Democrats are the party of enslaving blacks, segregating blacks, lynching blacks and aborting...

Lol are you on crack? You don’t think black on black crime is a issue we should talk about?? Wow you are the most racist person I ever met

Guy, you don't talk about 'white on white" crime. Even though most crimes against white people are committed by other white people. The emphasis on "Black on black" crime is something to distract from other issues like police brutality or endemic racism.
Hmmm, so what drives people to become haters, brutes, race baiters, racist, criminals etc ???? Emphasis on crime stats rising in any concentrated areas of dense poulations be it white or black becomes a huge concern to all when things become very bad.

The problem is that everything is allowed to go way to far before things are nipped in the bud. Once allowed to go to far, then the instigator's or perpetrator's learn how to insulate themselves or their criminal organization's/group's from normal scrutiny...... This usually happens when the culprits are finally closed in on with the truth in these matters.

American's have had enough, and the Democrats are exposed in alot of their excuse making when bad things go on.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.
My friends who are very rich blacks dont think they are stupid, and I know they arent stupid because they voted for President Trump, who has helped their business even more. Are you calling my friends racists? Is Shaquille O'Neil and Ice Cube racist?

Ok. Point well taken. You think blacks who vote for Trump are not stupid. What about the ones who don't vote for Trump? Are they just incapable of deciding what might be in their own self interest? Why do you think they would vote for the Democratic party if that party wants to enslave them as has been claimed in this thread? Are they wanting to be enslaved? That would be pretty stupid, don't you think?
Want, want, want ???? People don't want anything bad to happen in any choices made in life, but alot of people become blindsided when those choices bring about chaos and destruction in their lives. Some choices bring about man made reactions or consequences, and others bring about the natural order of things or consequences in which didn't agree with the choices one might have made all due to going against the grain or the natural order of things.

Then comes the blame and the finger pointing because people won't take responsibility for their actions or choices made.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.

Blacks have done so well under Democratic party rule for the past 50 years. With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
Civil rights..rise of the black middle class...more black Americans going to college for professional degrees...more black Americans running for office... what's to love?

Then why does your side harp on about how dire the situation is in black communities? OH SNAP! babies.

Please someone explain why any black person would ever support the Democrats.

Willy Horton
Welfare Queens
Your Neighborhood is a rat-infested shithole.

that's why you guys can't win over blacks.
Are you denying that problems do exist ????

Don't we all wish that they didn't exist, but that is irrational. Are you irrational Joe or are you just a troll attempting to feed your extreme ego here daily ??
Would you say Ben Caron is stupid for voting for President Trump? Is Ben Carson a racist?

Naw, Ben Carson is a scam artist.

Ben Carson has realized that there is sweet, sweet money available if you get in front of audiences of white people and tell them how you made it and how shiftless them other negroes are.

Of course, he leaves THESE parts out of his story.

Your racist is showing you big dummy.
Had to use the blanketing white terminology in your post didn't you ?? Even you can't control your racist tendencies.
Slavery, segregation and lynching can be attributed to Democrats for their past history. However in the more recent past we have 5 of the 7 Supreme Court justices that sided with Roe over Wade being appointed to the bench by GOP presidents. If one is to hold one party accountable for their past sins, I believe it is candy ass not to hold the other to that standard.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.

You might want to look up what President Johnson said. He provided the pathway and the African Americans have been on it ever since. The entire liberal complex of government, media and education have convinced them that only the Democrats care. Why they still vote for them en mass is beyond me.

Answer the question of what exactly the Dems have done to deserve their solid support that goes beyond what Johnson put in play.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.
My friends who are very rich blacks dont think they are stupid, and I know they arent stupid because they voted for President Trump, who has helped their business even more. Are you calling my friends racists? Is Shaquille O'Neil and Ice Cube racist?

Ok. Point well taken. You think blacks who vote for Trump are not stupid. What about the ones who don't vote for Trump? Are they just incapable of deciding what might be in their own self interest? Why do you think they would vote for the Democratic party if that party wants to enslave them as has been claimed in this thread? Are they wanting to be enslaved? That would be pretty stupid, don't you think?

