Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Um ... read the OP ...
Very well.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

For starters, this statement has no relation and never mentions any travel ban. Second, this could hardly be called "downplaying" the coronavirus as the words from Biden immediately preceding this statement is: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus."

This is lazy and makes you look foolish. Use your heads and not your right wing programming.

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Chinatown is not China. At the time, Asian Americans were facing a backlash of fear due to Trump's xenophobia. It makes no sense to avoid Chinatown or any Asian American in particular. There were zero cases of community spread in the country on February 24th. This is not downplaying the virus.

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

Pulling one quote out of a paragraph does not encapsulate the entirety of the statement. Fauci was discussing that the virus was low risk to Americans in the country as a whole, since there were overall very few cases at that time but in the same statement he was saying that outbreaks that had happened in Italy and South Korea could very well happen here. Fauci was giving a picture of the status at the present, which was accurately, and warning that the future could get bad. This is not downplaying the virus.

You idiots needs to have a scrap of honesty before you post garbage.
NO, true idiots like you need to learn what honesty is. Here’s a clue. It’s NOT the garbage you post daily. Reality disagrees with you.
Digest this LIAR
Trump’s False Claims about Pelosi and Chinatown
By Rem Rieder
Posted on April 16, 2020
President Donald Trump is making false and exaggerated claims about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Feb. 24 trip to San Francisco’s Chinatown. Pelosi urged people to shop and eat there at a time when tourism was suffering because of the novel coronavirus, which originated in China late last year.
  • Trump falsely tweeted that “Crazy Nancy Pelosi” had deleted a video from Twitter of her visit to Chinatown. “She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA,” Trump said. But there is no record such a video was ever posted on Twitter by Pelosi.
  • At an April 13 coronavirus briefing, Trump falsely claimed that during her visit Pelosi said, “‘Let’s all have the big parade — Chinatown parade.'” Pelosi didn’t say that. In fact, that parade had taken place on Feb. 8, more than two weeks before Pelosi went to Chinatown.
  • At a coronavirus briefing on April 15, Trump exaggerated when he said Pelosi “was trying to have, in San Francisco, parties in Chinatown, because she thought it would be great.” Pelosi didn’t mention parties during her visit, although she urged people to come to Chinatown to shop and eat.
  • Trump also falsely said Pelosi visited Chinatown “to show that this thing doesn’t exist,” referring to the novel coronavirus. Pelosi never suggested that it didn’t exist. She stressed the need for “prevention, prevention, prevention” — urging people to be “concerned and vigilant,” but not “afraid.”
Digest that utter pile of shit? I’ll leave that to you and col-idiot. Pelosi is on tape saying to come out and party in Chinatown idiot. Totally debunked bullshit and of course an uneducated asshole like you swallows it whole. Another fail loser.
Lantern READ EM and WEEP
  • At an April 13 coronavirus briefing, Trump falsely claimed that during her visit Pelosi said, “‘Let’s all have the big parade — Chinatown parade.'” Pelosi didn’t say that. In fact, that parade had taken place on Feb. 8, more than two weeks before Pelosi went to Chinatown.
  • At a coronavirus briefing on April 15, Trump exaggerated when he said Pelosi “was trying to have, in San Francisco, parties in Chinatown, because she thought it would be great.” Pelosi didn’t mention parties during her visit, although she urged people to come to Chinatown to shop and eat.
Pelosi publicly declared there was nothing to worry about regarding the virus and told people to Visit China Town.

Anyone who attempts to analyze every word is doing so to distract from the fact that Joe and the Democrats downplayed the virus as Trump was taking action to protect the American people. Those are the facts. This latest BS from the left is nothing but another attempt to make something from nothing and an attempt to distract from their own failures, errors in judgement, and even murdering US citizens.
Whoa wait just a minute Trump took action to protect american people??? By not telling us how serious the virus is? letting folks go on without masks ?It'll disappear by magic?...Please don't insult me

It's hard to insult you more than you insult yourself by politicizing a pandemic and selectively choosing what works against Trump
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.

