Democrats, are you concerned about these rioters in the major cities and mayors are not allowing help from the gov't?

When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts

Handled it discreetly, WTF, you fricken loons should have protested/rioted/looted/burned discreetly....dumbass.
I didn’t protest or riot so I don’t know what you’re talking about. The “no, you should” argument is rather childish don’t you think? Can we step it up a bit?

We are talking about strategies to most effectively handle these situations. We’ve had riots in the past. Have you research at all how they are recommended to be handled?

Yep, hiding behind their moms is rather childish.
Who’s hiding behind their mom?

For Christ sake, don't you watch the news?
Not for the past few days

Just a suggestion, perhaps you ought to consider a little less posting and a little more reading.
No prob. What do you want me to read?

Check with your caregiver, I'm not about to spoon feed ya.
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts

Handled it discreetly, WTF, you fricken loons should have protested/rioted/looted/burned discreetly....dumbass.
I didn’t protest or riot so I don’t know what you’re talking about. The “no, you should” argument is rather childish don’t you think? Can we step it up a bit?

We are talking about strategies to most effectively handle these situations. We’ve had riots in the past. Have you research at all how they are recommended to be handled?

Yep, hiding behind their moms is rather childish.
Who’s hiding behind their mom?

For Christ sake, don't you watch the news?
Not for the past few days

Just a suggestion, perhaps you ought to consider a little less posting and a little more reading.
No prob. What do you want me to read?

Check with your caregiver, I'm not about to spoon feed ya.
Sounds like you got nothing but childish insults. I gave it a chance but can’t say I’m surprised and your response
You amuse me, White! You absolutely foam at the mouth about all of these oh so vague violations of the Constitution that you're convinced Donald Trump has committed...yet for three years Democratic hit squads led by Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler have come up with ZERO that they could hang on Trump as a felonious act!!
At the same time you studiously ignore what the previous President did! Barry shit all over the Constitution and did so with impunity!
Go ahead and vote for Joe Biden, White! Just remember...YOU are responsible for the results of that vote if Biden wins! You're putting the Democratic Party in control of the country...a Democratic Party that is now led by the far left fringe element!
Dude ...

You give these ignorant ass Extremist on the Left WAY to much intellectual credit ...

All they are capable of is parroting what the Fake News MSM tells them to think .....
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts

Handled it discreetly, WTF, you fricken loons should have protested/rioted/looted/burned discreetly....dumbass.
I didn’t protest or riot so I don’t know what you’re talking about. The “no, you should” argument is rather childish don’t you think? Can we step it up a bit?

We are talking about strategies to most effectively handle these situations. We’ve had riots in the past. Have you research at all how they are recommended to be handled?

Yep, hiding behind their moms is rather childish.
Who’s hiding behind their mom?

For Christ sake, don't you watch the news?
Not for the past few days

Just a suggestion, perhaps you ought to consider a little less posting and a little more reading.
No prob. What do you want me to read?

Check with your caregiver, I'm not about to spoon feed ya.
Sounds like you got nothing but childish insults. I gave it a chance but can’t say I’m surprised and your response

Alrighty then, just stay ignorant.
Trump won't get any democrat vote and not much of any independents. He certainly does care about the Democrat run cities. That is a joke. He just likes to have secret police for show as if he were in a communist or strongman totalitarian government like the leaders he admires and thinks it makes him look like a law and order guy. With his record of supporting law or the constitution, nobody will buy that crap. He's made and he's out of here after the election, when the pardons (not just commutations) will fall like confetti, for any his cronies awaiting trial. Since the judge and the appeals court judges said it was illegal of him to steal the money from the military for his wall and it is already spent, I would like to see him prosecuted and jailed.

When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts

Handled it discreetly, WTF, you fricken loons should have protested/rioted/looted/burned discreetly....dumbass.
I didn’t protest or riot so I don’t know what you’re talking about. The “no, you should” argument is rather childish don’t you think? Can we step it up a bit?

We are talking about strategies to most effectively handle these situations. We’ve had riots in the past. Have you research at all how they are recommended to be handled?

Yep, hiding behind their moms is rather childish.
Who’s hiding behind their mom?

For Christ sake, don't you watch the news?
Not for the past few days

Just a suggestion, perhaps you ought to consider a little less posting and a little more reading.
No prob. What do you want me to read?

Check with your caregiver, I'm not about to spoon feed ya.
Sounds like you got nothing but childish insults. I gave it a chance but can’t say I’m surprised and your response

Alrighty then, just stay ignorant.
I’m always looking for new information. So what was it you wanted me to google? “Leftards hiding behind their mommies”

Is that the stuff I need to informed about in your mind?
what military troops are you talking about?
No normal people are concerned about the lawlessness of the rioters and the damage they are doing

Then most Americans are abnormal. I am terribly concerned about the ongoing riots and the obvious signs of how low the leadership and citizens have fallen in our far-left cities.

