Democrats caused recession in 2007

View attachment 84181
Your graph, or McDonald's menu.....

Tough call......
The price of Big was 5.11 dollars, in 2015....,

Which part are you having trouble with child?

I can't reconcile your assertion with what McDonald's says about the current price of the me, this is a serious matter....... really must be as fucking stupid as you are making yourself out to be....
Find the blue line on the above graph, follow it alllll the way to the right, you will notice going up as the cost increases....the dollar value at that end of the blue line is the cost of Big Macs in 2015....

What is that number??
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information..
I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'm quite sure what you don't....

Now pay attention and you won't wake up tomorrow nearly as fucking stupid as you are today....


The price of a Big Mac in 2009 is $3.57

The price of a Big Mac in 2016 is $3.99

Assuming that the increase is due entirely to inflation, derive the CPI deflator for the period...

TVM calculator

Set PV to 3.57
Set FV to 3.99
Set N to 7

Solve for I......

This is literally the first part of any finance curriculum.... At least at accredited institutions....

You are so out of your depth it's comical.

I'm an expert in management, I'm a career manager and management consultant. I also bought five businesses and spun them back off after fixing their management and processes with my own money. I sold the last one June 1. I've been on vacation the last couple months.

And you don't know what you are talking about, that's not what the time value of money means.

The time value of money is how you measure an investment you are making say today that isn't going to pay off for years from now. You get paid back in lower value dollars, that's what a TVM calculator calculates. A TVM calculator has nothing to do with buying ingredients then selling them as you make and sell burgers.

BTW, when you talk about TVM, you're actually after an NPV or IRR calculation, that's a step in the process.

I'm curious what you think you're getting out of throwing terms you clearly don't understand out to people who do and making yourself a joke. What is the end game for that?

Uh.....why are you persisting in your self debasement?

Think of inflation as a CAGR......which, of course, it is NOT an NPV calculation (which is expressed as an amount) nor is it an IRR problem....

What you are yammering about is "real return" which requires netting your nominal return for inflation.....

Financial calculators are very useful things if you have some idea what you are doing..

I can appreciate why you are a management consultant....a friend of mine who performed the same function would explain that the essential quality required was knowing how to make the right face.

That's stupid. Inflation would be a factor in choosing a discount rate, but again, we're discussing buying ingredients and selling them immediately. You're using terms for long term investments. Google it, retard.

"The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period"

What is "compounding over an investment time period to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef and sell them as Big Macs?" You don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to learn anything and I'm going to go back to your debate style of contradiction
Uh.....does inflation NOT "compound over time" in your universe?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?
View attachment 84178
To which "price" are you referring? If you rely on McDonald's for that bit of information, the price of a Big Mac has risen roughly in line with inflation at 1.6%......

Did you figure out how to use a TVM calculator?

Again, what does "TVM" have to do with it? Big Mac components are bought and sold in relatively narrow time. What does the Time Value of Money have to do with a build and sell transaction? Does this even make sense to you? TVM is used when you are for example making an investment now that will pay off years down the line. It has nothing to do with buying beef and lettuce and tomatoes and selling them now
You're not in the habit of calculating compound growth rates, are you?

Did you get through your MBA relying on chisanbop?

Begging the question.

Explain what buying ingredients, putting them together and selling them has to do with "compound growth rates?" Compounding what? Growth over what period?

You keep talking again about measuring long term investments. OK, but I'll play your game. When you said "TVM calculator," in Big Macs:

- What is the initial investment you are referring to?

- What discount rate are you going to use, and why?

- What is the investment term?

BTW, I don't use a "TVM calculator," I just program it into spreadsheets. The math is simple. What you don't know is what you are talking about. You're not even using the right terms for the discussion

I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'm quite sure what you don't....

Now pay attention and you won't wake up tomorrow nearly as fucking stupid as you are today....


The price of a Big Mac in 2009 is $3.57

The price of a Big Mac in 2016 is $3.99

Assuming that the increase is due entirely to inflation, derive the CPI deflator for the period...

TVM calculator

Set PV to 3.57
Set FV to 3.99
Set N to 7

Solve for I......

This is literally the first part of any finance curriculum.... At least at accredited institutions....

You are so out of your depth it's comical.
Actually, Big Macs in 2015 were 5.11 dollars...have your mommy help you read the graph....
Post the link to where you found that graph.... No doubt it's not from the
View attachment 84178
Again, what does "TVM" have to do with it? Big Mac components are bought and sold in relatively narrow time. What does the Time Value of Money have to do with a build and sell transaction? Does this even make sense to you? TVM is used when you are for example making an investment now that will pay off years down the line. It has nothing to do with buying beef and lettuce and tomatoes and selling them now
You're not in the habit of calculating compound growth rates, are you?

