Democrats and the Abortion Issue


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
Dems are desperately trying to deflect attention form Biden's dismal record when it comes to inflation, the border etc. That's all it takes for the habitual Dem voter to do his "duty" as he braces to dig deeper into his pocket for groceries and awaits the onslaught of illegals into his neighborhood.

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
The GOP brought it on themselves by trying to tell 1/2 the electorate they can’t make their own decisions.

I’m quite happy that it has become an albatross hanging around the necks of every republican that has to run state wide.
To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Actually, the Federal government can codify Roe and probably should have done so years ago.

You guys did this to yourself.
While not a dem my 3-digit IQ (along with my common sense) tells me.....Given that abortion gets shed of future bundles of burdens on society, and dems in particular, the utility of same can't be denied. ;)
While not a dem my 3-digit IQ (along with my common sense) tells me.....Given that abortion gets shed of future bundles of burdens on society, and dems in particular, the utility of same can't be denied. ;)
Conservative Republican women are having just as many abortions as democratic women. Maybe more because they are too stupid to use contraception.
The GOP brought it on themselves by trying to tell 1/2 the electorate they can’t make their own decisions.

I’m quite happy that it has become an albatross hanging around the necks of every republican that has to run state wide.
We should have a national vote on reproductive freedom.

Let’s vote on giving women unlimited rights to birth control, including abortion on demand. And since it is only women given this right, make it known that if the woman does not chose to use the right to abort, the result of that decision to not use “birth control” including aborting the parasitical clump of cells, that government forcing the male to support a child that results from HER decision will be abolished.

How do you think the population would vote?
To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period.

It was an individual issue and you gave it to RWNJ authoritarian government bible thumping fanatics.

Tell the truth, it's always for the best even if it's uncomfortable.
We should have a national vote on reproductive freedom.

Let’s vote on giving women unlimited rights to birth control, including abortion on demand. And since it is only women given this right, make it known that if the woman does not chose to use the right to abort, the result of that decision to not use “birth control” including aborting the parasitical clump of cells, that government forcing the male to support a child that results from HER decision will be abolished.

How do you think the population would vote?
I fear something terrible has happened. I felt the voices of a million family court lawyers scream out in anguish and then suddenly go silent. ;)

It would stand to reason that some right-leaning women would avail themselves of the procedure.....What can't be denied however is that the majority of Planned Parenthood operations are in liberal blue cities/burbs.

Hell, I for one hope they pump those numbers up in those areas.

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
There are now more abortions after the Dobbs decision than before.

It is amazing how the DNC can have it's cake and eat it too by going into hysterics that the Dobbs decision will stop abortions, while abortion increases, and at the same time, energize their base to vote for them for more abortion.
We are going to, in November.
States all across the union are codifying abortion into their Constitutions, along with the right to smoke pot and gamble their lives away, and with virtually no restrictions as you had with Roe vs. Wade.

You do this as you energize your loon base at the same time.

Very impressive.
States all across the union are codifying abortion into their Constitutions, along with the right to smoke pot and gamble their lives away, and with virtually no restrictions as you had with Roe vs. Wade.

You do this as you energize your loon base at the same time.

Very impressive.
It will be. MAGA is a minority party and going to get killed.
Nope, but nice deflection and a cowardly response to a common sense solution. But here’s the truth. You don’t want a solution.
They got what they wanted, which is abortion without constraint, right up to birth.
Nope, but nice deflection and a cowardly response to a common sense solution. But here’s the truth. You don’t want a solution.
Suck it. You trash licking MAGAs are going to get your asses handed to you.

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