Democrats are the party of enslaving blacks, segregating blacks, lynching blacks and aborting...

So are you saying blacks are just too stupid to understand who is on their side?
No are you saying that?

'm just trying to understand the OP better. If the Democrats were as racist as the OP claims, why would blacks be so loyal to the left if they weren't stupid? Please answer the question.

Because Dem Nazi's control the media and spin a narrative that's why. You libs really should avoid trying to be clever.
Republicans... professional victims...all the way.
What makes you say Ben Carson is greedy and narcissitic?

Because as soon as he took office, he started a little "be nice to my family and get favorable treatment" scamming.

Then there's the decorating.

The Unchecked Corruption of Trump’s Cabinet

If a Democrat did any of that, you'd be screaming for jail time. I hope you don't embarrass yourself by denying it.

That's the corruption. The narcissism ... seen his house? It's a shrine to himself, complete with painting of Ben standing with klingon jesus. He's got the physician god complex. "Well, I'm a physician ... therefore I can run HUD with no experience, obviously that's no problem.".

You can't win this argument, because Carson is considered the token ne-gro by the black activist who hate the Trump administration, and especially who hate black folks like Carson for being in the Trump adminstration.

So it doesn't cross your mind that Carson can be criticized for being greedy and narcissistic?

You need to be more color blind, like the liberals. You're so fixated on race, you can't even imagine that everyone else isn't just as fixated.
Ben Carson is the best brain surgeon in the world, professor, author of many books and is worth more than $30 million. He's not greedy and far from being narcissistic. You is just jealous.
Egyptian grain silos....
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans.

So you're pushing a racist story about how blacks are stupid.

Calling a whole race stupid is classic racism.
My friends who are very rich blacks dont think they are stupid, and I know they arent stupid because they voted for President Trump, who has helped their business even more. Are you calling my friends racists? Is Shaquille O'Neil and Ice Cube racist?
These are some of your best friends, right?
Democrats are racists, they're the ones always trying to stir up race hatred. Look how Obama got a riot started in Ferguson.

So do you think the blacks are too stupid to recognize what you claim? Why do you think they are incapable of making correct choices for their own good? They would have to be either stupid, or someone was forcing them to vote Democratic in the light of your claims. Which do you think it is, or do you see another reason?

Blacks have a choice? You people gerrymander black districts then hand pick bought and paid for Dem party hacks who are guaranteed to win. How is that a choice for blacks? Stop rigging elections in black districts then you can talk.

You really don't want a discussion about Gerrymandering, do you? You might want to reconsider the direction you are trying to redirect this discussion to. It wouldn't end well for you.

What do you think is going to happen long term? If Dem's push it too far there will be another civil war and that will be the end of the Dem party. Surviving liberals will flee for their lives to any country who would have them.
Yeah, yeah, CRCs and your civil war wet dreams...:71:
Black people think Republicans are the racists.

That kind of settles it, at last in the minds of non-racists who respect black people.

Of course, the biggest racists will try to explain it with a conspiracy theory about how blacks are all stupid, thus further confirming their racism.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans. But as we have seen, more black, Hispanic, and women are finding jobs in President Trump's roaring economic powerhouse and more blacks are finding that Republicans are more for them, while Demonrats, are for the black vote nothing more.

Nice kindergarten insults and foul mouth.
Trump u?

Why is it when I post a black person who supports President Trump and ask, is this guy a racist? You fuckers never answer the question....chicken shit liberals.

A racist is someone who believes a certain race is inferior and discriminates against them. Right-wingers in other words.... Hating racists does not make you a racist, bringing up race does not make you a racist, or any of your other brain washed harebrained definitions....
.. welfare has done far more damage then slavery..
I know, right?
Half of all black babies are aborted, and that's the way Democrats want it.

In fact, they want the federal government to pay for poor women's abortions, so more black babies can be aborted.
It's horrible how black women are FORCED to get abortions, isn't it?
And by the way Obamacare Medicaid expansion and better than free birth control Cuts abortions 40% immediately. As always the GOP voters are totally fos....
What is so racist about my comments? Everything I said or sited has been sited by Black leaders. Your commentary sir verifies what Booker T Washington warned us about.

Whining about "black on black" crime is the ultimate in racism. MOST people are victimized by their own racial group. Why signal blacks out, unless you are racist. This is what the dumb beauty queen in Michigan didn't figure out.
Lol are you on crack? You don’t think black on black crime is a issue we should talk about?? Wow you are the most racist person I ever met
Where's your conversation on white on white crime?
'm just trying to understand the OP better. If the Democrats were as racist as the OP claims, why would blacks be so loyal to the left if they weren't stupid? Please answer the question.
Welfare state has them dependent on democrats,, they choose hand outs not opportunity... but the tide is changing

I see. They aren't just stupid, but they are lazy bums too. It's informative to see Trump and his supporters have got that figured out.
Maybe you should ask them?

I have, and I get a completely different answer than I get from crazy right wingers. I'm just curious as to why YOU think blacks don't support the right.
Because I went to black schools in Boston and grew up on a urban city and democrats don’t teach proper history, education is geared towards fighting the racist republicans but offer no counter... thank god for the internet or id still be a democrat haha
Oh yes...your quality self-education shines through...:71:
Black people think Republicans are the racists.

That kind of settles it, at last in the minds of non-racists who respect black people.

Of course, the biggest racists will try to explain it with a conspiracy theory about how blacks are all stupid, thus further confirming their racism.
Now dear, that is totally incorrect. You should say, most of the dumbass liberal blacks think Republicans are racists because in the shit poor school system run by liberals, the children are taught to hate Republicans. But as we have seen, more black, Hispanic, and women are finding jobs in President Trump's roaring economic powerhouse and more blacks are finding that Republicans are more for them, while Demonrats, are for the black vote nothing more.

Nice kindergarten insults and foul mouth.
Trump u?

Why is it when I post a black person who supports President Trump and ask, is this guy a racist? You fuckers never answer the question....chicken shit liberals.

Who doesn't answer?...Name names. babies.

Please someone explain why any black person would ever support the Democrats.
Because the Republicans today are worse. And continue to prove it almost daily.
Yeah, must really suck having a Republican President who has brought jobs back to the US where more blacks are now employed living the American Dream that Obama said was a thing of the past..Yep sucks to be you, fucking faggot...

Obama's American Dream | Breitbart
Under Obama, the American Dream – the idea that anyone can achieve prosperity through hard work – is becoming a thing of the past.
An overwhelming majority of Americans now believe that life was better for them when they were young, than it is, now.
So...if all black Americans employed, what's with the slums and the homeless? babies.

Please someone explain why any black person would ever support the Democrats.

According to conservatives on this board the democratic party is made up of blacks and jews who hate blacks and jews.....

cons are so fkn deranged.....
Lol are you on crack? You don’t think black on black crime is a issue we should talk about?? Wow you are the most racist person I ever met

Guy, you don't talk about 'white on white" crime. Even though most crimes against white people are committed by other white people. The emphasis on "Black on black" crime is something to distract from other issues like police brutality or endemic racism.
If Dem's push it too far there will be another civil war

Why are you pushing so hard for a civil war? That's the action of a traitor.

You never see liberals pushing for civil war. Only conservatives constantly fantasize about it. They really, really want to kill their countrymen.

I'm sure Russian influence has a bit to do with it, but mostly, they just want to kill and hate.
Bullcrap. No one wants a civil war, but the thing that people do know otherwise, is that if one should erupt, then who is ready, and who is right in the situation ??

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