Did you get through your MBA relying on chisanbop?

Begging the question.

Explain what buying ingredients, putting them together and selling them has to do with "compound growth rates?" Compounding what? Growth over what period?

You keep talking again about measuring long term investments. OK, but I'll play your game. When you said "TVM calculator," in Big Macs:

- What is the initial investment you are referring to?

- What discount rate are you going to use, and why?

- What is the investment term?

BTW, I don't use a "TVM calculator," I just program it into spreadsheets. The math is simple. What you don't know is what you are talking about. You're not even using the right terms for the discussion

I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'm quite sure what you don't....

Now pay attention and you won't wake up tomorrow nearly as fucking stupid as you are today....


The price of a Big Mac in 2009 is $3.57

The price of a Big Mac in 2016 is $3.99

Assuming that the increase is due entirely to inflation, derive the CPI deflator for the period...

TVM calculator

Set PV to 3.57
Set FV to 3.99
Set N to 7

Solve for I......

This is literally the first part of any finance curriculum.... At least at accredited institutions....

You are so out of your depth it's comical.
Actually, Big Macs in 2015 were 5.11 dollars...have your mommy help you read the graph....
Post the link to where you found that graph.... No doubt it's not from the

The number on the chart roughly corresponds to that of a Big Mac Meal...the index, however, reflects the price of the "sandwich" looks as if at some point in the recent past someone made an error and it has carried over (reporters being a lazy bunch).....

Yet another lesson in "Why you must not uncritically swallow everything you see on the Innertubes".
View attachment 84181
The price of Big was 5.11 dollars, in 2015....,

Which part are you having trouble with child?

I can't reconcile your assertion with what McDonald's says about the current price of the me, this is a serious matter....... really must be as fucking stupid as you are making yourself out to be....
Find the blue line on the above graph, follow it alllll the way to the right, you will notice going up as the cost increases....the dollar value at that end of the blue line is the cost of Big Macs in 2015....

What is that number??
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information.. we got through're correct, only McDonalds makes Big now, what is the number in the chart?
View attachment 84181
I can't reconcile your assertion with what McDonald's says about the current price of the me, this is a serious matter....... really must be as fucking stupid as you are making yourself out to be....
Find the blue line on the above graph, follow it alllll the way to the right, you will notice going up as the cost increases....the dollar value at that end of the blue line is the cost of Big Macs in 2015....

What is that number??
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information.. we got through're correct, only McDonalds makes Big now, what is the number in the chart?

As I have now answered this question several times, it is time for you to reciprocate...

What does McDonald's (NOT THE CHART) say about the current price of a Big Mac?
View attachment 84187
View attachment 84181
I can't reconcile your assertion with what McDonald's says about the current price of the me, this is a serious matter....... really must be as fucking stupid as you are making yourself out to be....
Find the blue line on the above graph, follow it alllll the way to the right, you will notice going up as the cost increases....the dollar value at that end of the blue line is the cost of Big Macs in 2015....

What is that number??
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information.. we got through're correct, only McDonalds makes Big now, what is the number in the chart?
The bigger question is -- who made that chart, since it didn't come from the The Economist, the folks who created that index.
View attachment 84178
You're not in the habit of calculating compound growth rates, are you?

Did you get through your MBA relying on chisanbop?

Begging the question.

Explain what buying ingredients, putting them together and selling them has to do with "compound growth rates?" Compounding what? Growth over what period?

You keep talking again about measuring long term investments. OK, but I'll play your game. When you said "TVM calculator," in Big Macs:

- What is the initial investment you are referring to?

- What discount rate are you going to use, and why?

- What is the investment term?

BTW, I don't use a "TVM calculator," I just program it into spreadsheets. The math is simple. What you don't know is what you are talking about. You're not even using the right terms for the discussion

I have no idea what you do for a living, but I'm quite sure what you don't....

Now pay attention and you won't wake up tomorrow nearly as fucking stupid as you are today....


The price of a Big Mac in 2009 is $3.57

The price of a Big Mac in 2016 is $3.99

Assuming that the increase is due entirely to inflation, derive the CPI deflator for the period...

TVM calculator

Set PV to 3.57
Set FV to 3.99
Set N to 7

Solve for I......

This is literally the first part of any finance curriculum.... At least at accredited institutions....