No, you continue to be the lying little douche-weasel here. Biden was SPECIFICALLY addressing Trump's handling of Covid-19, particularly his travel bans. He did it at least twice, once in January and once in March. I'm sure you want to rewrite history now that your candidate has been proven wrong so that you can pretend he wasn't saying something monumentally stupid, but that only works with people as willfully gullible as you who don't have access to the Internet.

Tell me, how does it feel to be publicly outed as a lying sack of shit in service of evil?
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.
There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.
Their buffoon has been caught red-handed, by his own words.

They have to attack back, since they're not allowed to hold him accountable for anything.

"Trump is caught red-handed, because LOOK AT HOW WE'RE INTERPRETING IT!!!!"

We're holding YOU accountable, and really don't give a fuck where you try to point fingers to ignore it.
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.

No, you continue to be the lying little douche-weasel here. Biden was SPECIFICALLY addressing Trump's handling of Covid-19, particularly his travel bans. He did it at least twice, once in January and once in March. I'm sure you want to rewrite history now that your candidate has been proven wrong so that you can pretend he wasn't saying something monumentally stupid, but that only works with people as willfully gullible as you who don't have access to the Internet.

Tell me, how does it feel to be publicly outed as a lying sack of shit in service of evil?
And yet none of you can show Biden mentioning the travel ban. Despite proclaiming he was referring to it in particular.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve

"Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done . . . which we can't possibly tell you what it is, just believe us that it exists!"

Leftists are fucking morons in service to fucking traitors, and no one is fooled by your pretense of "moral outrage" anymore. Time for you to accept that you're evil garbage, increasing numbers of people recognize it, and any condemnation you try to issue is automatically assumed to be a lie just because it's coming from you.

Well done on the way you scum have overplayed yourselves right onto the trash heap of history . . . where you belong. :clap:
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.
There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.
Their buffoon has been caught red-handed, by his own words.

They have to attack back, since they're not allowed to hold him accountable for anything.

Yes, there's that long list of you holding Biden accountable for ...

Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve
Hi LIED to the American people about a deadly global pandemic bearing down on us, and then he MOCKED AMERICANS who tried to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath, and so are his little Trumpsters.

It never ceases to amaze me how leftists can continue to think they have any sort of moral high ground from which to issue condemnations and have people give a shit.

That is one persistent delusion of relevance you've got there.
We're holding YOU accountable, and really don't give a fuck where you try to point fingers to ignore it.
Well, of course.

Even though he himself told you that he was lying to you, even though he mocked your neighbors would were just trying to protect themselves, your blind, unconditional adoration will not change.

You will support your aggressive, authoritarian, white, nationalist hero no matter what he does. Fifth Avenue Rule.

Such is the sociopathic behavior of this group psychopathy. I get it.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.
There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.
Their buffoon has been caught red-handed, by his own words.

They have to attack back, since they're not allowed to hold him accountable for anything.
Trump is a fn traitor working with and for Putin and Russia, and republicans that can't plainly see what's right in front of their eyes are idiots and worse

Which is so meaningful, coming from one of the largest willful idiots ever.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve

You hate the guy. Got it. Yawn
But kaz there are so many reasons for AMERICA to despise him You're smart enough to know them all so stop the BS

We'll get right on taking the advice of a leftist useful idiot happily working to destroy America's foundations about what America should and shouldn't despise. Your directions on what America should do is at least as valuable as China's.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve
Hi LIED to the American people about a deadly global pandemic bearing down on us, and then he MOCKED AMERICANS who tried to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath, and so are his little Trumpsters.

That hyping a virus for political benefit is not worse than trying not to cause a panic is perfectly fine is only true to a true Biden lover who worships your wrinkly lily white messiah
Why do Trump supporters like being treated like children?

Why do Biden supporters like acting like children?

