.
Completely wrong. Unbelievable :cuckoo:
Completely right....I sat here just a mere couple weeks ago, and witnessed moonbat freaks like you soil yourselves when the Cheeto announced the withdrawal from Syria....You schmucks only stopped short of rooting for another false flag gas attack, as an excuse to keep our troops there.

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Democrats now love his warmongering....That he wormed his way onto Cheeto's staff just goes to show that someone is giving him shit advice.
Completely wrong. Unbelievable :cuckoo:
Completely right....I sat here just a mere couple weeks ago, and witnessed moonbat freaks like you soil yourselves when the Cheeto announced the withdrawal from Syria....You schmucks only stopped short of rooting for another false flag gas attack, as an excuse to keep our troops there.
Trump caved to pressure from Turkey and Russia. Nothing noble in his actions just another gift for his boss.
Trump caved to pressure from Turkey and Russia. Nothing noble in his actions just another gift for his boss.
He caved into pressure form neocon warmongers like Mattis....Go spread your tin hat lunacy elsewhere.

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Democrats now love his warmongering....That he wormed his way onto Cheeto's staff just goes to show that someone is giving him shit advice.

"Cheeto's" problem is that he was completely unqualified, so he will take advice from anybody. The argument has been made since his inauguration that he changes his mind based on the last person to whisper something in his ear.
"Cheeto's" problem is that he was completely unqualified, so he will take advice from anybody. The argument has been made since his inauguration that he changes his mind based on the last person to whisper something in his ear.
No doubt...That is in fact one of my biggest misgivings about him....And I don't trust Pence either.
John Bolton is a fucktard and has no business hold any political position for any party
Have the dems ever been against war? Historically, their administrations have gotten us into more war. Maybe the citizens were against it but the hippies were too stupid to see what was happening in front of their faces.

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