You are so out of your depth it's comical.
Actually, Big Macs in 2015 were 5.11 dollars...have your mommy help you read the graph....
Post the link to where you found that graph.... No doubt it's not from the

The number on the chart roughly corresponds to that of a Big Mac Meal...the index, however, reflects the price of the "sandwich" looks as if at some point in the recent past someone made an error and it has carried over (reporters being a lazy bunch).....

Yet another lesson in "Why you must not uncritically swallow everything you see on the Innertubes".
You mean Big Mac burgers....the graph represents the Big Mac meal, whatever the fuck that is,,,:lol:

What is the cost in 2015, the value at the end of the blue line?? Try harder, you're almost there....,
View attachment 84181 really must be as fucking stupid as you are making yourself out to be....
Find the blue line on the above graph, follow it alllll the way to the right, you will notice going up as the cost increases....the dollar value at that end of the blue line is the cost of Big Macs in 2015....

What is that number??
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information.. we got through're correct, only McDonalds makes Big now, what is the number in the chart?

As I have now answered this question several times, it is time for you to reciprocate...

What does McDonald's (NOT THE CHART) say about the current price of a Big Mac?
What year?
That's stupid. Inflation would be a factor in choosing a discount rate, but again, we're discussing buying ingredients and selling them immediately. You're using terms for long term investments. Google it, retard.

"The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period"

What is "compounding over an investment time period to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef and sell them as Big Macs?" You don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to learn anything and I'm going to go back to your debate style of contradiction[/COLOR]

Before you commit to the idea of waking up tomorrow every bit as stupid as you are today, why don't you post the formula for calculating a CPI deflator....

If you knew what the terms you keep throwing out mean, you'd know I know what I'm talking about. That I know what I'm talking about is how I know you don't. Though I've also repeatedly demonstrated that in the discussion, like pointing out you keep using terms for long term investments when the discussion is buying supplies now and selling them now.

As for your CPI deflator question, that's begging the question
Please stop bluffing and post the formula.......

I already did
Link me to the post where you did so..

Already done, it's above
I'm an expert in management, I'm a career manager and management consultant. I also bought five businesses and spun them back off after fixing their management and processes with my own money. I sold the last one June 1. I've been on vacation the last couple months.

And you don't know what you are talking about, that's not what the time value of money means.

The time value of money is how you measure an investment you are making say today that isn't going to pay off for years from now. You get paid back in lower value dollars, that's what a TVM calculator calculates. A TVM calculator has nothing to do with buying ingredients then selling them as you make and sell burgers.

BTW, when you talk about TVM, you're actually after an NPV or IRR calculation, that's a step in the process.

I'm curious what you think you're getting out of throwing terms you clearly don't understand out to people who do and making yourself a joke. What is the end game for that?

Uh.....why are you persisting in your self debasement?

Think of inflation as a CAGR......which, of course, it is NOT an NPV calculation (which is expressed as an amount) nor is it an IRR problem....

What you are yammering about is "real return" which requires netting your nominal return for inflation.....

Financial calculators are very useful things if you have some idea what you are doing..

I can appreciate why you are a management consultant....a friend of mine who performed the same function would explain that the essential quality required was knowing how to make the right face.

That's stupid. Inflation would be a factor in choosing a discount rate, but again, we're discussing buying ingredients and selling them immediately. You're using terms for long term investments. Google it, retard.

"The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period"

What is "compounding over an investment time period to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef and sell them as Big Macs?" You don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to learn anything and I'm going to go back to your debate style of contradiction
Uh.....does inflation NOT "compound over time" in your universe?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
Uh.....why are you persisting in your self debasement?

Think of inflation as a CAGR......which, of course, it is NOT an NPV calculation (which is expressed as an amount) nor is it an IRR problem....

What you are yammering about is "real return" which requires netting your nominal return for inflation.....

Financial calculators are very useful things if you have some idea what you are doing..

I can appreciate why you are a management consultant....a friend of mine who performed the same function would explain that the essential quality required was knowing how to make the right face.

That's stupid. Inflation would be a factor in choosing a discount rate, but again, we're discussing buying ingredients and selling them immediately. You're using terms for long term investments. Google it, retard.

"The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period"

What is "compounding over an investment time period to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef and sell them as Big Macs?" You don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to learn anything and I'm going to go back to your debate style of contradiction
Uh.....does inflation NOT "compound over time" in your universe?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
He can't even read a simple graph...
That's stupid. Inflation would be a factor in choosing a discount rate, but again, we're discussing buying ingredients and selling them immediately. You're using terms for long term investments. Google it, retard.