They aren't acting. They really are this immature and emotionally stunted.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
And here's some more truth kaz NOTHING your scum say about Biden is true They lie throwing bs out that folks like you run with

"And here's the truth: Everything bad about Trump is true, and everything bad about Biden is a lie, because I WANT THAT TO BE!!!!"
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
And here's some more truth kaz NOTHING your scum say about Biden is true They lie throwing bs out that folks like you run with

Bull shit, Biden is an angry dick, just listen to any campaign speech. He actually harasses women, it's on tape and not old like the Trump accusations. Biden is crooked as shit actually having taken millions in bribes through his son leveraging his official duties.

Biden is as bad or worse than Trump in EVERY way you mention
kaz if you didn't have BS you'd have nothing at all How about some truth ?? Just once

Since you define "truth" as "saying what I want to hear", I doubt that'll ever happen.
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.

No, you continue to be the lying little douche-weasel here. Biden was SPECIFICALLY addressing Trump's handling of Covid-19, particularly his travel bans. He did it at least twice, once in January and once in March. I'm sure you want to rewrite history now that your candidate has been proven wrong so that you can pretend he wasn't saying something monumentally stupid, but that only works with people as willfully gullible as you who don't have access to the Internet.

Tell me, how does it feel to be publicly outed as a lying sack of shit in service of evil?

You are the lying scumbag. There is no evidence that Biden was specifically addressing the travel ban. Yet you lie about it. The fact is that the coronavirus does affect certain groups more than others. Clearly this was what Biden was referring to. You are trying to rewrite history. Normal people overwhelmingly disagree with you. Voters still believe Biden would do a better job on the pandemic than Trump.

The only one who is outing themselves is you. You are proving that you are a insane, right wing looney toon.
Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Americans are not stupid, and we have a better memory than Democrats wish we had.

As usual, Democrats have begun to accuse the President of what THEY have done regarding COVID-19: DOWN-PLAYING THE SEVERITY OF THE VIRUS:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

“Although we don’t want people to be worried now, I think we need to realize that this could change,” he said on February 18. “So right now, don’t worry about it, be more concerned about influenza…”
- Dr. Fauci

So, clearly, once again we’ve got another coordinated bogus hit against Trump, which is largely a rehash of past criticisms that Trump “downplayed” the virus.

Yup seems they only remember what they want to remember. They completely ignore what Pelousy said and did, yet try to stick it to Trump.

They also ignore the fact that they called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US.

What a pack of hypocritical imbeciles.
Biden or Pelosi cause the 1100 deaths yesterday ?/ AH said we turned the corner Fauci says other words

You moron. Its a pandemic and people die in pandemics no matter who is in the WH or who is running things. Pandemics don't care which political party you support and we can all blame China for this one.

You sure are a biased hack.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.
Democrats have done both.
We're holding YOU accountable, and really don't give a fuck where you try to point fingers to ignore it.
Well, of course.

Even though he himself told you that he was lying to you, even though he mocked your neighbors would were just trying to protect themselves, your blind, unconditional adoration will not change.

You will support your aggressive, authoritarian, white, nationalist hero no matter what he does. Fifth Avenue Rule.

Such is the sociopathic behavior of this group psychopathy. I get it.

I'm not really surprised that someone dumb enough to think reality is created by wishing really hard would have trouble with the concept of "lying" and recognizing it when you see it. I'm not at all surprised that someone who's dumb enough to believe reality is whatever his thought masters instruct him to think it is, even when it's totally different from what they told him five minutes ago, is now parroting today's talking points.

Trump did not "tell us he was lying to us", you fucking moron. He said he was downplaying to prevent a panic. Let me demonstrate the difference for the gullible drones like you, not that I think you have the active brain cells to even listen, let alone understand: Please show me the one time that Trump publicly reported as fact something about Covid-19 that was demonstrably different from what his medical experts believed to be true at that time.