Those governors and mayors have proven that they would rather see their citizens murdered and have their cities burned and looted before admitting that their policies and beliefs are total, 100% failures.

Yep, you don't need any reinforcements!


Yep, if you watch CNN, they'll tell you that everything is hunky-dory. Just a few incidents. Why are journalists hiding the destruction of our cities?

Seattle Riot: Police Arrest 25 After ‘Explosives’ Thrown at Officers
Riot in Seattle

The Seattle Police Department declared a riot and arrested 25 people after “explosives” were thrown at officers when a protest turned violent in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood on Saturday.
FOX 10 reports:


One Person Stabbed During Portland’s 58th Night of Protest
In Portland, protests tackle racism and federal crackdown
© AFP Ankur Dholakia
HANNAH BLEAU 25 Jul 2020

Portland’s 58th night of protests saw one individual stabbed as demonstrators shot fireworks over the federal courthouse fence, lit fires across the downtown area, and hurled objects at federal law enforcement officers.

Demonstrators, many of whom were equipped with “gas masks, shields, leaf blowers, power tools, fireworks, and lasers,” attempted to dismantle the fence surrounding the federal courthouse late Friday night, according to the Portland Police Bureau (PPB):


Why do the Democrats NOT want the world to know about the disasters in their cities?

Car Drives Through Mob of Protesters on Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying to Shoot Driver
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 25, 2020 at 9:55pm


A car drove through a crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado, and a protester shot other protesters while trying to shoot the driver.


I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.

Wow, I see why this is being allowed to happen. You don't know that it is far-left Liberals, ANTIFA, and BLM who are destroying cities, murdering people and burning everything in sight. Tell me, how is that a good thing?
Civilian Law Enforcement is the authority. Federal agents should be in secondary roles, supporting the civilian law enforcement. But Trump is going to cities like the fed's have the upper hand and they don't nor should they have.
THey will have the upper hand or neither entity understands their role. Mayors are taking riot gear away from police, and that puts them in the way of more harm. The Feds are carrying rifles and you know full well they have been told not to use them.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
You mean like the riots being caused by the military troops Donald sent in to cause trouble?
Normal people are more concerned about that
Amazing, Jillian! You actually believe that Federal officers sent to stop riots CAUSED the riots that were going on BEFORE THEY GOT THERE!!! That's a leap of logic that's breathtaking!
It’s been shown on multiple occasions that the manner that the feds were treating the crowds provoked violence. Do you deny that?
God you are an idiot.
I heard the Chicago Mayor recently say on national TV that federal help and financial assistance for police crime fighting efforts would always be appreciated, but no thanks to separate squads on the streets under federal control to make a political statement.

How has what Chicago done for the past 70 years working? But Mayor Lightfoot is going to lay down the terms under which SHE accepts help? Sounds brilliant to me.

By the way the number of NYC murders from 2000 to 2019 was cut in half, and all crime is down significantly, despite a recent spike ... itself likely due to this terrible Covid “summer of discontent.” (Giuliani left office in 2001.) NY Governor Cuomo, who criticized the present NYC Mayor’s lack of quick police response during a night of sudden looting a while back, has spoken with the President and made it clear ... no extra “help” of the kind he is offering is needed.

We're not talking about 2000 to 2019.

We're talking about 2020. How are those shootings, murders, and oh, how about the graffiti?
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.

Wow, I see why this is being allowed to happen. You don't know that it is far-left Liberals, ANTIFA, and BLM who are destroying cities, murdering people and burning everything in sight. Tell me, how is that a good thing?

Which cities are being destroyed?
There is only one answer to the riots taking place in big cities. Cite the law and stick to it!!! Protestors should not be in the streets. Sidewaks only. If they are in the streets, arrest them. Wait three days to allow them seeing a judge. Three arrests means 1 year in jail. No back packs, bags or weapons. No violence for the Feds and police will be out in force to arrest as many as they can. Apply all laws that allow protesting. Curfew from 6pm tp 6am.
The People needed are the National Guard, who are trained in riot control, not these untrained homeland security camo wearing guys.

The National Guard operates under the various states. HOMELAND SECURITY is Federal agents and is being used to protect Federal Buildings.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.

Wow, I see why this is being allowed to happen. You don't know that it is far-left Liberals, ANTIFA, and BLM who are destroying cities, murdering people and burning everything in sight. Tell me, how is that a good thing?

Which cities are being destroyed?
Oh, none of them. I just love how the people come out and party with molotov cocktails, fires and weapons to break into stores and start the fires. Those police officers, you know the ones that come when you need help are being assaulted every night. Bulldog, you are truly an idiot.

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