"The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period"

What is "compounding over an investment time period to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef and sell them as Big Macs?" You don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to learn anything and I'm going to go back to your debate style of contradiction
Uh.....does inflation NOT "compound over time" in your universe?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
He can't even read a simple graph...

It amuses me to answer his questions when I know he doesn't understand his question much less the answer
Uh.....does inflation NOT "compound over time" in your universe?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
He can't even read a simple graph...

It amuses me to answer his questions when I know he doesn't understand his question much less the answer
The Big Mac index infuriates people because of its simplicity of an issue they want to remain undiscussed, or seem complicated, in order to look smart or play political games to fool people, or in this case, protect Obama....
Whenever democrats want to say that it was the economic policies of the repubican party that led to the recession of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 then someone should just point out this video

There are plenty of other videos of democrats preventing people from addressing the issues that led to the housing bubble and collapse.

Barney Frank didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, obviously, and neither did many other politicians on both sides of the aisle.

That doesn't forgive the fact that Greenspan kept interest rates too low too long; that Greenspan refused to leverage his available powers to better regulate banks and mortgage companies who were complicit in the very bubble Frank is denying; that the ratings agencies were given carte blanche to fuck over investors by giving AAA ratings to absolute shit securities; that mortgage companies wrote shit loans knowing they could sell them. On and on and on.

There were Democrats who screwed up, no doubt. There were consumers who were aggressively stupid and/or greedy, no doubt. But financial markets were woefully, pathetically, comically under-regulated, and the buck stops at the White House.
If in conflict with that provided by McDonald's - meaningless....
Does someone else make Big Macs?

What's the number?????? You can do it...try...
No....which is the principal reason why you should privilege them, rather than some chart you found on the Innertubes, as a source of that information.. we got through're correct, only McDonalds makes Big now, what is the number in the chart?

As I have now answered this question several times, it is time for you to reciprocate...

What does McDonald's (NOT THE CHART) say about the current price of a Big Mac?
What year?

It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
He can't even read a simple graph...

It amuses me to answer his questions when I know he doesn't understand his question much less the answer
The Big Mac index infuriates people because of its simplicity of an issue they want to remain undiscussed, or seem complicated, in order to look smart or play political games to fool people, or in this case, protect Obama....

You are, quite frankly, too fucking stupid to breathe unsupervised......BEA is staffed, not with political appointees, but professional analysts, statisticians and economists.......they don't "gin" the data......
It's irrelevant to the discussion. You keep presenting terms to analyze long term investments in a discussion of simply buying ingredients and selling a product.

Saying that inflation compounds is true but irrelevant to that
This is depressing......

If you acknowledge that it compounds over time, why do you deny that it represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate "problem"?

Because there's no .. wait for it .. investment. Compounding is a component of the formulas you were talking about, but they were formulas to calculate investments over time where you discount future cash flows when comparing them to the initial investment.

I know you have no idea what that means, but it's the answer to your question
He can't even read a simple graph...

It amuses me to answer his questions when I know he doesn't understand his question much less the answer
The Big Mac index infuriates people because of its simplicity of an issue they want to remain undiscussed, or seem complicated, in order to look smart or play political games to fool people, or in this case, protect Obama....

The Big Mac index was developed to illustrate Purchase Power Parity (don't ask, you don't have the onions to grasp it) is NOT a useful measure of inflation......furthermore, the graph has THE WRONG PRICE for a Big confirm that, you don't GO BACK TO THE GRAPH, you go to a source which is more directly associated with McDonald's.......
Before you commit to the idea of waking up tomorrow every bit as stupid as you are today, why don't you post the formula for calculating a CPI deflator....

If you knew what the terms you keep throwing out mean, you'd know I know what I'm talking about. That I know what I'm talking about is how I know you don't. Though I've also repeatedly demonstrated that in the discussion, like pointing out you keep using terms for long term investments when the discussion is buying supplies now and selling them now.

As for your CPI deflator question, that's begging the question
Please stop bluffing and post the formula.......

I already did
Link me to the post where you did so..

Already done, it's above

And now you're lying........cut and paste it from the nested posts...
If you knew what the terms you keep throwing out mean, you'd know I know what I'm talking about. That I know what I'm talking about is how I know you don't. Though I've also repeatedly demonstrated that in the discussion, like pointing out you keep using terms for long term investments when the discussion is buying supplies now and selling them now.

As for your CPI deflator question, that's begging the question
Please stop bluffing and post the formula.......

I already did
Link me to the post where you did so..

Already done, it's above

And now you're lying........cut and paste it from the nested posts...

OK. You're a useless stupid bitch who doesn't have any grasp of the value of an investment over time

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