If you weren't a deranged leftist tool, you would be ashamed of yourself for needing this explained to you. But then, if you weren't a dirtbag with no shame, you wouldn't be a deranged leftist tool.
And here's some more truth kaz NOTHING your scum say about Biden is true They lie throwing bs out that folks like you run with

Bull shit, Biden is an angry dick, just listen to any campaign speech. He actually harasses women, it's on tape and not old like the Trump accusations. Biden is crooked as shit actually having taken millions in bribes through his son leveraging his official duties.

Biden is as bad or worse than Trump in EVERY way you mention
kaz if you didn't have BS you'd have nothing at all How about some truth ?? Just once

You look at two guys and think one is evil while the other's farts smell like lilacs even when they do the same thing. Talk about BS
One has empathy and a good heart ,lived through tragedy in his family, a warm individual with great experience ,While trump is a pos through and through Can't find one nice thing to say about him

One is admired by fools who mistake the President for their group therapist; the other is actually doing the REAL job of creating policies that benefit the nation, and doesn't give a shit about "nice things being said" by dumbass crybabies like you.

Grow up.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Um ... read the OP ...
Very well.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

For starters, this statement has no relation and never mentions any travel ban. Second, this could hardly be called "downplaying" the coronavirus as the words from Biden immediately preceding this statement is: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus."

This is lazy and makes you look foolish. Use your heads and not your right wing programming.

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Chinatown is not China. At the time, Asian Americans were facing a backlash of fear due to Trump's xenophobia. It makes no sense to avoid Chinatown or any Asian American in particular. There were zero cases of community spread in the country on February 24th. This is not downplaying the virus.

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

Pulling one quote out of a paragraph does not encapsulate the entirety of the statement. Fauci was discussing that the virus was low risk to Americans in the country as a whole, since there were overall very few cases at that time but in the same statement he was saying that outbreaks that had happened in Italy and South Korea could very well happen here. Fauci was giving a picture of the status at the present, which was accurately, and warning that the future could get bad. This is not downplaying the virus.

You idiots needs to have a scrap of honesty before you post garbage.
NO, true idiots like you need to learn what honesty is. Here’s a clue. It’s NOT the garbage you post daily. Reality disagrees with you.
Digest this LIAR
Trump’s False Claims about Pelosi and Chinatown
By Rem Rieder
Posted on April 16, 2020
President Donald Trump is making false and exaggerated claims about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Feb. 24 trip to San Francisco’s Chinatown. Pelosi urged people to shop and eat there at a time when tourism was suffering because of the novel coronavirus, which originated in China late last year.
  • Trump falsely tweeted that “Crazy Nancy Pelosi” had deleted a video from Twitter of her visit to Chinatown. “She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA,” Trump said. But there is no record such a video was ever posted on Twitter by Pelosi.
  • At an April 13 coronavirus briefing, Trump falsely claimed that during her visit Pelosi said, “‘Let’s all have the big parade — Chinatown parade.'” Pelosi didn’t say that. In fact, that parade had taken place on Feb. 8, more than two weeks before Pelosi went to Chinatown.
  • At a coronavirus briefing on April 15, Trump exaggerated when he said Pelosi “was trying to have, in San Francisco, parties in Chinatown, because she thought it would be great.” Pelosi didn’t mention parties during her visit, although she urged people to come to Chinatown to shop and eat.
  • Trump also falsely said Pelosi visited Chinatown “to show that this thing doesn’t exist,” referring to the novel coronavirus. Pelosi never suggested that it didn’t exist. She stressed the need for “prevention, prevention, prevention” — urging people to be “concerned and vigilant,” but not “afraid.”
Digest that utter pile of shit? I’ll leave that to you and col-idiot. Pelosi is on tape saying to come out and party in Chinatown idiot. Totally debunked bullshit and of course an uneducated asshole like you swallows it whole. Another fail loser.
Lantern Try as you might I'm not getting into a pissing contest with you There is NO WAY you're beating out kaz or bri
Of course not. All 3 of us have slapped you stupid. There’s no contest since your side is woefully unprepared.

Slapping him stupid isn't much of a challenge, since he's pretty much already there by biology.

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