Washington D.C.....Chicago.....St. the democrat city, with major black populations, high crime rates.......and they still vote for the democrats.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.

You might want to look up what President Johnson said. He provided the pathway and the African Americans have been on it ever since. The entire liberal complex of government, media and education have convinced them that only the Democrats care. Why they still vote for them en mass is beyond me.

Answer the question of what exactly the Dems have done to deserve their solid support that goes beyond what Johnson put in play.
:desk: Branded the Conservative's/ Christian's/Republican's/White's/Black's for whom think in conservative or religious ways (racist), along with every other phobia known to man or woman for political power now ??
You can't win this argument, because Carson is considered the token ne-gro by the black activist who hate the Trump administration, and especially who hate black folks like Carson for being in the Trump adminstration.

So it doesn't cross your mind that Carson can be criticized for being greedy and narcissistic?

You need to be more color blind, like the liberals. You're so fixated on race, you can't even imagine that everyone else isn't just as fixated.

Just have the balls to call Carson an uncle Tom we all know that's what you people think.

Apparently you know that's what he is.
Democrats are racists, they're the ones always trying to stir up race hatred. Look how Obama got a riot started in Ferguson.
Are you mentally retarded?

Show us how Obama got a riot started in Ferguson.
Why do you republicans repeat this shit every day?

Today, right now, we have a republican president who is overtly racist and you republicans here support that. And we blacks are supposed to ignore this because a republican president signed a piece of paper 156 years ago. We are suppose to forget the 2 pieces of paper signed by a democrat 54-55 years ago that really made us free. There are a lot of blighted black communities in mid size cities and small towns run by republicans. I believe the majority of blacks in this country live in these places.
What is so racist about my comments? Everything I said or sited has been sited by Black leaders. Your commentary sir verifies what Booker T Washington warned us about.

Whining about "black on black" crime is the ultimate in racism. MOST people are victimized by their own racial group. Why signal blacks out, unless you are racist. This is what the dumb beauty queen in Michigan didn't figure out.
Lol are you on crack? You don’t think black on black crime is a issue we should talk about?? Wow you are the most racist person I ever met
Where's your conversation on white on white crime?
Are you comparing the two? Wow you are a racist
Welfare state has them dependent on democrats,, they choose hand outs not opportunity... but the tide is changing

I see. They aren't just stupid, but they are lazy bums too. It's informative to see Trump and his supporters have got that figured out.
Maybe you should ask them?

I have, and I get a completely different answer than I get from crazy right wingers. I'm just curious as to why YOU think blacks don't support the right.
Because I went to black schools in Boston and grew up on a urban city and democrats don’t teach proper history, education is geared towards fighting the racist republicans but offer no counter... thank god for the internet or id still be a democrat haha
Oh yes...your quality self-education shines through...:71:
Umm ok
Lol are you on crack? You don’t think black on black crime is a issue we should talk about?? Wow you are the most racist person I ever met

Guy, you don't talk about 'white on white" crime. Even though most crimes against white people are committed by other white people. The emphasis on "Black on black" crime is something to distract from other issues like police brutality or endemic racism.
Lol it’s not even close to being a issue as black on black and black on white.. 90% of all daily violence violence happens in towns run by democrats. Almost 50% of inmates are Black.. and they make up 13% of the population.. a small little black dot lol
Hmmm, so what drives people to become haters, brutes, race baiters, racist, criminals etc ???? Emphasis on crime stats rising in any concentrated areas of dense poulations be it white or black becomes a huge concern to all when things become very bad.

The problem is that everything is allowed to go way to far before things are nipped in the bud. Once allowed to go to far, then the instigator's or perpetrator's learn how to insulate themselves or their criminal organization's/group's from normal scrutiny...... This usually happens when the culprits are finally closed in on with the truth in these matters.

Get real. Crime is at a 30 year low in this country.

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